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Reviews for Aspects of Art

By : DarkRainFiend
  • From Mishka on October 14, 2007
    I'm not sure if this is a one shot or not- but if it isn't I am really looking forward to a post. Being an art student with an appreciation for Kagome I think you made my day!
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  • From ANON - MIAmax(nsi) on December 11, 2006
    Wow i hope to see more of this story.
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  • From ANON - mel on October 22, 2006
    Oh boy. What a combination Kagome and Kakashi in the same room. I can't wait to see who Kagome gets paired with. I've never seen Inuyasha crossed with Nartuo, but what a fantastic idea! I can't wait to see what happens next. Please update again as soon as you can! I am already hooked. Great job.
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  • From ANON - Lady Shikon on October 17, 2006
    I have to say, this 1st chapter was pretty funny with the way Kagome was acting with Miroku and in front of Kakashi and his students! Please update very soon!! Thank you! ^^
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  • From ANON - animelover5107 on October 15, 2006
    It's so hard to find really good naruto/inuyasha crossovers, that I'm actually giddy about reading this one. I love your yyh/inu crossovers so I know this will not disappoint. Can't wait to see who you pair kags up with, frankly anyone from naruto or even miroku would be fine with me, but this is your story not mine. Can't wait for the next chapter, so please updated ASAP. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • From ANON - Honda on October 10, 2006
    I love it already.
    Who are you going to pair her up with?
    Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Anime Punk Kitty on October 10, 2006
    I know that I've already reviewed this story on fanfic!
    but I just couldn't help myself this story is just so intriguing!
    well at least according to my opinion... ^_^
    I just love Naruto/InuYasha crossovers!
    and this is certainly one of the best fanfics I've ever read!

    well please update soon! Ja ne! ~_~
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  • From ANON - Emily on October 10, 2006
    Good start! It's nice to finally see a Naruto-Inuyasha crossover here. Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Katie on October 10, 2006
    I'm excited to see what you have in store for the next chapter. Who is Kagome going to end up with? I'll be happy with Neji, Itachi, Sai, Naruto, Gaara, Sasuke or Kakashi (in that order). I wonder if you'll have any of the Akatsuki here?
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  • From ANON - Beggar on October 10, 2006
    Oh my god! Nude Kagome in a classroom full of the Naruto cast is giving me a nosebleed! Oh god oh god oh god oh god... PLEASE update soon! Please pretty pretty pretty PLEASE! I beg of you!!!
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