Deliverance | By : inufan625 Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female > InuYasha/Kagome Views: 14165 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and will make no money from this work of fiction. This will apply to all chapters contained within. |
A/N: Sorry for the long wait, but since school is out I now have to be referee and entertainment coordinator for my kids which cuts into my writing time and wears me out. Rest assured though that I am working on both my WIPs as often as time permits.
A special thank you to my reviews new and old. I really do appreciate it and each one makes me more determined to find the time to write more.
The snack she had set out was gone and the two kids were watching television when she and InuYasha rejoined them. She couldn’t imagine what they had been through and hoped that it wouldn’t take Sesshomaru too long to find Akemi’s mother and a new home for Kouta. Hopefully he had some family out there somewhere that he didn’t know about who would take him in and care for him, for as much as she wouldn’t mind having one or both of them around, her situation was too dangerous for that.
InuYasha grabbed a pencil and some paper from one of the kitchen drawers and joined the kids in the living room. “Okay, I’m gonna need both of you to tell me everything you can about your families and what happened to you, so we can get you back where you belong and so we can get justice for you and your families.”
Kagome sat down beside him. “Akemi-chan why don’t you go first? Do you want to start with telling us about your mother? Where she lives and her name, maybe?”
Kouta crawled up into her lap as the the kitsune hanyou girl gave them her mother’s name and their address. She held him against her as Akemi did her best to describe the youkai who had grabbed her on her way home from school and forced her to use her illusions to help them commit terrible crimes. She was surprised with how patient and almost gentle InuYasha was as he guided her towards the information he needed with his questions, and found herself thinking that he would definitely be a good father when the time came.
“Is that good enough?” Akemi asked.
“You did fine, kid,” InuYasha told her. “We’ll definitely have you back with your mom soon.”
Akemi nodded a little and InuYasha refocused his attention on Kouta. He didn’t realize it at first that he was smiling as he watched the boy curled up in Kagome’s lap. It wasn’t hard to picture that it was their child she was holding so tenderly and it only made him more certain than ever about the future he wanted for them.
“Alright, pup, now it’s your turn,” InuYasha told him.
“I-I don’t know what I can tell you,” Kouta replied. “I didn’t see anything and my parents are dead.”
InuYasha’s expression softened. “I know this is hard, that what I’m asking you to do is hard. I was older than you when some bastard killed my mother, but I made him pay for that and if you can help me I’ll make sure the one who killed your parents pays for it too.”
“But I really didn’t see,” Kouta said. “I was too busy running away.”
“Keh, are you a youkai or not?” InuYasha asked. “Anything you tell me will help, what you heard, what you smelt, the feel of the youki. I bet you know more than you think.”
“I’ll try,” Kouta said.
Kagome did her best to offer comfort to the boy in her arms as he relived the worst memories of his short life. He was so young and she could almost feel how sad and frightened he’d been, how alone. Now more than before she could understand why InuYasha had chosen the job he had. As wonderful and beautiful as the world could be it could also be cruel and unfair. InuYasha was so strong and he’d chosen to use his strength to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves, to bring a swift and terrible sort of justice to even more terrible sorts of men. Maybe it hadn’t started out that way, but it in the end it had been the reason he hadn’t been able to quit.
“And they smelled really bad,” Kouta said with a whine. “Wrong.”
“Wrong how?” InuYasha asked.
“We don’t know, just wrong,” Kouta tried, closing his eyes and reaching for the youkai. “It was creepy. The youki crawled against ours like a spider. Tou-san and Kaa-san.... We were even more scared because they were. They never got scared before. So we ran.”
“Alright pup,” InuYasha said quietly. “Now I need your parents’ names, and I know you said you don’t have any other family, but maybe there’s someone else, a close friend that we might be able to talk to and find out more.”
Once InuYasha had all the information he needed, Kagome went with the kids into the living room to hopefully distract them with a little television while he called Sesshomaru. She knew what it felt like to be so frightened and so alone and she really hoped that he could get them back where they belonged very soon. She frowned a little as InuYasha left the dining room, his voice getting quieter until it disappeared with the closing of the bedroom door.
“I’ll be right back,” she said.
Kouta and Akemi nodded a little, so she left them to go see what direction the phone call could have taken that would have InuYasha leaving the room so that he wouldn’t be overheard. She stopped with her hand on the doorknob wondering if she shouldn’t just wait. She had to believe that the larger reason he’d left was to spare the kids but there was a possibility he’d figured something out, like he had about it not really being Hojou, and was trying to be a buffer for her as well. He wouldn’t keep it from her, but he might be looking for a way to make it easier to hear. In the end though she settled for opening the door and peeking her head inside. He looked over at her from the bed and then jerked his head to let her know she could come in if she wanted.
“Yeah, no the pup, even if he wasn’t sure the youkai was. He was definitely saying we and ours not I and mine,” InuYasha said. “Shit, right now he might be the only one who has any clue about who this bastard really is.”
Kagome sat down beside him and took his hand, leaning her head against his shoulder. She smiled a little as he laid his cheek against the top of her head for a moment.
“Okay, yeah the kids will be fine here for a night or two,” InuYasha said. “Let me know as soon as you have something. Yeah.” He hung up and wrapped his arms around her,before laying back onto the bed. She snuggled into him as he made a frustrated sort of sound. “This bastard is really starting to piss me off.”
She swallowed hard. “You mean whoever is after me, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” he said his lips against her forehead. “Sesshomaru knew exactly who the kid’s parents were. There aren’t actually that many inu youkai. They were supposed to be gone a week so it wasn’t until they didn’t come back that someone reported them missing. He went there himself and found nothing just like with my place and the wolves. The kid… he just assumed he’d been killed too.”
“Then that means he made a mistake, right?” Kagome asked. “Kouta felt the real him, his youki and then got away.”
“As much as I hate to say it, locking him up might have saved his life,” InuYasha said. “It kept the piece of shit doing all this from being able to finish the job.”
“There is one thing I don’t understand,” she told him. “It all just seems so random, even with me. He’s not Hojou so why would come after me. I’m nobody important.”
“Well, the pup’s father worked for the human government. He was their liaison and reported directly to Sesshomaru when necessary,” InuYasha replied. “You want to fuck up the lines of communication then he was a damn good place to start. Then there are the wolves. As pathetic as they are as youkai, they run throughout most of the forests on the whole main island. The two largest tribes combining would have made it a lot harder to hide outside of the cities.”
“Okay, I guess that makes sense, but what about me?” she asked.
He raised himself up onto one elbow and looked down at her, his other hand caressing her hair and face lightly. “I can only make my best guess and assume it has something to do with the poor kid’s unrequited feelings for you and that maybe some of that carried over when the bastard did whatever it was he did to claim his life. Hell for all I know he went around telling everyone he met about how amazing you are, how beautiful and it peaked the asshole’s interest. Let’s also not forget that you are the only badass class miko around.”
She blushed a little and pushed him away so she could sit up. “I was serious and no one even knew I was a ‘Midori’ class miko until recently, long after he started stalking me.”
“Keh I was being serious too,” he told her, coming to his feet and offering her his hand. She took it and he pulled her into his arms. “Maybe he just went to the reunion to keep up appearances, saw you there and couldn’t resist. I could definitely understand that.”
She shook her head. “No, you were right. It has to be more than that. What he did to that girl after I refused him, that took planning, which would mean he was already obsessed with me when he went to the party. I guess maybe I was just hoping for a way for it not to be personal with me, you know?”
“Whatever the reason I am going to find this bastard and make sure he can’t ever hurt anyone else,” he said. “Now, go make me a list of crap I’m gonna need to buy to keep them fed and entertained for a day or two, because I have no idea what that’s gonna take.”
“Oh and I do?” she questioned. “Because I’m a woman, I suppose?”
He snorted. “Nah, because you’ve already shown you know how to cook for more than one person and I’d only pick games that I’m good at, because I hate to lose.”
She laughed. “Nice save. Though I have to say that I think you’d do fine.” She lowered her gaze and her voice. “You were really good with both of them when you were asking questions. It was a little like seeing what kind of father you would make.”
“I’m glad I passed the test then,” he said. “Because I want that for us, Kagome, more than I ever thought I would.”
“Me too,” she assured him. She raised herself up onto her toes and kissed him softly. “I’ll go get an idea of what they like.”
~ * ~
InuYasha couldn’t take his eyes off of Kagome as she stood between the two kids, Kouta standing on a chair on her right and Akemi on her left. Much to his delight both of the kids had expressed excitement at the idea of making fresh ramen and then further at Kagome’s suggestion that they help her.
If she felt like she’d gotten a glimpse into the type of father he’d be earlier, then he definitely felt like that was what he was getting now as she guided them with patience and encouragement and quiet praise. The youkai in him had never been so agreeable as they watched her. She would make as good a mother for their children as he could have ever hoped to find for so many reasons.
She glanced back at him with a smile which he returned. How could anyone even think about hurting such an amazing woman, one with such a warm heart who was so loving and kind? It really pissed him off just thinking about how different she was now from the first time he had seen her. She looked at him again her brow furrowed as if she had sensed the change in his mood somehow. He just shook his head a little and he could practically see her filing it away to ask him about later.
Just add that to the long list of reasons he was so crazy about her. It seemed impossible that she should understand him so well after such a short time together and further her being a miko, but she did and he loved her all the more for it. How could he ever thought Kikyou was the one or at the very least that she was the best he could ever expect? Now with Kagome, it seemed as if all of that had happened to a different InuYasha a lifetime ago.
Sango had been even more right that he first thought. He felt like a different a man, a better one and even his old job had taken on a new meaning for him. He still didn’t want to go back to it, but as terrible as the things he’d done were, he’d done them not for himself or the money but to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. Kikyou had found it distasteful, though she hadn’t had a problem spending the money he made doing it, but Kagome she looked deeper, down to the heart of things and saw the truth, saw him. In her eyes he wasn’t an assassin but an avenger and he could live with that.
“Okay, you two, go sit at the table,” Kagome said.
She brought over a bowl for each of them and then one for herself before sitting down next to him. She made him so fucking happy just by being herself that it was impossible to resist the urge to lean over and nuzzle her neck. Her cheeks darkened but she didn’t protest and instead tweaked on of his ears before picking up her chopstick.
“Itadakimasu,” they all said before digging in.
Kagome laughed a little at the serious slurping that commenced before she could even get a proper bite. Akemi at least manage to hold herself back a little but InuYasha and Kouta apparently had no such compunction as they ate faster than humanly possible. At least there could be no question that the meal was a success.
Everyone but her availed themselves to second and InuYasha went back for a third bowl as well. She found herself thinking that she’d done a pretty good job predicting how much food they would actually need, and also that it was nice that InuYasha insisted on doing the dishes since he was the only one who hadn’t helped with the cooking.
While he did that she took the kids into the living room and together they decided on which game to play. It was a lot more fun than he expected and only further proved to him that he really did want a few brats of his own one day. He would have been willing to bet he and Kagome were going to make the cutest pups there ever were, but it wasn’t time for that just yet. However he fully intended on them getting in plenty of practice at making them until then.
By the time Kagome announced that they should be getting ready for bed they’d played pretty much every card game he’d ever heard of and some he hadn’t. He helped her get out some spare blankets. They didn’t have a futon tucked away anywhere so the kids were going to sleep on the sofa, which fortunately was big enough for them both, since he fully intended on cashing in on Kagome’s earlier promise in the shower that they would take their time loving each other once the pups were down for the night.
Kagome set two glasses of water on the table. “I’ll leave the bathroom light on just in case. Is there anything else you need?” Akemi and Kouta both shook their heads and she smiled. “Okay then. If you do need anything just come let me know.”
“The door is gonna be locked, so just knock and I’ll definitely hear you,” InuYasha added, slipping his hand into hers. “And no staying up all night either. Kagome needs more sleep than you two do, but you should still try to get some rest.”
“Okay,” the both agreed.
Satisfied that they were as settled in as they were going to get, he led his beautiful Kagome down the hall to bed. He closed the door behind them and engaged the lock, before embracing her from behind. She covered his hands with her own and leaned back into his as he kissed her where her neck met her shoulder. He loved the way she shivered as he licked her, savoring the taste of her sweet skin.
He was relieved when she allowed him to pull her shirt off over her head because it meant that she wasn’t going to object to their making love with the kids in the other room, even if he would have understood, it would have sucked. He unhooked her bra and then pushed the straps off her shoulders with both hands before sliding the down her arms and hooking his thumbs into the waistband of her skirt and panties.
As drew them downwards she said, “I hope you realize that since you took off all my clothes first, I expect a show.”
He chuckled. “Works for me. Just get on the bed and enjoy it.”
She rolled her eyes, but slipped away from him and up onto the bed. She laid back against the pillows and kept her eyes on him as he pulled his shirt off over his head. Her view was still obstructed by his undershirt and he smirked as he took his time unbuttoning and then unzipping his pants. As he stepped out of them she got a wonderfully wicked idea. She made sure he was looking at her as she circled one of her nipples with her fingertip and then moved it down across her abdomen. The growl that he issued was filled with a promise that thrilled her.
He all but tore off his undershirt and boxer briefs before pouncing on her with all of his fierce desire. She gasped as he pressed himself against her, rocking his hips in a way that was surely torture for them both. Gods how she loved him, wanted him with every breath, needed him with every part of herself. No one had ever told her that it could be like this. He made her feel so much and she knew in her heart that he was the one she was meant to be with, to spend her life with, and to have beautiful puppy eared babies with. Though that line of thought reminded her that they weren’t alone in the apartment.
“InuYasha wait,” she said. “Do you think we could turn on some music or something? I’d just feel more comfortable. I know that they have the television on and I’m definitely not going to just give up sex when we have kids of our own…”
He leaned over and kissed her softly. “It’s fine.”
She watched him as he left the bed and went over to the dresser. He picked up his cell phone and soon he was setting with the dock. She smiled as their favorite Satellites song came on. It might not have seemed like the most romantic choice to some but for her it was perfect and it took her right back to that day in his car. He looked at her questioningly and she nodded, holding out a hand.
He climbed back into bed laying over her, his lips finding and capturing hers. He looked down at her, his face serious. “You are so beautiful. What the hell are you doing with me?”
“I would say waiting for you to stop talking and to get back to making love to me, but I’m guessing you meant more in a figurative sense,” she replied with a grin.
“Smart ass,” he said with a snort.
She slipped one of her arms up from under his and sought out one of his ears with gentle fingers. “I’m with you because I love you. I know you think what you’ve done means you can’t still be a good man, but you are. You’re honorable, and brave, and have spent your life protecting those who are weaker than you, even though it came at a great personal cost. I’m the one who’s lucky.”
He kissed her then, desperately. “Fuck woman, do you have any idea just how much I love you?”
“Maybe a little one,” she replied. “Now can I tell you to shut up and put your mouth to better use?”
He chuckled. “That’s my demanding woman. Never change.” She arched into him as he nibbled and kissed his way down to her perfect breasts, drawing one of her nipples into his mouth then releasing it. “This what you had in mind?”
“Mmm, yes,” she breathed. “Don’t stop.”
“The thought never crossed my mind,” he assured her.
~ * ~
InuYasha sighed as he ran his fingers through her hair and she lifted her head. “Is something wrong?”
“Nah, at least they waited until we were done,” he said as he sat up.
He got out of bed and went over to the dresser. He tossed her one of his t-shirts which would be more than long enough to act as a nightgown, as well as a pair of her panties and then pulled on a pair of pajama pants. He waited and watched her as she dressed, lamenting the fact that he wasn’t going to get to spend all night curled around her naked body, but there would be other nights.
He opened the door and was met by the kit and the pup giving him the puppy dog eyes. He snorted. “Come on then.”
Kagome scooted to the middle of the bed and the two kids joined her, Akemi on the outside and Kouta turning into an actual puppy and piling up on top of her stomach. He rolled his eyes and slipped into bed behind her, pressing a kiss against her shoulder and then laying his hand there, his arm lying alongside the pup. She really was amazing, not fazed in the least by finding herself part of a literal puppy pile.
Kagome turned her head and the eyes met. “You are a very good man.”
He felt his face heat. “Go to sleep woman.”
She offered him an amused smile. “I love you too, InuYasha. Goodnight.”
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