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Reviews for why is Miroku a pervert?

By : jeffshelton
  • From ANON - kittyonnails on March 02, 2005
    This is good information, but I think you're looking too deeply. Celibacy is not required of Buddhist monks even today (although it is common to require nuns to be chaste) many monastaries in Japan are handed down thorugh a family line, and the family lives at the temple. This is more common outside of Zen Buddhism, but I find it unlikely that Miroku would be a Zen monk, he seems to be a peasant.
    Also unlikely is the idea that anyone in the group would question Miroku's right as a man to have as many women as he could and maintain hes power and status. Even today Japan is a very sexest place, a double standard about sexual practices wouldn't even make a modern girl like Kagome flinch. The Viz translation plays up the irony in Miroku's lechary, but Miroku's character was a common one in Japan hundreds of years before and after the Sengoku period. In Japan he's almost a cliche. One more thing, was it really Oda Nobunaga that persecuted the sect your'e talking about? I find that most of that sort of thing was Tokugawa(which would make it after Inuyasha), but I don't know off hand. It could have been Oda Nobunaga.
    Anyway, dont' take any of this the wrong way, I'm excited to find this kind of thing at all. It's really great and I hope you do write fanfiction with a historical basis like you talked about, That would be awesome.
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  • From SilverFox on May 16, 2004
    Interesting....Poor Miroku...* sighs * Heh heh... I liked this, very interesting as well. It fits him so well though...Heh heh...Until next time ^_^
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  • From ANON - Manda on April 02, 2004
    I found this to be really interesting. Yeah, that sect does seem to fit Miroku. You mentioned his family...does that mean his family also belonged to the sect?? How could a person be a nun/monk and have a family? Or did they just have sex and do what happens alot today - the mom takes care of the kid and the father visits? (sorry about that last comment, didn't mean to offend anyone out there!)
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  • From stayingput29 on September 18, 2003
    As always Jeff very good and very informative.... I so laughed at Inu though.... thanks that was very interesting and I think it does give a little insite on Later . Mu. Mules
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  • From on July 22, 2003
    great , loved the insight, hope the best in your future stories.
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