Taisho Promise | By : SesshouLover2010 Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female > Sessh?maru/Kagome > Sessh?maru/Kagome Views: 14760 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
Chapter 11:
Sesshoumaru came to a stop at the base of the shrine steps and put the car in park but didn’t shut it off. He had never been so angry in his life; not even Inu Yasha had pushed him to this point. The drive to the shrine had been silent and he refrained from saying anything to Kagome due to the events of the evening that and he knew he would say something he regretted.
He looked over and felt something twist in his chest when he saw Kagome huddled against the door with silent tears running down her cheeks. Her fingers fumbled with the clasp of the seatbelt and she whimpered when it didn’t come undone. He reached over and brushed her fingers aside to release the belt. The way she flinched away from him didn’t go unnoticed. A frown pulled his eyebrows down over his golden eyes; she was afraid.
“Kagome,” he said finally.
“I’m sorry Sesshoumaru,” she interrupted. “I shouldn’t have gone to the party. I should have talked Naraku into going somewhere else for our date.”
“It was because of Naraku that it happened.” Sesshoumaru stated.
Kagome slowly looked at him and he could see the denial in her eyes.
“Naraku wasn’t even with me. He went to talk to some of his friends and Muso appeared. He’s the one that dragged me out to the cabana, not Naraku.” She explained.
“Naraku was too busy feeling up Yura to notice you were gone.” Sesshoumaru said stoically.
Kagome shook her head, “No, he went with me to the party. He wasn’t feeling up anyone.”
Sesshoumaru pinched the bridge of his nose. “Not everyone has your old fashioned look on dating Kagome. He may have gone with you to the party but he was more interested in Yura.”
Kagome’s bottom lip began to quiver. “You mean he didn’t really want to…stay with me?”
“No. As I have attempted to tell you before, Naraku is not one to associate with. He will bring you harm.”
“You’re lying.” Kagome exclaimed suddenly. “He hasn’t hurt me at all. It was Muso that did it.” Her expression darkened, “If I were prettier I’d say you were jealous.”
Sesshoumaru abruptly reached over and opened the car door. “Get out Kagome!”
Kagome stared at him for a moment before Sesshoumaru growled.
“Get out or I will push you out!”
Very slowly Kagome pushed the car door the rest of the way open and stepped out.
“Good bye.” She whispered and shut the door.
Sesshoumaru put the car into drive and sped away. Unable to resist he looked into the rearview mirror. He saw her standing there unmoving with her hands covering her face. Going to the next corner, he turned and parked next to the curb. He cursed himself for becoming soft as he shut the car off and got out. He was still angry with her. How could she not see that Naraku only wanted to hurt her?
Staying in the shadows, he walked around the corner he saw her now standing in the middle of the street looking in the direction he had driven. His youkai hearing let him hear her soft sniffles and whispered apologies. She wiped the tears from her face but more fell and she looked up at the sky.
“Why the hell did I say that?” she asked. “Like anyone would ever be jealous of me.”
Kagome turned and started slowly climbing the shrine steps. Half way up she broke into a run and sprinted across the patio to her front door. Once inside, she kicked her shoes off and noticed that everyone was already asleep, for which she was grateful. Rushing up the stairs to her bedroom, she yanked off her clothes and made a beeline for a shower after grabbing her pajamas and a couple towels. Turning on the water as hot as it would go, she put herself under the spray hoping to wash off the feel of Muso’s hands.
She felt dirty and used but most of all she felt ridiculed. Naraku had asked her to go with him but left her at the mercy of a monster while he paid attention to Yura. She couldn’t blame him, Yura was a lot prettier than she was and had an actual body.
‘I’m just a shapeless blob.’ Kagome thought depressingly.
Grabbing her scrubby, she squeezed a generous amount of her cocoa butter body wash on it before scrubbing at her skin. She finally had to stop when her skin started turning red and hurting. The hot water hadn’t been turned down and she endured the sting, wanting to be clean again. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the water.
When the hot water started to cool she turned off the shower and got out. Wrapping her hair up in a towel, she dried off and put on her pajamas. Now decked out in a pair of Tinkerbell pajama pants and a white tank top, she walked back into her room.
Her blue eyes widened and she gasped when she saw Naraku sitting on her open window sill. She couldn’t help but notice how beautiful he looked with the light breeze in the window ruffling his long dark hair.
“Kagome!” he exclaimed and stood up to embrace her. “I apologize. I had no idea Muso would try to do that to you.”
Kagome pulled back and looked up at him. “You knew he took me out of the house?”
Naraku’s beautiful face contorted into an expression of great concern. “Yes. I asked Muso to keep you company until I returned. I did not know he would do something so horrid to you. I only wanted to ensure you wouldn’t be alone.”
Kagome frowned angrily. “Well he nearly made sure I wouldn’t be. I found out you were spending time with Yura.”
Naraku shook his head, “Yura came on to me! Whatever Sesshoumaru told you he witnessed did not happen.”
“He didn’t say anything about seeing something.” Kagome said.
“She kissed me,” Naraku explained. “He entered when this happened and automatically assumed the worst.”
“So, you didn’t leave me alone on purpose?” Kagome asked.
“Absolutely not!”
Kagome sighed in relief and smiled up at him. “I’m sorry our date got cut short.”
Naraku smiled back but was laughing inwardly. By the Kami this girl was stupid.
“Have no worry Kagome. We have tomorrow to make up for it.” Naraku whispered.
Kagome’s smile became brighter. “You mean you want to go out tomorrow too?”
“Of course, you did say you would spend the weekend with me.”
Kagome blushed and lowered her head shyly. “Thank you.”
Naraku hooked a finger under her chin and lifted her face to his. “Would I be too forward to ask for a proper thank you?”
Kagome’s breath caught when his lips lowered to hers. Her eyes drifted closed and her arms wound around his neck. She couldn’t stop the whimper when his hands dove into her long black hair. Finally Naraku pulled back and took a deep breath.
“This is where I say good night.” He said softly. “I will call in the morning.”
Kagome stood there and watched him exit through the window. Rushing to the sill, she kept her eyes on him as he maneuvered his way down to the ground before striding across the shrine patio. He stopped at the top of the steps and looked back. A bright smile adorned her face when he waved and she waved back happily. Once he was out of sight, she closed the window and locked it.
Walking over to her bed, she saw her reflection in the mirror and gasped when she saw the bruise on the side of her face. She would have to make some kind of excuse about that when her mother saw it. Either that or she would have to try covering it up with make up. If her mom knew the truth she’d never let her go out with Naraku again. Shutting off the light, she pulled the blankets tight around her and curled up in a ball. A shiver crawled up her spine when the wind outside picked up. Lightening flashed and she covered her head so she wouldn’t see it. If she had continued to watch she would have seen a pair of blood red eyes staring in at her.
Naraku stormed into his house and slammed the door behind him. Stopping in front of the mirror in the living room, he glared at the bruise marring his perfect face. Blood was slowly running from his nose and one corner of his mouth. He had run into Sesshoumaru at the bottom of the steps and the scene afterward hadn’t been good.
“What are you doing here Naraku?” Sesshoumaru asked.
Naraku had just reached the bottom step when Sesshoumaru’s voice stopped him. “I could ask you the same question Sesshoumaru.”
Sesshoumaru’s golden eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms over his chest. “I do hope you do not intend to continue this farce of a relationship with Higurashi.”
“Why should it matter to you?” Naraku asked with a smirk. “Kagome’s human and far beneath your notice. She would spread her thighs for me right now if I asked. Once I’ve had her perhaps you would like a taste…if you don’t loose the contents of your stomach first.”
Sesshoumaru punched him at that point wanting nothing more than to wipe the hanyou off the face of the Earth.
“I would never lower myself to such an action.” Sesshoumaru growled.
Naraku chuckled and sat up, wiping a bit of blood from his nose. “So you agree that she isn’t worth your time.”
Sesshoumaru lifted him by the shirt to his feet. “I do not have to force myself on a female to gain satisfaction. If I did desire Kagome I would let her make the choice.”
The wind was starting to pick up signaling a storm moving in but Sesshoumaru wasn’t about to let Naraku go, at least not right away.
“Ah, so you are jealous that I have something you desire.” Naraku concluded.
Sesshoumaru snarled and tossed Naraku against his car. He glared darkly when he heard Naraku’s jaw crunch but it wasn’t enough to be totally satisfying. Why the hell did everyone think he was jealous?
“You have nothing I desire filth.” Sesshoumaru stated. “Stay away from the human girl.”
Naraku gained his feet ready to brawl it out with the young lord. When he looked around Sesshoumaru was nowhere in sight. He suddenly sensed Sesshoumaru up by the house and growled angrily. Stalking around his car, he got in and peeled out.
End Flashback:
Naraku stepped away from the mirror and up the stairs. He had a very good idea of how Sesshoumaru had found out where he was taking Kagome. Approaching Kagura’s bedroom door, he flung it open and frowned when he saw the room empty. Her closet door was ajar and some of her dresser drawers were open. After a quick search he realized that she wasn’t there. Grinding his teeth together he entered Kanna’s room and found it in the same state.
“So you think you can hide from me?” Naraku demanded. “You have to make an appearance sometime.”
Inu Yasha parked down the street from the boutique Kikyou had been thrown out of. Kikyou was sitting in the front set between him and Hiten while Hakudoshi, Yura and a now patched up Muso sat in the back with Tsubaki sitting on Muso’s lap.
“I still don’t see why you wanted to come back here so fucking bad.” Inu Yasha grumbled.
Kikyou glared at him. “I’m going to get my dress Inu Yasha. That stupid man, if you want to call him that, doesn’t know who he’s messing with. I swear whoever bought my dress is going to find it ripped off when I see them.”
Inu Yasha swallowed, knowing the owner was a close friend of his father. “The owner said you couldn’t have it since you go to the same school-“
“To hell with him, her…IT.” Kikyou exclaimed and got out of the car behind Hiten. “I want that dress and no fucking gay girly man is going to keep me from it!”
Inu Yasha groaned and shook his head. “Fine, I’ll keep the car running.”
“Thanks Yashiekins.” Kikyou squealed before running around the back of the building.
The hanyou sighed heavily while everyone else ran after her. He knew who’d bought the other dress because he’d seen her try it on. His hands tightened on the steering wheel while he debated just driving off and leaving all of his friends here to get caught. Growling in frustration, he turned on the radio and tried to forget what was happening.
He lost track of how long he sat there, he only knew the station had played about ten songs and had numerous amount of commercials. By estimation he figured it had been about twenty minutes, give or take a few. Just as he was about to say fuck it and take off, Kikyou and the others came running back to the car and piled in with bags in their hands.
“Drive!” Hiten yelled.
Inu Yasha wasted no time and floored the gas pedal. As he drove away he saw smoke and flames in the rearview mirror. What the hell had he just gotten himself into?
Kagura tucked Kanna in and smiled over at Shippou.
“Thanks for letting us bunk with you.” Kagura whispered.
Shippou shrugged, “Hey, anything to help out!”
They walked out and shut the door behind them so Kanna could sleep and headed toward the living room.
“I’m surprised you didn’t ask Kirara to the prom.” Kagura said.
“She’s always working these days when she’s not in school. It was her idea for me to ask you.”
“So I wasn’t your first choice?” Kagura asked teasingly.
Shippou blushed and looked away. “Actually you were but I didn’t know if you’d accept since you said you’d like to go with Sesshoumaru.”
Kagura blinked in surprise, “You seriously thought I’d turn you down because of that?”
“Since you put it that way,” Shippou said with a grin.
Kagura jumped when lightening flashed and suddenly found herself in Shippou’s lap. Shippou held her while she shivered and let her hold on to him. That was one thing Kagura and Kagome had in common, they were both scared of thunderstorms. When the lights flickered and went out Kagura whimpered and hugged him tighter.
“You’re a wind youkai Kagura, how can you be afraid of a little rain storm?” he teased.
Kagura shivered, “It’s not a happy story.”
“We got time.” Shippou offered softly.
“When we were kids Naraku locked me in Dad’s tool shed and left me there all night. Dad didn’t come looking for me because Naraku told him I was over at a friend’s house.” Kagura stopped and took a deep breath. “It would have been okay except that night there was a really bad storm and the wind blew so hard the shed kept rocking from side to side. I was still really young and not that strong so I couldn’t stop it from shaking. I tried screaming for Dad but the house was so far away they couldn’t hear me over the rain and the wind. Finally it was over and I fell asleep on the dirt floor. Dad didn’t find me until late afternoon the next day and when I told him what happened he said that I shouldn’t have been stupid enough to bother my brother and that I deserved what I got. I’ve been scared of rain storms and tool sheds ever since.”
Shippou frowned wishing he was in the same room with Naraku just so he could kick the hanyou’s ass to hell and back.
“He’s the reason you didn’t show up for classes isn’t he?” Shippou asked.
Kagura nodded, “Yeah, he beat me up in the girl’s bathroom then left me there. I went to a friend’s place and she took care of me.”
“Why did he attack you?”
Kagura shrugged, “Because he can I guess.” She inwardly winced, wanting to tell Shippou the real reason but was afraid of what Naraku would do if he found out she’d told someone.
“You’re not telling me the truth.” Shippou said softly. “What’s wrong? Tell me what’s going on.”
Kagura curled up on Shippou’s lap and started trembling. “I want to but I can’t. He’ll kill me.”
Shippou hugged Kagura tighter and his face hardened. “You’re not going back home Kagura. We’ll do everything we can but you’re not going back.”
“What about the rest of our stuff?” Kagura asked, leaning back so she could look at him.
“We’ll get it while Naraku’s out. Other than that you’re not going back…ever.”
Kagura nodded and slowly turned her face to the living room window. Suddenly the rain outside didn’t seem so scary anymore.
Inu Taisho was laughing over the latest embarrassing story Jakatsu had related when the phone rang. Bankotsu answered it on the third ring with a bright blush on his face. The blush quickly faded and he handed the phone over to Jakatsu. Jakatsu excused himself and went into the next room.
“What’s wrong?” Inu Taisho asked noting the worried expression on his friend’s face.
Bankotsu remained silent and pressed a single finger to his lips signaling quiet. Seconds later the house was filled with a shocked and angry scream followed by the phone sailing across the room to shatter against the wall.
“I’m so going to find out who did this.” Jakotsu exclaimed hysterically. “When I do they’ll be sorry they ever stepped foot out of the bitch’s womb.”
Bankotsu took a deep breathe. “Jakotsu’s dress shop just burned down. The fire was put out and the police want him there as soon as possible.”
“I’ll drive you down there.” Inu Taisho said and stood up.
Jakotsu was pacing around, grabbing his wallet and keys and stuffing them into a cute beaded clutch purse. “I’ll bet it was one of those bitches that I wouldn’t sell a dress to. I’ll have to check what inventory is left, check the security videos and find a lawyer to not only sue the shit out of the whore and her family but to put the guilty slut in jail so far underground if she was a plant she’d grow down instead of up.”
Bankotsu stood up and placed his hands on Jakotsu’s shoulders to stop him from pacing and ranting. “Slow down cupcake. We’re not even sure if it was an accident or not. We’ll talk to the police once we get there and hopefully everything will be straightened out.”
Jakotsu’s lower lip quivered and he took a handkerchief out of his purse to wipe away the falling tears. “I can’t help it. You worked so hard to get me this place and it’s gone.”
Bankotsu smiled and rubbed his partner’s shoulders. “Remember honey, we’ve still got the small warehouse. We’ll find a new location plus the insurance should cover any damages. It will be okay.”
“Let’s just go so I can see for myself.” Jakotsu whispered.
Inu Taisho led them out to his car before getting in. He would help them to make sure the perpetrators were dealt with to the furthest extent of the law.
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