This is Gonna be Fun (uncensored) | By : szaugg Category: InuYasha > General Views: 38424 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
Disclaimer: we're all aware I don't make
any money off of this, own the idea, the rights to the manga,
or the rights to the anime of inuyasha. Although I do
own one of the's great for writing:-)
A/N Kinda
like the energizer bunny, this story just keeps going, and going, and going, heh. Miroku and Sango chappie.
Chapter 17 – Let the Games Begin
Sango tensed as she heard a rustling coming from the
direction of the camp. She hadn’t figured out what to do yet! If Miroku came now… Kagome’s
bright red face peered out from behind a large shrub and Sango
sagged in relief.
“I thought you were Miroku-sama!”
After a moment of surprise, Kagome smiled
in spite of her cooling blushes and slipped all the way into the little
thicket. “About to come and give him a hug?”
“Just wondering. It looked like you were enjoying things a few
minutes ago when I interrupted.” Sango narrowed her
eyes as Kagome asked archly. “Would you rather I left you two alone next
“That’s not something to joke about.” Sango said, kicking a nearby tree morosely. “You didn’t see
how it happened! I tried to show him how little he affected me, and it
completely backfired, Kagome! That stupid houshi
surprised me and I melted like butter! A veteran taijiya
should not have so little control over her own
Kagome’s eyes softened in sympathy as she
looked at her friend. Poor Sango.
“Everyone has moments when they’re not at their best, Sango.”
“I don’t.”
Kagome said, “you can’t be on your guard every moment of the day…”
“I can try.”
Kagome chided.
“Then what am I going to do! You saw what
happened when he caught me off my guard: I was utterly useless! I have to keep
him away from me, but if I don’t smack that man when he touches me, I can’t
keep him away.” She paused, and then added in a moment of honesty, “Actually,
it only took him a few moments and I didn’t even want to keep him away.”
“Good kisser, huh?’
Sango involuntarily touched her lips. “You can’t
“I think I might have an idea.” Kagome
said, flushing slightly. “If you feel too vulnerable when he gets close,
though, I don’t understand what’s the difficulty in physically
stopping Miroku.”
“He’s too perceptive! I can’t keep
slapping that stupid, smug, baby-faced houshi every
time he gets close or he’ll figure it out! If he feels like I’m
overreacting to something he’s…entitled to…now, you know he’ll go looking for
the reason why!”
“Ignoring my opinion on the complete
barbarism of that ‘entitled to’ statement, who says you have to slap him?” At Sango’s look of complete incomprehension, Kagome sighed. “I
love you like a sister, Sango, but you can be awfully
‘all or nothing’ sometimes, you know that? If he's coming on too strong, you
could simply push his hand away, or give him a shove, or just tell him ‘no’ and
walk away.” As Sango stared at Kagome with her mouth
open, Kagome muttered, “Or aren’t women in the Feudal Era allowed to do that,
“Ah, it’s…it depends on the husband, I
guess…” Sango trailed off.
“Look,” Kagome said impatiently, “if you
never thought of doing it, then it’s certainly not going to reveal much about
your inner desires, is it? But you would still be keeping him away, at
least. And honestly, you’ve got to do something soon or you’ll be in
trouble. What good will it be to keep him in the
dark about your emotions if he still gets your body in the process?” She asked.
“Although honestly, I doubt Miroku has any belief
that he’s got any rights where your body is concerned. He just doesn’t
seem the type.”
“You might be surprised.” Sango mumbled, mulling it over. She was pretty sure
that Miroku was going to want a lot more ‘rights’
than she was willing to give. Telling him no without violence might not be what
Miroku expected from her, but it also wasn’t
something that gave clues like signposts telling him her motives and her
innermost feelings. It just might work.
Watching her friend, Kagome was simply
glad Sango was so preoccupied that she hadn’t noticed
Kagome’s agitation. She needed some time to figure out what to do about Inuyasha’s amorous endeavors, and somehow she didn’t think Sango would be the best person to give advice on that particular
topic. Before she could think about it further, however, they both heard Shippou calling for them. Sango
looked resigned as she turned towards the noise, while Kagome simply tried to
come to terms with seeing Inuyasha again.
Embarrassment aside, they both thought, they should be getting back.
“Wish me good luck.” Sango
whispered to her as Shippou bobbed ahead of them,
leading the way back. Kagome gave her a grin and a big thumbs
up. When they got back to camp, however, all the women and Inuyasha
were able to do was look at each other awkwardly. Miroku
merely smiled to himself and silently kept an eye on Sango’s
every move.
Kagome watched Inuyasha,
with his newly scrubbed face and disgruntled expression, and felt her cheeks
heating anew. She still couldn’t believe he’d done that. Then again, she
thought, considering how close he and Miroku have
become, maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised. It’s not as though he ever had
anyone else to talk to about women. The thought that Inuyasha
was probably as inexperienced as she was crossed her mind, and she found a
surprising amount of comfort at the idea.
Inuyasha finally snorted. “Feh,
this is stupid. Look, that last village, Miroku heard
about a really strong demon that’s bothering people north of here. Are we gonna go check it out or what?” His ears twitched as he
waited for the answer and Kagome felt her tension drain completely away at his
familiar impatience. Inuyasha, immature and irritable as usual. She walked over.
“I’d appreciate a ride.” She said softly,
reaching out to finger his damp hair. His eyes widened a moment at the gesture
before he smiled broadly. He handed her the well-used yellow backpack and her
weapon and offered her his back.
“All right then! Let’s get going!”
Sango quickly climbed onto Kirara,
giving Shippou a lift up. Miroku
headed towards them only to stop as Sango glared at
him, altering her expression to a rather neutral smile with obvious difficulty.
He glared back a moment, took a deep breath, and then walked towards them
She’s the one who is abandoning this
marriage before it starts, he
reminded himself, trying to keep his anger from flagging. … and I will not be afraid of my own wife!
Although a little fear can be a healthy
thing, he amended quickly,
watching her caress her hiraikotsu as he climbed on
and they took off after Inuyasha.
They stopped briefly for lunch, Sango taking refuge by Kagome’s side while Miroku sat quietly in between Inuyasha
and Shippou, watching her with dark, shadowed eyes
throughout the entire meal. She could feel him looking at her
whenever she looked down at her food, but if she actually looked up she
couldn’t seem to keep from staring back. How was it
that a man was given such beautiful eyes, she thought irritably.
The Fates were so unkind. He smiled, winking at her as he caught her
staring, and she flushed and looked back to her food. Stupid, conceited
ass, she thought, gripping her chopsticks so tightly they almost broke.
When they set out again, Sango had hopes that they might be able to find
accommodations for the night. Gods, what she wouldn’t give for something
soft to sleep on! And a wall between her and her hentai husband. Although, come to think of it,
if there were walls, he might be able to use that to get her alone
somewhere. Hmmmm, she might have to think about
By the time they were forced to make camp
out in the open again, Sango decided that outdoors
and public was probably better when it came to dealing with certain lecherous
companions, anyway. How much trouble could Miroku
really cause, exposed and in front of everyone? It was safer that they
weren’t at a village, she told herself. All the same, she could still whine a
“What I wouldn’t give for a bath.” Sango said , dismounting from Kirara and grimacing at the sticky, sweaty feeling brought
on by a day’s worth of travel. She arched her back, pushing on it with her
palms to try and massage the knots out. Miroku, in
the midst of dismounting as well, saw her arch, saw her breasts thrust out with
the motion, and promptly lost his balance, falling the
rest of the way down.
Seeing Sango’s
half-smile as he picked himself up, he muttered under his breath. “I believe
she did that on purpose.” He swore as she turned and sashayed away from him.
All the Gods should be proud in the part they played to create that ass, was
all he could think, watching her hips swaying gently as she walked.
Sango made it over to where Kagome had already started
unpacking, offering to help. Anything to keep her from having
to interact with Miroku for a while. If
she had to stay near him one more moment, she didn’t know what she was going to
do. She already felt as jittery as water on a frying pan after riding all
day with him behind her, the stupid lecher. Her back twitched involuntarily
just thinking about it.
Fortunately for Sango,
Miroku dragged Inuyasha off
almost immediately on the pretext of gathering firewood..again. He shooed Shippou
back towards the women when he tried to follow.
“Take more notes.” He ordered him.
“Oh, that’s just great. You threaten me
and now you really are asking me to spy on them?” the little fox asked
“Yes. Life is often cruel and
incomprehensible that way…rather like women.” Miroku put his face up close to Shippou’s,
“Take. Notes.”
“Jeesh, you
don’t have to get so angry about it! I’m going already.” Shippou
started muttering under his breath to himself as he headed back to the food. “Hmmph, maybe I’ll just eat all your food before you get
back, how would you like that.”
“I heard that, brat!” Inuyasha
called out as he walked out of the small copse of trees where they were camped.
Shippou squeaked and scampered the rest of the way to
Miroku started talking as soon as they were out of
earshot from the women. “Did you see what Sango
“You mean the arching her back and…” he
stopped. “Uh no, I didn’t see a thing.”
“Very smooth recovery.” Miroku mocked gently, “But either way, I was referring to
earlier today.”
“At lunch?”
“No, on Kirara, before we landed.”
Lowering his eyelids, Inuyasha
looked at the monk, “No, somehow I seemed to miss it while you were both up in
the fucking sky! Jeez, what type of dumb question is that!”
Miroku stared for a moment before shaking his head.
“You’re right, that was a ridiculous question. The woman is making me crazy.”
He stood staring at his hands until Inuyasha grew
impatient and smacked him lightly on the shoulder.
“What the hell are you waiting for! Don’t start something like that and then stop there!
What did Sango do?”
Miroku rubbed his arm ruefully.
“She didn’t slap me.” Miroku
said finally.
“Uh…huh?” This was bad somehow?
“She didn’t slap me. I had the perfect
opportunity for my palm to slide over and…” he paused, his eyes dilating
slightly at the memory.
“Grab her ass?”
“-Caress my wife.” He corrected, “ and she didn’t slap me.”
Inuyasha’s mouth dropped. “Really?
You did it again? Damn, on Kirara’s back no
less. That’s fucking impressive. Although, wasn’t Shippou…”
“No, I did not successfully start seducing
Sango again.” Miroku
said, exasperated. “But as soon as I touched her, she – she simply pushed my
hand away and told me ‘maybe later.’ Maybe later!” He
pushed his hand through his hair in frustration, accidentally undoing his
Inuyasha scratched his head at Miroku’s
obvious upset. “Um…how…uh, awful?”
Miroku started pacing. “What does she mean by that? If Shippou’s telling the truth, then she’s lying because she
has no intention of there ever being a later. But if Shippou’s
lying, then maybe she actually wants...” He halted, staring back towards the
“Shippou wasn’t
lying. I figured the little squirt might try to fuck with us, so I was checkin’ his scent real well the entire time. He was
pissed, but honest.”
“Well, there’s one daydream put to rest,”
muttered Miroku, “But then that must mean that she’s
lying! What does she think she’s doing?”
“She doesn’t have to be lying, does she?
Maybe she was going to divorce you but uh, that kiss was enough to
change her mind? She just needs some time to get used to everything?” Inuyasha attempted, his head aching a little with the
effort of trying to make up something feasible.
“In my adolescent
fantasies, perhaps, but not in truth. Although, “ he paused, calming slightly as
he considered this, “you may be on to something.”
“Really?” Inuyasha blurted, then hmmphed. “I mean, yeah, of course I am.”
“Something has changed, beyond our
being married. If it weren’t for the fact that she enjoyed our encounter this
morning, I would think she’s become completely indifferent to my attentions.
However, if that’s not the case… What is she up to? Why is she choosing to
circumvent me in such a mild manner?” He started pacing again, thinking hard.
“In fact, why hasn’t she already told me she’s planning to get a divorce in the
first place? This isn’t like her at all…”
“Yeah, Sango
would usually just have smacked you around and told you to stay the hell away
until she divorced your sorry houshi ass.” Inuyasha said casually.
“Then if Sango
is planning to leave me, why hasn’t she told me? I know she’s leaving
me, but she doesn’t know I know she’s leaving me. Unless Shippou
told them everything and I simply don’t know that she knows that I know…”
“…she’s leaving you. Yeah, I get the
point. So…what?”
“I don’t know. I have no idea what is
going on in that beautiful head of hers.” he stroked his chin, starting to grin
as he turned to Inuyasha. “I cannot figure out what
convoluted path her mind has been going down. I would be willing to bet that
she’s trying to hide something, but…well, what it could be?” He shrugged,
grinning broader. “This is going to be quite enjoyable. I absolutely love
trying to figure out that woman.”
Did that make any sense to you?
Not particularly, replied Inuyasha’s conscience, then again, I can’t figure out why
he’d pick Sango over Kagome in the first place.
Me neither.
Inuyasha came back to the real world as Miroku
started talking again.
“Well, I suppose I better be heading back
“Oh, don’t even try weaseling out of this,
Miroku” he said, yanking on Miroku’s
arm. “You’re the one who dragged me away from Kagome in the first place, you
stupid Houshi, you can help me get the damn wood.”
Miroku sighed to himself. It had been worth a try, at any
rate. He started looking around for some drier deadwood along with Inuyasha.
“By the way, “
interrupted Inuyasha, “this shit has got to
“Trying to trick you into gathering all
the wood?” Miroku asked.
“No! You and me
doing crap together all the time. Houshi, since I’ve
been married, I’ve spent more time with you than I have with Kagome! I
want to have some time to be with my damn wife!”
“On the subject of spending more time with
our wives, we’re in complete agreement.”
“Oh.” Inuyasha
abruptly ran out of steam, “All right then. Just so we’re clear.”
Oh, very forceful, his conscience sniped.
Shut up
The very image of
masculine power.
Shut up or I won’t even try to touch
Kagome tonight.
Now that’s just cruel, Inuyasha.
You’re still talking!
Fine, I’ll shut up! As long as you come
through and really do something.
I’m thinking about it, okay?
Trying to get out of it already?
No! I’m just…I’m just thinking of how
to go about things properly, that’s all.
Well, don’t use up all your energy…we’ll
want some of that later.
As soon as they brought back the wood and
had a fire going, Miroku excused himself to take Shippou to ‘go use the bushes.’ He came back feeling both
disgruntled and vindicated, his hair tucked slickly back into it's regular queue after Shippou
had laughed at it's tousled appearance.
Shippou had actually done his job and taken notes, but the
girls had not been very forthcoming in front of him. Of course, they
continually forgot that he could hear them from fairly far away, so he got in a
few bits of eavesdropping. And found out, essentially, nothing. Yes, Sango seemed to be hiding something, but she’d said nothing other than trying to make sure Miroku
didn’t ‘find out,’ and that if she slapped him, he was likely to. Which made no sense at all.
Of course, he should give her the benefit
of the doubt and assume she knew what she was talking about, he supposed.
After all, he had more than a few ideas that he was quite willing to try
to earn himself a slap in the face.
He was not going to be afraid of
his own wife, dammit!!
He managed to whisper to Inuyasha that Shippou hadn’t
heard anything of interest from Kagome, just before the baked fish and wild
greens were ready. He watched as Inuyasha walked over
to Kagome and sat down next to her gingerly. When she simply glanced at him and
smiled, the hanyou relaxed and proceeded to inhale
his food.
The entire time, however, Miroku never lost track of Sango,
who retrieved her food last. She was walking by him, obviously intent on
getting to the far side of Inuyasha and Kagome, when
he reached up and snagged her hand. Looking down at him in surprise, her entire
body tensed.
“Come sit down here, Sango.”
He said, tugging on her hand. He saw her bite her lip and try to gently
extricate her hand. He held on tight.
“I was hoping to talk with Kagome…”
“Well, unless your voice has failed you, I
don’t believe we’re so far away that you would be prevented.” Miroku said with a bit of laughter in his voice. She
paused, stymied a moment.
If I fight him, then I won’t have to be
near him. I really don’t want to be near him right now! But, if I
don’t want to be near him…then maybe I don’t want to let him know that?
Should I just sit down? Maybe I can just sit here a few minutes, so he
won’t realize how much his nearness bothers me, and then I can get up on some
pretext and go sit back by Shippou like I wanted, she thought. Okay, that might work.
She acquiesced.
“All right.” She tugged on her hand again slightly, but when he
still wouldn’t release it, she sighed. Leaning over and putting her bowl down,
she started to sit when Miroku suddenly jerked on her
arm, making her fall into his lap. He let go of her hand to whip his arm around
her waist and pull her back up against his chest. Before she could even recover
from the surprise of it, she felt him leaning forward against her back until
she could see his face out of the corner of her eye.
“Why Sango,
I’ve never known you to be so clumsy, is everything all right?” he asked softly
into her ear.
She twitched. That stupid…”You know very
well you did it on purpose!” she ground out, pushing at his arm around her
waist. She raised an elbow to get him right in the solar plexus, then
paused. He’s not groping me. Why isn’t he groping me? Is this a
test? What if he’s doing this just to see how I react? What should I
do? I can’t let him know how much this bothers me! She tried another
“Just…uh…thank you for catching me. I’m
fine now, though, so you can let go.” She pushed at his arm again sharply, but
with little affect.
“I can, hmmmm?” His arm across her stomach didn’t move, but his
other hand came up to gently brush her hair away from the back of her neck, the
mala beads cold and smooth in contrast to the heat of
his hands. She squirmed against him and he hardened instantly. Her eyes
widening at the hard protrusion pressing against her bottom, she tried to scoot
to the side to avoid it. Somehow, it ended up making whatever was under
her grow even larger and more prominent and Miroku
tightened his grip around her waist for a moment, keeping her still. About to
demand that he let her go once again, she faltered and a hot shiver ran down
her spine as she felt something soft, warm and moist running gently along the
outside edge of her ear.
“Are you licking me?” she managed to
squeak out.
“Would I do that?” he asked innocently,
reaching down to slide his hand along the side of her thigh where they rested
on his own, his fingers making small patterns of fire as they went. He
bent his head lower and kissed the side of her neck, swirling his tongue in
slow, small circles. When she stiffened, he tightened his arm around her waist
again, holding her pressed against that hard length underneath her, as he
continued drawing circles with his tongue against her neck and the side of her
collarbone. He moved up to just behind her ear, making slick rounds over and
over, and she finally sucked in her breath, her head lolling back so he had
better access. Smiling against her skin, he sucked, hard and sudden, making her
whimper, and then kissed the small oval of reddened skin. He couldn’t
resist and placed another ‘love bite’ along her neck as she whimpered
He spread his fingers along her thigh,
encircling it’s appealing round strength just above her kimono-clad knee and
caressing up its length. Sometimes he forgot just how small she was, he
thought, noticing how much of her leg his hand could encompass. He stopped as
his thumb reached the soft indentation where her thigh connected, rubbing back
and forth along the sensitive shallow valley through her clothing. Swallowing
slightly, he imagined how soft her actual skin must be underneath it and thrust
against her slightly at the thought.
Sango thought she was going to melt into the
ground. She needed to push him away. She needed to push him
away. The mantra ran through her head even as she felt him kissing her
neck, as her head leaned against him so she could experience more of that
sinful, amazing mouth. Dear Gods above, this felt so good! The little
pain from his odd kiss on her neck, the friction and warmth along her thigh,
the soft touch of his thumb that seemed to be making her pulse deep inside each
time it moved back and forth, the hard pressure against her bottom, they
swirled around her in a storm of sensations that made it almost impossible to
do anything but simply feel. As if that weren’t enough, she felt the arm
at her waist loosen and his hand slid up along the side of her body to gently
caress the side of her breast before palming it completely with gentle
pressure. Her nipples tingled almost painfully at the
contact. Miroku’s fingers rubbed back and
forth over the tip of her breast as he toyed with it, matching the rhythm of
his hand against her thigh, and she shivered as the feeling seemed to shoot
straight down her stomach to hover between her legs, waiting. She bit her
lip, holding back a moan.
Eyes narrowing at the sound, Miroku reluctantly drew his arm slowly back from around her
breast. Not that he wasn’t immensely gratified by Sango’s reaction…sooooo
gratified, he thought, barely resisting the urge to take her off to find
some privacy and see how far they could take this. But…
He glanced over at Inuyasha,
Kagome, and Shippou. All three were staring at him
and Sango with identical expressions of shock, Inuyasha’s hand even hovering with a piece of fish half-way
to his mouth. Miroku tried to smile benignly,
shifting slightly underneath his wife, controlling his heavy breathing with an
effort. A true smile swept his face as he felt Sango
leaning back against his chest, so far making no effort to get up.
“Sango?” he
murmured quietly.
I need to push him away. I need
to push him away.
“Sango.” He murmured again.
I need to… “Wha-?” her eyes opened
from their half-mast position and she started to sit up. “What…”
“I let go.”
She looked down at her waist, realized his
arm was nowhere to be seen, and flushed scarlet. Scrambling, she practically
threw herself off his lap, looking back at him for a moment with huge,
frightened eyes. She stumbled to her feet, about to run away, and then stopped.
“Forget something?” Miroku
asked, holding up her food. She turned around and grabbed it from him, managing
to completely avoid his eyes as she walked stiff-legged as far from him as she
could get: the other side of Shippou. Hunching her
shoulders, she ate quietly, staring at the ground.
He watched her, considering. Physically,
at least, he could make her happy: it hadn’t simply been a fluke that first
time. That was good to know. It looked like he could make sure they dealt with
that whole ‘barren’ issue pretty easily as well. Also good to
know. He was slightly disappointed that he hadn’t been able to make her
lose control and actually slap him, but as things stood, he could tolerate
trying again…
…and again, and again…
Why had she looked so frightened all of
sudden, though? Was it related to whatever secret she was keeping from him? And
what was he going to have to do to find out?
He could hardly wait…
Inuyasha finally realized his fish was getting cold in his
fingertips and shoved it into his dry mouth to gulp down quickly.
I will say it again, said his conscience, Damn! That man has skills.
REALLY gotta get
some lessons.
You’re thinking of doing that to Kagome
right now, aren’t you, you hentai?
Oh, hell yeah.
Good, just wanted to make sure we were
headed in the right direction.
He heard Kagome mutter, “I guess she does
need to smack that man to keep him away from her.” And barely
managed to choke down a laugh.
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