This is Gonna be Fun (uncensored) | By : szaugg Category: InuYasha > General Views: 38424 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Inuyasha in any form or media, nor do
I profit from this.
A/N Thank you everyone so much for the reviews. They were great!
Chapter 23 – Hunting for Kichiro
Miroku cleared his throat loudly as he stood at the entrance to Inuyasha and
Kagome’s room.
“Oh just come in, you idiot, you’re not interruptin’ anything.” He heard
Inuyasha growl, and he sighed. The couple still hadn’t consummated
their marriage? By all the Fates, what did one have to do to get those
two together? Kagome had already been naked, how much more did one
On entering, however, he was met with Inuyasha’s blinding grin and Kagome’s
bright red cheeks. All right, previous suppositions revised, he thought,
grinning back at Inuyasha until Sango hit him in the head. Kagome’s hand
wasn’t far behind in smacking the hanyou.
“Will you two stop grinning at each other like that?” Sango said
“Like what?” Inuyasha asked, grinning wider.
“Like you’re both cats who just stole the cream.” Kagome said, in complete
agreement with Sango.
“Kagome-sama, I will be honest with you. When one of your life’s goals
has just been met, it is almost impossible not to celebrate it in some way.
Climbing the tallest mountain in the world would be a pale endeavor compared to
what I accomplished last night.” Miroku said, smirking slightly until Sango
gasped and slapped him so hard in the back of the head that he stumbled.
When he looked back at her in offended outrage she simply raised an
eyebrow. “Didn’t you say you wanted someone to slap you when you needed
it? Because trust me, you needed it.”
Kagome hid a smile behind her mouth, still blushing slightly as Inuyasha
continued to grin like an idiot. Sometimes, the lack of privacy in
such a small group as theirs was highly embarrassing. Miroku and Inuyasha’s
mutual congratulation fest was not something that had been on her radar
at all. Actually, in the haze surrounding last night, she’d
completely forgotten Inuyasha’s comment on Sango and Miroku’s activities.
I guess we all had the same idea, Kagome thought, squirming
uncomfortably. She caught Sango’s gaze and they both blushed vividly,
hiding their own smiles again. All right, so it had been pretty
amazing. But still, the way the guys were acting…
Sango rolled her eyes as Miroku turned to her, shaking her head at him as
she walked over to Kagome. “Do you want to leave these two idiots here
for a minute and come with me to see Shippou? It sounds like he was
pretty worried about both of us.”
Smiling gratefully, Kagome nodded. It was still too new to her to feel
at ease with the two men’s open attitudes about what had just occurred.
She sidled past Miroku, not quite meeting his eye as she walked by him.
Knowing that Miroku and Sango had been doing the very same thing as she
and Inuyasha was almost mortally embarrassing. Knowing that the other
couple knew the same information about she and Inuyasha was even worse.
Even if they were married, it was still very hard for her to reconcile
herself to it, unlike everyone else, who actually seemed relatively comfortable
with the lack of privacy. Looking at Sango, who was red but already
recovering, Kagome sighed. I guess it’s just one of those things about
the Feudal era that I’ll have to get used to, she thought. She
tried to smile at her friend again, but was suddenly hit with an image of
Miroku and Sango doing the same act she’d just engaged in and gave up, looking
down with flaming cheeks as she followed Sango out of the room. This was
going take a while to get used to. A long while to get used to.
Like, maybe years.
After the two women walked down the hall, Inuyasha looked Miroku up and
down. “Finally got your damn clothes back on, huh?”
“I took a moment to go back to the hot springs and retrieve the rest of them
during our watch.” Miroku said calmly, still looking at the world through the
rosy glow of Sango’s romantic declaration.
Well, that and sex. Really good damn sex. Can’t forget the mind
blowing, earth shattering, universe altering sex. Which he
could hopefully experience again at the soonest possible moment…numerous
Miroku smiled softly, remembering the evening. Inuyasha looked at him
curiously for a moment, noticing the softening of his smile and scent.
“She said she loves me, Inuyasha.” Miroku said quietly, as though saying it
too loudly might somehow cheapen the statement. Inuyasha smiled for him,
but it was a little bittersweet and Miroku, perceptive bastard that he was,
noticed. “Did you not confess your own feelings?”
Shuffling his feet for a moment as he looked down, Inuyasha shook his
head. “I …came close.” He paused, voice soft and rather sad when he
started speaking again.
“She’s never said anything to me about what she feels when she’s sober,
Miroku. Not a word. I just can’t see… How can she love me, Miroku?”
he asked quietly. “I have nothing to offer her. I have no home, no money,
no profession. Hell, the only family I have has already tried to kill
her! And I’m a – hanyou. I just cannot see how someone like her
could love someone like me, Miroku. I keep thinking this must be a
mistake. A really big mistake.” He closed his eyes, his arms in his
sleeves as he gripped his forearms tightly.
Miroku looked at him sadly. “Inuyasha…Kagome doesn’t care about your
possessions. Nor your family or your blood, for that matter. Can you not
have some faith? Kagome said she loves you. Even inebriated, I do
not believe that is something she would say lightly.“
Inuyasha’s shoulders slumped a little. “Maybe. How do I know unless
she tells me again, though? And she’s so damn nice. If I say it to
her, you know she’s gonna say it back, even if she doesn’t mean it, just so she
doesn’t hurt my feelings. She’s too nice for her own damn good.”
“Oh now that’s simply foolish, “ Miroku said, shaking his head, “
“Didn’t you hear her talk about that Kichiro bastard? She’s a sucker
for a sob story. And…well, look, I didn’t even tell her how I felt and
she even agreed to be my mate! She’s always doing shit like that.
Thinking of everybody else before she bothers to even protect herself.”
He’d been thinking about it since they’d both awakened, and he was terrified
that Kagome’s decision had been half natural compassion and half drugs, with
maybe a dash of ‘damn this feels good, don’t stop’ thrown in for good
measure. The thought left a bitter taste in his mouth, but at the same
time he hoped that even if that was the case, the mating might be able to bring
them closer together. Maybe, since they were mates, she really might find
something worthwhile in him to love. He couldn’t see it, but she always
saw the good in people, so maybe…maybe she could find something good in him too
and… well, maybe.
Miroku started to grin in spite of himself. “She agreed to be your
mate? Are we talking about the youkai sense of the word now?”
Blushing, Kagome’s carnal reaction to their mating popping instantly into
his head, Inuyasha nodded. “Yeah.” He smiled a little. “It was…really
“You’ve already completed the ceremony?” Miroku asked. As Inuyasha
smiled wider, he grew curious. “If you don’t mind my asking, what exactly
does the mating ceremony involve? I didn’t see any…bite marks on
Inuyasha looked at him strangely. “Is there some weird fetish humans have
with biting or something? Kagome was asking the same damn thing. Why the
hell would you think there’d be bite marks?”
Miroku blushed slightly himself. “Uh- It’s simply…well, youkai do seem
a bit more violent and closer to their animal natures than humans are. I
suppose I assumed there might be something related to that involved in
“Feh, that’s stupid. Any dumb animal can bite. It’s getting
close to teeth and claws and not getting bitten that makes mating such a
big deal.”
“Truly? Then, how…?”
“You just have to…uh. Just when you’re, you know, in the middle of
everything, the male has to be willing to put his face within reach of the
female’s teeth and claws. If he can do that, and kiss her in each spot
without blood being spilt, then she’s accepted him as her mate and they’re
mated. If she bites or scratches him and spills blood, he’s been rejected.”
“How curious.” Miroku’s lips quirked, the irony of it tickling him.
Quizzing Inuyasha on his biting habits, when Miroku had been the one to do the
biting in the last few hours. Huh, maybe we humans do have a
fetish with biting.
Or perhaps it’s just me. “Is Kagome fully recovered?”
“Yeah, I think so. Sango?”
“Definitely.” Miroku replied, shaking away thoughts of women and biting
and…well damn, too late. He was hard again anyway. “I assume you
would prefer to start our search for Kichiro as soon as possible?” he asked,
shifting uncomfortably.
“Yeah, I still have to search the village and make sure he’s not here before
we can even leave, so if he’s already left he’s gonna have one hell of a head
start on us. Not that it’ll help. He’s gonna pay.” Inuyasha growled
threateningly under his breath.
“Well, considering how much practice we’ve had looking for Naraku and the
shards, at least we have some searching skills to draw on. And truly, how
hard can it be to find one huge cat hanyou?” Miroku asked.
The answer, it turned out, was pretty damn fucking hard.
“Shit, no wonder we can never find Naraku if we suck this badly. Where
the fuck can that bastard be?” Inuyasha kicked out at the bushes that offended
to his sense of ‘what should be allowed to live within the
campsite.’ “It’s been a whole week! We should’ve at least
found some sign of him.” He punched a tree, cursing as his
knuckles started to bleed.
“Inuyasha! What are you doing? You hurt yourself! Come over here
and let me bandage that up.” Kagome put her meal aside and started pulling her
first aid kit out of her bag.
Inuyasha looked at his bleeding hand and growled in disgust. Stupid,
freakin’ new moon. Dammit all to hell. The way his luck had been
going lately, Kichiro was probably going to walk up to their hidden little camp
any moment now and proceed to kick the shit out of his puny human body.
And he wouldn’t even be able to smell him coming!
He scowled down at his hand again as he plopped down next to his wife, dark
hair flopping on the ground behind him, grumping as Kagome washed his wound
carefully and wrapped a small white bandage around it. He mumbled a gruff
thank you under his breath.
“I’m sorry the rumor didn’t pan out.” Kagome said softly. “It sounded
so promising…”
“Yeah, but women have been disappearing from around here for a lot
longer than Kichiro’s been traveling. It’s not him.” He looked over
at Kagome sharply. “You and Sango need to be careful, Kagome. That would
be all we need, for you to get your ass kidnapped again.”
“Kagome and I are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves.” Sango
spoke up from her seat near Miroku.
Yeah, that was real obvious from the last time someone tried to
kidnap one of them, his conscience muttered irritably.
That’s for damn sure.
“A little extra caution would not be amiss, would it?” Miroku said as he
turned to Sango, reaching out to rub his fingers across her hand.
Looking down at the strong, tender fingers caressing her palm, Sango nodded
absently. When she looked up at him and their eyes met, Miroku’s fingers
paused and he swallowed. She was so sexy, he thought. And now that he
knew every little valley and curve, every minute detail of her body, he
couldn’t help but see it every time he looked at her. He stared at her
wrist a moment, bringing it up to his lips to kiss the small abrasion
there. His eyes gleamed as he recalled how she’d obtained it.
It turned out Sango did like to be tied up.
He started to smile, licking the scrape gently, and she blushed at his
subtle reminder of their recent activities. A familiar, lecherous grin
spread across his face as he leaned towards her.
Aw shit, here we go again, thought Inuyasha.
Sango let out a little ‘eeek’ as Miroku grabbed her and dragged her over to
his lap, ravaging her mouth as his hands ran up behind her head and down her
spine, her own hands still only moments before she took hold of his dark hair
as she moaned against his mouth.
Kagome smiled slightly even as she blushed and turned away from the couple.
Shippou and Inuyasha rolled their eyes at each other, although Inuyasha
grimaced as well and handed over a small sweet to the kitsune.
Hey, you going soft on him? asked his conscience curiously.
Hell no, he won the bet, remember? I thought they’d at least last
until dinner was finished. The man has no self-control at all, crap.
No kidding. Hell, and I thought he was a pervert before he
married Sango, muttered his conscience.
Inuyasha watched Miroku’s hand slide down to Sango’s bottom and squeeze as
he pulled her closer. His other hand was busy doing who knew what with
the front of Sango’s kimono, but whatever it was, it was making her moan and press herself against him. When she started to whimper and roll her hips against Miroku's
pelvis, Inuyasha finally turned away. He swallowed and shifted
uncomfortably, covertly reaching down to adjust himself under his
clothes. Damn hentai, he cursed, irritated.
For the love of all that’s holy, how many times a day does he have to
maul her like this? Doesn’t he get enough at night?? Shit, the way they
carry on, I’m surprised Sango can even walk in the mornings!
You’re not supposed to comment on stuff like that, his conscience told him
Inuyasha blushed. He was still feeling a little uncertain about the
whole married and having sex part of things. The only way the group had
been able to get through the change in relationships so far was a mutual,
unspoken agreement to pretend that neither couple was aware of the other’s
activities once they bedded down for the night. There was only so much a
few extra feet of distance could do to hide one’s activities, after all,
especially when it came to hanyou and youkai senses. But Sango and Miroku were
fucking loud, dammit!
His conscience continued in a rather sly little voice. Actually,
after last night, I’m kinda surprised Kagome could walk this
Inuyasha flushed again. Hey, will ya shut up! You bitched when I
wasn’t having sex, and now you make snide comments when I do. You have
got to be the most fucking irritating, contrary conscience in the whole fucking
Gotta match the most irritating, contrary hanyou in the world, now don’t I?
His conscience shot back smugly.
Fuck off.
He looked up to see Sango sitting next to Miroku once again, disheveled and
flushed, trying to pretend nothing had happened. Inuyasha shook his
“Oy, lech.” He called over to Miroku. “If there’s something after
women around here, I need you to stay up with me on watch tonight. This
body isn’t worth shit if something bad jumps us.”
Miroku sent a lascivious look Sango’s way but nodded his agreement.
“Of course, Inuyasha. I agree, this is a not the time nor place to be
complacent.” He still looked at Sango as though he was trying to figure
out some way to work in a quickie and Inuyasha snorted.
“Give it up, Miroku. You ain’t gettin’ any tonight.” He said bluntly,
making Sango turn redder than she already was. Miroku glared at him,
shaking his head. He was about to take him to task over his rude words to
Sango until he realized that she was stifling a grin behind her blushes.
Wonderful, Miroku thought, even his wife was laughing at him. At least
she laughs about it now, though. He smiled over at her for a moment
before he looked back at Inuyasha
“Well, you’re not touching Kagome tonight either, you rude baka.” Miroku
mumbled, maintaining the veneer of politeness by keeping his voice low so only
Inuyasha’s and the two demon’s keen ears picked it up. Shippou
snorted, making Kagome come over, worried he was choking on his food.
Miroku shook his head. How was it that Inuyasha could always manage to
stir up everyone with just a few ill chosen words, he wondered. If only
he’d yell out when it was coming, like his battle cries, then at least they’d
all have some warning and could prepare themselves.
Miroku was still feeling slightly irritated with Inuyasha an hour later as
the women slept near the fire with Kirara and Shippou. He yawned slightly
as he stared into the darkness, trying to keep alert despite his fatigue.
The sun hadn’t even been down more than 2 hours, and he was already
exhausted. Of course, he thought with a slight smirk, he hadn’t exactly
been getting a lot of sleep recently. Damn this was going to be a long
night. Ah well, he thought, better a long boring night than the
terrifying one they’d all suffered through last week.
Opposite Miroku, Inuyasha sat tensely, gripping his useless Tessaiga as he
tried to scan the thick underbrush around them with his brown, angry
eyes. He hated feeling like this. Can’t see in the dark, can’t
claw, can’t move quicker than a turtle, and his nose always felt like it had
simply fallen right off his face. Awful. He thought Miroku was still
annoyed with him, not like he could really tell with such a useless nose, but
probably. He grunted in irritation. If the houshi couldn’t stand to not
have sex for one damn night, then he should be abstaining just to practice
restraint at this is point. The houshi’s silence bothered him
momentarily, and he scoffed at himself. Instead of worrying of
Miroku’s lack of words, he’d be better served trying to enjoy the silence while
it lasted. Miroku would get bored soon enough and start talking his ear
off, as usual. Unless he tried to sneak off with Sango for a few minutes,
the damn hentai.
Like you’re not wishing you could jump Kagome right now, his conscience
Inuyasha grinned without bothering to respond. Hey, he did have a
point after all. He glanced at the fire briefly as Kirara and Shippou
stirred restlessly, obviously setting off a chain reaction as the women did the
same moments later. He could see Kagome squirm in her sleep, the
hand that always seemed to end up tangled in his hair searching for something a
moment before it lay still and passive again.
Awwww, she misses you, said his conscience. Maybe you should leave
Miroku to keep watch and you could go over and comfort her. Or
Now who’s the lech?
Just an idea.
Inuyasha shook his head and then jerked slightly as something bit him.
He slapped at his neck, highly annoyed. Yet another thing to add to the
list of reasons why he hated the new moon: bugs. Damn things couldn’t
even get through his skin when he was fully hanyou. He turned to make an
irritated comment about the entire situation to Miroku and blinked as his head
swam. What the- -
He shook his head, trying to clear it. What, was he getting sick now
too? Fucking week just kept getting better and better. It took him
a moment to realize that the black in front of his vision was actually coming
from inside his eyes, replacing the fire lit darkness of the campsite he
was trying to keep in sight, and he finally started to get worried.
“Miro-“ he got out, before the darkness slipped into his brain and he passed
Eight figures silently crept into the camp after the two men on watch
dropped like stunned ox. Two started collecting the small, almost
invisible darts embedded in the men’s necks before going over to collect the
same items from the two demons and women laying next to the fire. After a
brief exanimation of the sleeping party, the shadowy figures debated for a
moment and finally left, burdened by the extra weight of two bodies.
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