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Reviews for Be there for me

By : WalterKraken101
  • From mrskgoodman on February 13, 2007
    Whew! I couldnt take it if her mom died. Great Chapter cant wait for the next one.
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  • From madmiko on February 11, 2007
    That came as a complete surprise, you rascal! Kagome left with KOUGA! Inuyasha will find out what's going on, though, since he's gone to her house. What will happen when Sesshoumaru catches up with Kouga and Kagome? Is Kagome planning to ask Kouga to help her? And just what ARE Naraku's plans for her? This is getting good! Can't wait for more!
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  • From cocoke5 on February 11, 2007
    wow that chapter was will good and i can not wait for the next chapter and see what happen when kagome founds her family and will she go to naku and get herself to him free will and save her family. or will she have help from sess and koga. i have to wait up to you up date the story . it is sooooooo good. good luck. up date soon.
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  • From DAZ306 on February 10, 2007
    It's STILL not better. I mean damn the pale ugly kid. The half breed is ugh I cant find the words but it's detest me to the fullest!!
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  • From cocoke5 on February 10, 2007
    wow i can not wait for the next chapter ofthe story and see what happen to kagome mother and brother grandfather. and will kagone get there on time. up date soon the story is real good and l loveit.
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  • From ANON - catseye on February 09, 2007
    I really like reading this story and have been waiting impaciently for this chapter.
    By the way: If you are referring to the Mother of Kagome, you should use Mrs.
    Miss is traditianally reserved for the unmarried. She was married, even if she is now a widow.
    Miss can be used for addressing female teachers in Britain; regardless of their marital status.

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  • From mrskgoodman on February 08, 2007
    NO!! I knew it! WOW poor Kagome.
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  • From madmiko on February 08, 2007
    Eek! Poor Mama! Wicked cliffhanger. (Nice!) I still think Kagome let Inuyasha off too easy. He'd better be swimming in guilt and remorse after that. Sesshoumaru's thoughts about his father were interesting and revealing. And his decision about Kagome, too. Will he be the one to come across her first after she finds out about whatever it is that's happening on the other side of the well? She will definitely need someone to "be there for her" then. Can't wait for more! (Still wondering about her and Kikyou and the shared soul.)
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  • From Demonlordlover on February 08, 2007 seems as if Sesshomaru is divided. I'm more interested in the mention of him justifying taking kagome as a mate because his father did, then reneging on that as he's also reminded that he fell because Izayoi wasn't able to defend herself. So...that kinda tends to lead to the insinuation that if Kagome proves herself capable of defending herself then she'd be worth it. That's just my opnion, anyway.

    The whole hanyou issue was also brought up. I wonder how that is going to play into the plot.
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  • From DAZ306 on February 08, 2007

    My god that little brat.
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  • From madmiko on February 07, 2007
    Very interesting chapter! I'm glad Kagome saw Inuyasha with Kikyou when she "died." I think he may be surprised by her lack of enthusiasm to see him when he returns to the village. How stupid is he? Of course, we all know kagome would never be mean about it, but I doubt she will greet him with open arms. He felt like his heart was missing -- doesn't that tell him something? And what was kikyou thinking about when she mentioned hopes? Was she referring to hopes that Kagome was okay, or hopes that she (Kikyou) would now retain her whole soul? What did Kikyou hope would happen? What did Inuyasha hope would happen? Kikyou told him she felt her whole soul, right? But the feeling didn't leave her? VERY interesting! I can't wait to read more about what happened. Sesshoumaru just can't admit to himself that he may be starting to have feelings for her, huh? How long will that continue, I wonder? Or, what will have to happen to change that? Obviously, they need to spend some more time around each other so he can get to know her better, and vice versa. And what kind of evil plan does Naraku have now? Is he sending Hakudoushi to kill her family? And what that mention of physical or SEXUAL coersion? Just what was that naughty hanyou thinking? This is really good! You're keeping me on the edge of my seat, and i can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From mrskgoodman on February 07, 2007
    NO you are not going to do what I think you are going to do are you?? Why Why WHY?

    Anyway I love the story and I cant wait to see if you are going to do what I think you are going to do.
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  • From ANGEL2006ASHLEY on February 06, 2007
    Inuyasha is such a fucking dumbass and deserves that have his dick cut off and shoved up his ass! Alright now that I've said that.... I love your story and I hope you update soon and make something bad happen to Inuyasha please pretty please. lol.
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  • From Sinful on February 04, 2007
    So Kagome is really soul...then how can Sesshomaru save her w/o it??
    Youre a good writer so i bet ull come up w/ something to surprise us and set u apart from others
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  • From mrskgoodman on February 04, 2007
    INUYASHA SUCKS!!!! How can he call himself her friend and just let her down so ofen? He sucks!
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