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Reviews for Interest

By : szaugg
  • From ANON - blur on February 23, 2010
    lolz~~~ poor miroku~~~ when will he get a peaceful rest? haha~~~ inuyasha is acting strange~~~
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  • From Bluesake on February 22, 2010
    Aw I wished the chapter would have been longer. Still amazing though. Still looking forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Peya Luna on February 22, 2010
    XD yep, dreams do come true - even if you deny their meaning! and about miroku´s clothing, problem: don´t blame inu, he really should know better by now and just sleep naked...
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  • From ANON - Djargo on February 20, 2010
    I am thoroughly addicted to your InuYasha fics. This story just helps to deepen the addiction. It may be short but it is definitely not half-assed to your readers. Miroku comes across as caring but completely put upon. He really wants to get to the bottom of what is going on with InuYasha but is seriously conflicted about how he feels being on the receiving end of his attentions.
    You make this a fun read. I want to know what's happening to InuYasha almost as much as Miroku. Looking forward to the next update.
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  • From ANON - blur on February 20, 2010
    lolz~ miruko is going to be sooooo sore the next day morning. haha~~~ but i truly want to know what is happening..
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  • From ANON - Kuromei on February 20, 2010
    I think I have an idea of where it's going, too. XD

    For something that's unpolished this is pretty, well, interesting. X3 Though how m-preg is going to work into this fic, that's going to be something to see. =3

    I'm looking forward to the next chapter! =D
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  • From ANON - DarkAuroran on February 19, 2010
    and besides… He had a pretty good idea where this was going.
    Haha, I love the fatalism in that last line. The mental image of Miroku lying on the ground, red-eyed Inuyasha clawing at him from above and decimating his brand new robe, and the Monk just looks up at the sky and sighs. 'Oh darn, another night of thorough sexing.'
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  • From Bluesake on February 19, 2010
    Aw. Even though it was a short chapter still enjoyed it. I wonder when feelings will start to fly between them.
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  • From ANON - Peya Luna on February 19, 2010
    my thanks to the brave little centipedes for giving their life in the heroic task to get miroku out of his clothes in a way inu has to notice. given his immediate reaction i´ll say your dead wasn´t in vain and miroku has a very good though sleepless night ahead XD
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  • From ANON - blur on February 17, 2010
    poor inu~~~~ *hugz* luckily miroku forgives u.
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  • From Bluesake on February 15, 2010
    I really like this story. Whether its half assed or not. I thoroughly enjoy it. I can't wait for you to update it.
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  • From ANON - Peya Luna on February 15, 2010
    now thats what i call one awkward 'morning after'-discussion LOL thankfully miroku had the guts to admit that he somehow liked it and eased inus guilt-trip. i´m still thinking kouga might know why inu is acting that way...maybe its something perfectly normal for demons, kinda like a second puberty, and inu just doesn´t know it cause he was raised by i´m only wondering how long miroku´s butt has to heal before inu looses it the next time ;-)
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  • From Bluesake on February 15, 2010
    I love this story! I wonder whats going to happen when Inuyasha comes to his senses. I hope things go well. Can't wait for the next update!
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  • From ANON - blur on February 14, 2010
    I like this chpt! lolz~ but will inuyasha forget what he did to miroku? if he did, i think miroku will be very very heart broken...... :(
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  • From wyntermist70 on February 13, 2010
    Mooooooooooooooooooooore goodness that's a good story "blush" update sooooooonnn
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