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Reviews for Playing with Youkai

By : szaugg
  • From ANON - Holly on May 25, 2007
    I love you and your stories. =o

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  • From Sekre on May 25, 2007
    Hahahaha, awesome! It leaves us guessing :D Inuyasha is hilarious.
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  • From ANON - alphonse on May 23, 2007
    dear god, more!! bwahahahaa!! that was soo funny!! * chortles * puppy needs more tranquilizers......hahaha!! with a higher dosage so fluffy stays down longer.......nyahahaahaaa!!
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  • From minaaaaaaaa on May 23, 2007
    mwahahaha that was classic. good stuff
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  • From SilenceoftheHeart on May 22, 2007
    This is just far too amusing for words. The idea of Sesshoumaru with the stick in his a$$ joke was funny enough to share with Hubby and he stays as far away from my dog boy fascination as physically possible. Your dialogue is always so good. You have a very unique and very compelling grasp of the characters, especially Inuyasha which truly fascinates me.

    And the rimming was great. More would have been good but I'm satisfied with the rimming and fingering. Very, very hot. I'm very curious to know what Inuyasha is gonna try next in order to top his previous antics.

    All in all, this is a wonderful fic even if it is just a crack!fic. In many ways it was real. The way Sesshoumaru channeled his anger toward being raped (even though he wasn't) and then the way his demeanor changed when he found out he wasn't. I especially loved Inuyasha's reaction to Sesshoumaru's protrayal of his stunt, forgetting his situation for a moment to defend himself against behaving childishly. Just another example of you writing Inuyasha in a way that captures his character better than I've ever seen.

    Thank you so very, very much for putting this out there for us to enjoy,
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  • From drcomalfy on May 22, 2007
    (nosebleed)....(that's all I can coherently say).... (O)_;O)

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  • From Johnandreylover on May 22, 2007
    Amazing! IDK but I love your Loved the semi-spanking. Lol. Keep up the great work.
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  • From ANON - CrimsonInHumanBlood(Not signed in) on May 22, 2007
    Aww! you should have made a two shot where sessh screw's inu up the ass! i was soooo looking forward to that! haha but a very good story! XD
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  • From ANON - gen on May 22, 2007
    yes. that was certainly hot, and it certainly worked.

    one thing though, wouldnt sess have known if he was violated or not?
    i'm thinking he was so angry he wasnt thinking straight?
    that might be the only reason he wouldnt have known
    he was SO busy being mad

    it worked! i just like it when sess and inu get it on....

    i'm hoping you're psyching yourself to update uke....
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