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Reviews for Jakotsu's Happy Day

By : Xakana
  • From nalamacleod on January 26, 2007
    I found your story very enjoyable. Loved the ending with Seeshomaru.
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  • From ANON - KikyouGirl on June 06, 2006
    Oh god so good so good please write another one
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  • From ANON - Dominic Shade on November 20, 2005
    I liked it. Would have preferred a bit more I love to torture the innocent *sigh* and Kagome being raped by the man she loves really would have been perfect. But oh well. It gave my shoulder devil something to giggle over. Good job.

    Good times and rock on,

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  • From Anata on October 17, 2005
    ...Well, I'm not going to tell you that it sucked, didn't.
    Sorry, this story has me a bit disturbed, and it'll take me a moment to become comprehensible again. ^^;
    Frankly, I like dark fiction (though I have to take it in small dosages), and this was fascinating to me. I enjoyed it a great deal, especially because it -did- disturb me; a dark fic that doesn't isn't something I really consider as such.
    Other than characterization, which other reviewers have covered, there's only one thing I can think of that would have made this better: spreading it out over several chapters. Now, don't get me wrong, it's incredible as is, I just couldn't really get a sense of time; with multiple chapters, the feeling that time is passing would be more prominent.
    So, I suppose that all I can add to that is that I really enjoyed this, and wouldn't mind seeing more of these types of stories from you. (I've read several of your others, and they are wonderful. 'Suffer,' is one that comes to mind while I review this particular fic.) Jaa!
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  • From ANON - Gaara\'s Koibito on October 03, 2005
    Hey again. Great story, I loved it! Specially the Inu torture. And the Naraku/Jakotsu parts. Think you could do another one with those two? Or a sequel to this one where they meet each other in Hell? That would be cool. Anywho, me back to reading. Adios!
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  • From bd84 on August 12, 2005
    i wish i knew more people like you and your frind that challenged you! i really love this story, its just so mean and evil, and wow! i agree with you though, inuyasha didnt deserve that, but it was definatley a good story! and you even kept them in character and everything!
    i think thats actually a fitting end for jakotsu - he certainly didnt seem to mind terribly much, and he got what he had wanted.
    Naraku's such a coward! LOL! you seem to have gotten into his mindset reather well for this story though which is kinda creepy X.x
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  • From YoukaiObsessed on July 20, 2005
    Oh I really liked this. I'm so glad you mentioned it!! Ohhs that was kinda dark. *coos* I loved it!! Naraku was being so Naraku-ey *coos* Ohss the thought of him pounding into Jakotsu as he's pounding into Inuyasha *extreme mental image hentai happy thoughts* Hehe!! I just adore the dark hottie and all his hotness.. Anyways, I thought this was really good!!
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  • From ANON - Kira on July 17, 2005
    that was so great! Jakotsu is so cute! but, he deserved to have the opertunity to rape inuyasha! inuyasha shouold be loving Jakotsu, not kagaome... *nods* well, i must read the others story, so i am off!

    ~Your best-eset friend Kira
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  • From ANON - Xena on July 06, 2005
    I'm happy to see a Jakotsu story posted here. There are so few of them.

    I really like the Jakotsu/Inuyasha pairing but I can't find many stories.

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  • From ANON - Rawben on July 05, 2005
    whoa! that was kinda sad! but good!... but sad! i'm going to have to read something fluffy now! ;) anyhow, it was nice... ;)
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  • From tareacel on July 05, 2005
    First off, I want to tell you that it's not a bad story. :) It's written well and nothing made me go "Buh?" So that already puts you above SO many Inuyasha fanauthors. Having said that, I want to ask you, have you ever written Jakotsu before? Have you seen the Shichinintai arc, or just what Adult Swim has shown? Because while you got some basics of Jakotsu's character down, there's a lot of stuff you missed or misinterpreted. The most important being these:

    A) Jakotsu never expresses an interest in raping Inuyasha. He wants to slice him up and see his blood, hear him cry out in pain, but even in the final fight, its never implied that this will turn to rape. Jakotsu is a sadist, and as such, gets off on pain, not power, like a rapist does. Although I do understand the necessity, for this story, to give him that opportunity, I'm just saying the original urge would not be there. Now, when you had him suddenly decide to be all tender, THAT was a good move! Because that is something he does. Jakotsu tends to switch back and forth between wanting to cause Inu some major pain, and having tender moments towards him. So that was well done!! :)

    B) Naraku is not the type Jakotsu would be immediately attracted to, if they had ever met. ....I liked having them meet. :) But he's not really Jakotsu's type. Jakotsu's type is personified in Inuyasha. Younger than Jakotsu himself is. Naive. Innocent looking, but with a fighting spirit. Cute. Naraku is none of these (even though he is gorgeous) and so, Jakotsu would not be the one to make the first move if this encounter ever occurred. Naraku may seduce him (which you had him do, yay you!!) I'm just pointing out that Jakotsu would not be the first one to flirt, and it may even take a fair bit of seducing to win him over.

    I'm really not trying to rip on you. I think it was good! These are just the two things that stood out most in my mind as being OOC. I'm a HUGE Jakotsu fangirl, so..err..of course I felt it was my sovereign duty to butt my way in and help. ;) It's too bad you seemed a little squeamish about writing the first rape scene...because I think writing insane, sadistic Ja is one of the most fun things in the world. :)

    So...if you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me, even if you wanna just bitch me out for sticking my nose in.

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