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Reviews for The Hardest Part of This is Leaving You

By : tigerjgirl
  • From Alpine02 on July 29, 2008
    OMG... I haven't cried like that at a fanfic I think ever... I am crying like a damn baby here.. It is a hard story to read but I enjoyed the emotional jerk it gave me... I guess I just had a chic flic moment..
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  • From ANON - EvilLilVixen on January 14, 2007
    Another brillant one shot from you! I keep hoping that I can persuade you to do a Kagome/Sesshomaru anything, but alas, you leave those to me. TOP POINTS TO YOU!!!!
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  • From ANON - Anime_Chick on January 06, 2007
    OMG! That was so sad. Man i'm like crying now! Lets just hope that doesnt really happen to InuYasha!
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  • From ANON - TapTheMemoryBank on December 21, 2006
    Sooooooooooo sad!!! *cries* Wow.....if you're that good at writing something so tragic and beautiful.... maybe you could write a happier fic to lift our spirits? Well anywho...that was beautiful..........simply beautiful
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 18, 2006
    wow...that was should totally make it into a chaptered fic!

    and yea...i cried *sniffles*
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  • From DL69 on December 18, 2006
    T_T OMG, that was so sad...y couldnt sesshy save him...its not fair, they worked so hard to be together, only to have it riped away so soon T_T
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  • From ANON - seph on December 17, 2006
    Hey hers an idea for you.
    Why don't you get the daughter who will be older to find a way back in time to stop the wish from being made with Kagome and Sess coming afer her!
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  • From ANON - Lissa on December 17, 2006
    Why did you make me cry like that? I would like to see a sequel and find out what happens between Kagome and Sesshomaru. This story was very well written and was gifted with details. Let me know if you do continue with this, pretty please. (Gives you a blue-eyed pout.)

    Well, till later. Have very happy and safe Holidays!
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