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Reviews for Found in Sand

By : chicke222
  • From paintsy on December 16, 2007
    Good new chapter! Interesting that Sasuke has demon blood. I wonder what the significance of the flowers? What kind of weapons will Kagome make? Will she see some fimiliar demons?
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  • From paintsy on December 15, 2007
    Nice chapter, Kakashi/Kagome has been done in most Naruto/Inuyasha crossovers, come on people lets try something different, times like this I wish I could write. Oh well, I vote Gaara/Kagaome, maybe his demon is Haichi from Inuyasha and likes something familiar, a strecht I know, but this story is turning out great, and I want it to continue!
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  • From bluemoon1755 on December 14, 2007
    Things sound like they are going to start getting interesting, can't wait to see what happens next. I think this would make a good Kakashi & Kagome story.
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  • From lonelyreverance on December 12, 2007
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  • From paintsy on December 12, 2007
    I like that Kiba could be a desendant of Inuyasha, they share some of the same traits, and Kiba has 'markings,' like Sesshomaro (sp?). I also want to put in a vote for Kiba/Kagome, sounds intreging.
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  • From purp1ebabe on December 12, 2007
    ooo i guess i vote kakashi/kagome so hard to choose though.... i really enjoy this story so far it's really interesting i hope u update soon cuz i can't wait to read more!
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  • From Kage on December 12, 2007
    Excellent work again. Kagome has finally been released from the jewel. It'll be interesting to see how Kagome and the rest react to each other when she wakes up again. As for pairings I'm more partial to the Neji/Kagome, Sasuke/Kagome pairings. But I'm sure whatever you do will be great. Keep up the excellent work!
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  • From DarkMoonQueen on December 12, 2007
    I really like this. Kakashi/Kagome pairing please.
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  • From bluemoon1755 on December 11, 2007
    I can't wait to read more of your story, it sound's like this is going to be a really fantastic story so far. So I hope you try and update asap, I also think the paring should be Kagome/Kakashi.
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  • From xineweber on December 11, 2007
    I vote for Gaara/Kagome or Kakashi/Kagome ;D
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  • From xineweber on December 11, 2007
    got hooked, will check regularly for updates. thanks!
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  • From paintsy on December 10, 2007
    I want more, sounds fun. Kagome/Gaara, she's used to blood! Kagome doesn't have to worry about Inuyasha, and she's experienced with the task she needs to preform. I'm wondering if she'll have memories from the jewel?
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  • From MegamiWolfchild on December 10, 2007
    I personally think that Kakashi/Kagome is just too awesome! Especially with a very protective/possessive Kakashi. Plus, can't you just see it? The man who reads porn in public, the bachelor of Kohona, finally settles down with our dear, sweet Kagome. So, I vote for Kakashi/Kagome.
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  • From Kage on December 09, 2007
    Its an interesting start, I don't think I've seen anything like this done before. Keep up the excellent work! I can't wait to see where you take this.
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