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Reviews for I don't love you like I did yesterday

By : tigerjgirl
  • From ANON - Anime_Chick on January 07, 2007
    OMG! That was so sad! Great Story though!
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  • From fallenangel7583 on December 21, 2006
    hmm. i think it's touching, in a dark way, but nevertheless; you have a man who is aware of his actions and how much pain he is inflicting on the one he much in fact that he's begging her to leave, and a girl who is trying to cling onto love for the sake. something told me not even a few lines in that the only way she was perminantly leaving him was when he killed himself, but still, the ending was just as emotional as the revelation. i think you could make this a little longer in the intro; it's kind of pushed to the end, but i can understand why. dark is never fun to concentrate on. i do have a question; why didn't inuYasha leave when he realized what he was doing to her? that's the only part that takes away from his character. it's well and good that he knows he was hurting her, but he's just as much at fault as she is. hmm. anyway...i like it. you wrote it well, you got a lot of gut wrenching, stomach turning realities pressed together in the mix. well done.
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  • From ANON - Lissa on December 06, 2006
    This was so sad. It was a well written and thought out story, though. I hope that you keep writing. I would like to see you writing more stories.

    This story seems finished. A sad story, but still very good.
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 06, 2006
    i dont see how its inu/kag if he kills himself...=/ yea they love each other, but still, it implies that she will end up with someone has a good plot, it is au, but thats obvious, its very well written. i like it.
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  • From ANON - BonBon on December 06, 2006
    Good Good, Good Good. My way of saying it was really good
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  • From ANON - Michelle on December 06, 2006
    o.o wow...sad....poor things
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  • From ANON - EvilLilVixen on December 05, 2006
    I luv your stuff. The Angst...the orignality...and as to that flame...they are full of their selves! They wouldn't know a good fic if it bit them! If they had read the summary they could clearly see that it was AU! So what if it made Kagome out as a victim?! How many fanfics have made Inu out as a murdering bastard?! They should take their flames elsewhere because I for one see no reason for it...
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  • From lovelikewinter320 on December 05, 2006
    OMG! i cried!
    i had to read this
    i was listening to the song
    when i saw this story
    My Chemical Romance-I Dont Love You
    made me cry even more
    let me know if im wrong
    about the song
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 05, 2006
    These are not the characters from Inuyasha. You just used the names and pasted them into your original story that has nothing to do with Inuyasha.

    Kagome doesn't put up with crap like that either. You wrote her like she was stupid and pathetic when in the anime and manga she is strong and willful.

    Put a warning up that makes it clear this is an AU and that the characters are way Out-Of-Character.

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  • From ANON - lgy on December 05, 2006
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  • From ANON - I Queen Of Frozen Hearts on December 05, 2006
    OOOHHHH MY GOD that was way too sad :(wipe tears away) but still a good well writen story... ☻

    YOU ROCK ☻☻☻

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  • From ANON - ally on December 05, 2006
    that was really sad but i likey
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  • From XxSangoxX on December 05, 2006
    awwe, where did this idea come from?
    it was cute, and i was PLEASED to no end to see that there were little if ANY spelling or grammar mistakes. I only hope to read a really good HAPPY story of inu/kag.

    I'm a tad bias towards them. I'm one to stick mainly to the traditional pairings after all.

    Thanks for sharing this. Continue with the writing.

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