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Reviews for A Fool's Redemption

By : Grumblebear
  • From ANON - cu-kid on January 17, 2011
    Noooooo!!! I had hoped this chapter wouldn't end on an angsty note (because I love your Kags and Inu playful and getting along), but it did! And now I'm just hoping that this will get resolved NEXT chapter because it breaks my heart that they're being pulled apart.

    Other than that, I have no complaints about this latest update. It was, as always, superbly paced and well-written. I'll be patiently awaiting the next installment! (I have to say, too, on a side note, that I also will be a little sad when this story eventually winds to an end...I've been reading it for so long, I just don't want to stop! That and I feel it's one of the few really good, and refreshingly original Inu/Kags stories left out there. Soo...if your muse decides to take of on a tangent with this story, I will not complain. At all.)
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  • From ANON - EveDallas on October 04, 2010
    YAY! This was your best chapter yet. I love the angsty goodness. I know that angst is a wonderful Plot device. xD Keep Writing; It's wonderful stuff!
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  • From JLucPitard on October 03, 2010
    "... there's gotta be a little rain sometimes..." Heh. Nice chapter. I can't believe she'd let Naraku carry her off like that, but Kagura's words were good. Okay, she was in on the plan to break them up, but she still hit them square on. If they don't commit and make it clear to all, they'll get advances from all sides. Love it!
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  • From weyrdkat on September 30, 2010
    Grumble –
    As always, your prose leaves me wishing it wasn’t the end of the chapter. Lots of emotion, but I didn’t feel overloaded with every movement or thought. It felt natural and not like I was drowning in every poor emotion in their heads. I really like the depth that you gave Kagura as well. Naraku – well, still not a fan of his, but I think that was intentional. I can’t wait to read more and will be anxiously looking for an update. Also, great song recommendation with the Dralion. The entire soundtrack is quite powerful. I also really like the Alegria and Saltimbanco ones.
    Kat –

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  • From aherohasfallen on September 24, 2010
    Oh my freaking god I swear you better have inuyasha stop naraku from taking kagome!!!! No matter how mad he is!!!! Or kagome needs to freak out and push him away or something!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!! Please don't make me wait long for an update!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!! :D
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  • From Nightstar1 on August 01, 2010
    *does happy dance* ^_^ *dreamy sigh* i love fluff...
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  • From cukid9 on July 27, 2010
    I'm sure I've said this before, but I feel it bares repeating: No matter how long it takes for you to update this story, I will always come back to it. I think it's only one of two Inu stories left around here (or anywhere, really) that I read. It's wonderful to see how it's grown over the years--and, for that matter, how your writing has developed! This story is still as wonderful and refreshingly original as it was when I first found it. So I, for one, will never be upset if it takes you a year to update--just as long as you DO update :)

    Oh, this chapter...with its secrets and the beginnings of angst...*sigh* I love angst, I really do, but it always breaks my heart in Inu stories because I just want them to be happy and together! Lol. That being said, I hope Naraku gets his, grrr, and Inuyasha won't be TOO mad at Kagome when she finally gets around to telling him what happened (I hate it when he's all mad and I-don't-want-anything-to-do-with-you! towards her...). I went back and read the chapter before this and realized I simply adore the way you write Playful Inuyasha. Wish there had been a little more of that before this angsty stuff...well, maybe, not really...

    I also wanted to say thanks; I'd read through your book recs and decided to pick up the Dream Eaters books. 'Effing amazing! And you're so right--Chang is a badass, sexy man. I had to stop myself from skipping to the sections with him in them because I loved his character so much :)

    I'm so glad you're still working on this story! I look forward to the next marvelous update!!

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  • From ANON - EveSuzuki on July 17, 2010
    YAY!!! You just made my whole week! haha.. I loved it and can't wait for more of that night to come back to her.. I am soo in love with this story, I have your livejournal and your profile on here bookmarked on my computer (and check it often xD) just to make sure there isn't anything new that has come out.. haha... seriously I just about went through my ceiling when I saw a new chapter. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Keep Writing!
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  • From weyrdkat on July 14, 2010
    Grumble -- don't worry about length -- we can wait for the good stuff. I may not want to, but I'll do it. Your story is just that good. It took me a minute to reaquaint myself with the last chapter, but after that it was like hugging an old friend. Exciting, and you didn't realize how much you'd missed them. Keep up the great work. I can('t) wait to read more! :P
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  • From BlueDragon on July 10, 2010
    Great job! I can't believe I haven't come across this story before! I hope you get your updates out quickly, but I totally understand the whole perfectionistic OCD that comes over you when writing. I've got a oneshot being beta'd that took me like 6 months to be happy with, lol.
    Now that I've read all your chappies, I'm very eager for more. It's super interesting and got me hooked from the first few paragraphs! Very cool plot; haven't read anything like it before. I like your writing style!
    I can't help but feel suspicious of Naraku, though. I still can't tell whether he's good or not, even after your 15 chaps. He's always the bad guy, I can't help it lol.
    I love how you've brought along Inyasha and Kagome's characters and relationship. I really like how they're opening up to each other; Inu's being so cute! I hope the lemony lime is coming soon, cause it sounds like it'll be great.
    Hope this helps your writers ego and gets your muses pumping to get more out faster, lol. Take care!
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  • From ANON - neca on July 10, 2010
    OMG!.i loved the chapter as well as the whole story so far. thanks for finally updating. i had given up hope that you would continue this story. hopefully you'll update soon. keep up the awesome work.
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  • From ANON - Swiffa on June 18, 2010
    First, let me congratulate you on a story well told. I found your story last night and am a little bleary eyed this morning. I almost never write reviews, but I wanted to thank you for putting the time into making a truly interesting and well written plot line with interesting characters. I am anxious to find out what happens next, and I like the way you've been revealing the characters and their back stories a bit at a time. Though, I do think the way the last chapter ended was a little cruel. "Red Eyes!" And Inuyasha's away And we still don't know what happen with Sango! I have my theories but I won't say them here. Please update soon.
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  • From rowdygirl on June 13, 2010
    Are you ever going to write another chapter to this story?
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  • From ANON - nmos on February 15, 2010
    this is such a good story. you should definitely update it when you have time.

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  • From ANON - Rocky on January 14, 2010

    I think you are KILLING ME!!!!
    I can't take this for much longer!!!
    I need to know what happens, like today.
    You left us with this cliffy, and I've been on edge ever since.
    I check your story almost every day to see if you've updated, please tell me its still going!?!
    I need this story like a fat kid needs cake..... and thats a lot.
    Let me know if I can help out in anyway!!!!
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