Taisho Promise | By : SesshouLover2010 Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female > Sessh?maru/Kagome > Sessh?maru/Kagome Views: 14760 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
The party was in full swing when Inu Yasha walked in with his arm around Kikyou. Hiten and Manten immediately left them to mingle with the rest of the crowd after saying hello to Hakudoshi.
“Haku,” Kikyou greeted and gave him a hug which Inu Yasha didn’t particularly care for.
Hakudoshi smirked at the couple, “How’s it going? I heard Sesshoumaru’s been giving you some problems since he started associating with that Higurashi girl.”
Inu Yasha snorted, “He’s just tutoring her. There’s no way he’d associate with her personally.”
Hakudoshi arched an eyebrow when he looked toward the door before smiling in a wicked manner.
“Well it appears that someone else would associate with her.” The snow white haired teenager said softly.
Inu Yasha and Kikyou turned to look at the door and their jaws dropped. Standing there larger than life was Naraku with his arm around Kagome’s shoulders.
“Has Naraku lost his mind?” Hiten asked. “Why the hell would he bring Fat Ass here?”
Kikyou’s teeth were grinding together, “She’s going to ruin this party. I can’t believe he would show up with her.”
“Are they a couple or what?” Manten asked, scratching his shaved head in confusion.
“I heard he asked her to the prom.” Tsubaki, Hiten’s latest fling said. “Apparently he helped her find her dress and everything.”
“He’s taking that cow to our prom?” Kikyou demanded.
Tsubaki shrugged, “That’s only what I heard.”
“What does she have that the rest of us don’t?” Yura demanded on the other side of Hiten.
“An ass with a lot of cushion?” Inu Yasha asked with a smirk.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kikyou asked.
“Well think about it.” Inu Yasha said. “If Naraku falls down all he has to do is put Kagome underneath him and the blubber will bounce him right back on his feet.”
Everyone laughed.
“Actually I know something Kagome has that the rest of us don’t.” Tsubaki said.
“Oh yeah?” Yura asked. “What’s that?”
“She’s a virgin and isn’t known as the school whore.”
“Fuck you bitch!” Yura growled.
Tsubaki licked her lips and looked up at Hiten. “I think we’ve found our third.”
“I wouldn’t crawl into bed with your gross ass even if you did pay me.” Yura exclaimed.
“But you’ve crawled into Hiten’s bed more than once.” Manten exclaimed and took a drink of his beer.
Inu Yasha eyed the beer and left Kikyou to find the coolers, he was dying for a brew. Finally finding them, he took one out and cracked it open. He stood there for a moment drinking it down while listening to his classmates and friends put Kagome down. He chose to ignore them, eventually the voices would quiet.
Meanwhile Kikyou, Tsubaki and Yura were all huddled in a corner.
“How dare that bitch show up here?” Kikyou hissed.
“You’ve never allowed anyone to bother you this much before.” Yura said. “Are you jealous of her?”
Kikyou glared at the hair youkai, “What do I have to be jealous of? She’s a fat assed bitch that doesn’t deserve someone as good looking as Naraku. I think it’s time to teach her another lesson.”
Tsubaki’s eyes lit up, “What do you suggest?”
Kikyou smirked evilly at Kagome, who was standing silently next to Naraku. “We need to find Muso, I saw him when Inu Yasha and I came in.”
Yura smirked, “He’s upstairs with Hiten’s sister.”
Kikyou grinned and headed toward the stairs with Tsubaki and Yura following behind.
Sesshoumaru thrust at the air in front of him with his sword. Since leaving his father’s study, the inu youkai had been out in the dojo. He’d long ago shed his shirt and was now wearing a loose hakama. His bare feet made no noise on the hardwood floor while he continued to battle an unseen enemy.
‘Jealous!’ he fumed silently. ‘What is there to be jealous of? Naraku is not good enough for Kagome. He will bring her to harm, my interest is strictly her safety.’
*Interest?* his beast growled in amusement. *Why would you choose such a word? It indicates that your feelings for the human are more than just safety issues.*
‘Silence!’ Sesshoumaru growled back and flung his sword to the side. The weapon spun end over end before the blade imbedded itself in the wall.
“Master Sesshoumaru?”
Sesshoumaru glared at Jaken, who had been serving their family for nearly six hundred years. “Speak.”
Jaken swallowed. “Milord, there is a phone call for you at the main house. It is a female.”
Sesshoumaru stalked out of the dojo and made it to the main house in record time. Snatching up the waiting phone, he nearly growled into the receiver.
“What?” he demanded.
“S-Sesshoumaru,” a timid female voice answered. “This is K..Kagura, Kagome’s friend.”
“How did you get my number?”
He could hear the wind youkai swallow before continuing.
“Um, we, that is Shippou, Kanna and I thought you should know something.” Kagura said softly. “Naraku is taking Kagome to a party tonight and we think she might run into some trouble.”
“That is no concern of mine.” Sesshoumaru retorted but his mind started working into overdrive.
There was some shifting on the phone and Shippou’s voice greeted him next.
“Look, we know you’ve taken it upon yourself to protect her.” Shippou exclaimed. “Kagura won’t tell me why but I believe her when she says that Naraku is going to end up hurting Kagome. If you won’t go check on her then at least tell us where this party that Hakudoshi is throwing and we’ll get her ourselves.”
“I do not know nor do I care to know.” Sesshoumaru answered. “Do me a favor and loose this phone number.”
Sesshoumaru abruptly hung up on them before he could hear their protests. Pressing the talk button again, he dialed the number of the cell phone he’d given Kagome earlier that day. He frowned when the phone rang endlessly; obviously the girl hadn’t set up the voice mail yet. Just as he was about to hang up a young male voice answered the phone.
“Kagome’s phone.” The boy said uncertainly.
Sesshoumaru immediately recognized the voice of Kagome’s little brother Souta.
“Where is your sister?” he demanded.
“Sesshoumaru?” Souta asked the excitement could be heard in his voice. “She went out on a date with Naraku. They left a good two hours ago. She’ll be back around eleven if you want to talk to her.”
“Thank you.” Sesshoumaru stated and hung up.
The young lord resisted the urge to throw the phone against the wall. Was the girl stupid or did she have a death wish? He had given her the phone for her safety and she forgets to take it. Racing up the stairs Sesshoumaru entered his bedroom and started sifting through his closet. He hadn’t planned to attend Hakudoshi’s party but that did not mean he didn’t receive an invitation. His evening was shot to hell and he would make sure the girl paid for it.
Unbeknownst to Sesshoumaru someone else had also heard the conversation between him and Shippou. Inu Taisho stared at the phone with a frown. He’d heard of Naraku through his business contacts. It was said the hanyou had literally drove a poor girl to insanity but there was no proof. Inu Taisho only knew of this because the girl was the daughter of one of his human business associates. Picking up the phone, Inu Taisho dialed the number of a private investigator he’d worked with before.
“Sugimi, so wonderful to hear from you!”
Inu Taisho chuckled, “Now how did you know it was me Jakotsu?”
“Oh you big silly, caller ID. Want to talk to my manly man?”
“Yes I do, I have a job for him.”
Inu Taisho laughed softly again when he heard Jakotsu calling for his partner.
“Taisho, what’s up?” Bankotsu asked.
“I need you to do some deep checking for me. I need everything you can get your hands on about Naraku Onigumo.”
Bankotsu paused on the phone before speaking again. “I won’t have to go far for that one. I got the same request from your son Sesshoumaru the other day. He’s got everything I could dig up.”
Inu Taisho stood up, “I believe some fresh air would do me good.”
Bankotsu chuckled, “Sounds like a good idea. I’ll have Jakotsu compensate for dinner.”
Inu Taisho hung up the phone and grabbed his jacket, wallet and keys. He didn’t bother to let Sesshoumaru know he was leaving as he could hear his eldest moving around in his room. Walking outside, he got in his car and headed toward Bankotsu’s home.
Miroku and Sango were sitting across the street from Hakudoshi’s house watching the party from the car Sango had borrowed from her dad. Shippou had called them after speaking with Sesshoumaru and told them the inu youkai’s reaction.
“He’s been so protective of her,” Sango said after Miroku told her what had transpired. “Why would he suddenly say he didn’t care?”
“I don’t know how Sesshoumaru’s mind works Sango.” Miroku answered. “At this point all we can do is sit and wait. If Naraku leaves with Kagome all right then we’ll go home but not a moment before.”
Sango leaned back in her seat, frustrated. Snatching up the soda they’d gotten at a drive through and took a long drink out of it. She just hoped it didn’t take affect and make her race to find a bathroom at the wrong moment.
Kagome sighed and tried to relax. She kept hearing the insults thrown her way. They were spoken softly but it was as if they wanted her to hear them. Naraku glanced down at her and inwardly smirked; everything was going according to plan. Everyone knew he was going to show up but didn’t say who he would be bringing. He would have rather been upstairs banging Yura or even Kikyou at that moment. Warmth spread through his body at the thought of Kikyou’s long legs wrapped around his waist. At this point his goal was to get both young women in bed with him at the same time. He even had it planned out. Kikyou would ride his cock while Yura rode his face.
Kagome shivered in his hold and he fell back into character changing his expression to one of concern. He could tell she was nervous and even a bit scared; perfect.
“Ignore them.” Naraku said in his smooth voice. “They are only jealous of your beauty.”
Kagome looked up at him with a half-hearted smile. “It’s kinda hard to ignore what they’re saying but I’ll try.”
Naraku smiled softly at her, “Gossip is all it is Kagome. We know it’s not true and that’s what’s important.”
Kagome shifted a bit next to him and crossed her arms over her belly. Naraku mentally rolled his eyes at her fidgeting; she really needed to relax. Suddenly an idea came to mind, one he thought would definitely humiliate her; a perfect opportunity to ‘come to her rescue’.
“Do you like to dance?” he asked suddenly.
Kagome’s face lit up. Finally he’d hit on something she knew that despite her weight she was good at.
“Absolutely!” she exclaimed.
Naraku released her shoulders and took her by the hand. Leading her out to the dance area in the converted living room, Naraku smirked at the song that started booming through the surround sound speakers. Yes, this was perfect.
A 2 Step
A 2 Step
Now Gone An 2 Step [X4]
Now Get Jiggy With It [X4]
Now Gone An 2 Step
Aye Watch Me 2 Step
Now Can You 2 Step
Like I 2 Step
Watch Me Get Jiggy With It [X4] *
Kagome’s body took on a life of its own and started moving to the music. She danced with confidence mixing new moves with old school taught to her by Miroku. The soles of her sneakers slid across the floor and, for once in her life she didn’t slip and fall on her face.
*Gone 2 Step
U know my bankroll
Got a lot of zero's
Teddy Pain
Tha Tallahassee hero
I ain’t got a crib
Now I'm in tha A
2 stepping let me show u
How I do the thing
Take ur left foot
Put it out in the front
Then do it...like this *
Naraku danced along with her trying not to let his frustration show. He believed it would be the perfect opportunity for a set up but the girl had surprised him. Glancing around he realized that Kagome had succeeded in shocking everyone. Apparently no one believed the school’s fat girl could move like that.
*Now if you look around tha club
U would notice can't
Nobody do it quite...like this
Shades on
Dem oakley's to be exact
Now when I sing my song
Imma bring dem bitch
And u know I'm the hottest nigga
Around so when I get dem up to my room
I got em countin me down *
The song ended and Kagome gave Naraku a brilliant smile before wrapping her arms around his waist and hugging him tightly.
“You enjoy dancing quite a bit.” Naraku stated.
Kagome shrugged, “I always have. It’s one of the few things I can do well.”
“All right people,” the DJ announced, which was only Hakudoshi’s brother Goshinki. “This next song is for the couples out there. So grab your girl, ho, chick or latest lustful endeavor and dance with it.”
Laughter erupted through the party goers but Kagome remained silent. She suddenly wondered what Naraku thought of her as. To her surprise Naraku actually bowed low before her.
“May I have this dance Milady?”
Kagome blushed ten shades of red. “Um, sure.”
Naraku placed her arms around his neck while he wrapped his own arms around her waist. They weren’t pressed tightly together but it was close enough to make Kagome’s cheeks redden even more.
*I don't wanna go another day
So I'm telling you, exactly what is on my mind
Seems like everybody is breaking up
And throwing their love away
But I know I got a good thing right here
That's why I say (Hey) *
Inu Yasha had grabbed Kikyou as soon as she reappeared and led her out onto the floor. He’d watched Kagome and Naraku dancing and it made him sick. He knew Naraku was up to no good but he didn’t have any proof. He couldn’t understand why he was so worried anyway. Kagome was mature enough to look after herself.
*Nobody gonna love me better, I must stick wit u forever
Nobody gonna take me higher, I must stick wit u
You know how to appreciate me, I must stick wit u, my baby
Nobody ever made me feel this way, I must stick wit u *
Kikyou was still fuming and would give Kagome very disgusted looks whenever she caught the other girl’s attention. She would definitely insist on Naraku taking a hot shower before she’d let him touch her again after tonight.
Settling her head against Inu Yasha’s chest, she sighed in frustration. Muso had agreed to do what she wanted; he was just waiting for the right opportunity. The song ended and Naraku led Kagome off the floor. Kikyou walked with Inu Yasha over to where Hiten was. The two males struck up a conversation about football of all things but Kikyou was watching Kagome and Naraku like someone obsessed. Her face lit up when Naraku whispered something in Kagome’s ear and left her alone.
She smiled brightly when Muso approached Kagome then turned away from the scene, immediately pushing the fat slob out of her mind.
“Let’s get out of here.” Kikyou whispered.
Inu Yasha’s ears twitched and he grinned lustfully down at her. Looking back at Hiten, he shrugged his shoulders and followed Kikyou upstairs.
Kagome crossed her arms over her breasts and hunched her shoulders a bit when a guy she’d never seen before approached and leaned against the wall next to her.
“Saw you dancing out there with Naraku.” Muso said smoothly. “You got good moves.”
“Thank you,” Kagome mumbled politely.
“Name’s Muso, what’s yours?”
“Kagome…Higurashi Kagome.”
Muso smirked, “You’re the girl that lives at Sunset Shrine aren’t you?”
Kagome nodded and looked helplessly around the room searching for Naraku.
Sesshoumaru raced down the streets toward Hakudoshi’s home. He was going to put that stupid girl under lock and key. He told her to be careful of Naraku and now the bastard hanyou was throwing her to the wolves. His foot slammed on the brakes when he encountered a red light.
“Damn it all!” he cursed.
“Wanna get some fresh air?” Muso asked but didn’t wait for her to answer. Instead he grabbed Kagome’s hand and pulled her through the house and out into the back yard.
Kagome looked around not realizing there were even more people out here. The pool was filled to capacity with even more people wearing bathing suits.
“Wait, what about Naraku?” Kagome asked starting to get even more nervous.
“He’ll find you.” Muso answered and coaxed her onto a bench next to the outdoor cabana.
Kagome couldn’t help it and scooted a couple inches away when Muso sat down next to her.
“So,” Muso continued, turning toward her a bit. “What’s it like living at a shrine?”
Kagome lifted one shoulder, “Not much different than living anywhere else. There are the normal chores then the upkeep of the property.”
“Sounds like hard work,” Muso said softly and leaned a bit closer. “You probably don’t get much of chance to have fun.”
“I go out with my friends.”
Muso smiled, “But you don’t get to have fun.”
Kagome gaped at him, “You mean…sex?”
Muso placed a hand on her thigh, “That’s exactly what I mean.”
Kagome pushed his hand off. “I think I’d better go find Naraku.”
“Don’t be silly,” Muso stated. “He’s probably off talking with some friends of his. I don’t think he’ll mind if I borrow you for a while.”
Kagome’s eyes widened and she stood up. “Fuck you!” she hissed and turned away with all intents and purposes of finding Naraku and going home.
Muso suddenly had his arms around her from behind and the next thing she knew he was throwing her inside the cabana. Kagome stumbled forward when he released her and fell into the table, knocking it over. Twisting around she saw Muso lock the sliding door.
“Actually I’d rather fuck you.” Muso exclaimed and pounced.
Kagome started to scream but the sound was cut off by Muso’s hand covering her mouth.
“Oh no, we can’t have you screaming.” Muso whispered then glanced down at her attire. “Too bad you’re not wearing a skirt.”
Tears streamed from Kagome’s eyes as she fought the weight on top of her. Muso was just too strong and she realized she was about to loose her virginity to a rapist. She clawed at his arms with her short nails and kicked her legs trying to dislodge him. Her muffled screams weren’t heard over the loud music and talking outside just a few feet away from the cabana. Muso had the button and zipper undone on her jeans and was working them down over her bottom. In a last ditch effort she bit the soft flesh of his palm causing him to swear loudly.
“Fucking bitch!” Muso exclaimed and backhanded her.
Kagome groaned and felt her vision starting to fade.
Miroku sighed again and finally undid his seatbelt.
“Where are you going?” Sango asked.
“I have a very bad feeling.” Miroku answered. “I think we should get Kagome and take her home.”
Sango nodded and got out with him. They were crossing to the house when a horn honked and they quickly got out of the way just as Sesshoumaru brought his car to a screeching halt in the middle of the street.
Without a word, Sesshoumaru got out of his car and stalked by them. They stared after him for a moment before rushing to catch up with the obviously angry inu youkai. Sesshoumaru strode inside, ignoring Hakudoshi and let his gaze sweep over the room. He spotted Naraku with Yura in the corner, pushing the hair youkai against the wall with his body. Sesshoumaru was disgusted when Naraku’s hand started squeezing Yura’s plump breasts.
With a snarl, Sesshoumaru approached the hanyou and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
“Where is Kagome?” he demanded.
Naraku smirked, “Have no worry Sesshoumaru-sama. I will retrieve her in a few moments.”
“Retrieve her from where?”
Naraku’s smirk widened, “That is for I to know. I must say, your half brother’s bitch is quite the crafty one. I can’t wait to fuck her again and she will definitely deserve it after tonight.”
Sesshoumaru tossed Naraku aside and glared at Yura who shrank back against the wall. Slamming his hands on either side of her head he leaned in close to her.
“Where is Kagome? I will not ask again.” Sesshoumaru said softly.
Yura smirked at him, “She’s being taught an overdue lesson.”
Sesshoumaru smiled making Yura’s confidence fade very quickly. “If Kagome is hurt in any way I will make a point to forget that you and your…associates are women.” He looked down his nose at her. “Though I use that term very loosely, I will also make a point to forget that two of your whore friends are human.”
Sesshoumaru left Yura standing against the wall trembling before she ran to Naraku who was just now getting off the floor. Naraku pushed her hands away from him and followed Sesshoumaru who had already walked out to the pool deck. He walked out of the sliding door just in time to see the inu youkai rip the door off the cabana and throw it across the yard.
Kagome tried fighting her instinct to fall into oblivion; at least that way she wouldn’t feel anything. She suddenly heard a loud noise followed by growling. The weight on top of her was pulled off and she saw Sango’s face hovering over hers.
“Kagome, are you all right?” Sango asked while cupping her friend’s face in her hands. “Did we stop him in time?”
Kagome blinked at Sango drowsily and sighed, “He…he didn’t get…”
Miroku leaned over her and gestured to the state of Kagome’s jeans out of her line of sight. Sango started working the pants back up over Kagome’s hips glad to see her underwear still in place.
Meanwhile Sesshoumaru was dealing with Muso in a way very unlike him; violently. First he’d shattered the human’s nose with his fist. Muso had flown across the patio and landed on a table, crushing it with the impact. All talking and movement stopped and they watched Sesshoumaru close in, scrambling to get out of the way when he came too close.
Muso stood up clutching his nose and glared at the crimson eyed youkai. He didn’t understand why Sesshoumaru was acting this way over one human girl and decided to taunt him with it.
“What’s wrong Taisho?” Muso demanded, his voice distorted due to his broken nose. “Got a soft spot for humans now? She was about to give it up to me. Has she spread her legs for you yet?”
Sesshoumaru’s eyes widened and with a flick of his wrist an acid green whip extended from his fingers and wrapped around Muso’s neck. Muso suddenly found himself under water looking up at Sesshoumaru’s angry expression. The whip was burning the flesh of his neck. He struggled to swim to the surface and almost broke it when there was a jerk on the whip forcing him back under.
The whip was abruptly pulled back and he swam up, dragging himself out of the water. He rolled over on his side gasping for breath and wanting to scream at the pain. He opened his mouth to speak and heard nothing but a gurgle. A pair of Dockers stopped in front of him and he looked up at Sesshoumaru who was holding the girl Kagome bridal style.
“Your throat will heal.” The youkai stated. “Consider yourself fortunate you still live human. I believe you now owe Kagome your life…much more than you deserve.”
Naraku stopped in front of Sesshoumaru and stared defiantly at him. “I will take Kagome home.”
Sesshoumaru actually chuckled, “No…you will not.”
Sesshoumaru pushed Naraku aside with his shoulder and disappeared into the house. Sango and Miroku followed him but not before Miroku punched Naraku for good measure sending the hanyou into the pool.
“So Sesshoumaru thinks Naraku is going to do something to his girlfriend?” Jakotsu asked worriedly.
Inu Taisho sighed, “He refuses to admit it but he has feelings for the girl and yes, he does believe Naraku will do something.”
Bankotsu leaned his elbows on the table and frowned. “It’s going to be hard to catch him and the most he’d get is juvenile until he turns eighteen.”
“But Bank,” Jakotsu interrupted. “The paperwork says that he turns eighteen in a couple of weeks. Is there any way you can catch him and get the courts to postpone until he becomes of age?”
“It doesn’t work that way Love.” Bankotsu answered. “The only hope we’d have is to put him in juvenile and hope the courts extend it to actual prison. That and we have to prove he actually did this to the girl. He was released after questioning and had a solid alibi.”
“Can we have him followed?” Inu Taisho asked.
“Maybe,” Bankotsu said slowly. “Let me make a couple of phone calls.”
Jakotsu refilled Inu Taisho’s tea cup and shook his head. “I hope nothing happens to the poor girl.”
“As do I,” the youkai lord responded. “She’s such a sweet girl.”
“I’d love to meet her sometime.”
Inu Taisho smiled, “I think she would love to meet you too.”
Bankotsu came back in with a big smile on his face. “Suikotsu will be here in the morning to pick up the info.”
“Is he good?” Inu Taisho asked.
“Is the lemur nature’s retard?” Bankotsu asked.
Jakotsu rolled his eyes, “Dear, you watch way too much television.”
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