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Reviews for Live and Let Die (Part 3): Learning To Deal

By : doggieearlover
  • From ANON - Riku Rose on August 11, 2014
    This has been one of the most amazing stories I have read. I loved it so much and am heart broken that it is over. It was beautiful and clever with the right amount of action and twists. I was wondering though, could you make one more story set that is about their lives after they come home? I really wanted to read about them having their babies and continuing in their time with Sesshomaru and everyone.
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  • From Nyouko on October 06, 2010
    Oh, my god. This one is so sad. I had to stop reading a few times because I could not see because of the tears. This is the best story I have ever read (I have read almost every store on this site about InuYasha and Kagome.)If you descide to make another one like this please let me know.
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  • From Sieg on September 08, 2008
    Sad that it must all come to a end one time or another. Great story it is a good as the first two and i do hope u keep writing.

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  • From DarkTigress on September 07, 2008
    I stumbled The first Part three days ago and read all three almost nonstop... This was a wonderful story and very well written... I am Happy I found it... Thank you so much for sharing it ^_^
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  • From ANON - InuAngel on July 13, 2008

    I don't want my email hidden, I just found this site and haven't became a member yet. InuAngel
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  • From ANON - InuAngel on July 13, 2008
    OMG! OMG! OMG! That was the best fic I've ever read so far and I have read a lot of fanfiction, so much that I have to take a fast from it for a week, from time to time to sleep and do other things! I have read the first part of Live and Let Die,a while back on another site, but I had not idea that you created an excellent series! I read the entire series! It was awesome! An epilogue would be nice, but I'm being greedy. ^_^ I am stunned, I loved it so much I don't have a favorite part, I love it all. Ususally, Rin and Sessy pairings make me gag, and to I love the idea of Sessy having daddy ways, it makes him even more sexier in my book, when you paired them it seemed right. Anyway, I thought it was sweet. I loved your version of the characters, your Shippou was funny that was creative making him a famous illusionist (sp) and one of his son's David Copperfield, that was excellent. I would like to have wanted to know about Kouga. Reguardless, it was perfect!!!! You should be so proud! I am, I am honored to have read it and blessed to have found that there was more! I will read some of your other work if I already haven't. Applause and Cheers! Oh, I just read over what I just wrote, the part about me fasting from fics, I do work a full time, two part time jobs and will be returning to college soon, so I do most of my reading at night and between jobs and school, when I should be resting or doing other things on my to do list. Fics is how I escape for a bit to rest. I'm not a weird-o freak or something, at least I don't think so! I just had to tell you how great I your series is and to give you props for your excellent work. There are a lot of fic out there but by far this is amoung the best I've ever read so far! Thanks for such a great story and for finishing it. My pet peeve is unfinished good fics. Write on!
    Much Love
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  • From Darknessdawns on June 18, 2008
    ......WOW.....really, wow. I would have never thought to finnish it that way. I'm still almost speachless over this story. You mada an entire loop with it. I love how everything she had done in the past was what had already happened to make the future the way it was to begin with. Wow, I just cant seem to say it enough. Actually I dont think I could praise this story enough even if I tried. This series was so well written and it portraid each of the characters personalities perfectly. I love how you were able to convey their emotions and feelings through out your writting. I just wish Kagome would have been able to see Miroku and Sango's children, or that they could have known that they were her ancestors. I actually started to cry when I read what Miroku had written to them in the last chapter. So now here I am, sitting here, felling a little depressed because its over. I'll be alright in a few moments. I always feel a little sad when I finish a really good story. Alas everything has to end. Anyway I just want to tell you how well this was written, honestly. I was very impressed with how you wrote the story from begining to end. I was also impressed with how you wrote the fight scenes. They were some of the best I have read. Then again your work always falls in that catagory for me. I really enjoy reading your work and will continue to do so as long as you write. As always I enjoyed your work and hope you will keep it up. By the way I think this was one of your best works so far, even if I did take my time reading it.
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  • From Archfiend on June 09, 2008
    I read your story today and it made me cry with sadness. your story is a wonderful example of how a brilliant author can conjure up avivid story that seems to be alive and where all the pieces of the puzzle finally fall into their place. I hold you in such high esteem, I cannot express it in words. This story is certainly one of the best stories I have ever known , maybe even the best and I can only thank you for bringing such joy and passion while reading it into my life. I will hold this entire series up in high esteem
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  • From Serinarose on November 09, 2007
    Will there be more... please tell me what happened to kagome and inuyasha I really want to know what happened to them did they have kids, did fluffy have a trust set up for them... why didnt kagome bring a camera with her when she went back for the wedding?? I do love the story though. Thank you
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  • From Serinarose on November 08, 2007
    you know what... i just realized that i am addicted to your stories =) and i am glad that i am, keep writing
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  • From Patty530 on June 25, 2007
    Thank you so much for an incredible story. I loved parts 1, 2, and 3 so much that I went back to read every Inuyasha & Kagome story you have posted. You are a wonderful writer. Thank you for sharing your imagination and talent. I for one am grateful.
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  • From vikikibouki on June 23, 2007
    My dear friend Cathy. I...actually had to stop several times while reading this last chapter. I think that I must have read Miroku's Letter at least 5 times before I could finally get to the ending (I couldn't see clearly).

    My husband, Serge, actually asked me if the story was really that good, really worth the while in finishing it, seeing as I couldn't stop crying (he's not a cry-baby like me). And, believe me, cry I did. There was never a better ending to a story as what you gave to this one. I'm not only in awe of what you wrote, I...have nothing else to say that can explain in words exactly what I feel. I AM TRULY SPEECHLESS!

    Call me a sentimental old fool, I don't care, but, this ending is as good, no, better, than any movie that can be seen in theaters or on T.V.

    I gotta go. Serge has taken pity on me and has decided to make our evening meal, since I really wanna re-read this chapter again. I hope you never stop writing, Sweetie, 'cause you are way too awsome. And this coming from a Grandmother of 3.


    Keep on howlin' Sweetie.

    Luv ya & leave ya JA NE.

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  • From FarAwayEyes on June 23, 2007
    I enjoyed the last chapter. It tied up all the loose ends, it left the reader satisfied, and while we don't get to see how Inuyasha and Kagome learn to live in the modern times without any escape to the past, it's not needed. The reader can envision a bit of what might happen next on their own, and each reader might have different stories, so this end is a fitting conclusion. The fact that Miroku and Sango are Kagome's ultimate ancestor is a nice twist, and was pulled off wonderfully. The journal through out the passage of time dating to right before Miroku's death through 1895 showed the evolution of that well. I liked how Sess and company turned to the shrine for sanctuary when they needed it, and that it was noted down. Considering how Jiji acts in the anime/manga concerning demons, it seems ironic in a way, and yet it suits everything that happened in the past, present, and future for all those involved. It's nice to know that even old dogs can learn new tricks, considering it took Sess such a long time to learn the lesson of true compassion and humility. I can only assume that without Rin's involvement, Sess would have never evolved in either the manga or your story. The way you rounded off his harsher edges fit his character, because while he's able to ask for help or is a bit more tolerant, he still has his fundamental personality and values. Besides, we all know as bad ass as Sess is when we first meet him, he's still not as bad as he wants us to think he is. I'm glad that Inuyasha got a nice gift from his brother, and that it did make Sesshomaru laugh when Inuyasha wondered if it was a good thing. It seems that 500 years has softened him a bit. I think it's interesting that Inuyasha's hair remains silver when he wars his concealment, though. Sess's hair is black when concealed, so it's kinda strange that Inuyasha's wouldn't be as well. I'm also glad to see Inuyasha getting on with Kagome's grandfather. He truly has found the family he's always wanted and needed. And instead of only having Kagome's family, he finally has the brother he's always wanted (well for the most part, I'm sure those two will ALWAYS have arguments from time to time), so he's not entirely outcast by his own blood, either. I thought it was rather fitting for Shippo to be a magician. He seems the type to go into that field, especially considering his powers. It's suiting that his livilihood would be tricking people. Besides, it's just nice to see that he grew up, too. And finally, I love the fact that Sess hates shopping, and that Inuyasha feels the same way. I bet they even make the same face when it's brought up. Too funny. I look forward to reading your other work as always, too!
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  • From LadyTsunadeSama on June 22, 2007
    Very very.. well i cant even think of a word. I have read this thing from beginning to end and I love it-- LOVE it...Im sorry to see it end!
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  • From Olwen on June 22, 2007
    Woot! That is a wonderful happy ending! Thank you for sticking with the story all the way to the end.
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