A Time for Changes | By : Fuafuru46 Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female > InuYasha/Kagome Views: 25559 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
Author’s Note:
Hey everyone. I’m home from university and now can dedicate more time to my writing. I can resume writing one chapter a week but I need your help. Even a review a chapter would be awesome! Chapter 20 - Everytime Those Illusions Keep Floating, Yeah... Inuyasha had been cleaning the counter when the door chimes announced the arrival of a new customer. His nose twitched at an ever-familiar scent he couldn’t seem to place. The circular motions of his rag stopped as he pondered why the scent seemed so familiar. It was a mix of arrogance and smugness, but still seemed like an old scent. His ears twitched at the sound of Kagome’s voice. She had previously been talking with Nana, but his ears picked up on the change in her voice, the voice of Tsuki present versus Kagome’s. He finally turned around to see what had made her shift and there he stood, his own brother. His brother, tall, with white hair cascading down his back, was standing beside Tsuki. Inuyasha watched his brother produce an envelope and hand it to her. His brother had never taken interest in humans besides that one little girl he kept around with him. Here his brother stood, in clear daylight, conversing with Kagome. Even from here Inuyasha could see the tiny twinkle in his brother’s eyes. Whether it be frustration, anger, or jealousy, Inuyasha couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable with his brother’s presence. This stupid prick….What was he doing here? What did he want with Kagome? Before he really could think of the consequences he took a cup and chucked it at his brother’s head, with no surprise to see him catch it. “What the fuck are you doing here?” Sesshomaru caught the cup and glared, “Barbaric as ever.” Tsuki’s eyes trembled between blue and red, “Inuyasha? What are you doing?” Inuyasha jumped over the counter and glared at his brother, “Answer the question.” “Perhaps to buy coffee from a tacky coffee shop,” Sesshomaru replied, looking at his watch and then Tsuki. “Perhaps another time for our discussion.” Tsuki nodded, gripping the envelope still in her hands. “Fuck that. You are not going to waltz in here and then waltz back out.” Inuyasha felt his fists clench. “It is a free country or did you suddenly change the rules, Inuyasha?” Tsuki looked back and forth between the two. She felt Kagome inside of her expressing her concern for Inuyasha more than Sesshomaru. It was the first time Tsuki felt torn between what to do. Her desire and Kagome’s were obviously clashing. “You two are familiar with each other?” Inuyasha rolled his eyes, “This is the older brother who wants me to take over the family business.” “You are neglecting your duties.” “Damnit, Sesshomaru. I never asked for them.” “Our father left you fifty percent of the company. Why, I have no idea, but there is nothing I can do about that.” Inuyasha rolled his eyes, “You can just have the company. I’ve told you, I don’t want it.” They are family? Kagome nodded from inside the body, Inuyasha calls him an ice prince. They don’t get along. I didn’t need a background story to know that much. Tsuki looked to Inuyasha, her eyes flashing blue as Kagome tried to reach out to her friend, but said nothing. Inuyasha looked at her and thought she was acting weird,. Sure, Kagome had probably shifting between two forms, but this was probably the first time they were so obviously fighting. One-minute Kagome’s hand would inch up, another it would inch down. It looked like her feet were made of lead, as she tried to take a step forward and then back. It seemed like Kagome’s body was trembling, even from where he stood. Sesshomaru also sensed this distress and looked down at Tsuki. “This Sesshomaru will call you in the morning. I wish to remove myself from this distasteful environment.” He raised his hand to her, possibly to take hers or wish her a goodbye, but he stopped. In her eyes he noted the blue centers, vibrating, trembling, as if completely terrified of him. While Sesshomaru enjoyed feeling superior over others, this was not the domineering power he wanted. He frowned and dropped his hand. “I look forward to your thoughts tomorrow. Goodnight.” Inuyasha barked out for him to stop by Kagome…Tsuki…they…stepped in front of him to stop his movements. Her hands reached up and pushed against his chest despite her whole body trembling. “In…Inuyasha. Leave him.” Inuyasha let his arms sink to his sides as he listened to the door jingle shut. She let out a gasp and the red left her eyes. Weak in the knees she fell forward and he caught her, “Whoa, Kagome, you okay?” Kagome’s eyes focused and unfocused as she looked at the floor, “Inu….yasha….I don’t…” Her fingers delicately gripped his arm. Inuyasha scooped Kagome up into his arms and carried her back to the couch. Her body shook and for the first time in a long while Inuyasha saw and felt the black pulse radiate off her body. She contracted in his arms and leaned over, coughing up a speckle of blood. “Kagome, what the hell is wrong?” No sooner had she coughed Nana was back at their side. The concern on her face was unfamiliar for Inuyasha. The last time Nana had seemed this serious was the night Kagome had been attacked…Inuyasha had to shake his head and not think about those times. Nana had her hand on Kagome’s forehead, pushing back her bangs as the girl continued to shake. “Inuyasha, get behind the counter and take care of the customers.” “But---“ “No buts,” she snapped quietly. “You are still my employee and I need someone to actually work. I promise I will take care of Kagome.” Inuyasha growled and jogged back to the counter, looking over his shoulder at the couch. Her feet hung off the edge and still trembled. No one else in the store seemed to feel the black waves coming off of her body. From where he stood behind the counter, quickly making drinks and ignoring customers, he could see Nana was whispering to her. Kagome rolled over on the couch to face Nana, her trembling hand reaching out to touch the top of Nana’s head. Kagome was saying something too, but over the hums of the espresso machine and probably Inuyasha’s own nerves he couldn’t make out her words over the overwhelming feeling of the black waves. “What do you mean, Kagome?” Nana whispered, looking up at the hand on her own forehead. Kagome smiled, but it was Tsuki’s voice. “It was only a matter of time before the two personalities became volatile.” “But why? The two of you finally seemed like you were starting a working relationship.” Nana took Kagome’s hand and held it between hers. “Kagome, am I even talking to you?” Kagome shook her head, “It is indeed, Tsuki.” “But your eyes, they’re not…” “Indeed. I am in the physical characteristics of Kagome. I am not in my demon form.” “Then how?” “Kagome is….” Tsuki coughed and gasped. “It’s as if she’s unconscious…or trapped.” Tsuki looked to the envelope on the table. “Look at those photographs….” Nana, confused, picked up the package and pulled out the photographs from inside. “This relic. It is the thing Sesshomaru thinks can separate us.” “Separate?” Tsuki winced, “Listen to me, Nana. I am a demon and she is a priestess. While the two are polar, the blood that Inuyasha gave to create me is stronger than her underdeveloped powers. But…” “If she keeps getting stronger she’ll hurt you. Right?” “It will hurt me, but there is a higher chance I will persevere over her.” Nana paled, “Are you saying she’ll die if you two continue on this path?” Tsuki nodded slowly. “My pack alpha is Inuyasha. His beast will not let me die. It will keep me alive, above all costs.” “But Inuyasha’s beast hasn’t made much of an appearance…he never does.” Tsuki closed her eyes and leaned back on the couch. “I fear for what is about to happen to us. Her instincts were not wrong. Something is not right.”Nana looked back at the relic. It was a cuff for the arm with a pink colored gem in a diamond shaped embroidery. The cuff itself looked like it was made of an old metal. It was slightly chipped. She glanced back at Tsuki and noticed she’d finally fallen asleep.
Kagome woke up on the couch of her apartment and found Inuyasha on the floor beside her. He was flipping through the photographs in the envelope and had a laptop open on the counter. She pressed her face into the back of his hair. She wasn’t sure what that kind of gesture conveyed. She wanted to be enveloped in his safety; she was so happy that he was there when she woke up.
“Did you at least remember to bring my art home with you?” she whispered in his ear. Inuyasha glanced up at her and smiled, “Nana walked it home with me. It’s about time you woke up.” She closed her eyes and hummed, “How long have I been asleep?” “It’s three in the morning, Kagome.” Kagome glanced around the room and noted how dark it was. Inuyasha’s computer monitor was the only light of the room. She rested her head on his shoulder and stared at the photographs. “The relic…” “Nana and Tsuki said this is what would separate you two…if we can find it.” “We? No, no we,” she shook her head on his shoulder. “This is mine, Inuyasha.” “But you’re letting Sesshomaru help you!” he snapped, feeling anger bubble up in his chest. Kagome removed her head and slowly sat up, planting her feet on the floor. “Tsuki is letting Sesshomaru help her. He hardly knows me.” “What’s the last thing you remember from today?” Kagome scratched the back of her head and moaned, “Talking to Nana about my art. The sketch of the woman with the yellow hair.” Inuyasha tapped on his laptop and looked up at her. “So nothing involving me and Sesshomaru?” Kagome shook her head. “Tsuki shares her memories with me when she decides to…” “Wait, she can keep memories from you?” Kagome nodded, “I cannot keep memories from her. Most of the time she doesn’t hide things from me. It’s more like sitting back and watching through a window. I can see everything and not control it.” She stood and wobbled, catching the hand Inuyasha held out to her. “The memories will probably come to me in my dreams.” Inuyasha curled his hand around hers, “Still weak, huh?” Kagome sat back down on the couch and sighed. There was such a weight on her body, one she had not felt since the hospital. “Inuyasha…did something happen to me?” Inuyasha looked at the computer monitor and clicked on another website. He didn’t want to tell her about the blood. He didn’t want to tell her about the conversation Tsuki and Nana had if Nana was keeping it from her. “You fainted after Sesshomaru left.” “Wow, he must really have knocked me off my feet.” She laughed a little but could hear the silence from his end. “I was just kidding…” Inuyasha sighed and punched her leg gently, “We’re not close. You know that.” “He’s the ice prince.” He looked up at her, surprised. She smiled gently and stood up again. This time, despite his hand suspended in the air for her, she stood strongly and walked towards the kitchen. “I still remember every conversation we’ve had, Inuyasha.” Inuyasha looked down at his computer and smiled to himself. She really did seem to remember the little details, surprising him, with her depth and emotional capacity. Kagome suffered more than anyone he had ever met, and yet Kagome still… “---Inuyasha?” He shook his head and looked up, “What?” “Do you want a cup of coffee?” “Uh, sure. Yeah.” Inuyasha continued to click on the computer, pulling up more information about the artifact from the pictures. “This cuff has a name, Kagome.” Kagome scoop the instant coffee into the filter. “Oh? What’s it called?” Inuyasha nodded slowly, “You don’t know what I’m talking about, do you?” “No, I do,” Kagome poured the water and pulled down two mugs. “The last time Tsuki saw um…him, he had mentioned this relic before. I don’t know much more than that.” “It’s supposed to be relevant to Fuyōhek, which was a stone used to mask demon aura.” “But I don’t want to mask my aura…just separate it.” “Damnit, Kagome, I know you want to be separated. I’m just trying to help you like I promised!” He slammed his hand on the table, watching his laptop jump. He closed his eyes in frustration and sighed. If that prick is going to help you so am I. Kagome slid the coffee in front of him and said nothing else before she walked to her bedroom. Inuyasha looked at the coffee, filled with cream and sugar, as he liked it, in the mug that was red, distinctly his. From his spot on the floor he looked to her room, the door still open. She was unwinding the bandage on her hand, letting it fall in a neat coil on the floor. The only light of her room came from the window, illuminating her in beams of light from between the blinds. With that light, certain aspects of her body were highlighted, both good and bad. Her back to him she lifted her shirt and stood in only a strapless sports bra. He looked away when she moved to throw off her jeans, but as if knowing he was there, she casually kicked her door shut. The door opened again and she remerged and walked until she stood in front of him, behind the table with her coffee in her hand. “Look at me, Inuyasha.” Inuyasha clicked on another browser page and took a sip of his coffee. “Inuyasha. I’m serious.” When he refused to look up Kagome grabbed him by the chin and tilted his head up. His eyes locked on hers and once she knew she had his attention she let go of his face and stood up straight. “What is it, Kagome?” As much as she stood before him, trying to stand tall, her legs seemed to shake, as if she was frail and could fold into herself. Kagome sucked in a breath and then exhaled. “Look at this body, Inuyasha. Honestly, look. I am scarred, I am burned, I am cut, I am bruised,” she got down on her knees and closed his laptop to lean over the table. “I told you before. Don’t make promises to me that you cannot keep.” “But those wounds aren’t my fau---“ “I know they’re not your fault!” Kagome squeaked, trying not to yell, but her voice was cracking with the strain of being strong for his sake. “So stop promising to fix a life that isn’t yours. I am full of mistakes and problems. You should focus on your life.” Kagome held up her scarred hand to him. The center of it was still bright red, but healing. But like so much of Kagome, it seemed to scream out the pain that was being hidden beneath the surface. Inuyasha frowned, “I don’t think I can do that.” Kagome smiled, “But you got to, dumby. You have a whole life about to unfold.” Inuyasha felt his heart aching, leaning forward to press his forehead against hers. “What life do I have that you’re not a part of? Can’t I want you to be in it?” Kagome pulled back from him and felt her heart thump. He couldn’t mean that, or say that to her. She bit her lip and felt her eyes fill up, but no more tears could fall. “You’re leaving to go apartment hunting in America with Kikyo.” “But I didn’t say I was---““Inuyasha, please, you can’t sit here and tell me you’re going to go over there with no intention of following her what so ever.” Kagome smiled and ruffled his ear. “So please, let me prepare. Let me build up my strength and remember how to find a way to survive without you.”
The next morning Tsuki awoke in Kagome’s bed. Her eyes adjusted to the room quickly and sat up in the bed. The mirror on the wall reflected back the demon red eyes, the fangs, claws, and developed body. Tsuki held out her hand to the mirror and saw the burned hand still stood, as did her scars.
“Kagome? Why did you summon me this morning?” Tsuki climbed out of the bed and stretched. There was no response. “Kagome?” There was no response from Kagome. Tsuki looked around and realized how quiet the room was. Where was the annoying voice? Where was the girl demanding her help all the time? Tsuki looked into the mirror carefully and waved her hand in front of the mirror. Usually the reflection was their way to communicate and yet Tsuki saw nothing but her reflection. She waved left, the mirror waved left. She waved right, the mirror waved right. Tsuki left her room quickly and threw open the door to Inuyasha’s room. Inuyasha sat up in surprise at the woman at his door, “What the hell, Kagome?” “Kagome isn’t here,” Tsuki snapped, climbing onto the bed looking Inuyasha in the eyes. “She will not speak to me. I cannot sense her.” “You what? Where the hell is she?” Tsuki growled and put her hands on his shoulders, “Wake him up.” “Wake who up?” Tsuki growled, “Let me talk to your Beast, now.” “I don’t know how I actually---“ Tsuki pressed her forehead against his and let out a low growl that sounded almost archaic. Inuyasha’s eyes bled red and strength filled the room that Tsuki rarely felt. The Beast of Inuyasha looked at her and growled. “Why did you call me?” “My human is gone.” “Is gone?” The Beast growled. “The girl from the hospital.” “Yes, it was her. I believe you met her before I was truly developed. Now she’s gone. I cannot sense her.” “What is your issue with the situation?” the Beast growled, running a hand up to stroke the side of her face. Tsuki growled at his touch, “I am only half of this body. We want to separate, not eradicate each other.” The Beast nuzzled the nape of her neck and growled lowly, “Beautiful.” Tsuki felt something stirring in her as he began to nip at her neck. “I still need Kagome. Help me find her.” His fangs grazed her neck, his other hand snaking up into her hair, “Submit.” Tsuki let out a small sigh, rolling her head back to expose more of her neck to him. The alpha was asking compliance of the beta. The demon hierarchy was asking for her to please him, even without the rules of mating and courtship. “I am not the being you want, beast.” “I want this body,” the beast growled, hand reaching up and aggressively cupping her sports-bra clad breast. He gave it an affirming squeeze before beginning to nip at her neck. “This is not right, Beast,” she groaned against his touch. “He denies his desire for her, unlike Beast.” His other hand reached up to cup the other breast and moves his trail of kisses up to her jaw line. Tsuki moaned but with a new sense of urgency pushed him away from her, “Tell me how to get Kagome back.” The Beast snarled and in a way, looked like he pouted. “She will come back when she wants to. Most likely the human has retreated beyond a barrier from the holy powers. It prevents you from seeing her.” The Beast stood and glared at her, “I will remember your defiance.” He left for the shower down the hallway. Tsuki looked at the mirror in Inuyasha’s room and saw the Beast had left a few little bruises, or hickeys as the humans call them, on her skin. She growled but stopped when she heard the faint noise of her cell phone in the other room. She found the phone on Kagome’s dresser and flipped it open, “Hello?” “I see the girl is not here,” Sesshomaru hummed back in reply. “Nowhere to be seen, apparently. Surely you did not call to speak to that little plaything?” Sesshomaru smirked and leaned back in his office chair, “This Sesshomaru was unable to hold a real conversation with you before being interrupted by that half-breed.” “Careful now, this one is a half-breed as well. More horrid than that even.” “Hn.” He looked around his office and chuckled, “At least you peak my interests.” Tsuki thought of his brother down the hall in the shower. She wondered if Sesshomaru even knew the two were under the same roof, or what that would actually cause if he found out. “It has a name.” Sesshomaru seemed surprised at this and sat up in his chair, clicking his pen, prepareing to write it down. “And?” “It is derivative of the Fuyōhek. The original Fuyōhek is said to mask demon aura. That is what research provided me last night.” “Hn.” “Not exactly on target with my desires, but because it is only derivative of Fuyōhek it would still be worth examining.” “You would be able to understand the relic?” “The girl studies Feudal History at the university. Her memories suggest she has a great interest in it.” “And how is the girl?” “As fickle as a human could be. With rapidly developing powers.” “It may cause complications in the future.” Tsuki nodded at the phone and stepped out onto the fire escape. “I will do my best not to burden her. In return she will attempt to not burden me.” If she ever reappears, that is. “And when can I see you next?” Tsuki smiled into the phone, “The next time you call, set a date with me.”While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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