At Death's Door | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female Views: 6449 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor make money on my writings. |
When Sesshoumaru awoke he found himself in the same position as before with the little female in his arms having cuddled into him much to his surprise. There was no longer even a trace of the scent of his brother. Her face had also changed a bit. Her nose was much smaller and her lips were a bit fuller. Her eyelashes were thicker and darker than before. She was even more beautiful to his eyes. She was a perfect Inu female and even those little ears on her head made her charming.
Reaching a hand up he scratched a bit behind one of those little ears wanting to touch them. He always found Inuyasha’s ears fascinating and more dog like then his own. An image flashed in his mind of a little boy with his markings and those ears. Sesshoumaru shook it off as a hallucination since there was no way he would breed with a hanyou even a beautiful one. “Brandon……..” The woman whispered in her sleep getting Sesshoumaru’s attention. He growled, she was dreaming about another male when her thoughts should only be of him. Growling Sesshoumaru shook the woman awake. “Who is this Brandon?!” Sesshoumaru snarled. Still partially asleep she mumbled something. “Answer me!” Sesshoumaru growled. “He is my son…….” Pearl said softly as tears poured down her face at recalling her old life. “Was your son. From your life before.” Sesshoumaru said calming down considerably. “Can you just let me alone for a moment please?” Pearl asked needing a moment to mourn her old life. Sesshoumaru nodded and got up. He really did not want to deal with an emotional girl at this moment. He had things to do and he had plans for Inuyasha. Inuyasha was going to the Matron to learn proper etiquette for the courts. Simple things such as serving tea were a big deal to the nobles and he would insure the woman understood that mistakes would not be tolerated. Pulling the cord Sesshoumaru called the females to come and dress him for the day. There was a war to prepare for and he had yet to have word back from his men whom he left with the wolves. He expected an answer from them this day and thus he would have to send a messenger to find out what was going on. Sesshoumaru was dressed in his fine, now clean white silk battle kimono with his armor ready. He looked in the mirror and frowned at his hair. It was a mess and that would not do. He debated on having it pulled into a top knot and decided to have it so. He ordered the females to comb his hair and pull it up this time. When they were done, Sesshoumaru was pleased. Pearl was too busy mourning the loss of her family to notice Sesshoumaru. She wanted to go back to where things were normal and men could be incarcerated for their crimes against women. She just knew Sesshoumaru was planning something horrible to do to her and she also knew Inuyasha most likely wouldn’t stop him this time. She was really on her own and it felt so lonely. Kagome reminded Pearl she had the spirits with her, but Pearl wondered what good they would be since they could not whisk her away from this horrible man. Rin promised Sesshoumaru was really a good person, but Pearl had yet to see that. He was arrogant, rude, cruel, and vain. Sesshoumaru didn’t talk to people he order them about. He had not even bothered to get to know her; he just took her and did things to her as though he had the right to do whatever he pleased. In some ways Pearl hoped the wolves would kick his ass, but in other ways she was just as afraid of them as she was of this man. The servants were mean to her too. Not a single one of them had a nice thing to say about her. The only person who seemed friendly was Sesshoumaru’s Mother, but that had also been towards Inuyasha. Pearl had no idea if the Mother of Sesshoumaru would be kind to her or not. “Dress my sister in a proper female kimono and have her ready for the Matron.” Sesshoumaru ordered the servants who bowed to their Lord as he strode away. The female servants sneered at the hanyou female still curled up on the bed. “Well come on then! We haven’t got all day! We have other duties besides catering to a lowly hanyou!” One of the girls said grasping the hanyou by her arm pulling her roughly off the bed. The females pulled out bindings which they used to bind her breasts so tight she could hardly breathe, than they wrapped her privates so fast she could barely blink in some kind of silk cloth. They then pulled out a female kimono in blue with white cranes embroidered upon it after putting on the nagajûban they put on the kimono and tied it off with a plain white obi. The girls then got out the grooming kits and really yanked on her hair as they pulled it up into a modified French braid putting the beads throughout her hair practically jamming the pins into her head. They then worked on her claws filing them to a proper length. She was given a pair of zeta shoes to wear which resembled thongs and Pearl hated thongs. They were so uncomfortable to her, but it was better than no shoes at all. Then they sprayed some kind of perfume on her and afterwards brought the mirror forward for her to see herself. Pearl gasped at her reflection. She had never seen herself before. She was beautiful with wide golden eyes and full ruby lips. She had never been this lovely as a human. She had to touch her face for a moment to see if this was real. After staring open mouthed at herself for a time the females had enough. “Come with us.” The rude one said grabbing her arm and practically dragging Pearl to the Matron. Pearl hadn’t had a chance to look at the castle much other then the dungeons and Sesshoumaru’s bedroom. It was a beautiful building with tapestries and other fine things decorating the walls. There were portraits of both families and single portraits of both males and females gracing the halls. The one that struck her the most was the one of a man with two blue stripes on his cheeks and two above his eyes who looked similar to her. “That’s my Father.” Inuyasha said to Pearl. “Oh. He is so handsome and has kind eyes.” Pearl said mentally back to Inuyasha. “He is a good man. I promise you Sesshoumaru will be to. Give it time.” Inuyasha said. If the prophecy was right Sesshoumaru would indeed change his ways. The females took her into a room where a regal female was sitting drinking tea. She had cold eyes, but was beautiful none the less. This was a pure blooded female demon although not Inu. She looked much like the wolves. “Ah so she has finally come to me. Inuyasha I presume you know nothing of our culture so I will instruct you and you will listen little one or there will be consequences.” The Matron said as she shooed away the females following her and then the Matron bid Pearl to sit. Pearl did not know how to sit properly so she knelt down next to the Matron and put her feet out crossing her legs leaning back with her hands in as comfortable a position as possible. The Matron immediately frowned at this. “Yes I do have much to teach you.” The Matron had Pearl stand again and showed her the proper way to sit making Pearl do this several times until she got it right. Then the Matron poured Pearl a cup of tea. “You will not drink this until you learn to properly pour it yourself and drink it properly as a Lady should.” At that the Matron pulled out the switch. Pearl figured pouring tea was easy so she proceeded to do so only to get her hands smacked. “I will continue to do this until you get it right. I will demonstrate and you will do as I have shown you.” The Matron said as she expertly handled the tea pot and cups showing Pearl the proper way to serve tea. Pearl picked this up pretty quickly and the Matron smiled. The little hanyou was smarter then she looked. This would be good. The Matron then taught Pearl how a Lady should eat as she had the servants bring trays of fruits and sushi. Sushi was the only raw meat Pearl would eat so she was happy since she loved good sushi and this was good sushi. Soon the basics were done and then the Matron started to verse Pearl on how to properly start a conversation with a noble. She was not to speak unless spoken to and when she did speak she was to keep her answers short and to the point. Pearl had a difficult time with this especially since she did not know the history of this place, but the Matron seemed pleased with her responses. “Now I am going to send you to the historian. I assume you can read and write can you not?” The Matron said handing her a document which for some reason Pearl who wasn’t of Japanese origin could read clearly. “Yes Matron.” Pearl said in the proper form. “Good. Also is there anything you are good at? A talent perhaps?” The Matron asked. “I am good at poetry, painting, drawing, and writing stories.” Pearl answered. “This is good however we will need to add embroidery to your education and you will learn how to sing as well as read music. Lord Sesshoumaru enjoys fine music and the arts. He will expect much out of you in the next few days depending on how long you are here.” The Matron said as she pulled the chord and called for the servants to take Pearl to the historian where she would learn all about Inu culture and the history of the era she was living in. When Pearl was brought to the historian she was shocked to see it was Jaken who frowned at her and the servant. He had been punished because of Inuyasha and the stupid hanyou was not supposed to be here. Jaken however refused to go through that hell again for a hanyou. “Leave us.” Jaken said to the servant who left immediately. “Why did you not run away? You are not supposed to be here you stupid half breed!” Jaken squawked. “I did run away. Shippo found me and I stayed with him, but Sesshoumaru keeps bringing me back here and I don’t want people to be hurt because of me so I guess I am staying for now.” Pearl said. “Well you are a fool. Still, I will train you as is my duty. Just don’t expect me to be kind to a half breed like you.” Jaken said angrily. “Like I expect anyone to be nice to me. So far no one has been except for the spirits who are with me, Baba, and Shippo.” Pearl muttered. “Spirits?” Jaken asked now slightly intrigued. “As I told you my name is Pearl. I am from the future like Kagome was and I died with my soul being placed in this body. I am not Inuyasha, but whatever. I will take his name since no one seems to care that my name is Pearl. I have the spirits of Rin, Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango with me. I also get advice from a man named Touga and a woman named Izayoi, but they are only here briefly.” Pearl said with a frown. “How did you die?” Jaken asked. “I was in a car accident. Don’t ask me to explain cars to you since that will take all day.” Pearl said in irritation. “I see. I knew that Kagome girl was strange, but I did not know she was from the future. I will teach you our history and in return you will tell me about the future. I want to know as much as possible in order to help Lord Sesshoumaru.” Jaken said as he went into a long boring speech about Inu culture and history making Pearl take notes on a scroll. It was like watching paint dry for Pearl who was having a hard time staying focused on the subject. Then just as she was ready to start daydreaming a stack of books were set in front of her. “You will read these. These talk about the Inu Lords and their history. I expect you to have them read in a week’s time. Now it is time for you to go to your next class. I personally hope I never see you again, but if I do expect to pay better attention.” Jaken said as he pulled the cord and a servant came to take Pearl to her next lesson. Pearl was taken to a room that had been filled with silks and sewing materials. A few of the females looked up at Pearl in distaste, but then Sesshoumaru’s Mother arrived and all of the females got up bowing to their Lady. Unsure of what to do, Pearl also bowed since she did not want to be hit for doing something wrong. “You need not bow to me little one. You are to be the Lady of the West someday when my son decides to grow up and be a man.” Louna said as she placed a hand on Pearl’s shoulder. “What do you mean my Lady?” Pearl asked. “Sesshoumaru has scent marked you and the prophecy states that a pure blood male will choose a mate from what was once male to now female. She will bear him heirs of great power and the two shall rule bringing joy and prosperity to their people. I believe my son to be that pure blood male.” Louna said. “Not to be rude my Lady, but Sesshoumaru only brings joy to himself and as far as prosperity goes I only see chaos in his ruling of his people. He is cruel and cold. He likes to see people in pain and enjoys their suffering. I am afraid you are wrong.” Pearl said with a frown. “Do not discount my son so much my dear. Sesshoumaru had deep love once for a tiny human girl. He is not all that he seems. Give it time child.” Louna said as she bid Pearl to sit with her and pulled out a piece of silk placing it into a hoop, then handed it to Pearl. Then she gathered a piece of silk and put it into a hoop for herself. “Have you ever embroidered before?” Louna asked Pearl. “No, I have mended my clothes, but I am afraid I would not know where to start when it comes to doing anything fancy like this.” Pearl said. “It is rather easy once you get used to it. Just think of something you would like to design on the silk and make it so. It is not much different then mending although there are several silks you could mend if this is too difficult for you.” Louna said. “I will try this, thank you.” Pearl said. How hard could it be to design something with thread and a needle? After about an hour of trying, Pearl found embroidery to be quite difficult so she eventually gave up going to the pile of clothes that needed mending and started working on them. Louna looked at Pearl’s work with the embroidery and was surprised. The girl was actually not bad with a needle, she just needed a bit of practice, but for now she would not pester the poor child who seemed happy enough mending clothing. After a few hours of this the females were all led out by Louna to go to feast. It was lunch time and Sesshoumaru was already at the table waiting. He looked irritated, but when Pearl entered the room his jaw dropped. This female Inuyasha took his breath away she was so stunning especially with her hair pulled up the way it was. Sesshoumaru’s eyes never left Pearl’s face as she came in the room and went to sit at the end of the table far away from him. “Inuyasha, you will sit here.” Sesshoumaru growled out pointing to the seat to his left as Pearl got up and sighed. She did not wish to sit next to the tyrant, but did not wish to cause a scene. Pearl sat as the Matron taught her surprising Sesshoumaru who now could see her closer. She was everything he wanted and Sesshoumaru could tell she was still rejecting him. Sesshoumaru was so frustrated since he did not understand at all why this female did not adore him. It was making him insane and all he could think about was her. Sesshoumaru had been trying to get answers on why his men were still with the wolves and he couldn’t think rationally as images of his little hanyou naked beneath him writhing in ecstasy filled his every thought. In his mind she had been calling out his name, begging for his touch. He wanted those images to be real, but instead he saw her ignoring him completely as the meal was brought out. Louna noticed the change in her son as she sipped her tea smiling to herself. Sesshoumaru was in love, it wasn’t hard to see. Her boy though needed a hard lesson on how to treat a Lady if he wanted Inuyasha to love him back. It was driving Sesshoumaru insane that Inuyasha refused to look at him. She just ate her food staring at it rather than at him like he was at her. Well he refused to have her ignore him for long. Casually he moved his hand from the table to Pearl’s leg which made her look at that hand in frustration and then at the man who was smirking at her. Pearl so wanted to smack him, but instead decided getting angry would not help her situation. She only had to put up with him for a while and then she would escape going as far from Sesshoumaru as possible. Going back to eating Pearl ignored how that hand rubbed her upper thigh. She wondered why the bastard could not get the hint she was not interested in him. Sesshoumaru leaned over and whispered in Pearl’s ear. “You are stunning, so beautiful you make every other female at this table seem ugly in comparison.” Sesshoumaru said making Pearl blush and want to push him away. He was too close for comfort and his hand moved from her leg to her waist. He then licked up the seam of her little ear and nibbled the tip making Pearl blush even more. Gods why couldn’t he keep his mouth and hands off of her? They were in front of his Mother for hell’s sake. “Kiss me.” Sesshoumaru whispered. “No.” Pearl growled as she tried to pull away. Sesshoumaru grasped her firmly and growled. “Kiss me now or I will remove your clothing right here at this table and ravish you in front of everyone.” Sesshoumaru said angrily. He refused to be denied a simple kiss. Pearl looked at Sesshoumaru angrily and then she kissed him quickly only for him to grasp her chin as he took control then kissed her with a brutal passion that left no room for argument. Sesshoumaru bit into that bottom lip tasting the blood there as he licked those full pouting lips wanting more, needing more. Grasping the back of her neck, Sesshoumaru kissed his way down her throat nipping, licking, and tasting her exquisite flavor. He ached for her, kisses were not nearly enough. “Do you wish for us to leave son?” Mother said in an amused tone. She had never seen Sesshoumaru so out of control and it was rather funny. Sesshoumaru swiftly realized what he was doing and straightened up with a slight blush to his cheeks. It was attractive on him and Pearl did notice although she still did not like him very much. “Carry on.” Sesshoumaru said clearing his throat and getting back to eating his food. He even moved his hand from Pearl’s lap rather shakily. He did not realize he was that far gone and he could not afford to get distracted like that again. After eating, Sesshoumaru quickly excused himself from the table almost tripping over his own feet to get away from the object of his desire. As he left he could hear his Mother’s bell like laughter follow as he muttered under his breath about Mother’s evil sense of humor.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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