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Reviews for The End of the Demons

By : trinity3000
  • From Tricia1224 on January 26, 2008
    Awesome chapter. You have a great habit of leaving cliffies. I thought that when Naraku wished away demons, he got rid of Hanyous as well. Is Naraku still a Hanyou or is he just a really powerful human?
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  • From hellspixie18 on January 15, 2008
    I think your story is well thought out and very well written. I can't wait to see the next chapter so update asap!
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  • From sugar0o on January 03, 2008
    hmm i really like this story thus far but i am left a tad bit confused in this chapter, that was an incarnate? or the real Naraku, b/c the jewel in chapter 2, sis leave him a demon, just a weak demon. That being said, as far as time goes, wouldn't it be about 50 or so years after Kags was born that any of her friends/enemy's became incarnates, if the rule applied that you had to wait 500 years to be reborn... another thing, if Kags and Sess, were in that guys house and he was completely murdered along with his wife, wouldn't their finger prints be all over everything! a fire should have started in the house to cover their tracks, unless this was all part of your plan for the overall story.
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  • From Tricia1224 on January 02, 2008
    I enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed the first. This is a great story so far.
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  • From mrskgoodman on January 02, 2008
    It has been a long time for me to come back to fanfiction and this is the first story I read in months. I must say this plot line is new and refreshing. I look forward to reading more.
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  • From gitamerah on January 01, 2008
    Interesting. Your summary definitely got my attention. I hope Sesshomaru can go back and change history.
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  • From sugar0o on December 31, 2007
    So, yeah as a one shot i think i would have wanted more, as you have 2 chapters now and both are VERY enticing, i want more. chop chop writer! update! ^_^

    this is a lovely story, though i'm a big Sess fan, i know he'd be cold and want to conquer the world but i think he'd be a tad bit concerned abotu other demons, if he was the last no matter what he wanted to do, his pup would be a hanyou... unless as an author your planning to make Kags and all powerful miko a demon baby machine ^_^... i dunno either way i love it, and i hope you update soon. its lovely, as a first its fantastic. - r0o
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  • From Jadziane on December 31, 2007
    Well written and interesting plot set. Look forward to learn if they will act in the modern era or go back in time to change the faith of the demons.

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  • From Chaosmage77 on December 28, 2007
    you said that it was going to be a one shot does that mean that it is going to be a short fic? If all Demons were wiped out how does Sesshoumaru save everyone? Hm... Questions to ponder... *holds Head* my brain hurts... Well post again soon so that i can read and reveiw i think that it is to early to be giving idea's the plot is not fully lain out yet!
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  • From Tricia1224 on December 28, 2007
    So far this has a very solid beginning. There were no grammar or spelling problems that I saw. This has the makings of a great story, saga, or adventure, however you wish to phrase it. It is going to be great if you stick with it.
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