Unforeseen Obstacles | By : Xakana Category: InuYasha > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 5572 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
Disclaimer: I don’t know Rumiko Takahashi, so I can’t say I own any of this. Now the warning: YAOI. That’s right, man lovin’ man. If you don’t like that, you don’t have to read another word. If you don’t like my pairing, you don’t have to read it, but you’ll be missing out! I’m constantly reading InuYasha fics with pairings I don’t like just because I like the story. But if you don’t like my story, please be polite when you tell me. And also, tell me why. Or if you do like it, review and write whatever you want, LOL.
Notes: Ack! There’s that damn angst I warned about…
Genre: Drama, romance… Whatever I classified this as, I’m sure angst will sneak its stinky butt in here.
Rating: R
Codes: Mir/Sess, Mir/San, Inu/Kag
Feedback: Reviews are something that give me a happy little thrill. They’re also making my muse purr and chatter.
Unforeseen Obstacles…Chapter 11
Circling the drain, Spiraling to Hell…
Miroku opened his eyes when the first rays of dawn pressed against them. He turned his head to look at his bedmate, causing Sesshomaru’s eyes to open, his mouth to close and his breathing to change. But Sesshomaru didn’t jump to his feet as he had the last time Miroku had caught him sleeping. Miroku let out a hiss when he tried to move and found himself stiff and sore. I feel like I’ve been fighting demons all night, Miroku thought. He sat up and looked next to him and amended the thought: No, just the one. He smiled. Sesshomaru sat up and began seeking out his clothing.
“Good morning,” Miroku said, cheerfully. Despite the soreness, he felt he had slept better than he had in a full season. Sesshomaru nodded to him, then began collecting his clothing. Well that was almost friendly! Miroku thought, as cheerful as his greeting had been. Perchance Sesshomaru truly had been as frustrated as I? Miroku actually found the thought comforting. Uh, I really need a bath. As much as he didn’t want to bathe in icy water, he couldn’t ignore the need to do so. So he grabbed his clothing and carried it down to the pool of water the girls had used the night before. Sesshomaru walked next to him, also carrying his clothes rather than putting them on. Miroku put a toe in the water, trying to work up his courage to enter it. Sesshomaru simply walked in as though it wasn’t just barely warmer than ice. Miroku was amused to see that the taiyoukai’s body was affected the same as his, despite the bravado. Bracing himself, he splashed into the water and began cleaning up the mess from last night.
He watched Sesshomaru scrubbing himself and washing his hair while he cleaned his own body. Miroku was annoyed at his own desire to go help the youkai clean himself. Especially since he doubted any actual ‘cleaning’ would happen. He frowned. He thought last night would rid him of such thoughts, not make them easier to evoke. He wanted to go back to normal. But now he wasn’t sure what normal was. He climbed out of the water and put on his clothes, glad that they weren’t noticeably dirtied from the night before. Then he sighed and returned to camp.
“Where have you been?” Sango shouted when Miroku stepped into sight. Miroku stopped, startled by the anger in her eyes.
“I was bathing, why?” Miroku asked, feigning innocence.
“Alone?” Sango growled. Miroku finally realized that she assumed he had been with another woman.
“My dear Sango,” Miroku said, smiling and relieved to be able to tell the truth as he grabbed her hand between both of his. “Rest assured that you are the only woman for me!”
“Huh,” InuYasha grunted contemptuously. Miroku glared at him, but InuYasha just rolled his eyes. “Come on, we’re wasting time.”
“Have you no dignity?” Sesshomaru asked as InuYasha sniffed at the ground, trying to pick up Zetsumei’s scent.
“Shut up,” InuYasha retorted. After a short while with his nose buried in the dirt, InuYasha finally achieved his goal. “This way,” he called as he took off.
After traveling for most of the day, Kagome asked, “Are you sure this is the right way?” Nothing was dead, they had passed two prosperous villages and it just seemed... wrong. Then the earth exploded in front of them and InuYasha jumped back, moving Kagome with him. At the first sight of Zetsumei, Miroku grabbed Rin and hopped on Ah-un, as Sesshomaru had told him. Ah-un flew up into the air alongside Kirara, who carried Sango and Shippo. Ah-un shot a brilliant bolt at Zetsumei as Sango flew hiraikotsu straight at the death demon. InuYasha used his Iron Claw attack and Sesshomaru used his poison whip. Zetsumei roared and stepped back.
They were right about his weakness. Jaken danced around on the ground, using the Staff of Heads, not that it was doing a lot of good. It mostly helped in the way Shippo’s foxfire did. Zetsumei swung wildly and slammed into Ah-un, who fell from the sky. Miroku grabbed Rin and pulled her on top of him as they fell off the two-headed demon. He hit the ground and she landed on him, knocking the wind out of him from both sides. He watched Zetsumei’s hand come down and he rolled, shielding the girl with his body. Zetsumei had realized their weakness as well. Where it touched Miroku, he felt himself go numb, but he didn’t die. He was about to take his chances with the pestilence and his wind tunnel when Sesshomaru stepped in front of him. Toukijin swung and met the demon’s arm, slicing it away completely. Sesshomaru looked down at them with contempt.
“If you are useless, then get away.” Then he was gone. Miroku was furious. The taunting of his lover was the only excuse he had for what he did next.
“Wind Tunnel!” Zetsumei screamed as he was sucked into Miroku’s hand. Miroku screamed as he felt the disease enter his body, the Zetsumei’s claws of death tearing his hand open just a little more. He closed his hand against the injury and to keep from sucking his friends in. Zetsumei was gone. Miroku fell to his knees, burning with a fever of plague.
“Hoshi-sama?” Rin asked.
“Get away from him, Rin, right now.” Sesshomaru said. Rin stared at him wide-eyed as she ran to comply. Sesshomaru grabbed Sango’s arm as she ran to him.
“Let me go!” Sango yelled at him. “He’s hurt!”
“He’s plagued,” Sesshomaru corrected. Sango went still and he released her. “If any of you values your pathetic mortal lives, you will leave now.”
“We’re not just leaving him alone!” Kagome cried. Sesshomaru turned to her.
“Care for Rin. I will sit with the monk until he dies.” Miroku went cold, ‘until he dies’ repeating itself in his head over and over.
“He’s not going to die,” Sango screamed. Sesshomaru looked to his brother for help for the first time in his life. InuYasha’s eyes widened. He looked at Miroku, obviously torn.
“Damnit, I told you not to die on me,” InuYasha hissed at Miroku. He looked at Sesshomaru. “We won’t be far.”
“No!” Sango screamed. Kagome put a hand on her shoulder. Sango jerked away, tears running down her cheeks, and ran away.
“Sango!” Kagome yelled and followed. Shippo, the only full demon and the only one safe from the disease making its way painfully through Miroku’s body walked over to the monk.
“Here,” he said, giving Miroku his piece of snakeskin. Then, his eyes tearing up, he turned and ran off, following the women. Rin followed him, with Ah-un behind her. InuYasha glared at them both as he walked off.
“Fucking baka,” was InuYasha’s parting shot. Miroku’s heart filled. It may have been an insult, but InuYasha could say more with an insult than many men could say with poetry. Miroku watched them walk away from where he lay on the ground until only Jaken, Kirara and Sesshomaru remained.
“Go with the others,” Sesshomaru told Jaken. The imp’s eyes went wide and he protested, but one backhand from the taiyoukai sent him scurrying off. Kirara leaned down and licked Miroku’s cheek with a hot, rough tongue, then she left as well.
“Good-bye,” Miroku whispered. He couldn’t believe this was how he would die. He closed his eyes and prepared to wallow in self-pity. Sesshomaru sat next to him and Miroku lashed out in fury. “Why?”
“Why what?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Why did you sleep with me?”
“I was tired.”
“Shimatta, you know what I mean.” Sesshomaru met Miroku’s glare. Miroku searched his eyes, his face, for any clue why the demon haunted him so. Sesshomaru looked at him questioningly. “I was looking for some answer in your eyes,” Miroku told him.
“And what do you see?”
“I find malicious laughter, hate and lies,” Miroku spat out. Sesshomaru didn’t look concerned. “It's not like you can save me.” Miroku accused. “It's not like you even care.” He looked over, expecting to see hatred in Sesshomaru’s eyes, but the demon wasn’t there. Miroku was startled when Sesshomaru lifted his head and shoulders and put them in his lap. Miroku stared up, surprised. The youkai unbound Miroku’s hair and ran his talons through it lightly. Miroku’s scalp stung momentarily from having his perpetually bound hair released, and then there was a relief as the gentle fingers massaged his head. He let his eyes close again and just enjoyed the sensation as the rest of his body burned and ached. He opened them again when he felt Sesshomaru’s soft lips press against his forehead. All his anger faded and only the fear of death remained.
“Rescue me from this black hole that's sucked me in and left me dying,” Miroku whispered and closed his eyes again.
“I will,” Sesshomaru promised. Miroku tried not to be sick when Sesshomaru lifted him out of his lap again and laid his head down gently. The pain that was in his skin sank down to his bones and he ground his teeth together.
“Huh?” Miroku was surprised to find his head resting in a pool of something warm and fuzzy. He recognized it as the white thing that Sesshomaru always had over his shoulder. Miroku followed it to Sesshomaru, who was stretched out on the ground next to him. Sesshomaru had taken his hand and was staring at the same sky as he. A peace came over Miroku for a moment, blocking out the horrendous pain of the sickness that was killing him. Then all the pain hit him like a dozen hiraikotsu hitting him all over his body.
“Miroku?” Miroku barely moved his head to look at Kagome. She stood a safe distance away. He saw her eyes widen at the sight of Sesshomaru holding his hand and laying next to him. “I just wanted… to let you know…” Kagome had to stop and catch her breath. Miroku closed his eyes against her tears. He couldn’t bear to see a woman in pain, least of all over him. “You…”
“I will miss you all as well,” Miroku managed. “You have all been good friends. Tell Sango…” Miroku thought it cruel to send his love to a woman in front of his lover, so he stopped.
“That he loves her,” Sesshomaru finished, startling Miroku. “If you two are finished, you had better stay away, girl. Say good-bye, now, and don’t linger.” There was a mocking quality to his voice that made Miroku angry. Didn’t he care that he was dying?
“You rotten—!” Kagome yelled, but Sesshomaru interrupted.
“Yes, I’ve heard it before. Go girl, you are helpless.”
”You are selfish—” Miroku hissed at him.
”You are hollow inside!” Kagome tossed over her shoulder as she ran back down the hill and out of sight.
”You are hopeless...” Sesshomaru said. Of whom, Miroku wasn’t sure. He guessed it was both of them.
Sesshomaru hoped that Miroku wasn’t contagious. Truly, Rin had been so close to him when he had used his kazaana that if he was infectious, she would die, too. He knew that if she were ill, Jaken would tell him. Miroku’s lungs were now rattling and Sesshomaru knew there wasn’t much time left before he would die. He was amazed that Miroku had stayed so quiet. He seemed to be in a great deal of pain, but aside from the occasional harsh breath, he did not show it. It's too late now to fall asleep… So just lie here and watch you breathe. In the morning you'll be gone… like everything I've ever loved. Miroku’s eyes went wide and Sesshomaru knew it was almost time. He sat up and brushed the hair away from Miroku’s face.
“Just kiss me before you go,” Sesshomaru whispered. Miroku looked up at him, startled, then closed his eyes. Sesshomaru took that last kiss from him. When he sat back up, a rattle slid out of Miroku’s throat. Sesshomaru stood and pulled out tenseiga, looking for the underworld beings that would come to take him. But they didn’t come.
“No.” Sesshomaru said, going cold. He looked harder, but saw nothing. Tenseiga fell from his hand. A darkness grew inside, in fading shades of grey. All the colors of the world were slowly sucked away. Sesshomaru was sinking ever deeper to a place that's cold and black. “I can't believe I've lost you and you're never coming back,” he whispered. Something fell from his hand and he opened it, seeing that he had cut himself with his talons.
To be continued…I can’t believe I killed him. I didn’t mean to. I don’t know why it happened. Maybe it’s just thatthis was written at 2am... Eek, that's a cliffhanger, huh? -quickly erects a fence- I hope that keeps people from hurting themselves! Thanks to Shanna and Shadowed Blade for the origin of the term 'lemon'! And, Shadowed Blade yes, I adore Wikipedia. Newfies are grat dogs. I need a family-friendly one that I'm not going to be scared of (ironically, I'm terrified of chihuahuas, lol) that's nice and big and cuddly, but able to assist in several different ways and Newfies fit the description perfectly. I'm quite capapble of the constant grooming they require and I actually prefer long-haired dogs anyway. Shanna--of course your prediction came true! Cliffhangers and me go together like... me and angst... er... yeah.
Lilly--actually, the fanbase is a surprise to me! None of the other sites I've posted this story on have as many people who like it. I've been treated very well by And don't worry. Plot doesn't go away. It must be confronted, beaten into submission and spread out like a buffet. Er… Hmm… that didn't come out sounding like I don't have lemon on the brain. -sweatdrop appears over head- Hey! what's that? -Chases it around, having noticed that it seems to havemagenta stripes- Those stripes were just an odd thought I had after realizing that Sesshomaru had stripes on his wrists. Since I like his stripes, it just seemed natural to accent his... inkei (ha ha ha, I didn't have to say it in English!). It's not that I'm prudish, I just don't like any words for the male anatomy. If it was Miroku, I could make a staff joke...
YoukaiObessed--glad you're feeling better! That's not the only lemon this story will have, but it will be a while before the next. I hope that fence kept you on the cliff... 'cause the next chapter is coming up!
And I fixed that weird sentence that got screwed up somehow when posting. That's what I get for writing extra bits just for this site, I suppose.
-Stares at Kai- you want angst? Well, you've come to the right writer! Fluff and I just don't get along very well. Of course, during my fangirl moments, I do get along with Fluffy-sama… hehehe. -looks up at what she wrote- oops… now's not the time for humor, Miroku just died! Not the first funeral I've laughed at (I deal with grief in strange ways).
Sorry I didn't get an update in yesterday, but it was my day off and I spent some of it paying bills, some at the manga store -happy drool- and most of it downloading fanmade InuYasha music videos. Being on dial up means that when I'm downloading, that's ALL I'm doing. But I'm not obsessed, no...
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