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Reviews for The Crimson Samurai

By : szaugg
  • From ANON - fallenangelsquill on March 08, 2009
    Hey, Shippo and Kouga wouldn't happen to be on the council, would they? And hey, fyi, I love all your stories (I think I've read them all, especially Husbands for Peace and this one!) I guess as a devoted fan I'd like another update on this one and maybe the Other Side of the Kazana? Then maybe, oh, fuck, what the one with the kitty people? That one! Pretty please?!!!
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  • From ANON - acr on March 06, 2009
    an update! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I really like this fic. I'm curious why all of Sess's kids look just like him. I can't wait to see the council meeting!
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  • From ANON - Kuromei on March 04, 2009
    Yay! The lone female voice in the third chapter thinks Inuyasha's cute! X3 Still, this youkai council thing has me worried, despite Sesshomaru's marking our favorite crude hanyou. X3

    I'm looking forward to the next chapter, whenever it comes. ^w^
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  • From Klepto on March 03, 2009
    Oh my god I love this. XD Where is the next part? Where?! I must have it!
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  • From sysclp on March 02, 2009
    Cute story so far and quite funny. Love the inept Sess clones. I can just imagine the torture they will get from Inuyasha in the future. :-) Thanks!
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  • From ANON - mcdgoddess on March 01, 2009
    Thank you, thank you , THANK YOU for the update!!! I was so glad to see a new chapter. Inuyasha's grandkids are annoying! I also find it interesting that it seems like no one knows who Inuyasha is except Sess. The guy defeated Naraku and people still don't know who he is. I hope the council doesn't try to destroy him. They care about Inuyasha not exposing them, but yet they seemed to have done nothing to try to connect with him. no matter what the time period, they still see him as nothing but the hanyou.
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  • From drcomalfy on February 28, 2009
    *claps excitedly* Yay!! The wait was well worth it! And I just adore Inuyasha's naughty mouth XD Never mind his brash, in-character personality! XD I couldn't stop laughing. Poor guy... I wonder how everyone will take it when they find out Inuyasha is Sesshou's little brother? Hmmm.

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  • From ANON - Mad Maxx Coyote on February 28, 2009
    Hm well....not as much ass kickery as I had hoped. But of course I understand Inu can't just level the place. Pity...XD

    Real interested in seeing where this will go, also interested in seeing how you portray Inu. Will it be like Uke? Or perhaps different?

    Not looking forward to this meeting, cause I can see how its going to go. A bunch of arrogent old men....though why do I get the feeling a certain Kitsune might be lurking?
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  • From aleabeth on February 28, 2009
    Nice to see you back :)
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  • From ANON - Fouloldron on February 27, 2009
    Well written and a great plot. Am looking forward to the rest. :)
    If you are willing/able could you email me at fouloldron at yahoo dot com dot au when there's an update? :)
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  • From Vyper on February 27, 2009
    This is a great story. I love Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha's interactions. Please keep writing.
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  • From nchsmi on February 27, 2009
    Great chapter! Happy birthday and thank you 2 the person that U wrote the chappie 4! I hope U don't keep us waiting 2 long 4 another. Feel better soon, and as always...

    B reading U!
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  • From ANON - Miriam on February 04, 2009
    Oh my lovely idea. Inuyasha the protector of the weak, what else do you espect, but rescued by Sess and suddenly surrounded by 6!! of them. i could stop laughing and imagining what would have happened when Inuyasha would have said "Crap i'm an uncle"
    I hope there will be another lovely update.
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  • From ANON - Innocent on January 17, 2009
    nice...never thought sesshy would resort to using a taser gun though, and how the heck can all five kids look identical to him?! what are they, clones?! that would be cool actually, but now i wonder if they even have a mother and who. i really hope you update this soon, its treally interesting, i like the change in sesshy. Inuyasha tho has to calm down for 5 seconds so sesshomaru can at least explain the situation...andhe should run around practically naked...I may end up jumping him by accident. I doubt he wants to be molested by me...sesshomaru yes, me...+evil grin+ he'll be dying to have sesshy instead. but is its 3am my brains jacked up and screwed up. anyways before i go to bed and log off my mobile i need to say this... please oh please update soon! +ultra puppy eyes n quivering lip+
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  • From ANON - Mad Maxx Coyote on January 01, 2009
    Okay, you gotta promise me something hun. Well you don't HAVE to, but I'd suuuuure like it. Plus My birthday is real close. *puppy eyes*

    If you do decide to continue this, you gotta let Inuyasha show some power and at least get Sessy's dumbass kids to show him some respect. PWEASE?
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