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Reviews for Kagome

By : missiemae
  • From kirarakat55 on January 09, 2008
    I loved it! So touching and so true.
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  • From kirarakat55 on January 09, 2008
    I loved it! So touching and so true.
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  • From madmiko on October 27, 2007
    What a shame the Inuyahsa in the manga does not realize the things your Inuyasha does. He's got a HELL of a lot to make up for, and you hit it right on the nose when you said he takes Kagome for granted. This was nicely-written, but I find it very sad, because all of the thoughts and feelings you had Inu express about Kikyou are true, and I always felt she was very undeserving of them. She never really loved him for who he is, she wanted him to become her ideal. That's not love. I really liked the way you kept having him go back and forth in his recitation between the two women, and that you showed how Kagome had made it possible for him to be so open with Kikyou. It just kills me that he can't be that way with Kagome, and it makes no sense. He was never embarrassed about his feelings for Kikyou, and he told her and everyone else what they were. He embraced her and kissed her like a lover, yet, he can barely hug Kagome without pulling away in embarrassment. It's like he's two different people with them. How sad that the one Kagome is stuck with is a dud. LOL!! *sigh* Thank goodness for fanfiction, where even Inuyasha can finally see the light and thank his lucky stars for Kagome!
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  • From Patty530 on October 22, 2007
    Wonderfully written. Very emotional.
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  • From ANON - Suikidoen on October 17, 2007
    This was amazing. I almost cried. I haven't made it yet to where kikyo dies yet, (stupid manga hasn't released here yet) but it seems to touching from the way you put it this makes me want to read it even more :).
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