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Reviews for Be there for me

By : WalterKraken101
  • From madmiko on February 04, 2007
    Okay. Inuyasha is a jerk. What he just did is unforgivable. Kagome was DYING, and was in extreme pain, and he went to Kikyou instead? Even if he and kikyou are lovers (and she's DEAD!!), and kagome is just his "beloved friend," she was injured far worse and needed him more. He wasn't even there for her at the end. That's not the act of a true friend. Heck, he could have taken Kikyou back with him and bandaged her up after giving Kagome her pack. And, what happens now that Kagome's soul is all in Kikyou? Now THAT is an intriguing turn of events!! When Sesshoumaru revives Kagome, will the WHOLE soul return to her and leave Kikyou a pile of dirt and bone? (Oh, I HOPE so!) I would have to think that is highly likely as a result of Tenseiga's power. Did Inuyasha not consider that possibility? If so, he might have been a little more anxious to spare Kagome the pain of dying. Yes, the more I think about it, the more I REALLY like that scenario. It would serve inuyasha right to lose Kikyou because he sacrificed Kagome. I definitely hope Kagome remembers how little he valued her love and friendship that he would just toss her away like that. I love Sesshoumaru's stoic waiting outside. Now, HE is an honorable demon to follow them and use his power to revive her when he didn't have to. I am so excited, and I just can't wait to see what happens next!!! I hope you can write more SOON!! Great fic so far!
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  • From DTAngel on February 03, 2007
    More more more thats all i have to say. I like it!
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  • From Demonlordlover on February 03, 2007
    Nice start. I like to wait until there are a few chapters up before I review so I can get a general feel for a story. So far, the general use of description and dialogue is well rounded. (As I'm sure it will continue!)

    Of more importance to me, however, is the character developement. The inner machinations of the characters is the most important part of a story for me. If I can't understand WHY they're acting the way they are, then I won't appreciate the outcome. Inuyasha being a general ass in the beginning is now being slightly toned down. He didn't actually abandon Kagome, as he didn't take off until Sesshomaru told him he'd ensure she didn't die.

    Now, something I wonder about him going to Kikyo was how you described him following the soul collectors like a 'zombie'. Was that an intentional inference to him being controlled, or just a symboloic mention of how he follows her blindly without thought. (I do tend to discect every little thing,sometimes too much. Just a habit)

    Kagome saving not only Rin, but also Jaken has me wondering as well. Considering in the anime Jaken became so loyal to Sesshomaru because he saved him, will Kagome now rate the same respect?

    Oh...One last thought. Since Kikyo now possesses an entire soul, Tenseiga won't work on Kagome. Her soul is already gone. I wonder how Sesshomaru will go about saving her, as his honor will demand him revive her as promised. Not being a witch, I don't imagine he has the power to take the soul out of Kikyo and give it back to Kagome. I suppose he could get one to do it, but then he'd have to fight Inuyasha on that. Assuming, of course, Inuyasha is going to turn completely evil and decide to keep Kagome dead rather than loose Kikyo.

    That's all for right now. I don't expect answers...I'm willing to wait for the story to unfold. Just indulging in a little contemplation.
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  • From mrskgoodman on February 01, 2007
    OMG!! I want Naraku and Hakudoshi DEAD DEAD DEAD. How dare they hurt Kagome. You battle scene was wonderful the blow for blow action drew me into the story.
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  • From LADYWELLES on February 01, 2007
    wow that was sweet please update soon
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  • From madmiko on January 31, 2007
    Awesome chapter!!! Loved it! And what the heck was up with Inuyasha thinking about Kagome tending his "wounds?" Did he forget how cruel he was to her and that he's the reason she was alone and vulnerable in the first place? I hope he realizes the irony of the situation -- he yelled at the live miko to help the already dead one and now she's injured just as badly. Will he go get Kikyou and yell at her to help Kagome? (Yeah, right.) Will he tell Kagome how much he loves her? (Yeah, right, again.) BUT, Kagome has earned the respect of someone a lot more powerful, and LOYAL, and appreciative, hasn't she? Gotta love it!! I REALLY can't wait for more -- this story is awesome! (Will Hakudoushi try to kidnap her again? Will Sesshoumaru start traveling with Inuyasha's group?) So many questions -- so many possibilities! Yay!
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  • From madmiko on January 30, 2007
    This is getting good! Wonder what hakudoushi's plans for kagome are? Sess came to her rescue, but doesn't care for her, huh? Who's he fooling? Inuyasha's sure being unfair to her, and his little bout of self-pity was, well, pitiful. Looking forward to more!
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  • From ElementalDemonessSorceress on January 30, 2007
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From LADYWELLES on January 29, 2007
    oh i like.plaese update soon it sounds good.keep up the good work Ja Na
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  • From Rebeldedm on January 28, 2007
    gaw I luv it why you stop there !!!!! UPDATE ASAP!!!!!
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  • From mrskgoodman on January 25, 2007
    Oh yeah I like where this is going.
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  • From madmiko on January 23, 2007
    A familiar beginning, but with a little twist -- I like it. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
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  • From PhoenixWolf on January 22, 2007
    O.O I can't wait to find out what happens next!! Please update again soon.

    If it's not too much trouble, could you email me when you update? I don't want to miss this story. It sounds like it will shape up to be a great one!!

    Until we meet again.
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  • From DAZ306 on January 22, 2007
    Nice not bad. No spelling(unless it's the name of the werid looking boy) but no misspelled words. Rin dont talk in THREE person like some of the storys. inuyasha still a dumb ass. and Kagome still runs off without her bow. This is nice tho. Keep writing.!!
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