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Reviews for My Boyfriend's Brother

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  • From ANON - hazel on January 07, 2007
    Sex Sex and more sex thats all I read and yet GOD fluffy-sama is BIG. damn Kagome is lucky.

  • From ANON - madmiko on January 07, 2007
    Whoa! And WOW! That chapter was awesome! I absolutely LOVE the idea of Sess being upset and jealous because the baby is Inuyasha's. That would be a blow to his pride, and yeah, I can completely see him revoking the invitation at this point. I am blown away by your genius in using this as a plot point. I loved the way Sess proved his dominance by forcing Inuyasha to submit. And mentioning the possibility of a second mate through Sess knowing she had read some of his scrolls -- you really know to work things in to best advantage. As always, the matings were hot, hot, hot! I felt a little sorry for Sess -- it's obvious he is feeling a bit vulnerable now, but to have to ask if she would leave him? How the mighty have fallen! Kagome will have to reassure him of her love and build that tremendous ego of his back up, won't she? Perhaps if she has twins or triplets for him next, he can get all macho again. Well, I just can't tell you how much I love this story. You are a terrific writer and this is a terrific story. I can't wait for more!!

  • From ANON - Anime LadyPIMP on January 06, 2007
    Nice! Wherez fluffy at?

  • From ANON - eva on January 02, 2007
    this is a great fic!

    i can't help but think that kagome's relationship with inuyasha will (or maybe should) have some effect on sesshomaru. or maybe thier relationship is just so open that it doesn't matter that she's sleeping with her step-brother? what if kagome gets pregnant by inuyasha! lol

    anyways i can't wait for your next update on this fic. it is really great!

  • From ANON - Anika-Kitty on January 02, 2007
    girl you are amazing!! you still got that touch...and even though the inuyasha/kagome scene isnt to my prefrence in pairing it is still captivating as ever....but i did love the threesome you had going for a was incredibly hot!! and even though i'll be sad to see this story end im looking forward to the ending because im sure you will make it exceptional! and if you create anymore stories let me know k? cuz im your recent dedicated fan ^_^ well ciao now! looking forward to your next update ^_^

  • From ANON - Tori on January 01, 2007
    Like I said no body does suprises better than you. XD I love your work.

  • From ANON - rowdygirl on December 31, 2006
    OMG! this just keeps getting better and better! you may have trouble writing for the 3 of them, but you do a great job of it. and the last chapter with kigome and inuyasha, WHOEEE! i can dial the thermostat down further. whatever you post, i will be more than happy to read...

  • From ANON - genseng on December 31, 2006
    Well im so glad that critical reviews does not bother you because you R right to each their own. So, I think this is wild, however, we today see this as a blaton disreguard for marriage. Hell, it's adultery! However, back then, if history is correct, in a lot of different societies it was not uncommon for 2 brothers to share a wife. Of course, the Alpha brother had to give his consent to the other brother before the wife was allowed to have any child by the other brother. To produce a child with the wife being shared, and not have consent from the alpha brother could result in death of the relationship with the other brother and the child being raised solely by the Alpha and the wife. Making the other brother vacate their home. I hope this makes sense! So, even though I wished you had kept this solely between Sess/Kag, you are correct in what some societies did hundred's of years ago. Oh, and usually the wife had many servants to help her raise the children. The brothers were not allowed to have sex with any other female unless the wife dies. If that happened the punishment was death or being castrated. I think Kagome's mother would shit if she knew that Kagome was being this, well nasty! Kagome comes from the future, so, I think she likes BOTH brother panting after her!

  • From ANON - Kawaii Kilala on December 31, 2006
    I am glad, that you dont want to reveal what will happen later, cause that would ruin the story...
    And I don't really mind Inu being a peeping tom...I think that you should make Fluffy a 'peeping dog' and have him join in...maybe, that's just a hentai Idea of mine...:-P
    It's ok about mama though, cause she is technicaly Fluffy's mom now, too...
    I am ecstatic that you think that my cloud Idea is an interesting one, though it was just me being the hentai I am, but you can have the idea, if you like...
    I am glad that you are continueing this, and that you had decided to let us see them, and love them!
    You should just ignor all those egotistical freaks who think your story sucks! cause IT DOES NOT! IT IS THE MEANING OF KOOL!!!!
    You just ignor those bastards and bitches who think your story isn't all that, cause they are missing a brain, obviously!
    TTYL; Until next time!

  • From ANON - madmiko on December 31, 2006
    Wow! Awesome!! You are such a fantastic writer! And I can't believe anyone wrote anything about not liking the three of them together. I've dreamed of a good story where she could love both brothers and they both get to be with her because she is the best -- the only match I can really see for either of them. Other stories, where she has to choose one of them and the other one is left lonely or ends up with someone else always seem so sad or forced, and they leave me feeling flat. So, to me, this is one of my all-time favorite fics! Not just because they are both getting to be with her, and she loves them both, but because you've handled it so perfectly. I honestly don't think it comes across as dirty or wrong. Good golly -- it's a fanfic story, people! I think you've managed to write them all very believably. This latest bit you've written with Inuyasha coming upon her bathing -- it's beautiful! And they talked -- she showed her concern that their being together was hard for him, and he showed his insecurities about being compared with Sesshoumaru. It was mature and felt very REAL. I don't know about anyone else, but I hope this relationship continues!! I'd hate for Sesshoumaru's ego to get in the way -- Heck! How old is he? He's certainly mature enough and secure enough in their love, or he wouldn't have invited Inu in in the first place. And it's not even completely a sex issue -- it's a love and trust thing. A family bond kind of thing, too. Right? I'm actually wondering if he won't eventually ask Inuyasha if he wants to become kind of a Beta mate to Kagome. That way, if anything happens to him or he has to be away, he can count on Inuyasha to love and protect her. (Just a thought.) Also, I've got to think Inuyasha may feel extra close to this next child -- after all, it could have been his. (Not that I'm thinking there is a real possibility of that -- they could have figured that out easily timewise, but given his relationship with Sess and Kagome, I just think he may feel somewhat bonded to it. Does that make sense?) When all is said and done, I am just in love with this story. I can't wait to see what happens next with the shard hunting. How will Kagome fare in any battles? She'll have two males to protect her now. Will Naraku make an appearance soon? This is just awesome! Please don't let negative comments get you down -- I promise: I never make negative comments in my reviews. And for a story like this one, I'm just overflowing with praise and thanksgiving. More, please!!

  • From ANON - stellargurl on December 31, 2006
    I dont care what anybody says! A Fluffy/Kag/Yash story are the best. Keep the lemons comming! Im lovin them!!

  • From ANON - amhor56 on December 31, 2006
    Well first of all I want to say, you're welcome. Of course I absolutely loved the lemon between Inu/Kag/Sess. I'm so happy that you updated! Did you update two chapters? If you did I can't thank you enough. I loved the Chapter 5. Let me start there.

    Mama's reaction to Kagome coming home was expected. Loved the conversation between Sesshoumaru and Mama. It was funny. I loved Souta and Gramps too! Once again, funny as hell!

    And I loved the lemon with Inuyasha and Kagome! I loved it. Gosh, I hope you do write more of those. I love the Sesshoumaru/Kagome paring, but mixing it in with Inuyasha is the Best combo ever;my kinds of stories. That's why this is one of my favorites. You have great chapters, lengthy ones, and sexy lemons to boot. Who could now love this story? Anyways, hope you update soon!

  • From ANON - lala_land on December 31, 2006
    Okkkkkkk that was weird cause this is suppose to be sesshomaru and kagome.............whouldnt what Kagome did cheating??? But you did write it very well.

  • From ANON - Dragon-Zero on December 31, 2006
    Read up to chapter 4. It really good, most likely one of the best in charter Sess i've seen in a long time. Not to flame or anthing but you chapter are just a bit long, you could cut them in half but dont have. This is your fics just a it segestin for any other writing you may have in the future. Keep up the Great work and I'll read it.

    Happy newyears!

  • From ANON - Kawaii Kilala on December 30, 2006
    Chapter 4: I was wondering if he had any lovers when he was younger…^-^
    Wow, I didn’t think they would try to get Fluffy away from Kagome though, definatly good thing he decided to stay beside his mate ^_~
    And I never thought that Inuyasha would be a peeping tom! He just doesn’t seem to be able to contain himself...
    Though I never thought Fluffy would invite him to join...
    And since Inu isn’t her mate, his seed isn’t potent is it? Like he ca’nt give her a baby can he?
    And oh, that was so cute! Them shaking hands, and Inu’s face turning into a tomato, lol!

    Chapter 5: Ok, that was…odd…
    I always thought that Kagome’s mom would have a name, other than mama...hmm...unless that’s her name...
    And it was nice of Fluffy to show her the moon, I was hoping he would have sex with her in a cloud...but sadly that was not to be...*pouts*
    Oh, and hopefully mama has come to like Fluffy, at least a little bit any ways….

    And I am sorry about not reviewing last chapter, but I was busy that day, and then another one is up before I can even review it! Seesh! Going fast enough! LOL! ^-^
    Though, I am glad that the chapters are long!
    And I DO ADDORE THE TAILS! AND I would never dream of booting you for such a triffle thing!
    Now, if you were to stop this story….I might kill ya for doing that…but you never know, I might just hurt ya really bad!^_~ But that’ll never happen cause you wont stop this story!

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