Waking Up In Vegas | By : darkduchess Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female > Sessh?maru/Kagome > Sessh?maru/Kagome Views: 23815 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: I DO NOT sell or distribute any works of or in relation to InuYasha. Therefore I do not make a profit from this literature I've written. The work of InuYasha DOES NOT and WILL NOT belong to me in anyway whatsoever now or in the future. |
A/N: OMG IM SO SO SORRY FOR THE MIXUP. I JUST NOTICED MY MISTAKE NOW OF ALL TIMES AND COULD JUST KICK MYSELF. I POSTED CHAPTER 11 WHERE I SHOULD HAVE POSTED CHAPTER 10 BUT ENDED UP SKIPPING IT ALL TOGETHER. FORGIVE ME *BOWS* SO READ CHAPTER 9 THROUGH 11 BEFORE READING THIS CHAPTER SINCE I ADDED 10 JUST NOW . AGAIN I APOLOGIZE FOR ANY WEIRD READING EXPERIENCES. Chapter 12: Interesting Morning... “Ya gettin a divorce.” Kagome rolled her eyes as Inu Yasha ranted for the 106th time for the past three hours about what she needed to do about her situation. He treated this like it was a matter of life or death. But then in his eyes, anything to do with his brother is something as serious a matter as life or death. But what did he expect her do? A divorce from someone as prestigious as Sesshoumaru would cause more reputational damage to him than it would her and she couldn’t do that to him. They both got into this mess; it’s only fair she work with Sesshoumaru to get out of it. The least she could do was wait a year before they divorce, at least then it would look normal to public eyes? Why did that come out as a question? “That would only make it painfully obvious that this was a spur of the moment thing.” The tired miko said. “It WAS a spur of the moment thing!” he argued. “But THEY don’t need to know that!” she snapped at the hanyou. “Know what? That Sesshoumaru popped the question out the side of his neck at the last minute just so he could trap you into free labor for the rest of your God damn life?” Kagome could only gawk at the idiot who was completely serious; tragically serious. “Where are you pulling this ridiculous crap from?” “I haven’t seen you two go on ONE date Kags. Not even ONE. Where in that three month period that you’ve worked for this prick did you too two find the time to rub noses? And I dare ya to lie when I know for a fact and even witnessed myself how the bastard worked you to hell and back.” “Well…” she started before she was cut off again. “Don’t try it wrench. Don’t defend that bastard to me.” Inu Yasha growled. “He knows how hard a worker you are; making you work ridiculous hours that carried well into the goddamn weekends. The bastard knew the perfect mate when he saw one and don’t think for one minute that he done this out of love!” “Inu Yasha …” “Ya know I’m right about this. Me, You, Miroku, Sango, even Aimaru knows the man doesn’t do anything unless it benefits him. And marrying ya wasn’t something he would do unless it benefits him. And it WILL if ya stay married to him!” the hanyou fumed, practically foaming at the mouth. No, there was no arguing with this man. He argued the fight right out of her. Defeated, she sent a miserable look to her friend Sango who shrugged then look to Miroku who shrugged as well. They were all at her house late in the evening hours after she returned to Chicago. They were trying to sort out how they all felt about her marriage. Obviously, Inu Yasha wasn’t happy about it and Sango and Miroku were still unsure how they felt about it. Then there was little Shippou bouncing up and down in her lap completely ecstatic about the idea of having a father much to Inu Yasha’s irritation. The hanyou sat with his arms crossed tightly across his chest and he shook his head. “I can’t believe you managed to fuck up ya’ whole life up over a course of 8 hours. You had your whole life ahead of ya.” “Oh be quiet Inu Yasha. You act as if I’m sentenced to life in prison or something.” The hanyou chuckled bitterly. “Married to a social-conscious Nazi, you may as well be.” Kagome shook her head. At least everyone else was taking this better if not well. Her mom of course was livid with the fact that she wasn’t told about it until after the horrendous affair, but the fact that she married multi-billionaire Sesshoumaru Tashio helped her overlook it. She’s very much looking forward to the house warming party that she was positive she was throwing one and inviting her. And since her mother was so sure, who was she to say differently? “The fact that you married each other while under the influence bothers me more than the fact that you both are actually married.” Miroku finally said with a sigh. Blinking innocently, Kagome watched Miroku with as normal an expression as she could manage. “What makes you think I was intoxicated?” Miroku stared at her flatly. “One…” he started counting off his fingers. “…You were in Las Vegas, it’s practically expected. Two, it was last minute and the way you idolize and obsess about weddings makes it hard to believe you’d make a clearheaded decision to throw your own wedding together in a span of eight hours. And three…” he smirked knowingly. “…the Kagome I know wouldn’t get married dressed as a showgirl. Though, I should say that goofy smile plastered on your lovely face on the front pages of Red Eye, Sun Times as well as Chicago Tribune was a dead giveaway.” “Or…” Sango suddenly spoke up. “...it was the fact that Aimaru told him in detail over the phone this morning about what happened yesterday.” She glared pointedly to Miroku who looked away guilty. Pointing an accusing finger, Kagome glared at her friend who ducked down behind his fiancé. “I knew there was a conspiracy between the two of you. Both of you were far too chummy when you two first met. I should have known then it was the beginning of evil in the making.” The monk grabbed his heart and feigned anguish. “My dear miko your words wound me.” Kagome shook her head in disgust. “You even grovel like him too. Disgusting, simply disgusting.” She sneered. The traitor. “Hey I have to marry this disgusting imitator.” Sango gripped as she shoved an elbow into his side. Being the masochist that he is, Miroku nursed his side lovingly even while tears welled up in his eyes. That’s one thing she will say that haven’t rubbed on Aimaru…or has it? “The fact that you two were drunk is an even greater reason for you two to get a divorce.” “Inu Yasha I’m not divorcing him and that’s final. It will be him to make that decision not me. This is his name that will be questioned not mine.” Kagome snapped. “You forget my dear Kagome, that in less than a week from now you are scheduled to mate Lord Sesshoumaru. There is no such thing as a divorce from a mating. That’s for life.” Shoot. How did she forget something so important like that? She was in quite the pickle then, now wasn’t she? “Divorce the bastard!! How many times do I have to tell ya.” Inu Yasha ranted for what the 107th …or was it the 108th time? “DIVORCE. HIM!!” No wait, that was the 108th time. It’s time for an escape. “Time for bed Shippou.” She chirped as she stood to take the kit to his room, eager for something beside baste under heat of Inu Yasha’s anger. “We aint done yet wench. Getcha ass back here.” He called after her from his chair. Which was funny because she bought it and this was her home and don’t recall assigning any chair to anybody. But of course the rowdy hanyou had little regard for any of that when he claimed her lazyboy with his butt everyday day since she moved here. “I didn’t hear ya agree to getting’ a divorce.” “Inu Yasha, I’m tired and hungry and not in the mood for your silly tantrums. Take the feet stomping and arm flailing to your house ‘cause I’m not in the mood for it tonight.” She turned on her heel leaving the red face hanyou fuming in his chair while she put Shippou to bed. - Inu Yasha seethed as he watched his friend storm off to the runt’s bedroom to put his worrisome ass to sleep. ‘Daddy’ his ass. The brat obviously didn’t know anything about his brother to be so excited about it. The little idiot. “So when do you plan to tell her old friend?” Miroku asked quietly as soon as Kagome was out of ear shot. “I aint telling her nuthin Miroku.” “I don’t understand why you’re not when telling her would be beneficial in convincing her to divorcing the demon lord.” “I agree.” Sango spoke up. “You know how Kagome hates it when she’s the last to know anything; most especially something about her husband.” Inu Yasha glared at his friends across the room. “She’s divorcing that bastard so there’s no real reason to tell her.” * Miroku shook his head and sighed. “You don’t know that old friend. I would think she would be even angrier if she finds out after the fact. Why delay this?” “Because it will put a lot of god damn pressure on her, that’s why.” Inu Yasha hissed then looked away, his ears plastered to his head. “Not only will she be worrying about making him happy, caring for Shippou, ducking the paparazzi, and kissing Mommy Dearest’s ass…she will be run ragged trying to win over that prick’s heart. And you and I both know how useless that it. She has enough problems on her plate simply being married to him.” “I can understand that but what if someone else decides to enlighten her about this?” Miroku pushed patiently. “If someone does tell her about it, I hope it’s after she divorced him and not knee deep in my brother’s bullshit. We need to cut her out of this equation as quick as possible.” “Then just tell her!” Sango insisted as Miroku placed a placating hand on her shoulder. Inu Yasha hushed the woman and leaned forward. “It’s…complicated.” At the irritated look on his friend’s faces, he sighed. “She loves that bastard, probably more than she realizes. But I’m sure you guys already know that.” When they nodded, he looked uneasily down the hall. “I feel the real reason she aint divorcing my brother is because she loves him too much and willing to put up with a lot of shit to stay by his side. Yeah she may act like she’s concerned for his reputation or whatever, but we both know she wants to stay with him because she really loves that bastard. And telling her now while she’s tied to him with devastate her, heaven forbid motivate her to stay and fight for a prick who most likely wont appreciate it.” he shook his head while he finished softly. “We can’t allow her to stay and do that to herself.” “I doubt Kagome is that love struck to put up with all that. She more high-strung than you’re giving her credit for.” Sango said as Miroku nodded in agreement. “Then you don’t understand how much she loves my brother for you to say that Sango.” He said as he finally got up and left the room leaving his friends to stare bewilderedly at each other. Of course they wouldn’t understand since they were caught up into their own happy world of love and soon to be marriage bliss. Not that he could or would ever resent them for it. It was their right to be happy. At least the love between them was real. So he won’t hold it against them for being slightly unaware of how deep their friend’s love for the demon lord has driven her. Yeah Kagome was a rational and respectable woman and all. But this information, while not a big deal in general, will particularly be a big deal for her. He knows because he has been here witnessing for himself just how devoted a person she was; to his brother of all people. Day after day, night after night watching her work herself ragged all for that prick. Inu Yasha had never had seen anyone so devoted and loyal to a fault like that; all with little to no complaint. It was insane. Then when the bastard called in the unholy hours of the morning, the look in her eyes, even while heavy with sleep and red from weariness, held that inner glow of what he hated to admit was love. Love that he felt his brother didn’t deserve, not one motha-fucking ounce of it. What type of shit was that? “Bullshit. That’s what this is. Completely and utter bullshit.” He huffed out loud. - Somberly, Sesshoumaru walked into his home barely acknowledging his butler opening the large door upon his arrival. The wizened demon by the name of Claude retrieved his jacket and brief case silently then disappeared into the shadows without a word. In the silent corridor of his mansion, the demon lord stood there in a daze; a quiet confused daze. Almost as if he was unsure of what to do with himself. But then, truth be told, he didn’t know what to do with himself. Married. The word bounced about in his head further confusing him with the many damnable feelings that came with it. Married. Marriage. Matrimony. All of them just ricocheted off the walls of his mind throwing his conception further into chaos until he couldn’t make sense of anything. But it’s done now. Finished. And a divorce would make his precarious situation go from bizarre to downright laughable. To think he have allowed himself to fall into such a compromising predicament and risk his status, his wealth, and his company; all for a simple miko. Simple miko. No it wouldn’t be fair to label the onna as such when it’s obvious she is so much more than a simple miko. The fact that she was his miko made her far more than a simple miko. So much more. So what did that sum her up to? He looked listlessly to the large fountain in his corridor. Resentment. Rage. Embarrassment. Emotions that he should be feeling at that moment weren’t there. Was it possible he had accepted this? Accepted the miko? Then that would mean he was content with this arrangement would it not? He pondered the endless questions quietly to himself. “Milord. Your bath awaits you upstairs.” Claude bowed low at the waist and awaited Sesshoumaru’s acknowledgment. The demon lord regarded his prostrated butler silently for a moment. It’s not often that he would seek another’s opinion on something, but Sesshoumaru came to terms that this situation left him perplexed. A state he loathed. “When married, what emotions would one usually feel?” Claude still bowing low at the waist, was silent as if contemplating. “I’m afraid my opinion would be inadequate due to the fact that I myself haven’t been in such a situation milord.” “Hn.” He supposed it was a comfort to know that he wasn’t alone with his apathetic concern for the situation. He turned away from his butler, dismissing him. “However, if I may be so bold milord,…” Sesshoumaru paused then looked back to his butler granting him a chance to speak. “…I would surmise that a joining of such to one you admire most would be…pleasant if not beneficial.” With no further words to say, Claude excused himself and disappeared yet again into shadows of the mansion leaving Sesshoumaru alone to consider his words. “Indeed.” He said quietly as he slowly ascended the stairs to his bathroom. His thoughts heavier than when he first came home. - There was a loud crash of the door colliding with the wall behind it as Kagome and Sesshoumaru stormed into the suite in a mass of tangled limbs and heavy panting as they snatched at each other’s clothes. The constant pull and push of one another’s body made their trip to the bedroom….interesting. In the demon lord’s arms, the aroused miko rode his thick granite erection through the fine material of his pants as he crashed from wall to wall careful not crush her in between them. How gentlemanly of him, she noted in between kisses. She gasped and moaned lazily at the feel of large hot hands kneading and molding the shapely flesh of her ass as she ground and bucked against his cock, eager to ride the skin off it. She had long ago lost track of where they migrated to in the large suite and left the navigation to the demon lord who made thinking quite impossible with that devilish tongue in his mouth. Moaning, she tilted her head to capture that tongue and lash at it lewdly making the demon lord shudder against her. “Miko…” he moaned deeply as she felt him pull the thin material of her dress high over her hips. She yelped at the cold feel of marble against her bare ass when he set her down on a… sink?! SINK?! This wasn’t the bedroom…it’s the friggin bathroom! She broke her kiss to look around confused as the demon lord reached behind her to undo her dress. Falling from her shoulders, she shuddered at the feel of his lips skimming lightly across her hot skin in wet open mouthed kisses. “This isn’t the bedroom.” she noted breathlessly. “So it isn’t.” he confirmed with his lips pressed against her jaw. His fangs nicked her lightly as his breath grew heavier and his movements more urgent. “But there’s no bed in here.” Kagome insisted as she pulled her arms free of her dress and wrapped them around his delightfully wide shoulders. She let him pull the dress free of her body then suddenly gathered up in his arms and walked towards the shower stall where he continued to kiss her, his tongue laving across her lips and into her mouth where he licked all that was within that pink appendage’s reach; which was quite a long reach. The raunchy possibilities of his tongue made her pussy clam up and ache. Oh god she wanted this man bad. He entered the stall still clothed and reached around her to push a few buttons that beeped loudly in the large bathroom. Water promptly rained from the four shower heads in the sizable stall to the center where he stood with her in his arms. “Down.” He growled into her ear as hot water poured down around them. Turned on, she obeyed and slid down his long muscled body until she was standing on shaky feet; his hand was still planted firmly on her naked rear to hold her steady as he shrugged off his soaked blazer. He started undoing the buttons of his shirt while Kagome moved to more important things, like his belt buckle and pants. With a mischievous smile, she dropped to her knees to work the zipper down over his rigid erection. Inch by creamy inch, she exposed more of his overly endowed cock that fought to free itself of its confinement. It was just about to spring free from his pants when something suddenly crashed into her stomach knocking her out of the shower stall over onto the floor of her bedroom…she looked around…in Chicago?! “Good morning mamma.” A voice suddenly echoed loudly in her bedroom rattling her completely awake. What the hell just happen? Kagome blinked rapidly up at the grinning face of Shippou bouncing up and down on her stomach. “Good morning...” she groused. “What’s for breakfast mamma? I want pancakes. Can we have pancakes? Oh, blueberry pancakes! Wait you like chocolate. But don’t worry; I can deal with chocolate chip pancakes for your sake today. I brush my teeth see.” He promptly showed her his growing fangs as she slowly pulled herself off the floor with him attached to her like a hyper little monkey. “I had a dream about marshmallows and aliens. Inu Yasha hit me with a spatula. He said he ain’t fixing me sh…uh…nothing until you wake up. Are you angry momma?” Kagome could only blink owlishly at the little kit amazed. Not once did he stop to take a breath. “What made you think I was mad sweetie?” she asked as she stumbled to the bathroom. Being so small and full of energy, Shippou scramble to the top of her head out of the way of collision with little effort. Being a demon pup had its benefits she supposed. He was the size of a toddler, so he wasn’t too heavy as he dashed from one limb to the other like a hyper little squirrel, his tail a red blurred flurry of movement. “You were making weird noises in your sleep.” He said as lowered his head down into her line of sight so that she stared at his big green eyes instead of her less than appealing reflection. She reached up to pluck him off her head and down on the sink where he promptly reattached himself to her stomach. He’s like a living cocklebur. “That reminds me, Na Na wants to take me to the zoo today.” She glared down at her pup. What did he mean that reminds him? What kind of noises was she making? “Really?” She asked as she proceeded with reaching around the fuzzy growth on her belly to her toothbrush and toothpaste. Brushing her teeth lazily, she giggled when she felt Shippou nuzzle her stomach. “You smell funny.” She stiffened. Kids were so blatantly honest sometimes. They had little regard for that thing called feelings. “Bad funny or good funny?” Maybe he smelled how that dream affected her. It was a good thing he was too young to know what that was. “I don’t know. It smells nice.” He burrowed his head in her belly. “But that would make it a good thing if it smells nice huh?” “But what makes it funny?” she asked as she watched the little kit shrug and scratch his wild red locks with a frown. “You just don’t smell like my momma anymore.” She lifted her arm up out of the way so he could climb around her like a jungle gym rambling on and on about fixing her smell. “Hm.” She hummed halfheartedly as she brushed her teeth. That was probably Sesshoumaru he smelled on her. They were very close all night last night let everyone tell it; very very close. But how close did they get? Her thoughts slowly strayed to her dream this morning. Was that a fantasy or did it actually happen? It most definitely felt like the fantasies she had about her boss to help her sleep at night but…somewhere in the back of her mind it felt like a reality. Like it actually happened and she was recalling it on a subconscious level. “….then Inu Yasha said that Sesshoumaru’s prick was so cold that he’d spawn little baby yetis. Is that true mamma? Will I get little yetis for brothers and sisters? And what’s a prick?” Kagome choked on her toothpaste and spit it out in the sink. She snapped straight up to yell at the top of her lungs. “Inu Yasha!!” - Sesshoumaru entered his office and placed his brief case on his desk then turned to look out his window to the horizon. The sun, as it has every morning, slowly rose over the lake and blazed brightly in the sky with no clouds to obscure it. It was always a nice pastime, admiring the Skyline. This was the only leisure he allowed himself every morning before he started his overtaxing workday. No, let him rephrase that more accurately; this was the only leisure his overtaxing workday allowed him to take. His cell phone chose that moment to ring loudly. A serene chime echoed in his room behind him. From over his shoulder, he regarded the expensive device ringing steadily on his desk. After three repeats of the sound he finally said, “Answer with speaker.” The phone responded with a sultry feminine voice. “Connecting.” There was a pause. “Sesshoumaru?” “I’m here.” he assured her in Japanese. The woman sighed irritably. “I got a nasty little phone call from the Wind Heifer.” “She never appreciated your appellation of her.” “Well I care even less now that you married that human. My obligation to be civil to her practically flew out the window when I saw the headlines. It goes without saying that I gave the little cunt a piece of my over opinionated mind.” “Hnn.” “But don’t think I’ll be any more lenient to your human simply because of your ill-planned union. Human ceremonies usually take a year if not a season to plan. But you did it all in a span of 10, 9, maybe less than 8 hours?! Marrying her was one thing to tolerate dear, but mating her is quite another. I had to cancel a long awaited spa treatment in fear of subjecting myself to scandalous scrutiny of other clients. How can you put your poor mother through that?” “Mother…” She sighed woefully. “If I didn’t know better darling, I would believed you to be drunk that night to make such a hasty…” she paused as if considering her assumption. “Were you?” “That’s…” “Of course you were! It all makes perfect sense.” “Mother…” he tried again even as his patience waned. “No child of mine would dare make a mindfully sober decision to marry a human, of all damnable creatures on this god awful planet, in Las Vegas at the last minute.” She rambled to herself while holding her son captive on the phone through her wordy tirade. “My mate thought you to be… what were the words? High as an off orbit satellite? Now I’m not so adamant about his assumption. What on earth were you doing that day? Have they produced some new drug that involves mixing raw radioactive material? I can’t imagine anything less that could hinder your senses enough to drive you to lose your usually stable mind.” “If you would cease your mindless twaddle woman, I could enlighten you.” “No need to get nasty Sesshy darling. I have never heard you sound so cross with me. Is this a side effect of the substance you abused? They have help for that you know. I won’t love you any less though my opinion of you will drop dramatically. You must know this will reflect poorly on our family. We were never known to abuse any substances…maybe our power but never a substance.” By the Kami above could this woman talk a subject into oblivion. “What did she say?” “Who?” Sesshoumaru counted to ten in Italian. “My predestined…” “Oh the Wind Heifer? Nothing other than spouting ludicrous accusations that I had a hand in your drunken marital folly. I couldn’t have been any more insulted.” Her toned took on a low growl the resonated through the phone. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the rotten little twat was on her way there to confront you.” “That’s of little concern to me.” He groused calmly shuffling through papers on his desk. He located the company’s budget with his today’s work load and stuffed them in a folder. “What of you attendance to the mating ceremony?” “You know without even asking me that I’ll be there. In fact, you’ll be seeing me much sooner.” “How much sooner?” “Eager to see me love?” When Sesshoumaru remained quiet she chuckled. “I love you too.” He moved the door calling back over his shoulder, “Siri. Disconnect.” At the sound of his phone carrying out his orders, he left his office to place the folder over Kagome’s keyboard. He was surprised she wasn’t in and yet he wasn’t. Usually he called to give her a desired time frame to follow that day depending on the work load. And not once could he remember any reluctance on her part. If there was one thing he appreciated most about his newly acquired bride, it was her ability to meet his every requirement without fail and no argument. Even the seemingly impossible responsibilities he placed on her shoulders haven’t stopped her ability to produce favorable results. It was as if there was nothing that miko couldn’t do; or won’t do for that matter. Her performance as a secretary made accepting his current predicament less distasteful than he originally assumed it would be. If she applied herself as a wife as good as she applies herself as a secretary, then he couldn’t see foresee any hindrance to his goal. If anything, he could see his union to the miko as a progressive alliance. Seeing that she has more than proven her worth, he suppose he could allow her a normal if not casual work pace to follow now that she was his wife; a term that bothered him much less now that he accepted a different outlook. Finally acknowledging the extra presence in the room, he looked up to regard the group lounging comfortably on his leather loungers. The familiar yet unnamable male waved flirtatiously at him while surrounded by his pack. They were all dressed in appropriate business attire with portfolios in their hands clearly ready for an interview. An interview he didn’t remember scheduling. There was another aura creeping along the edges of his office that he recognized as his brother. Looking pointedly in the direction he felt him lurking, the demon lord snorted softly. Interesting. “I appreciate the employment offer Mr. Tashio. We are looking forward to working with you. Aren’t we?” the man addressed his pack who replied in unison with a nod. Apparently, he did extend a job offer to the eccentric bunch in Las Vegas. Even drunk he was sure he extending it to them for a reason. And it was most likely to the chagrin of his brother who still slinked quietly in his halls like a nervous whelp. He looked inquisitively at the petite inu-male watching him with equally calculating eyes. Yes, his recruitment in his company would certainly prove interesting, if not productive. With a sniff the demon lord turned on his heel and entered his office leaving the welcome protocol to his brother. He huffed a sigh that sounded suspiciously like amusement. To think many claim that he didn’t have it. - Kagome answered the phone on the first ring. “Hello Hiragashi speaking.” At the sound of a growl, she threw the hanyou a warning glare as she placed breakfast on the table. She gave a quick look to her phone screen. It was a little after 9am. This was the latest he have ever called her. There was an uncomfortable silence before the demon lord finally spoke. “So you’ve decided to keep your maiden name.” She turned to walk away from the table. “Oh no, I’m sorry. I-I wasn’t sure how we or uh…you…um…” She was grateful when he interrupted her mindless babble. “While the workload isn’t as excessive as it usually is, I will still need your assistance today. Are you available?” The fact that he asked sent her nerves reeling. He was being…considerate. “Of course. I’ll be …” “There’s no rush. I’ll see you later today.” And then he hung up ending the call with dead silence. The abruptness aside, that had to be the most pleasant phone call she gotten from the demon lord. “Okay…” she mused as she moved to sit down at the breakfast table with Inu Yasha and Shippou who looked at her oddly. Like her, they found her leisure pace odd. Unsure of what to do with herself, she took a slow sip of her coffee. “Looks like I’ll be having breakfast with you guys after all.” Shippou beamed while Inu Yasha narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously. She shrugged at him. - “Good Morning Boomer!” Boomer turned in surprise at the cherry greeting echoing down the hall. “Well now…” He gave a quick appraisal of the miko sauntering calmly down the hall. “Looky here, looky here. Is that you walkin’ miss lady? Or is the devil pulling a fast one.” Shaking her head at his southern antics, Kagome beamed brightly at the old janitor who crossed his arms as he watched her stroll casually down the hall in what seem like…ever. “No, the devil aint playing no tricks today Boomer. I’m walking a normal pace now.” “I see that. Guess hitchin’ up has it’s perks huh?” he asked with a chuckle as he propped the buffer on its heel and wheeled it to the closet. “Guess I won’t be needin’ this.” “Not today you won’t.” SHe called back happily as she rounded the corner. Just because she could she stopped and glanced over at the floor length window. She had more near collisions with that spotless glass than she cared to realize. Now that she was given a chance to admire the view rather than zipping by it, it made her morning all the more pleasant. She hoped her mornings in the future will be a lot like this from now on. Even if it’s not like this every day, she’ll take it gratefully. Juggling the demon lord’s coffee in one hand and his suit in the other, Kagome drew up short at the office door and frowned. She looked left then right down the hall confused before she crept up behind Aimaru who was peering nervously around the corner into the main office. Curious, she too peered silently into the office to see Jabora and his gang lounging comfortably in the seats of the waiting area dressed conservatively. A drastic change in dress compared to what she seen them wear in Las Vegas. But what were they doing here? “Are they here to see me or you?” Kagome asked curiously making Aimaru whirl around in a silent snarl. “Be quiet.” He hissed before hauling her out of hearing distance. Kagome made sure to hold the coffee as far away from them as possible to keep from spilling it. “Thanks to you and your drunken harebrained ideas, you charmed my brother into extending an oh-so-gracious job offer to those lunatics. All FOUR of them.” “Well …” Kagome started as she squirmed herself free of his grip on her arm. “…we are all about equal job opportunities no matter your background here a TashioTech.” she recited brightly just like Aimaru verbally promised at the many job fair events he spoken at in the past. The look the taller demon threw her made her bite the inside of her cheek to keep from smirking. “I hate you.” “Don’t be ridiculous.” The miko claimed haughtily as she walked over the office door then looked slyly over her shoulder to say with a sadistic leer. “You adore me.” At the sight of him raising his hands to her neck, she scrambled into the office before the demon could choke her. “Hey boo.” Jabora exclaimed excitedly as soon as he saw her then snapped out of his seat to round the low coffee table to gather her into a tight hug. It was an interesting hug that involved a lot of nuzzling and weird rumbling noises. “Hey…Jabora. How are you?” she said as she nodded acknowledgements to the other pack members. Except for Duchess who was much too busy admiring the genuine painted works on the wall beside her to notice anything. “Girl I’m doin’ fabulous. I’m a little nervous. I haven’t been on an interview in years.” Probably because the profession he used to be in required very little to qualify. She mused to herself. Jabora paused then peered around Kagome to the door behind her. “So why is my husband standin’ outside lookin goofy?” “Nervous perhaps?” Kagome asked as she moved to take her seat in her chair and booted up her computer. She absentmindedly sorted through the paperwork her husband no doubt left for her to go over and organize. When Jabora turned on his heel, she watched him marched to the glass door to where he reach over to snatch the reluctant demon into view and into the office. “You aint gotta be shy boo. You know you can be yourself around me.” Jabora said as he hauled the reluctant demon into the office. “We’ll be working together after all and I don’t want none of that between us.” The smaller man reached up to straighten Aimaru’s tie and blazer. Kagome feigned indifference to the bigger demon’s glare by organizing files and shuffling paperwork on her desk. “If you would give me a moment Jabora, Aimaru and I will be ready to interview you and discuss possible employment arrangements.” Jabora stepped back to admire his ‘husband to be’ then smiled slyly at Kagome. “Girl look at you soundin all professional and shit. You aint gotta do all that for me. Me and my bitches can wait. Take yo’ time.” “If you would excuse me…”Aimaru excused himself stiffly before walking to his office closing the door behind him with an audible click of his lock; no doubt barricading himself in his room. For as long as she worked here, that man has never locked that door. “He so silly.” Jabora chuckled to himself as he leaned over on the raised counter of her desk. “So what positions do yall have available up here?” Pursing her lips in thought, Kagome shrugged. “None as far as I’m concerned. But then I was never put in charge of hiring anybody before.” “What about departments or secretarial positions?” he asked suddenly sounding…professional. “Aimaru would know more about that than I would.” “Oh yeah…” Jabora looked around as if suddenly distracted. “So how long have you worked here?” “A little over three months maybe?” The man pinned her with an odd look. “And how long have you known Lord Sesshoumaru Tashio?” “A little over five months give or take the time he’s been estranged from his brother for the 7 years I’ve known him.” The look on Jabora’s face made her feel suddenly like an idiot. Apparently there was something wrong with what she just told him. “Sweetheart I need to teach when it’s appropriate to lie.” Confused, Kagome frowned up at the demon. “Lie… for what?” “The fact that you have to ask says it all sweetie.” Jabora shook his head as the glass doors were suddenly thrown open behind him. Kagome and Jabora gawked at the brazen entrance of some tall raven haired demoness who scanned the room until she spotted the miko sitting behind her desk. The female took one appraising look at Kagome, sizing her up and visibly sneered in disgust before storming across the room to the private office of Lord Sesshoumaru slamming the door shut behind her. What the hell was that about? Kagome shook her head then looked to Jabora who looked at her as if she had gone daft. When he kept staring at her, she finally asked, “What?” “What?” Jabora mimicked her in disbelief. “The hell wrong witchu, gurl?” “Sorry?” she asked confused. Jabora gave her a droll stare. “Sweetie that bitch just waltzed her ass in here on some boss type shit and sashayed her lil’ happy ass into your man’s office.” When Kagome blinked up at him in confusion, he reiterated, “You’re husband’s office.” Still clueless to what the demon was getting at, Jabora circled the desk to crouch over her. “A beautiful demoness just went uninvited into your husband’s office to confront him about something. And from the look on her face when she saw you sitting here, I’d say you are what she’s confronting him about. So get up off yo ass and go see what the fuck is goings on.” Kagome was still staring up at him when he growled in frustration, “MOVE!” Shooting up out of her seat, the miko zipped around her desk over to Sesshoumaru’s door with Jabora and his packmates right oh her heels. She stopped to knock on the door until Jabora huffed at her in annoyance then opened the door to shove her inside. “Getcho ass in there.” He hissed and kept the door ajar with his head peeking in. She glared at the demon behind her before she turned around to find Sesshoumaru sitting at his desk with his hand to his temple as he glared at the demoness leaning across it with a heated look on her gorgeous face. Her expression grew nasty when she spotted Kagome in the room behind her. Irritated, Kagome narrowed her eyes with just as much malice refusing to be intimidated. Like Jabora had mentioned, she was his wife. So if anybody had a right to come in here uninvited, it was her. That and the fact that whatever problem she had she can be discussed right here in front of her; especially if it had to do with her. Lifting her head high and clearing her throat, Kagome took a step forward to address her husband. “Is there something wrong Mr. Tashio?” she asked steely while watching the demoness bristle angrily. Yep something was definitely going on here. “It’s fine miko.” He said with a stern look to the demoness in front of him who relented. The demoness stood to her full height not saying a word then sneered at Kagome on last time before suddenly walking to the door. She swung it open to find a totem pole of three demons and human woman standing there smiling guiltily up at her. The mystery woman stomped around them out of the office. Kagome glared at the nosey pack when they shrugged apologetically before closing the door. “Who was that woman?” she asked calmly. Sesshoumaru regarded her silently for a moment before rising out of his seat. “An acquaintance of mine.” “Acquaintance huh?” Kagome nodded as she watched him gather papers on his desk and stack them neatly to the side. “Are all of your acquaintances so….female?” “Yes they are, as well as very male.” he mocked dryly then gave her a look. “I wasn’t aware that being female was such a distasteful attribute in regards to acquaintances.” A brow rose high on the miko’s head incredulously. She knew her question was silly when she asked it, but he didn’t need to patronize her about it. She smiled politely. “Oh it isn’t.” she dismissed with a wave of her hand. “Indeed.” He said quietly watching her. “My coffee.” “On my desk where you should find it. I have interviews to conduct, so if you would excuse me…darling.” She spun on her heel and exited his office into the main office where she found Jabora and his crew huddled around her desk looking at her with carefully blank expressions. Being demons, she knew they heard every word. “That had to be the most civilized hubby/wifey fight I have ever heard.” Nay confirmed in awe with his brother Shay nodding in agreement. “No yelling, or arguing, or threats of divorce, alimony cuts or anything.” Nay looked to his brother. “What do you call this phenomenon?” Shrugging slightly, Shay shook his head in puzzlement. “I could be wrong, but I believe they call it maturity.” “Ah yes maturity. I heard about that. It’s not very common in this day and age.” Nay mused. “No it isn’t.” Shay agreed readily. Jabora tsked and shoved at Nays back making him stumble into a laughing fit against his brother who too was cackling. “Yall some ig’nant bitches.” He proclaimed with a chuckle. Kagome just let their little exchange roll off her shoulders. While it annoyed her, she couldn’t very well hate them for making light of it. It wasn’t that serious. But she knew her husband was hiding something from her though. Something major. But was it her place, wife or not, to get to the bottom of it? “You are going to investigate this…acquaintance right?” Duchess asked pushing between the twins into view. “He said she was a simple acquaintance and I can only take his word for it.” Kagome said with a sigh. “Who says you have to take his word for it?” Jabora asked with quirk of his brow. “Nobody. But…” “And you just going to accept his word, no questions asked?” Kagome stumbled for words when the demon continued. “So if he said honey badgers are cuddly and hell passes out ice water…you’d believe him?” “I’m not that naïve.” Kagome protested. Jabora crossed his arms and gave her a droll look. He looked to the door behind her then grabbed her arm and dragged her outside the office where they all huddle around her conspiringly. “But you’re naïve enough to believe that some gorgeous demoness with a fucked up attitude coming out of nowhere is a simple acquaintance?” “I’m not saying that either. But what am I suppose to do? Nag him, the great and terrible demon lord of Japan, into confessing?! Hardly.” Kagome argued exasperated. “No, that’s when a bitch gets trifling.” Jabora suddenly smiled, his pack adopting the same sneaky leer he had. “I can tell this is your first serious relationship. So we gonna give you a few pointers on how to put a proverbial leash on yo’ man.” Shaking her head, Kagome laughed skeptically. “You can’t be serious. You mean spy on my husband?!” The male shrugged carelessly. “When the situation calls for it. And this most certainly calls for it. No woman should keep herself in the dark about her husband’s ‘questionable’ hobbies. No one!” Kagome regarded the smaller man and his crew with a worried look and sighed. Yes this will bother her more and more as the week goes on. Then her mating ceremony will take place if he decides to stay married to her. Then what? If she just turn a blind eye to this now, she would be constantly curious and forever a nervous wreck about her relationship. And she didn’t want that for herself. But she hated underhanded devices. She wouldn’t want him to do this to her. But then he wouldn’t have to if she was honest and open with him in the first place too so… Then there was the simple fact that they weren’t in love…well he wasn’t in love with her. He’ll probably call this whole thing off before it got serious anyhow and she wouldn’t have to worry about who he dated and socialized with on a daily business. But why did the thought of him ending their arrangements make her ache in a tender place? She liked the demon lord…but how much, was the question.
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