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Reviews for The Skaters Edge

By : Alpine02
  • From on June 13, 2010
    I am totally and completely in love with this story! I can't believe it: your work blows my mind! Your story definitely draws the reader in, well at least this one, and I just can't wait for the next couple of chapters!! Will Kikyo make Kagome's life hell? Will Naraju get what he wants?? Will I ever shut up in reviews?! Well I hope to find out soon! Just a quick little tip: 'chocking' only has 1 C not two of them! It's 'choking'! Not trying to be rude, just helpful!
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  • From MichelleD on December 18, 2009
    I think your story is great. It is fun and exciting. I haven't ever read a story with skating in it. The way you decribe it makes me want to go skating sometime. And even though you don't have a beta you really don't make that many mistakes. Just simple things like using singles instead of signals or using then instead of them. But I figure if the person reading can still tell what is going on then it is all okay. I can't wait to see what happens next. I hope to see a new chapter soon.
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  • From vampyrangel on November 19, 2009
    Can't wait for the next update!!!!!!!
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  • From aherohasfallen on October 01, 2009
    I really like your story, it's so different and it brings back fun roller skating memories for me :). I think it's great you don't need a beta I like how you write. lol anyways hurry up and update!!!!
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  • From Sumisung on May 28, 2009

    So far this has been a really interesting fanfic. I found it today and from the first chapter I was compelled to continue reading till I ran out of chapters.

    I love the whole fast flow of things. Like the blossoming relationships, which complement the fast pace of the skaters themselves. I love Kagome’s fiery temper and how powers flare in response to it. I was very pleasantly surprised that you included Jinenji into your fic, as he is such a sweet character but is almost always over looked, so that was nice. I’m interested to see how things are going to turn out between Inuyasha and Kagome, and to find out what Naraku and Kikyo are going to do to them.

    Please keep up the lovely work, and I look forward to reading your next chapter.


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  • From vampyrangel on May 05, 2009
    I really like this story. I hope you keep going with it. Don't get discouraged that you aren't getting many reviews. As long as YOU like what you're writing, who cares what other people think? Besides, lots of people tend to be lazy when it comes to reviewing.
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  • From friskykittycat on April 29, 2009
    This story is very interesting. I will be looking foward to how it ends. Please keep up the excellent work.
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  • From ShouraiChan on April 27, 2009
    PS: My email is and here is my livejournal page. Most of your fave authors are on there! :) Keep writing! (I MAY just start transferring my stories over there since this site is gradually dying T_T) But I'll be updating soon, promise!

    Live journal:

    Hope to see you soon! Mine is just getting started up, but I'm a-going!
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  • From ShouraiChan on April 27, 2009
    WHY?!?!?!?!?!? WHY DID YOU LEAVE IT LIKE THAT??!?!?!?! *breaks into tears* T_T!!!!!! Omg, now that I FINALLY have a chance to catch up, you go ahead and leave it at a cliffie! THANKS! XD Lol, jk, hon. I am so sorry I've been so late on reviewing! I hate school. We're coming down to the wire and once campus finals are over, I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I still love this story, keep it up! (I'll have an update for my own soon/hopefully)
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  • From ShouraiChan on April 05, 2009
    OMG! I'm so happy you dedicated your second chappy to me! Now that I am all done with homework (kicks books out of the window), I have had a chance to catch up! I LOVE it still!!! Omg, there is comedy, action...and yum yum citrus!!!! Seriously, I am crushing hard on this story! Whenever stupid college doesn't interfere, I'll definitely read and review! Much love and respect!!!!
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  • From ShouraiChan on April 03, 2009
    Omg, love it!!! Seriously, I'm extremely excited to see where this leads!!!! Can't wait for an update (and I feel you about not having a, lol). But, it's still a great story in the works! Keep it up!
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