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Reviews for Moments We'd Rather Forget...

By : Gyousei
  • From ANON - Kellie on July 13, 2005
    Oh My! I'd be so embarased if something like that would happen in real life (and it probably has happened to some one) Great chapter. I could just feel the embarassment for Kagome ^__^
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  • From drake220 on July 13, 2005
    ::cringe:: i DIE for kagome. i'm wincing for her. when she fell, i yelped out loud, "oooooh!!!!" my poor sister thought something was wrong. it was funny but so so so wrong. And you're right- inu needs something humilating. i mean, worse then sano caught with her fingers in a sticky situation, kagome knicker-less OR anything else you can come up with. He so has it coming. good luck brainstorming.
    oh and about 'clipt'....::clears throat:: i wrote a typo. i mean to write 'split'. the c and the s are easy to mix up!!
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  • From ANON - Necron on July 03, 2005
    this series is hilarious i wanna hear more of it!! and please go with the anger management thing

    The characters and their jobs:
    (well my opinion of what they are probably doing anyway)
    Inuyasha: computer expert as that job is in high demand so his boss might tolerate his attitude
    Kagome: house wife or preistess maybe office work she might tolerate that
    Kagura: Real estate (she likes to use the houses she knows are empty as her own personal playthings)
    Sango: adult:pro wrestler (only career i can see her with sorry) teenager: Mall botique worker
    Miroku: an Heir (no job just a rich playboy)
    Naraku: Unsucessful inventor
    Koga: White collar businessman upper management probably
    Entire Band Of 7: circus performers
    Sesshomaru: Inuyasha's boss (he took that job solely for the purpose of pissing off his younger brother)
    Jaken: Sesshomarus assistant:below Inu on the coporate ladder though
    Myoga: Homeless drunk
    Kikyo: Make-up artist (since she likes to try and change people)
    Ayame: Kouga's secretary

    For Duty and Insanity,
    Lord Necron
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  • From ANON - Kagura Fan on July 01, 2005
    Ah! Kagura would be a doctor! or a Lawyer! Or someone who works with little kids! Could you do another thing with SessKagura or a follow up to Special hugs? And you should so do Sesshie's meeting with Miroku! Ah! MORE STORIES! Oh, and for embarassing moment ideas: one of my friends once was at a pool party and she lot her top! Then this one girl who I don't like got her period once at a water park (which made me feel bad for her)...either way, please write more little stories! I'm waiting for updates ;)
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  • From ANON - LifeStory on July 01, 2005
    Hey! I love your story so much! Could you write another Sess and Kagura one? Or something with Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha? Either way, please just keep writing your story and please update soon! :)
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  • From YoukaiObsessed on June 30, 2005
    Hahahaha!! Oh ya know that was great!! Oi on the fluffy bunnies (xx) Keep up the great work!!
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  • From fallenangel7583 on June 30, 2005
    hmm...whose claming influence was whose? lets see....i'll put inu to grand turismo (obviously), miroku to warm beds (or bunnies...not sure), touga (LMAO) to fuzzy kittens, Kikyo to bunnies...or beds (either works and in a round about way are connected...bunnies in get my drift, fits both miro and kikyo. hehehe. ...sorry...) and i guess Kagura to the stars (since she alwyas wanted to be free). very well done chapter...i coudl see this progressing into it's own story. lol. kag definitly has some issues to deal with...some major ones indeed. wayyyyy to angry for her own good. LOL. very well done!!!!!
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  • From ANON - drake220 on June 29, 2005
    oh dear lord, you MUST do sess's meeting!1 i would cplit my pants seeing him do a 'fluffy bunny' talk. oh my sides hurt!!!! hahahaha, this chapter was freakin' hysterical!!!
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  • From ANON - kiiru on June 29, 2005
    How did... Wait a minute why would naraku?... I don't even wanna know... Anyway the new chapter was funny, but shouldn't Kagome have jumped him instead of Sango? And a job for Kagura... Hmm... A professional hit man? er... Hit woman?
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  • From ANON - Sirenic Sprite on June 29, 2005
    Hmmm... I think you are right about it not in fitting with the others, BUT I still enjoyed it. Maybe you can do more like it, but put it in a different collection. The humor is what attracted me to your stories, but it is the oddities within them that keep me reading. I like anything that is well written, and different from the norm. In fact, I have a little request... the scene from my chapter eleven where rin sees sesshoumaru in the bathing area; I would like to see you do that. I would write it up myself, but I don't have the time to update, study, and write up a one shot. If you are interested, get in touch with me. I'll explain what I had in mind. ^_^

    BTW, thanks for the support!
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  • From YoukaiObsessed on June 29, 2005
    Chapter 9--Oh my!! Ya know I wouldn’t have minded seeing…anyways 0_0*snicker* Another great chapter!! Kagura’s job… hmmm… Masseuse, psychologist, nurse, teacher, hair dresser, fashion designer…
    I love all these stories… soo good to have you back!!!
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  • From fallenangel7583 on June 29, 2005
    soooooo....that is something i would SO never want to remember. eep? holy hell...weird, yes. fucking weird, totally. dude....that's just so wrong. who would leave a mental patient in a waiting room with a girl in a school girl's uniform? damn....poor kag, scarred for the rest of her life off that one, i'll bet.

    anyway, soooo....kagura, huh? If Kagura had a job/career/occupation, she’d be a womans liberalist (maybe), a divorce lawyer (cause she just has this hang up against men).....orrrr.....narc agent (narcotics (sp??) cop crack-down woman). good poll!!! took me a while to think about.
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  • From ANON - Kellie on June 28, 2005
    I forgot to add this:

    If Kagura had a job/career/occupation, she’d be a/an ________.

    Maid? (Hotel Maid, personal Maid etc, since she has to do what Naraku tells her to)

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  • From ANON - Kellie on June 28, 2005
    Oh My God! You had me giggling after reading this one. I had to reread it before I figured out what it was. I'd never thought Naraku would get a Vibrator stuck there. I'm still giggling from it.

    Great job.

    Is there a chance you can embarrass Sota & Kohaku? Anyway, keep up the great writing ^_____^
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  • From ANON - weezer chi - Dani on June 28, 2005
    If Kagura had a job/career/occupation, she’d be a/an ________.
    i choose to fill the blank in with....

    A haggler in China Town.

    (I went up to good ole NYC a few months ago and got to experience China Town first hand --- and one of the Chinese ladies was waving a fan at me trying to get me to buy it as I walked by, and she reminded me of Kagura somehow... lol

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