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Reviews for Commitments Made In Blood

By : ryukotsusei
  • From YukinaBlueRose on May 14, 2018

    YAY!! I LOVE this story!!!! I may rant, but that doesn't mean I don't love it!! Sooo, looking forward to the next chapter!! (Not rushing you, just excited.)

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  • From YukinaBlueRose on May 14, 2018

    ...Seriously?! Kagome is NOT THIS pathetic! ... ... Sigh, on to the next chapter.

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  • From YukinaBlueRose on May 14, 2018

    LOVING this story, but THAT is annoying! -> So far, Kagome is the only one having to make compromises. If their relationship is going to work, Youko/Kurama/Shuichi is going to have to start compramising too. She has to accept the Demon things about him, but HE needs to accept the Guardian Priestess of the Shikon no Tama things about her. She is NOT the kind of person that can sit at home waiting for the fighters to come back, she IS a fighter. Ok, rant done, none of that means that I don't love this story, because I MAJORLY do!

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  • From YukinaBlueRose on May 14, 2018

    Um, I would think that her real issue with what Youko did would be that he didn't TRUST HER enough to let her handle it herself. That would be my problem. I mean, if he hadn't come out when he did, she was going to give him one of her signature slaps, and Miroku if proof of just how painful those things are. If she had handled it, Hojo wouldn't be stuck with a scar, she wouldn't have gotten bruised, and Youko and Hiei (though mostly Youko) wouldn't be in trouble with Koenma. I'm of the opinion that Youko screwed up. Oh, by the way, GREAT story.

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  • From YukinaBlueRose on May 13, 2018

    ahh, Hiei's met her? This is getting VERY interesting! Oh, everything else is REALLY good too! (Sorry, I'm not very good at reviews.)

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  • From ANON - mangadreams on February 25, 2010
    Really enjoyed reading your story. I am glad that you did not try to bring back the whole Inu-gang. It would have made it much less plausible. I love that his-spidership was so arrogant that thought the world still spun on his axis. What I liked most is that you introduce and use the characters to further the plot not as filler. It makes everything fun to read and the story to move along at the rapid and believable pace not feeling forced. If this was a book series, I would buy you at a store!! I hope your muse hits for this one again and I will be watching until then. (Also, I will be reading your other fics I like Kur-Kag, but I am willing to try Hiel-Kag if you are writing it!!)
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  • From ANON - Emma on October 17, 2009
    So far I love this. I've only read a few chapters and it is very good. I love how Inuyasha isn't a complete prick. I'm not a fan of Inuyasha/Kagome pairings. Usually when they aren't a couple then Inuyasha is a complete dick, but I love how he is considerate of Kagome. I have read too many fanfics where Inuyasha is selfish and cruel. It's very out of character. Sure he can be a dick but he obviously cares about Kagome. So I think your doing a splendid job. I also love all of the dialog going on between Youko and Suichi. It takes a lot of guts to kill of any main character or characters in this case. I think you are doing a wonderful job. I'll definitely review when I'm done reading so far. Thanks for spending so much of your time writing such an amazing story.
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  • From ANON - hayley on January 05, 2009
    I'm sorry, but I really can't take it anymore! Kagome should be much more wary about her current conditions. Life-mated to a strange demon? Even with all her purity and kindness and open-mindedness and accepting personality and such, she's not an idiot. Not to mention the impact of her friends' deaths. She should be in emotional turmoil! By simply reading this fanfiction, no one could tell how closely she was tied to her friends. You would think that she didn't care for them at all. Other than the gross mis-characterizations on Kagome, however, the story is very good. And please don't think this is a flame. I really do like your writing, but I have a breaking point when it comes to OOC-ness. Sorry.
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  • From nightshade41230 on October 05, 2008
    I know its been awhile since you wrote but I love the story very much,you are a great author and I hope to see more pf your work no matter the story,,hope to see soon,,but no rush,,,promise lol
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  • From Kula on August 22, 2008
    This has to be one of the best stories I have read, please update soon!! I have read it so many times hoping for a new chapter.
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  • From ANON - Sokia on February 24, 2008
    Hey! i just love this story!! I have read it twice sofar its captivateing realy...and i am very happy you haven't given up on it bt whne you get the chance please update... I'll give you a cookie *takes out a giant chocolate chip cookie*
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  • From ANON - WittyKitty on February 05, 2007
    Please continue Commitments Made In Blood! I love all of your stories! Absolute Power is turning out really good, no need to stop it. Just remember, work on the stories you enjoy writing. If you don't enjoy what you write, most likely, no one else will either! Good Luck on your notes!!
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  • From ANON - ptbear on November 24, 2006
    Great story. Update soon. Can't wait to read Narakus' reaction of Youko and Kagome being alive.
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  • From ANON - shakira on November 13, 2006
    if you dont finish this story, ill gut you my self!!![gives a very hiei like glare] [growls like sesshoumaru in angry inu mode] i love it, dammint! and your gonna finish it!!! dont give up! do it do it!!!!
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  • From ANON - huntedrose on October 31, 2006
    I really hope you are going to continue, as I've been enjoying the story!
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