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Reviews for //OLD// I'm Here For You

By : YZZak
  • From The-Succubus-Goddess on September 04, 2013
    Oh Dear.
    I hope to see the next chapter hun!!
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  • From Princess.Kitten.Girl on August 03, 2012
    Awwww sooo sad

    Please hurry with the next chapter!!

    Is this on as well?
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  • From kisskiss on November 02, 2009
    more more more, please!!!
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  • From ANON - Peya Luna on May 06, 2009
    *gasp!* damn, i hope the next update will come VERY soon - though i can almost picture what comes next: inu turning fully youkai, since he has lost tessaiga and clearly is in a life-threatening situation. that way he should be strong enough to deal with those damn beasties, the big question however is how will youkai-inuyasha react to ginta...or poor ginta when he sees his lover in this state. apropos ginta: although he starts diverging from your original characterization i like his slowly surfacing/rebuilding self-confidence. the way you write it - intentional or not - its believable that ginta actually isn´t the totally weak wimp as everyone, including himself, believes him to be, his self-perception is just totally warped due to the earlier abuse which also (nearly) destroyed his self-confidence. but now, due to inu´s love and acceptance his sense of self-worth is rising rapidly...which leads me to the question how kouga and also hakakku must have treated him all these years to not have caused the same effect - maybe not violently and abusive, but obviously they didn´t supported him like true friends should have either. just remember how easily BOTH demanded that he gives up his love...
    *phew!* somehow i spent more time typing my review that reading the chapter LOL but i can´t help it, your story kind of inspires me to write extensive comments ;-)
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  • From butterflies1974 on April 30, 2009
    I would have to disagree with you about how Ginta is I really like his character. I think that it brings more conflict to Inuyasha's mind on how he treats him as a potential mate. Because with Ginta acting very submissive I think that it is making Inuyasha more protective and whether he likes it or not. I hope that he falls in love with Ginta. I really like your story and I wouldn't change a thing. Can't wait for the next chapters.
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  • From solitare1 on April 29, 2009
    Great story for such an unusual pairing. I never would have thought of those two together but the way you have it, it really works.
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  • From vashta on April 28, 2009
    This was a great chap, but I hate the cliffy, but that's what makes it good enough to keep coming back! I'm glad you liked my idea, and I like that Inu is all protective of Ginta. I can't wait for the next update.

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  • From Kuragari75 on April 28, 2009
    O.O What is it with people and evil, evil cliff hangers!!!! NO!!!! please update soon! this is going to be killing me!
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  • From Kuragari75 on April 27, 2009
    *does a happy dance* A Update!!! woot! I love this story! I like that you had Inuyasha considering Ginta's feelings when it came to actually killing Kouga... I just feel bad for poor Ginta. hopefully Inuyasha will make him feel better, ne?
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  • From butterflies1974 on April 19, 2009
    I like this story. And a thought on your author notes about their personalities: I think you are right on target because you have to figure that Inu yasha would be like that if he was sleeping with Kagome and if Kagome was that easy then her personality fits. Kouga would most likely be an ass because he is very protective of his pack. And Inuyasha would have conflict if he so much time and "love" invested with Kagome, so I really like the conflict in his heart. Thank you for a very good story. And I look forward to another chapter.
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  • From ANON - peyaluna on April 17, 2009
    i think your explanation for ginta´s submission to inu as well to his generally 'weakness' is very believable, plus i´m intrigued that kouga´s order to forget about inu seems to awake his last shred of dominance...maybe he´s gonna surprise his alpha. moreover, i don´t think that kouga should give himself airs, as inu is without any doubt stronger than him and could kill him anytime he wanted, as he has just proven. i bet kouga´s ego is hurt as bad as his leg by this ;-) besides, if kouga really wants to mate kagome, that would made his kids hanyou´s too, right? or maybe kagome is merely a plaything to him, something he thinks he can anger inu with now that he´s got her....and i would love to see her enraged reaction once she realises this!! also, i think besides his stupid prejudices against hanyous in general kouga is afraid of bringing inu in the family because he knows very well that inu is stronger, and thus would endanger his position as the alpha of the pack.
    btw, i love inu´s protective side towards ginta, i think the others weakness/submissiveness allows his youkai kind of to ignore that he´s male and see him as a mate he has to protect....speaking of youkai-instincts, i wouldn´t be surprised if inu´s feelings for kagome would fade drastically once she smells like kouga all over, or at the latest when she get´s pregnant.
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  • From vashta on April 17, 2009
    It's bad that he's chasing after her, but it would be so much better for him to catch her begging Inu's forgiveness or something! He needs to be slapped down and so does she. I think she is coming across as sluttish, but that's the way you've designed her character in this, it would be hard to change it now and I don't have a problem with it. I can say one thing though about oocness. I think it is a stretch to have Inu ready to forgive and forget after she bangs Kouga, I mean he put up with a lot from Kikyo but she never bent over for anyone else so to speak. I don't think he'd just let this go, and Kouga is in my opinion in character. He has insulted Inu for being a halfbreed before, and he loves to torment him, the only real stretch I see are Kags being so easy and Inu letting her crap go. I have a question, is this going to be total angst from beginning to end, because I don't think I can take that?!

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  • From ANON - Peya Luna on March 20, 2009 sweet! and hot ;-) i like that you made kagome a slut while ginta was - at least emotionally - a virgin. ok, so the big love declaration was a bit too early, but people tend to get sappy after having sex LOLOL and they definitely do care about each other a great deal, and inu trusts ginta, seeing how relaxed he was around him during his vulnerable time. kudos for pointing out him being torn between human emotions and demonic instincts, i´m already curious how he´ll react towards ginta once he´s hanyou again. nevertheless, the road ahead may be bumpy, but i´m confident that they´ll make it!
    p.s. why doesn´t ginta have the dominance/submission problem with the situation like inu? i mean, he even submitted to him in his human form(!) without his youkai complaining whereas the mere though of submitting to fullblooded ginta drives inu´s halblood youkai up the wall.
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  • From ANON - tolani on March 19, 2009
    thanks for finally updating update soon.
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  • From vashta on March 19, 2009
    I like this so far, but please, please, please, let Kagome get what's coming to her, and Kouga too! I can't stand her even in the manga, she drives me crazy!
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