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Reviews for Rebels Just Need Love

By : ChelseaTygers
  • From SplendentGoddess on December 20, 2014
    I actually really kinda liked this. Sure, one could argue the whole incest thing is wrong, but that's like a HUGE double-standard when such a giant ass chunk of the fandom is into Inu/Sess yaoi. So screw it, and let them screw each other. Only part of the story that kinda sucked was what happened with Izayoi, but on the other hand, life sucks sometimes. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. The up against the wall non-con...well, I figured something like that was gonna happen at some point since you tagged it and all, so I was prepared. It wasn't as bad as it could have been and as twisted as it sounds, if I were Kagome I probably would've reacted the same way. At least in the forgiving department, not that I'd ever be into incest in the first place. Definitely wouldn't have staged what she did with her dad to walk in on them, LOL, but that was a good idea on her part so that they could be together. And though sick and twisted a lot of your stories may be, they are well written, so kudos for that!
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