The Ark | By : Dunkelgelb Category: InuYasha > General Views: 2053 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
Out-of-character and overly-sappy at times. Discarded.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Battlefield 1542
Chapter V: The Front Line
In quiet amusement, Naraku watched through Kanna's soul mirror as his demons decimated the inhabitants of a village in Sesshoumaru's land. He was slightly annoyed that the women and children had long since fled, but regained some cheer as the men stayed to fight alongside the regulars of the village guard. Try as they might, the soldiers could not hold. No spear or katana and no punch or kick could drive back or even discourage the horde of demonic firepower that Naraku unleashed upon them. A sick grin crossed the demon's face as one poor soul screamed in agony, his head being devoured by a giant spider-demon. A courageous group of three tackled the monster in an attempt to divert its attack, but the wealth of appendages attached to the arachnid counter-struck and pinned them to the ground, wreaking the life out of them. Naraku sat back against the wooden wall of his room and stretched his arms, confident in the knowledge that another one of Sesshoumaru's dependencies would crumble into nothingness. The more villages that fell, the closer Naraku came to launching an assault on the inu youkai himself. On that day, Naraku would absorb Sesshoumaru into his being and finally possess the strength to eradicate Inuyasha and all of his allies, the miko in particular. Naraku closed his eyes and dreamt of that victory, how he would hold Kagome against a tree and slowly crush her throat, while the horrified Inuyasha lay helpless in a growing pool of his own blood. Kagome would struggle and scream, and finally fall silent forevermore as her heart stopped beating. The sinister spider-demon intended to savor Inuyasha pathetic whimpers of sadness until the moment he beheaded him, eventually mounting that silver-haired skull on a pike for all to see. That day would live in Naraku's memory for the rest of time; it would be a fine one.Thank goodness for the saiyan race.
Naraku was growing tired of the carnage that unfolded before him, so he took one last glance at the mirror before he ordered Kanna to take it away. Just as his eyes were about to look elsewhere, Naraku saw it. It was just a blur to him, as whatever that thing was it was moving tremendously fast. Suddenly, it stopped above the trees, surveying the situation in the village below.
Goku folded his arms and stared at the sight that surrounded him. Dozens of Sesshoumaru's village guard, their numbers dwindling by the moment, fought hundreds of demons with every weapon and ability they had at their disposal or could invent by themselves. Each slashed and kicked with a fervor all his own, no longer driven by the desire to win, but the need to survive. Goku dropped down to the village gate, and knelt behind its frame, trying to conceal himself from any unseen enemy. Four men sat just beyond the gate, each armed with bow and arrow and crouched behind an overturned table. They shot madly at the monsters that swarmed their compatriots in the village square. Goku looked carefully at one of the archers. His long, black hair spilled down his back, partially obscuring the marking on the back of his armor. It was a crescent moon was two white stars below underneath. That man had to be Sesshoumaru's senior lieutenant. Goku rose from his hiding place and shuffled across the ground to him. The leader's instincts served him well, though, and he knew of Goku's presence the moment he touched down. The lieutenant loaded an arrow into his bow and yelled to men next to him.
All four soldiers spun about with arrows drawn and aimed right at Goku's throat. They were about to shoot when the lieutenant took his left hand off of the foregrip of his crossbow and raised it up as a fist, the signal to hold fire. He lowered his weapon entirely, and Goku choked when he realized who he was staring at.
"Android......Seventeen?!?" Goku blurted.
Eito tightened his jaw and narrowed his jade-green eyes.
"You and I have a fair few matters to discuss, Goku." the android stated, the chill in his voice highly evident.
Goku braced for an attack from Seventeen reborn, but it never came.
"Relax. I do not want to fight you, not right now, anyway. What are Sesshoumaru's orders?"
Goku calmed himself down and thought, remembering what Sesshoumaru said to him.
"Uh...he told me to take over here while you take your men and fall back to the south."
Eito grimaced. He had been spending a week fighting Naraku's troops and now was being pulled back, without finishing the battle? Sesshoumaru might be thinking him incompetent, or worse, a weakling for not winning the battle quickly. The android lieutenant poked his head over the edge of his table shield, observing the battle. His men had feated something of a rally and were fighting like guerillas, taking arrowed potshots from behind the remains of little huts and other houses. Now would be a good time to pull back; the demon horde would be off balance for enough time to slip away.
Eito stood up and cupped his mouth with his gloved hands, calling out to his troops.
"Okay, idiots, this battle turns around right now!"Naraku sat up and peered intently through Kanna's mirror. Who was this man? He told the entire village garrison to leave, yet he himself remained behind? What did he have? He did not appear to be a demon of any sort, and carried no obvious weapons. A priest, perhaps? Whoever he was and whatever he had, this lone soldier stood confidently before some of the most dangerous demons in all of Japan.
Goku widened his legs a bit and rooted his heels firmly in the ground. His hair and bandana began to jump and waver in a phantom wind that rose from Goku's body. The saiyan clenched his fists and teeth and burning white flame engulfed him. The ground around shattered into thousands of pieces, and clumps of dirt rose into the air of their own accord. Goku roared out his power to all the land, letting every single soul know that someone, somewhere, was about to start a war. A smile crossed the saiyan's face. This time would be different. There would be no one here to try to protect, allowing Goku to fully enjoy the act of battle. The empowered warrior leveled a open palm at the group of demons in front of him.
"Go to hell!" he shouted.
A brilliant pulse of blue light stole the morning sky from the sun, and it rocketed along the ground, kicking up dirts and rocks and vaporizing them in its wake. A tremendous explosion rattled the remaining buildings of the village as Goku's ki collided with a giant demon tarantula, obliterating half of its body in a searing blue flash. The other half soared in the opposite direction and crashed into the village wall, splattering demon tissue all over it. The remaining demons, given the ability to speak, would be screaming in fear. They backed up a few paces and slithers, then turned rapidly and in a terrified panic, scrambling for the trees to the north. They were not expecting to see Goku right in front of them. The saiyan disappeared behind them and reappeared in front of them, cutting them off from the safety of the forest. He leveled both palms this time, and they glowed with unearthly power.
"Maybe you didn't hear me," Goku grumbled, "I said, GO TO HELL!"
Countless shards of energy burst from Goku's hand, perforating demon flesh until it no longer existed. Goku's enemies fell to the ground, lifeless and full of thousands of tiny holes. A single demon-snake survived, however, and it made a lazy and pathetic attempt to escape. It slithered along with waning strength, coughing and crying its vital fluids as it struggled along. Goku walked up alongside it. He then brought his heel down on its spine, breaking it in two.
"Astounding" a cold voice called out.
"Sesshoumaru? Is that you?" Goku asked, looking around him for the origin of those words.
"Right here" the voice said again.
Goku looked on in suspicion as a man emerged from the forest. He did not look particularly threatening, but he did have a strange taste in clothing. He was covered head to toe in the pelt of a baboon.
"You are a wonder to behold, soldier. You alone have done in five minutes what twenty men could not do in a day" the man said.
"So you've been watching the whole time?" Goku asked, returning his attention to the corpse below his foot.
"You could say that. I am slightly annoyed, though, that my minions did not put up a better fight."
The saiyan raised his left hand to his face, and blue light encompassed it.
"YOUR minions? I see. Prepare to die." Goku said.
Goku wheeled around and pointed his outstretched left index finger at his latest foe. However, his cold warrior's gaze wandered to the feet of the demon master. Goku stared in apprehension as they disappeared beneath the baboon cloak, replaced by what appeared to be tree roots.
"What the he-" Goku breathed, engulfed in shock as the tree roots began to grow.
Naraku's demon puppet exploded in height, the sickly brown branches towering fifty feet into the air. It began to cackle.
"You may have survived my demon horde, but you will not survive this!"
A gigantic trunk shot out from the baboon cloak and streaked toward Goku. The saiyan simply turned to the side and avoided it completely. He placed his hands on his hips and furrowed his brow. Two more trunks lashed out, slashing and lunging at the evasive man before them. Clearly, Goku was not impressed. He lifted into the air, easily and lazily dodging the monster's efforts.
"What's your name?" Goku asked, ducking tree bark even as he spoke.
"Naraku, you are simply too slow."
The annoyed warrior caught the first trunk between the calf and thigh of his right leg, and the other two under each arm, then pulled as hard as he could, knocking Naraku's puppet off balance. Goku directed the demon' inertia into the village wall, causing splinters from both the wooden structure and the demon's limbs to rain across the ground. He then released the tentacle-like appendages from his tri-tiered grip, allowing the whole assembly of tentacle and baboon pelt to collapse to the dirt. Goku jumped on top of the subdued monster, hopping from limb to limp, and made his way to the deceptively human form that commanded it. Interlacing his gloved fingers together, he brought his doubled fist down on the puppet's skull, resulting in a blood-curdling crunch. However, it was not the sound Goku was expecting. This cracking noise was far too soft and lengthy to be that of snapping spinal column. Nevertheless, all life and resistance left the demon's body. It was completely dead.
After boring through the trees and foliage of the forest in search of safety, Lieutenant Hakari and his platoon of battle-weary men found themselves in a grassy field. Gradually, they slowed down, as they were not being pursued and were quickly tiring out. Finally, the exhausted lieutenant halted his sprint and hunched over, bracing his hands on his knees. Sweat poured off his brow and his hands now cramped painfully from his frantic archery; he had not fought that hard nor run that fast in his life. The other soldiers stopped, too, regaining their breath and composure in a similar manner. One trooper spoke up.
"What now, sir?" the soldier asked.
"We keep south until we hit the river," Hakari panted, "Then we follow it east to Sesshoumaru's palace, rearm and redeploy, then come right back and see if that lone idiot is demon fodder or not."
A scream broke the lieutenant's train of thought.
"MORE DEMONS!!! They're coming our way!!"
"You have got to be kidding" Hakari sighed, loading an arrow into his bow.
Searching the the grass expanse and horizon, each soldier found their target. Up in the sky was an animal of some sort, with a black-clad figure on its back. Following closely along the ground was a red and silver blur. Hakari let out a breath of relief. He recognized the silver-haired demon. It was none other than Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru's brother, and the feud between those two did not involve any kind of hostility to the Western Guard.
"Stand down, everyone, they're not here to fight US" the lieutenant shouted.
The giant fire-cat, both human women, and the hanyou set down just in front of the Hakari's platoon. To the lieutenant's horror, Inuyasha drew his sword, and it transformed into a giant curved blade.
"Wait! Don't attack! We're not-"
Hakari looked to his left and saw the reason for Inuyasha's aggression. One soldier still had his bow loaded and ready to fire. He leapt at the archer and tackled him to the ground.
"I said stand down!! Do you want to get yourself killed? That is Sesshoumaru's brother, and he could kill all of us in a single swipe!" the angry leader screamed.
The archer said nothing; his previous battle and the sudden appearance of even more potential causes of death had stolen his ability to speak and think in any semblance to rationality. Hakari let up on his subordinate and tried to stand, but failed miserably, and sunk to one knee. He was exhausted. Inuyasha's sword reverted to its normal state and he sheathed it.
"I am sorry, Sir Inuyasha, we have been having a bad day" the lieutenant said.
"Why are you all so tired?" Kagome asked, poking around the red cloth of Inuyasha's haori.
"We were retreating south to the river. Our village came under demon attack." Hakari answered.
Inuyasha eyed the crescent moons on the lead soldier's uniform.
"Heh, leave it to Sesshoumaru's goons to run from a fight!" the hanyou scoffed.
"We were ordered to run, for your information," Hakari sneered as he stood up, "Some wiseass up north thinks that he can hold off a demon army all by himself!"
Sango rested her hands on Kirara's neck and leaned forward, her attention now firmly focused on the battered man that appeared to be the leader of this group.
"Was he about seven feet tall, with spiky black hair, and a gash over his left eye?" the taijya asked.
Hakari cocked his head to the right, studying the demon-slayer.
"Oh, you've met the fool?"
"Nevermind that! Where is he?" Sango asked, with growing impatience.
"We left him in a village straight north of here, but I wouldn't bother looking for him. He's probably already dead; he took on a huge burden by staying behind."
A confident, knowing gleam flashed through Sango's eyes and Hakari found himself taken slightly aback by it. She knew something about Goku, and the lieutenant felt an odd combination of unsettlement and reassurance in the shadowy energy of her gaze. Somewhere deep inside, Hakari knew that Goku was still alive and most likely, he was winning whatever battle he had embroiled himself in. A sincere, toothy grin graced the leader's face and he felt goosebumps all over his body. He could have sworn he was about to shed a tear just then. That feeling was what made life worth living; it was what kept war from becoming totally worthless. That was the feeling of.....hope. Hakari began to chuckle, and that chuckle erupted into full fledged laughter. With a agonizingly extended left index finger, Hakari pointed passionately at Sango, then laughed hard and out loud.
"You, demon-slayer, I like. As I said, straight north. Goku's probably getting bored by now. There's not a whole lot to do amidst half-destroyed houses and demon carcass!"
Kagome looked up at Inuyasha. He had folded his arms over his chest, yet he wore the same grin that the lead soldier and Sango did. There were some things that all warriors alike knew to be inherent to their existence. The need to "feel" battle was one of them. Hakari reached to his belt and undid a knot. He then pulled his sheathed katana off it.
"Here, take this," Hakari said, tossing the bladed weapon to Sango, "You seem to understand the truth of the situation, and a wooden stick like that isn't going to help you."
Sango remembered Miroku's staff on her back and silently agreed. She affixed the new sword to her own belt and nodded to the lieutenant in front of her. Wasting no time, Sango and Kirara burst into flight. Inuyasha scooped Kagome up and they followed suit. After waving them off, Hakari returned his attention to his charges.
"Good news, men! Our war may be over soon!"
Goku knelt down over the body of the demon he had just slain. He poked it a few times to ensure that it was dead, and when satisfied that it was, he pulled the baboon cloak away to reveal the body underneath. To Goku's intrigue, there was not a bit of recognizable flesh to be seen. All that remained was a large clump of dirt held together by a web of roots that connected to its tangle of branched appendages. The interested saiyan warrior dug around in the earthen mass, feeling a weak pulse of energy inside it. Goku's hand finally brushed against something solid, and he pulled it out. Pushing his headband out of the way, Goku looked at it closely. This object was a peculiar spindle of wood wrapped in a few strands of long, black hair. It almost looked like the eye of a needle, but the oval-shaped ring had shattered under the force of Goku's fists. Broken as it was, it still radiated an energy that Goku found unsettling. It felt cold and hateful, as if it were yearning to strangle something. Sesshoumaru's new commander crushed the little trinket in his hand and tossed its pieces to the ground.
Sango and Kirara arrived at the village first, and the demon-slayer could not believe what she saw. Strewn everywhere was the flesh and bone of untold hundreds of demons. Last night now looked like a mere warm-up. Some bodies were merely piles of ash, and others were firmly embedded in the village wall, teetering in the slight breeze. She then saw the body of Naraku's demon puppet. Goku had been busy. Sango squinted and saw a tall, dark-haired figure standing at its side. Oddly, he wore a uniform just like the soldier she had just spoken to. Kagome and Inuyasha cautiously slid out of the forest, and the demon-slayer and her partner sidled up next to them.
"Is that him?" Kagome asked, eyeing a lone man inside the village.
"Yes, I think so" Sango said.
Inuyasha placed a hand on the hilt of Tetsuseiga.
"Let's go introduce ourselves" he said.
Quietly, the two humans and hanyou advanced past the village gate, leaving Kirara standing watch. The three of them keenly observed Goku's movements, looking for any signs of danger. Unfortunately, Goku could feel their presence. The saiyan closed his eyes. There were three energies approaching him. One reverberated with harnessed anger; it was the half-demon he had seen earlier. Another was quiet and innocent, revealing itself to be the young miko. However, Goku did not know what to think about the third. It was quiet as well, but that power......far weaker than his own but roughly equal to that of the hanyou. Goku was unsure of the third being's identity. They edged closer and closer to the saiyan; they were now just a stone's throw away.
"I know what you're thinking. Is he on our side, or is he just another enemy to fight?" Goku said, with his back still turned to them.
Inuyasha, Sango, and Kagome stopped cold in their tracks. How long did he know they were there?
"Think whatever you want, but know one thing: I NEVER intended it to turn out like this. It's hard, trying to save but winding up destroying. Do you know what that feels like?"
Inuyasha knew. Unpleasant memories of Kikyo graced his consciousness.
"If you came here to kill me, you can go right on ahead. I won't stop you. I'll even make it easier for you."
Gently, Goku lowered himself to his knees and locked his hands behind his back. He then bowed his head in resignation, exposing the back of his neck for the seemingly inevitable blade of execution. The dejected saiyan warrior heard the ominous crunch of two feet making their way toward him, and felt a presence by his side. He could swear he heard the metallic click of a sword. Using his warrior mentality, he slowed his heart and breathing, in an effort to coax an easier end from Death.
"Before you do it, though, answer me one question" Goku requested softly.
The figure remained silent.
"Is she alive?"
"Yes" Sango whispered, placing her hand on Goku's right shoulder.
A tremendous weight removed itself from Goku's heart, and he let out a rippled sigh of reassurance.
Sango was alive, and to his surprise, she was the one standing next to him. Goku smiled.
"Do it."
Sango knelt to Goku's level.
"I can't, Goku. I can't hate you for what happened. Mistakes......were made.......but we weren't completely responsible for them . By no means will I hurt you for that" she said.
Goku felt pardoned, cleansed even, by the taijya's heartfelt words. Slowly, he stood, towering over even Inuyasha in height. He turned and faced Sango, this time both of them fully awake and in control. She winced at the sight of his scar, partially covered by his headband. She was surprised when he held out a gloved hand.
"No hard feelings?" the saiyan asked, a with a slight quiver.
Firmly, Sango gripped his hand with one of her own.
"No hard feelings," she confirmed, peering up into his obsidian eyes, "And I'm sorry about your eye."
"Nah, it's okay. I can still see just fine, and I think I look tougher now" the saiyan assured.
Inuyasha broke the calm silence that followed.
"It is good that we have solved a problem, but we still have some equally serious ones at hand. First, why the hell are you dressed like one of Sesshoumaru's soldiers??"
Goku brightened up a bit.
"It's kind of a funny story, actually," Goku said, chuckling while scratching his head, "See, I beat Sesshoumaru up, then he came right back and offered me command of his territory guard. I figured it would be a good diversion for me, at least for a while. Don't worry about it. I think its just a political move anyway; he's got encroachment problems from his northern border, and he said he just needed me to scare some demons off."
"I think you've been had, Goku. The only thing up north is Naraku" Inuyasha growled.
"You mean this guy? He was a pushover!" Goku squawked, eyeing to the massive body of the dead demon a few feet away.
Though Inuyasha was impressed by Goku's feat of strength, his worries were not the least bit allayed.
"Heh, that's just one of his puppets. The real thing is a helluva lot stronger."
The saiyan flashed the hanyou an impish grin. Despite Naraku's involvement, Inuyasha knew that Goku was much more powerful than he was letting on.
"Well, enough about Naraku! He's a jerk, anyway!" Kagome shouted.
Sango remembered Miroku and looked to Goku once more.
"She's right. Goku, how did you keep me from dying last night?" Sango prodded.
"I gave you some of my energy. What about it?"
"I think it did a little more than keep me alive...." Sango chirped.
Goku's eyes narrowed for two seconds, then widened in enlightenment. Sango was a warrior, and all warriors, regardless of race and gender, contained a certain energy in their fighting. Goku had given her his power in an effort to heal her, but Sango's body soaked it all up and was now sustaining it, making it renewable and useable. This explained why he couldn't identify her a few minutes ago. It was also the source of the aura radiating off her. Not knowing how to control such force could be an extremely dangerous affair.
"I was afraid this might happen, but under the circumstances, I had to do it. Sango, your training as a warrior has allowed your body to absorb and hold on to every bit of power I gave to you, and if left unchecked, it can be extremely volatile. How did you discover it?"
"I...uh....hit someone.......through a wall" Sango murmured.
"Uh-oh. I'm not totally certain, but odds are you're sitting on enough firepower to level an area the size of this village" Goku said, with nervous concern.
"Level it? How?" Kagome squeaked.
"Yeah! Show us!" Inuyasha commanded.
"Do you really need a demonstration? Look around you!" Goku gasped, gesturing to the demon carcass all around.
Inuyasha folded his arms.
"All right, you win. Stand back!"
Sango leapt over to Inuyasha and Kagome, and looked on in fascination as Goku removed his right glove and raised the freed palm high into the air. Goku's hair began to tussle in the air as gold fire gathered in his hand. It formed a sphere, then began spinning, and flattened into a disc.
"Do you see that boulder by the gate?" Goku asked.
Everyone nodded.
"Don't blink! KIENZAN!!"
Goku brought his arm down with a fury, and the disc of light took to the air. It roared as it flew, tearing grass from the ground and bending the atmosphere around it. It finally collided with the stony mass and sheared it into two halves, showering sparks everywhere. Goku pulled his arm back abruptly and the ki blade halted midair, then faded away as Goku willed it. Inuyasha was incredulous. This went far beyond the power of his claws and he began to seriously doubt the compentency of Tetsuseiga. Kagome felt both entertained and intimidated. Sango simply quaked in fear."I....can do that??" the demon-slayer shrieked.
"With practice, yes. Without practice, though, it could be far worse" Goku replied.
"Then please, remove this energy from me! If I keep it, I will only end up hurting my friends more!"
"I can't, Sango. That power is now a part of you, and will remain so for the rest of your life. The best thing we can do right now is teach you how to control it." Goku continued.
"Teach me?"
"Sure! It won't be a problem at all!" Goku beamed.
With an uncertain expression on her face, Sango looked to Inuyasha and Kagome.
"It sounds like an adventure to me" Kagome chimed.
"Hmm. There's no denying that you're a loose cannon, Sango. We might as well point you in the right direction." Inuyasha cackled.
"Hey! That isn't funny!" Sango yelled.
Kagome sighed.
"Sit, Inuyasha."
Inuyasha's let out a terrified yelp as he plummeted face first to the ground.
"DAMN IT!" the hanyou screamed.
"I suppose I would become a more efficient demon-slayer if I learned this energy business" Sango muttered.
"It's settled then. Sango is now my student, and this Inuyasha is an ass!" Goku laughed.
Sango smiled at Goku's statement. Much to her relief, the events of the night before had been reconciled, and Goku was even displaying some humor now. Additionally, the prospect of Goku teaching her how to fight like he did opened up the possibility of personally engaging Naraku head on and winning.
Vengeance for her lost family was coming closer and closer to fulfillment.
Goku clutched at his stomach and groaned.
"Goku, are you all right?" Sango asked, his sudden affliction worrying her.
"Yeah, I'm just hungry. I didn't eat anything this morning!"
"Then come back to Kaede's with us! I'm sure we can get her to whip up some of her legendary beef and rice stew!" Kagome suggested.
"That sounds good!" Goku cheered.
Sango walked over to the Inuyasha-shaped crater and called out to the punished half-demon within.
"You can have some too, Inuyasha, if you apologize to me!" Sango said, half-smiling and half-frowning.
"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!" the hanyou groaned, strainedly lifting himself up and dusting himself off.
Naraku slumped back against the wall of his room and tucked his hands underneath his arms, letting out a grunt of disgust. Watching through the soul mirror, he saw Goku and his new friends collect the demon-slayer's fire-cat and leave for the elderly miko's village. The spider hanyou was both displeased and intrigued by this morning's developments. His attack on Sesshoumaru's territory had been staved off and destroyed completely, including his demon puppet, which up until now had been more than enough to deal with Inuyasha's shard-hunting party. Despite this failure, a new method for attaining final victory became apparent. Goku's abilities were truly unique; he was stronger and faster than anything else Naraku had fought or created himself. The spider-demon grew thoughtful as he realized that if he could cultivate or better yet, steal such power and harness it within him, he would have the edge necessary to defeat Inuyasha. Hell, he could defeat Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, Kikyo, and Kagome all at once with that kind of strength. With that, he smiled. The sacred Shikon jewel had become woefully obsolete, and Naraku had a new goal.
Steal the power of Goku!
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