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Reviews for From The Ashes

By : KogasAngel
  • From ANON - kat on December 11, 2014
    I stumbled upon this story and really enjoyed it. Sorry to see that it doesn't seem to be finished thought. Hoping you will complete it eventually!
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  • From o0kittyblue0o on January 30, 2009
    wonderful story so far! please contact me when you update, I'd like to see how this one turns out.
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  • From madmiko on November 01, 2008
    Congratulations! Your fic has been featured for the November Fanfic Spotlight on The Deadliest Sin, a new Hiei/Kagome community. Feel free to come by and look around! We're a growing community looking to encourage authors and artists that enjoy the pairing. Good work on creating such a wonderful story!
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  • From Fourshotchild on September 24, 2008
    The story is enchanting so far. I'm curious
    to see who Kagome pairs up with, if she pairs
    up. I've noticed that you're not really a
    Kagome and Inuyasha person. Lol. Well, I can't
    blame yah. I hope to see how they resolve this
    darker phoniex problem and being the sucker I am,
    I'd love to see some romance.
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  • From bellaniece on August 06, 2008
    this is a really great story, I hope that you update soon.
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  • From lex1621 on June 11, 2008
    I'm so glad you updated! I love this story and can't wait to find out what happens next.
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  • From madmiko on May 04, 2008
    Whew! What a roller coaster ride of emotions! I'm not sure where to start, so I'll start with Kikyou and Kagome, since most of this centered around them. It was really, really hard to hear kagome say how much she hated Kikyou and for Kikyou to answer her back so calmly. I was really feeling bad because at first it made Kagome seem petty and like the bad guy trying to intrude on the true love between Inu and Kik. And then Kikyou leaves and we find out that she lied to Kagome, -- that she knew that Inuyasha was falling in love with HER and just hadn't been able to give him up. So, was the lie that hanyou and youkai only give their hearts once, -- they have only one love? If that was the lie, then Hiei could have told her. Or was the lie about WHO Inuyasha loved? Kik's thoughts were that Inu loves Kagome even now, but he sure doesn't show it at all. And then later, the phoenix lets Kik know that he knows her secret, -- that she had killed a child she had conceived with Inuyasha because she couldn't bear to have a child with youkai blood in its veins. *fans self* It seemed as if Kagome also knows, since she was crying inside. And she will never tell Inu.

    Let me pause here for a moment of sheer, unadulterated BEGGING. Please, please, please let the phoenix tell Inu the truth!!! He deserves to know that everything he has done, -- every choice he has made, -- every time he hurt Kagome, -- it was all for a lie. He deserves to know the lengths that Kikyou went to in order to hold onto him, when she simply can NOT ever truly accept all of him. He deserves to know those things for himself, but he also deserves to know them so he can face how much HE wronged Kagome. He seems to be doing a good job of blaming HER right now. I was glad to see him feel ashamed that he had falunted his feelings for Kik in front of her, but that just isn't enough if those feelings were manipulated. Kik knew what she was doing to Kagome. And it is KILLING me that she is coming off looking so good when everyone is looking down their noses at Kagome. I mean, it was HARD to watch Kagome/the phoenix move towards Kikyou and Inuyasha get all riled up and threatening her. And then Kaede made her confess to hating Kik in front of everyone. And then crying, "I just want to be loved, -- is that so wrong?" (Sorry, -- old SNL flashback. LOL!!) It just made her look pathetic. And it was eating me alive. LOL!! I hate it when you do that!! And I love it when you do that. You really know how to wring out my emotions.

    Kag's interaction with Hiei was interesting. And you really shocked me by having Yukina overhear that last part. That's an interesting development. Kagome is really making him think about himself and his life, isn't she? And he had read accounts that told how badly she was treated by Inu and yet she stood by him, always.

    I'm going to put in a bid here for MORE Hiei/Kag next time, and more Miroku and Onigumo. Kaede and Genkai, too. Those are the characters I must have MORE of. ^_^ Fabulous chapter, as always.

    P.S. I would love to volunteer to beta on this, but I am scared of time committments. LOL!! However, if and when you need someone, if you don't get a steady one, please feel free to email me and I'll try to help. themadmiko @ yahoo
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  • From Kula on May 03, 2008
    Love your stories, can't wait for the next update.
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  • From MichiruAOZ on January 11, 2008
    This is a really cool story and I look forward to seeing where you take it, so if you would please email me the updates when you post them. Till then keep up the great work.

    Michiru ^.~

    My email is
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  • From Silent Pluto on January 01, 2008
    oooh I like this story
    very creative, You just gotta keep going!
    Update soon k?
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  • From madmiko on December 18, 2007
    "Houston, we have a problem." LOL!! (Sorry, that was all I could think about when I read the first line. ^_^ Shows my age, doesn't it?) This was another terrific chapter and i was so delighted to see it up! But, it certainly was not at all what I was expecting. I can see what you meant about trying to walk the line between making Kagome just too unsympathetically bitchy and still making the point about the nature of the creature inside her. I think you did that fine. I really didn't think she treated Shippou poorly at all, -- it seemed like she was telling him to go away so he wouldn't get hurt. So, I really didn't see why Hiei got up in her face about it, or why Shippou got all weepy and cried on Kikyou's shoulder about it. Yes, she was abrupt with them and she wasn't telling them what they wanted to know, but I thought they were all acting a bit strange towards HER. Heck, NO ONE, including Shippou, ran up and welcomed her back with open arms and a "Praise the kamis, you're alive!" Where was the thanks for how she had killed Naraku and saved them all? I love it that she blew a gasket when Inuyasha talked smack about her mother. Sesshoumaru was a bit out of line, too. His brother deserved to get his ass blasted, and he should have just let her do it instead of telling her to let it go and come with them. Yes, he's stoic and focused on the problem at hand, but KAGOME just showed up ALIVE, and he didn't show her any respect. Heck, Kurama and Hiei were there when she battled Naraku. Why didn't SOMEONE act just a little Happy that she was alive? What a nice reception from her "friends" and allies. I hope Sango and Miroku hug her. She needs it.

    Now, Inuyasha's reaction just blew me away. "That bitch Kagome is alive." WTF?!!? Since when does he have such contempt and hatred for her? It seemed completely bizarre to me. Yes, he was angry and confused to see her there, but ... Are you sure he doesn't have a dark phoenix controlling HIM? LOL!! What the heck was up with him telling her not to dare mention Kikyou's name? She wasn't saying anything against Kikyou, -- she was dissing HIM. And don't get me started, ...

    Too late. "She has sacrificed much and deserves respect." Um, yeah, right. What did she sacrifice that Kagome didn't? Kagome sacrificed her LIFE to save the lives of thousands of people. Kikyou didn't sacrifice her life for ANYONE, -- she was just killed by Naraku. So, okay. Inuyasha's just an ass, and I can ignore his crap. But when and why did Kikyou become so wonderful that she was comforting Shippou, and King Enma was going to ask HER how to take power from a miko, and she was so sympathetic and helpful to Kagome? Don't get me wrong, I don't think Kikyou always has to be portrayed as a bitch. But she sure isn't the be-all, know-all, kind-to-all, can-do-all loving earth mother, either. The truth is, even when she was alive, she was cold and emotionless. Even her kindness to children only came after she was dead and had part of KAGOME'S soul in her. (My personal theory is that it was Kagome's personality coming through. I think all of her caring ways were really Kagome's. And in the end, she NEVER told Inuyasha she LOVED him. She didn't have it in her.) I just really don't want to see Kagome take second seat to her again. (Sorry, but the manga has been driving me crazy here at the end, with everyone giving all the credit for everything to the twice-dead Kikyou. *sigh*)

    Okay, enough ranting. Back to the plot. As if it wasn't going to be difficult enough for Kagome to harness these new powers and have to fight a horrifying new enemy, now she also has an internal battle going on. The phoenix isn't just powerful, but evil? I know I need to go back and read up on the Shikon because I'm sure you've covered this, but I found myself wondering about Midoriko being separate from the Shikon. I guess I always assumed her soul was one of the "four souls." Isn't it supposed to be a balance of good and evil? How IS it corrupt when it is inside of Kagome? And the Shikon considers King Enma its enemy, too? I can't wait to hear the explanation for THAT. And the tidbit about the phoenix having feelings for her mother was very interesting. This is such a fascinating tale, and you have certainly proven you have twists and turns in store for us. I hope you will be able to walk that line and keep Kagome likeable and sympathetic, and not so darn weak. It's disheartening to see her need so much help again. This whole struggle with the phoenix will just make Inuyasha believe he was right about her. When she was dead, and Hiei was doing research on her,and had the respect for her she had earned during their brief acquaintance, I could see how he would stand by her and champion her. But, now with his quick contempt and her obvious weakness, ... Well, I just can't wait to see what you have in mind to change that.

    Oh! And it tickles me that Onigumo is the only one with any brains. LOL!! I'm glad that Kaede will be playing a part in this. I felt sad again, though, when Koenma said, "All those who mattered to the miko are already gathered." Yes, they all mattered to HER, but in this chapter, she sure didn't seem to matter much to anyone. She was just a problem to take care of. *sigh*
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  • From sysclp on December 17, 2007
    I always enjoy your stories and this one is no different. I too have developed a liking for the Hiei/Kagome pairing and was pleased to find your new story. I look forward to your future chapters.
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  • From MourningRaven on December 17, 2007
    wow! i love this story!!!! it was great!

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  • From Tricia1224 on December 16, 2007
    Yay! A new chapter. This was awesome. I feel sorry for Midoriko. I wonder if she will be able to come back. Anyway, great chapter. I always look forward to your chapters.
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  • From madmiko on November 17, 2007
    Ha! I am printing this one out to take with me on my travels this week, so I'll have something good to read. ^_^ I'm still looking forward to seeing what happens now that they've discovered she's alive. So, whenever you come back to this one, I'll be here, waiting. ^_^
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