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Reviews for On The Night Of A Blood Red Moon

By : ryukotsusei
  • From ANON - Jessica on February 22, 2012
    Hello Ryukotsusei,

    I would like to give you my regards in creating such a graphically dark, suspense and emotional story. It has been by far one of my personal favourites to read. I hope that you will be updating soon, as I sense that this story may be nearing the end soon, and would very much like to know how the ending will be, as will many of your other fans I'm sure.

    Hope you find some time to complete this story
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  • From ANON - sencha on September 11, 2010
    Oh please add another chapter to this fantastic story, I nearly cried as I saw that there is no more. I really hope you´ll find the time to write even if I do understand that you have a life.
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  • From Angoli on August 21, 2010
    AHHH! Please, PLEASE, CONTINUE THIS! This is one of my favorites from you, and would hate to see it die like this! If you need help with anything I am totally willing to help you out with any of your stories!
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  • From kittygirl86 on June 04, 2010
    I really love this story. I feel it's almost done. maybe I'm wrong I don't know. All I want to nkow Is when are you going to update again. ou can't leave it like that for long. please update soon.
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  • From DawnFireice on April 12, 2010
    I am truly hoping that you will continue this story as I have been enthralled by it. While dark and disturbing it still captures the imagination. Bravo! ^_^
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  • From hieikag on February 16, 2010
    i love this story!! are you going to finish it? or are you done with the story?
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  • From ANON - BakaUsagi on July 11, 2009
    First off, I quite enjoyed your story. Not so much the different rape scenes but, the story plot itself has me interested enough to want the next chapter. Which brings me to the second point, when can we expect the next chapter out? It would seem to me that several months is plenty of time to write a mere 4 to 6 page chapter for your readers. My third point is how nice it is to finally be back in the present time frame instead of in the past. I'm quite eager to see how Hiei will react to seeing Kagome again and vise versa. It is sure to be an interesting reunion indeed, one I quite looking forward too. I hope you'll write some more soon enough. Until then, I'll wait. Thank you for your time.
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  • From ANON - delunatic on May 15, 2009
    I must read MORE! You've had me stuck on this story for well over a year and I NEED the next chappie!
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  • From ANON - exclipcein on January 20, 2009
    holy shit.... your story had me at the edge of my seat the whole time..... you have to continue it... please dont say that it is discontinued.. i cant wait for hiei and kagome to reunite..... you just have to write more!!!!! This is the best crossover fic that i have ever read!!!! please keep going!
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  • From Lina03 on January 17, 2009
    Wow, you have a wonderful gift for words, this story made me cry so much I almost stopped reading it, it was so sad! But the story is too good to stop reading: what a dilemma! Anyways, thank you for sharing your work and I hope you get to update again soon. ^_^
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  • From Tricia1224 on January 03, 2009
    I read this through chapter 24, but I didn't make any comments. I love this story. I am curious as to what happened with
    Aiko and the rest of Kouga's pack. There are quite a few of your stories that I enjoy. I have to say that I really love the suspense, the imagery and the emotions you put into your work. I look forward to your next update on whatever story your muse smacks you in the head with LOL. Oh and happy New Year.
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  • From ANON - neo-crystal on November 07, 2008
    damn!! I couldn't stay away from the computer too long bc I JUST HAD to keep reading!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!! please, please update soon. I want to see hiei's reaction!
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  • From ANON - Merely Truth on September 15, 2008
    Waow ! I just discovered this story and it's GREAT ! So dramatic... The fates (gods !) are awefully mean with Hiei and Kagome. I hope that you'll find enough in you to write several chapters, after the main plot is resolved, to strenghten their relationship, to explain how they recover, how they meet again, how they heal together, how they live with peace so dearly earned, with more hapiness than angst (please ?). It would be a good end for a wonderful story.
    Thank you for your writing and excuse me for my english, please, I'm french... Ah, and did you read this fic : Domestication by AmberRose ? very angst, very subtil.... Try it !

    A french mommy and reader,
    A bientôt,
    Bonjour de la France,

    Merely Truth
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  • From poeticpunkrocker92 on September 14, 2008
    I love this fanfic so much! I cannot wait for the next update. I hope Youko and Kurama find out what really happened and then start to like Kagome. Thanks.
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  • From Kula on September 14, 2008
    Thank you, Thank you.... I just love this story and have read it multiple time, I was thrilled to see you new chapter. I can't wait to see what happens next.
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