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Reviews for Through The Well

By : TheKaytla
  • From ANON - RedMoon on April 21, 2012
    I love this story! I can't wait to read what happens next! Please update soon.
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  • From SplendentGoddess on April 20, 2012
    I can understand Inuyasha's jumbled and confused thoughts, especially where Kagome is concerned; hearing with finality that she died at Naraku's hand would certainly screw him up for a while. And like you even pointed out from Inuyasha's POV, he trusts Kaede, he trusts her word, why would she lie? But there again, Kaede also said she's never once worn an eye patch, LOL. Hopefully he'll remember that. Of course we all understand what's happened here, but it makes sense that for someone like Inuyasha, 'other worlds' wouldn't automatically be the first thought to come to mind. Can't wait to see what happens once he realizes he's not in his world! And once he remembers that in this world Sesshoumaru loved - and lost - him...
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  • From ANON - Rena on April 20, 2012
    Poor Kagome...
    I love this story and I hope you'll continue it.
    I was thinking it was a time travel thing, but the Kikyo thing confused me. Maybe it's an alternate universe?

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  • From satterb on April 20, 2012
    Wow! It's been awhile since this story was updated. I was very happy to see an new chapter. I hate the confusion InuYasha is feeling, but I understand it's integral to the story. I hope you can add more soon. I look forward to the time when InuYasha begins trying to accept his new reality. LOL
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  • From kpizkool on April 20, 2012
    I LOVE this story. I hope you update again soon, it's really interesting and I would love to see it actually being finished eventually, unlike most of my favorite stories. xD
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  • From botticelliangel on April 20, 2012
    Very interesting so far. I like the confusion between Inuyasha's memories and the strange reality you have placed him in. All I can imagine is him throwing up his hands and saying FML!!! Very glad you updated, thanks. I hope you get inspired soon (for all of your fics). I'm looking forward to reading more.
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  • From ANON - Hine on February 09, 2012
    Glad to see this was updated. It's a fantastic take on the time travel/alternate universe theme.
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  • From NAnderson on February 05, 2012
    Things get more and more intriguing and I keep getting pulled more and more in. I need answers to all of the confusion going on now dammit >,< lol. Tell your friend to keep kicking your butt because I want more story!
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  • From lordsesshy on January 29, 2012
    I really enjoy the story thus far and hope it continues! The moment when it dawns on Inuyasha that he's yelling at a squirrel is gold. Also, potential threesome/open relationship is tantalizing =3
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  • From WinterDovane on January 17, 2012
    I'm enjoying this premise. Keep going, I'm excited to see where you take it. The new and improved Sesshomaru is cool :)
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  • From Vyper on January 17, 2012
    Thank you for that new chapter. This story is really good so far and I would hate to see it end so abruptly.
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  • From SplendentGoddess on January 16, 2012
    Well...I think it's perfectly obvious what happened here. Kagome's destiny (our Kagome) was simply to return to her own time once the mission was over, and Inuyasha - unfortunately - was not destined to accompany her. That said, the gods did indeed take pity upon him and wanted to give him an opportunity to be happy. In this other parallel universe Inuyasha has died, and there's no bringing him back - likewise the Kagome of this universe is also dead, though that's really neither here nor there - and so this Sesshoumaru is also in need of a companion. Presto chango Sesshoumaru was given a present, our Inuyasha, and once our Inuyasha stops freaking out then maybe, just maybe, he can actually accept that he's in a better universe now and accept the happiness he's able to receive. I was suspecting that something might be up with the Goshinboku when you mentioned twice that he deliberately avoided looking at it, even before that reveal that he'd promised Kikyou on her deathbed that he'd protect the village, revealing that he had in fact never been pinned to the tree. I think once he sees that tree, and what I'm assuming by your buildup will be an unblemished surface, that that will be the proof he needs that he's not crazy, and neither is anyone else; he's really in a different world. Once he accepts that then he should also have the peace of mind in realizing that 'his' Kagome is safe and sound, having been deposited back to her family by him just as he remembers it. This is really great so far! I'm loving your idea and can't wait to see what happens next. Yes, I've read TwistedHilarity's story, but in hers there were two Mirokus, because the parallel one was still alive and well, and a bad guy to boot, so your take on the whole 'many worlds' theory is definitely different from hers. In her story they all realized that 'our' Miroku was from another world rather quickly, whereas in this story it might take them a while to accept that fact, even after Inuyasha realizes it, because they'll probably all just keep assuming his memories are screwed up. That ought to make for some entertaining moments! Looking forward to it!
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  • From ladytokyo on January 16, 2012
    Rin is so cute I'm loving this so far Oh I can't wait to read on. This is like watching a Doctor Who eps. lol So not only was Inuyasha push forward in time her was push into a different timeline. Maybe to give him some happiness with Kogua and Sesshomaru. or He just really mix everything up in his head. Either way I can't wait to read on for sure.
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  • From ANON - laiko on January 16, 2012
    I always liked Rin. Her honesty and youthful enthusiam were contagious. I always thought it was curious that Sesshomaru would allow any human to follow him. I guess he appreciated the best part of human nature. I love the idea of an alternate reality. Next chapter please.
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  • From ajj77sunhawk on January 16, 2012
    Ohh good story just got around to reading it. I guess Inuyasha never considered dimension jumping... lol. Thanks for writing.
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