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Reviews for My Boyfriend's Brother

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  • From ANON - on January 21, 2019
    bRBQHj iyxirgvyevlu, [url=]vwxhctcechig[/url], [link=]kcyixwxeerqs[/link],

  • From ANON - kit on February 27, 2009
    i'm sad to see it 'end' it was an amazing story..
    i'll keep this on my list of things to check later in case you decide to continue ^_^

  • From porygon75052 on July 02, 2007
    what happened to your fics?

  • From taintedeuphoria on March 07, 2007
    It's been a long time since I read this story. I was so sad to see that you were putting it on hiatus, but I can't say that I don't understand the reasoning behind that decision. There's so much to say about this piece, though. I think it's more than worth the effort of me stumbling through compliments and honest opinions

    From the very beginning I was quite taken with the storyline. This is so unlike any other Inuyasha fanfiction I've read before. To be honest with you, this was the story that got me addicted to the Sess x Kag pairing (so THANK YOU SO MUCH for that, haha).

    Another thing that really pulled me in is how marvelously you played on everyone's emotions. Often times I'd find myself feeling rather raw after reading a chapter, and it moved me. The fact that I became so invested in each character's feelings was a bit shocking, but now that I think about it it just speaks of your ability to connect with your audience on this extremely complex, yet primitive level.

    I know that for your own sake you must be feeling quite disenchanted with the reactions of many of your reviewers. I can only hope that someday soon you will find the motivation to continue this wonderful story. Until then, I will still be devoted to "Regretting You". Thank you for your time, and I eagerly await more of your work.

    - Naomi

  • From ANON - hirakotsu on February 05, 2007
    that was so totally awesome you rock..

  • From JenLazar on February 05, 2007
    AWWWW...I'm sorry, but I'm going to miss this. You're the first one to get me to actually like this threesome and that's not an easy thing to do. Is there any way I can get you to email me when you do finish it? I'll be such a happy little hentai if you would do this for me. I really have enjoyed this fic so much and I only review fics that really impact my brain. You have quite the talent going on and I hope you find time to come back. My email is: name is Jen...Tana is an old Indian name I went by with my friends at school so we could write notes and not get caught. God bless you on your new path. TTFN

  • From ANON - rowdygirl on February 04, 2007
    i'm so sorry you've had to deal with the 'inflexibles,' the sorry one's who can't accept anything that slips beyond their granite boundaries and come down hard on anyone who dares to exercise their imagination beyond those sad limits. but i've enjoyed your story so very much and have thought that this novel of yours to be just that: quite novel! sorry, just a little wordplay. you've shown a great deal of technical skill, as well as doing a marvelous job of developing a wonderful story. i am sorry you've put it on hold and will keep my eyes on the general catagory for its resumption. thank you for your hard work.

  • From alatera on February 04, 2007
    Sorry to hear that. Was looking forward to next chapter. Will keep an eye out for this story though. Well written teaser. Best wishes on your other fics. Just so you know I found your story to be well-written, emotionally intriguing, and very stimulating( blush).

    "when someone hurts you, tell them,"- quote from a book a friend gave ( still not easy to do)

  • From alatera on February 03, 2007
    Well, that was interesting. Nice battles. Akane is a loon. Think someone needs to put her down,heehee.I feel that is not the last we see of Akane. The idea of Inuyasha taking other lovers with Kagomes consent interesting. He is second mate after all. But since he is mated to Kagome I doubt he would( loyalty). The mating thing throws it off . ( that would change the dynamics of the current relationship. I know the brothers don't mind sharing but I'm not sure Kagome could do that). Even with her letting Inuyasha see Kikyo in the series, they were not in a real relationship yet. But earlier Kagome was willing to invite him to their bed till whatever.The thing with Kagura threw me for a loop. We know the brothers are much older and have had previous relationships,loves,etc. Hopefully she is first in their hearts now. Second love or even third can be stronger than a first love( even if you never completely forget it). Its first love we normally learn from the most, but we can and normally do move on from it. I wonder how Kagome views her love for the brothers though( are they different in how she loves them?) Loved Inuyasha teasing Sesshomaru. He seems more comfortable with him now. Well so many questions... Till next chapter. Keep up the good work.

  • From madmiko on February 03, 2007
    Hmmmm. Very interesting. You have an amazing capacity to continually surprise me. I was not expecting an attack and battle scene, and had completely forgotten about Akane. You wrote the scenes very well. I was disturbed by the Yuki/Inuyasha interaction, as well as by Sesshoumaru's telling Inuyasha he could take other lovers, and the Akane/Inuyasha tension. (I saw the Yuki possibility hinted at in a couple of earlier chapters, but ignored it because, well, because I don't like it. LOL!) Just when I think the three of them (Sess, Kag, and Inu) are really merging and emerging as a family unit, bang! There's a loophole just waiting to explode the dynamics. I just can't see Inuyasha as the type to take a lover when he has a mate he LOVES. I don't think his heart would let physical attraction sway him. He's loyal and faithful to a fault, as proved by his earlier devotion to Kikyou, even at Kagome's expense. I appreciated his thoughts about Sango, though, as well as his explanation about how he had never really been attracted to her like he was Kagome. Sesshoumaru's thoughts about Akane and Kagura also disturbed me on some level. I have been viewing his love for Kagome as being something new and different for him. I am now feeling completely sorry for Kagome. These two brothers love her now, but, she wasn't/isn't the first true LOVE of either of them. There's something inherently sad about that, and I can't help but think she would always feel second-best. HELL! Neither one of them would even be with her if Kikyou and Kagura were still alive. That thought just leaves me feeling depressed and unsettled. I know some readers may have felt Kagome was getting the best of both worlds in having both brothers, and that she should choose one, or that she was being unfair to them, but I honestly feel sorry for her after this chapter. I would think she would feel eternally insecure. (I would.) Inuyasha was her first love, and Sesshoumaru was her first love to really make her feel he loved her, too. These glimpses into both males' previous love for other women and current attraction to/desire for other women make my gut clench. It lessens and cheapens their love for Kagome in my eyes, and leaves me feeling uncomfortable. (Why was it she never took Kouga up on his offer? Apparently, he's the only male that ever just loved HER. He's looking pretty good to me right now. LOL!) And now, I am feeling their faithfulness and fidelity is in question. Nice way to repay the mother of your children. At least no one else has done THAT for the brothers. I take it Sesshoumaru can also take lovers? If the males can, then she should be able to, too. What kind of bond is that? I don't see any future in a committment with those kinds of loopholes -- it's Vegas! I definitely have to hope that neither Inuyasha nor Sesshoumaru will take advantage of that possibility. That could ONLY lead to a breakdown of the love and trust they share with Kagome, even if she "okayed" it. Look at the trouble they've had with just the three of them!!! You add in another partner -- one that only one of them would be with, and it's over, baby! I don't believe Inuyasha could have a lover without developing feelings for her, and I just don't see him letting that happen. He chose to commit to Kagome and I think that means something to him. That would stretch the bonds way too thin. I don't even want to THINK about the possibilitiy Of Inuyasha taking a lover like Akane or Yuki and potentially having children with her. In the case of Yuki, we're talking about a female in a subservient position sharing her mistress' mate. That's really blurring the lines in SO many ways. How would that affect her position in the household? She would grow to resent Kagome because she would her equal in so many ways. Kagome would have to feel awkward about having her help her, knowing she was also intimate with her mate. Inuyasha would have to feel incredibly awkward having one lover serve the other one. What a mess!! And, I understand Kagome needing to stay with the children to protect them, but I wish she had been in on the battle. It would have been nice to see her defeat Akane and prove her own strength and worth to her mates. Having voiced my feelings, I hope you don't think I am being critical or telling you what to do with this story. You write it the way you want it -- this whole enthralling, intriguing, wonderful story has been your brainchild from the start, and I have been enjoying it immensely. It is unique and captivating, and I am still in awe of your imagination and talent. I just wanted to let you know how what it made me think and feel when I read it. To me, whether I agree with it or not, love it or not, THAT is the mark of a damn good story -- one that brings out your emotions and leaves you thinking about it long after the last word has been read. (Of course, I still have to hope it all works out the way I want it to ... LOL!) As always, I will be anxiously awaiting WHAT HAPPENS NEXT.

  • From ANON - Tana-san on February 02, 2007
    Excellent battle scene. Akane is one very weird and horny thing, ne? Poor InuYasha. The embarassment alone at being touched through his pants was enough, but she got a good look when pinned that even I wished he would have killed her. Our Inu is just so "shy" about letting it all hang out like most guys. Bet Sesshoumaru was enjoying his little brother's predictament quite a bit. And giving a thought to Sesshoumaru bringing a sort of peace between human and youkai, maybe in the future youkai won't be diminished, ne? He'd be the one who saves his species extinction. And thanks for the reply to my review. It's a common thing to my family of females [we are many] to teach each other from young womanhood to cleanse ourselves regularly and often [to ward of infections and odor] that it's just something I thought to ask seeing as these things are so readily available to take with you anywhere and reuse the "douche bag" anytime with water and vinegar or water and herbs in that time period. Kagome seems to me to be a smart girl. She could figure out somthing knowing herbs and all. Maybe I'm just that way, but my husband was as conscience of cleaning there too, so I just assumed...he was my first and only and 12 yrs older than me, so I thought it was cool he cared like I do. Putting your mouth on a clean area as such is so much more satisfying than not in my experience. I love to hear him tell me he loves that I always smell so fresh. He'd been with women that weren't and didn't like it a bit. He said he'd never give tongue to a woman because of the smell. So, anyway my friend, food for thought. I have another little tidbit that I've noticed when gals write stories, can I share? Hmmm, you really aren't here to approve, ne? When a woman is pregnant, by the 7th or 8th month their breasts leak milk, some, not alot. But after the birth a nursing mother's breasts WILL exrete milk when touched,pinched, suckled, even if this is done by her lover. Heck, mine would squirt in many directions like a spray effect. We used to laugh so hard. He said my milk was so sweet and that's why my daughter couldn't be weaned for 12 months. She refused a bottle. They also leak WHENEVER a baby cries or if your baby is due a feeding which makes it really hard with being in public unless you carry absorbing padding and I don't mean that little pad that comes with nursing bras. My doctor told me I was made to feed twins or even triplets. I carried extra shirts for me in her diaper bag. Again, food for thought. I was told that alot of guys actually like sucking their woman's milk and find it erotic. Hmmm... So, anyway, I can't wait to read more of this fic and I really like the affection Sesshoumaru shows InuYasha. And is he getting alittle curious about{you know] with Sesshoumaru? Think about Ayumi maybe helping Kagome out. I thought you might have been thinking along those lines.

  • From madmiko on January 30, 2007
    Just lovely. I definitely think you did Kagome and Sesshoumaru's relationship credit with this chapter. His understandable and justifiable anger gave way to violence in a completely credible way -- he's a demon, for gosh sakes! A demon lord, even. And Kagome's defiance and anger at him just fueled those baser instincts. I was truly on the edge of my seat, wondering if he would come to his senses in time -- thank goodness, he did. He definitely crossed way over the line, but I loved it that she understood and accepted some of the blame for it, and was able to forgive him. Again, she has to remember who/what she's mated to -- he's not a man, and she has to realize he won't necessarily react like one. But once she called his attention to the danger he was really placing her and their baby in, he was able to re-gain control of himself, for their sake -- I wasn't sure he would, and I know a lot of people wouldn't have liked it, but I still would have followed you with it. Because you've managed to build such a full picture of him. Anyway, after he was recalled to reason, when he was filled with regret and no small amount of anguish, they actually managed to talk. A lot of it came out when they were angry, but it wasn't until then that they were ready to hear it. And, his instincts to protect his unborn baby gave them the common ground to proceed. His remorse and guilt were almost painful to read, but, oh, how I loved it when she later had the same reaction he did. You brought it all full circle, and let them both learn to truly appreciate and accept the other one. Funny how underneath it all, they both felt unworthy of the other one. How amazing and wonderful! This was truly a chapter to cherish, and you spotlighted their love and relationship beautifully. AND, Inuyasha was there at the beginning and the end, in such a sweet way. I can honestly say, I have never read another story with the three of them as the main characters that I've enjoyed more than this one. You've brought such depth to their characters, often in surprising and unexpected ways, but always with sensitivity and utter believability. I like it that she's having twins this time, too. I wonder if the birth will go smoothly? Hopefully, they are all feeling a little more secure now, especially since you are working on some battle scenes -- we don't want them going into battle again with those doubts, worries, and insecurites hanging over them. And I have to mention her healing efforts. Thanks for not suddenly making her all-powerful or having her restore limbs in a flash of gratitude or love. I like it that the effort to heal those small wounds was taxing. Seems very real -- especially while she's pregnant. But now that she knows she can do stuff like that, I wonder if you have plans for it. I'm looking forward to your next chapter, as always. There's nothing like a good, thought-provoking story, with not just one, but TWO fantastic heroes, and a heroine to root for -- all of them deserving, but gratifyingly real, and none of them perfect.

  • From ANON - lala_land on January 29, 2007
    this story is nice and all but its so weird how Inuyasha and sesshomaru are sharing Kagome. I hate shearing my boyfrined with any girls.

  • From alatera on January 29, 2007
    Well looks like things are looking up more now. Good chapter. Twins!! Way to go Sesshomaru! One thing is making me curious. What is up with Yuki? Her morning moments and comments... Thats twice now. I'm happier now we've had some Sess/Kag moments again. Very touching/emotional/loving scene. Need more hehe at least to balance it out and bring them closer again( of course, my opinion but its your story ). Hmmm sounds like the next chapter gets interesting too. Wonder what they will talk about in the morning... they've made up and had some "discussion" but they need more( all of them).Trust can easily be given but once lost(even a little) it has to rebuilt and proven. Inu has seemingly gotten off a little too easy ,at the moment of course. Till next time...

  • From ANON - Tana-san on January 29, 2007
    You know, you have really made this combintion pairing work for me. I usually pass when I see yaoi pairings as it is not really what I prefer reading, but you made this work without any drastic changes in the true characters. It really is a good laugh how Sesshoumaru freaks out InuYasha so easily. I like InuYasha putting restrctions on Sesshoumaru and Sesshoumaru telling him he's not a rapist, nor does he feel the need to push InuYasha into what he doesn't want. I really feel for Kagome though and was happy when I came to the part where InuYasha admitted that he and his brother both loved her and were not using her as a toy or baby maker. InuYasha can be so sweet had him so concerned that he cried,he didn't pout, he actually cried. Now that's a real man to me! I do think they should have said something about the roleplaying game getting out of hand...knowing Sesshoumaru's keen nose. [Kagome may have bathed but she gave no thought to douching before letting Sesshoumaru lick and put his nose there?] Are you going to have anything said about Ayumi finding out? I'd kinda like to know if she can keep a secret now that the gossiping school girl has grown up and Kagome can have a friend in the future she can go to when she needs a doctor and an understanding friend. The part where Ayumi asks about Kaogome having sex with a "dog" demon was priceless. Wonderful thought and a very natural question if you don't know anything about demons. I'm so glad I happened upon this fic. I've been extemely entertained from the start.

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