Sesshoumaru's Pet | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female Views: 8588 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor make money on my stories. |
After two days passed Sesshoumaru felt well enough to go search for his mate. Having the servants dress him in his traveling kimono and armor which was the usual white kimono with the red chrysanthemum pattern on the sleeves. His armor was shined to perfection as well as his boots.
The gold and blue obi was tied on with his sword Bakusaiga at his side. Looking at tensaiga Sesshoumaru decided just in case he may need it to carry the sword with him. Grasping the sword by its hilt he noted tensaiga burnt his hand a bit. It was an odd reaction since he had been in control of this sword before without a problem, however he had not handled the sword in a long time so perhaps it was merely acting up.Sesshoumaru brought with him a bag of gold and some rations for the travel. It was mainly some dry meat and a bladder of water. Climbing onto Aun Sesshoumaru lifted into the air and headed to the Eastern castle first. It was a short flight there as Aun was fast in the air.Landing at the Eastern castle Sesshoumaru was told that his mate and the guards had traveled north towards the hanyou village which was about a day and a half flight from this location. The guard offered an escort as they had dragons also and Sesshoumaru agreed to this since he did not wish to get lost.One of the guards mounted up and flew a bit ahead of Sesshoumaru on his winged dragon mount. The Eastern Lord’s dragon was a magnificent creature, bright red and a fire breather unlike Aun who was a lightning dragon. Aun was a rare two headed dragon, but the red dragon before him was huge with the longest tail Sesshoumaru had ever seen on a dragon.As it got darker the guard ahead of Sesshoumaru pressed on a bit further before signaling to Sesshoumaru that they were going to land now that they were past the cursed section of the forest. Sesshoumaru took the muzzles off of Aun so he could go drink and get some fresh grasses to eat, however his escort did not take off his dragon’s muzzle as if he did the dragon would set the whole forest ablaze. Tethering his dragon the escort set up a campfire for them as Sesshoumaru went off into the woods to go hunt for the night. He knew the dragon was also a meat eater so he would gather something for it as well.Sesshoumaru came back with a huge bear demon he had killed in his dog form. The hide was in decent shape as the two demons went to work cutting it off the bear and hanging it to dry. At the smell of blood and meat the red dragon snorted blowing flame out of its nostrils.The demon escort took some leg and haunch pieces to go feed the dragon with as he lifted the muzzle to get the pieces into the dragon’s mouth watching his hands as those sharp teeth could take off a hand as well as burn it off with the flame it spewed. After feeding the dragon the guard shared the rest of the meat with Sesshoumaru with Sesshoumaru getting the heart and liver as he had the kill.Sesshoumaru ignored the blood on his kimono as this one was self-cleaning. After they were done eating Sesshoumaru leaned up against a tree to rest as he put his mokomoko around his head to rest. His fur was also self-cleaning as it was always pristine white shaking out whatever got into its fur unless it was blood which it soaked up.Smelling that they were close to where his mate was Sesshoumaru wanted to be gone early in the morning. The guard escorting Sesshoumaru laid down a blanket from the saddlebag and rested although he did keep a watchful eye out for danger. So far it was a peaceful night.The next morning Sesshoumaru got up dusting himself off a bit and shaking out his mokomoko. Walking into the woods he easily found Aun who was sleeping in a clearing having ate most of the grass in the area. Sesshoumaru put the muzzles back on the burden beast and brought Aun back to the camping area where he waited for his escort to put away his blanket after shaking it off and drinking a bit of water from his water bladder before climbing back on his mount.“We should only be flying for an hour at the most from here at the speed we were traveling.”The guard said as he urged his mount forward and into the air as Aun flew behind with Sesshoumaru feeling rather anxious to get to his mate. Many things could have happened while she was gone and he wanted to know what took so long for her to gather his brother.By the time they arrived several people came out to greet the new Lord who arrived with the guard on such impressive mounts. The guard pointed out the Lord of the village’s house as to inquire within to find out where his mate was.Sesshoumaru let go of Aun’s reins knowing his burden beast would stay where he put him. Going up to the house Sesshoumaru knocked loud enough for someone to wake to answer the door. Lord Hiro answered although he was half awake being up learning how to deal with a blind child which was work, but not work he did not enjoy. Hiro very much enjoyed being a Father to Aiko, but it was tiring caring for a child who was basically like an infant since he could not do many things himself without his sight.“What can I do for you my Lord?”Hiro asked unsure why there was a finely dressed Lord at his door this early in the morning.“I am looking for my mate. Her name is Kimi and I am also looking for my brother as well as his mate to find out why they have been gone so long.”Sesshoumaru said as he could smell Kimi was here.“Oh, you must be Lord Sesshoumaru. Lady Kimi said you were dying though.”Hiro said feeling a bit confused.“It is a long story, but I do not have time for that today. I am here to gather my mate to bring her home as well as my brother and to find out why his mate has kept him away for this long when my mate came for his aid.”Sesshoumaru said and Hiro had Sesshoumaru come inside. “Well it is a long story Lord Sesshoumaru, I hope you have time as Lord Inuyasha is still waiting to get the bandages off so he may travel.”Hiro said as he brought Sesshoumaru in to sit with him as he offered drink and food since he was certain Lord Sesshoumaru might be hungry. “I have to say it has been a very trying week this week. We had two trouble making demons arrive in our village that apparently prey on young children. My now adopted son was raped by one of them and half his life force was syphoned from him making him blind. When his battered and wounded body was brought out by me as I sent the two demons packing Lord Inuyasha found out what they did to Aiko and avenged him by basically obliterating them, however he did not come out of the battle unscathed. The adamant shards that he used to attack with were flung back at him killing two of the unborn pups and severely wounding Lord Inuyasha. He is healing, but because the pups are also using up a lot of his youkai powers the healing process has been slow. He is not quite well enough for travel.’“Lord Inuyasha is also dealing with the loss of the pups which has affected him greatly. He is extremely protective of the other pups and just learned that because of having so many pups that the strongest of the pups are taking from the weaker ones with the possible loss of more pups. Lord Inuyasha is not taking the news well as he is trying to push all his youkai to all the pups so that all of them will live.’
“I am afraid his attempts are in vain however as the pups will be born a bit early and there is not enough time to save the few. Because of this Lord Inuyasha is threatening to remain here and in his current form until he can be reassured that these pups will all live. It is irrational, but some of us are afraid to touch him as he threatened to gut anyone who even thinks about making him move until all his pups receive the same amount of youkai so that they all live.”
Hiro said and Sesshoumaru shook his head. Only his little brother would be this stubborn.“Well I am fine for now and will not need his blood for now so I will deal with him. He can try to gut me as he has done several times and failed. I brought my two headed dragon Aun so travel won’t be rough and we can get him to the Western castle rather swiftly. Inuyasha can travel with me on Aun with my mate traveling with her brother on the other dragon to the Western lands. The guards can stay another night with the gold I shall give them and bring back the horses.”Sesshoumaru said and Hiro sighed as the guards had been given gold, but claimed it was cursed as no one wanted it and thus they were going to take it to a priest to uncurse it. In fact Baldric was staying out in the woods as he had paid for a second night to spend with Master having fallen in love with him.“Well the guards will appreciate that since the gold I gave them is apparently cursed gold and no one will take it here. To me it is merely gold and not cursed, but since it was used to buy Aiko and pay for his rape as well as his abuse and almost murder they consider it blood money. Apparently guards are very superstitious as are my villagers. No one wants bad karma.”Hiro said and Sesshoumaru thought about that.“Well the only way I know to uncurse something like that is to give the gold to the person who was hurt by it to spend it in any way they see fit whether living or dead. Grave robbers get their own bad karma, but if it was your son who was hurt by the gold if he wishes to throw it away, spend it, or do whatever with it then it is his choice.”Sesshoumaru said and Hiro felt that was a wise decision. He would talk with the guards about it when everyone woke up.Inuyasha stirred in his sleep hearing Sesshoumaru and not feeling too happy about that since he figured that asshole had better be dying not here or he was going to throw a tantrum.“Stupid Sesshoumaru……….”Inuyasha mumbled in his sleep feeling even more irritated as everyone was pissing him off. Shiro was being an ass saying they could not stay much longer and the healer kept poking at sensitive spots totally pissing him off. If everyone would leave him the fuck alone he would be fine.Kimi smelled something familiar and panicked as she smelled Sesshoumaru. She hoped he would not be pissed at her for taking so long and the last thing she expected was to have him here. Pretending to be asleep for a while longer Kimi tried not to sob. She wanted to wash up since Shiro kept hugging her and she smelled like her brother which was going to piss Sesshoumaru off. Kimi did not want to be punished again.Shiro woke next as he had been cuddled up to his mate as close as Inuyasha would allow hoping not to piss Inuyasha off today. Shiro needed to get them going soon though as he did not bring a lot of gold with him this time and even with Hiro’s insistence that he would care for them Shiro did not like owing people.Sitting up Shiro noted Lord Sesshoumaru was here and he seemed to be fine. Was Kimi lying to him to hide from this man? If Lord Sesshoumaru had been harming her again he would kill him.“Lord Sesshoumaru, what are you doing here? I thought you were dying.”Shiro said angrily as he regarded the perfectly fine Inu diayoukai.“Well that is a long story Lord Shiro. As you can see I am not dead and I do not plan on dying any time soon if possible.”Sesshoumaru said as Shiro went over and sat with Sesshoumaru and Hiro.“I have time. I want to know everything.”Shiro said and Sesshoumaru explained everything to Shiro with Shiro thinking about all of this. It would serve the bastard right if he lost his memories, but at the same time having an evil demon puppet of himself running around would not be good to anyone.“So you are going to be seeking a cure?”Shiro asked and Sesshoumaru nodded his head into the affirmative.“My healer Kinjo has something that will work temporarily so if the black blood returns I can use his remedy for now, but I plan to seek magic users and other healers in other lands to find a cure to this curse before I give over my memories to a witch. There has to be others who have her same knowledge without the price being so high. I do not wish to lose years of teachings, history, and lessons especially my battle knowledge. In the wrong hands it could be extremely deadly.’“Hopefully the remedy he has given me will work for good and I will not have to seek anyone. However for now the majority of evil within me is gone. As a demon I am not completely free of all evil, but what was uncontrolled is now ceased to be.”
Sesshoumaru said and Shiro understood since he also had some evil to his nature. For a demon some evil was necessary.“I will wake Kimi for you. I am sure she will be pleased to see you are fine. She was very worried for you.”Shiro said and Sesshoumaru stopped him.“No, I will let her sleep longer and wake her later. I need to let the guard know you are here so he does not need to have concern on going further today to the demon city to see if you went there. He thought perhaps if you had left here that you might be heading in that direction. I will also keep the dragon ready for our travel as we are all going to be leaving today.”Sesshoumaru said and Shiro was about to protest a bit.“Inuyasha refuses to be moved though. I can’t force him as he has been through already quite a lot.”Shiro said in frustration as he did not want to fight with Inuyasha again.“Let me deal with my little brother. You will find I have a way with him that no other does and if he fights me I can subdue him without harming him.”Sesshoumaru said as he went outside to tell the guard what was going on. He also gave him enough gold for himself and the other guards to stay the night at any inn they so choose with entertainment. He also wanted to talk to them about the cursed gold going back to Aiko who could do as he pleased with it.Going back into the house Sesshoumaru waited patiently for everyone to wake. Inuyasha grumbled out insults at Sesshoumaru in his sleep as he swore he could smell the bastard. Sesshoumaru just sat listening to his little brother trying not to laugh at the colorful things Inuyasha thought up about him.“Fluffy fathead………….stupid Sess………….should be shot………….I’ll kick his stupid fluffy ass…………”Inuyasha mumbled in his sleep with his elder brother sitting smirking at his little brother who was amusing. The boy was funny as hell and the most frustrating childish little imp on the planet. The boy kept reaching to check if Tessaiga was at his side as he grabbed it a few times by the hilt as he swore in his sleep he was going to cut Sesshoumaru’s balls off with the adamant barrage.Sesshoumaru smirked lifting an eyebrow at Inuyasha waiting for him to brandish his sword and try to strike him down any second, but the threats were getting more amusing as Inuyasha’s little nose was sniffing the air with Inuyasha rubbing it every once in a while in his slumber like a small child. His ears were going crazy with his facial expressions as he growled in his sleep with his ears flattening as he would bite at the air like a rabid dog. Sesshoumaru never realized how absolutely entertaining Inuyasha was.“He truly hates you doesn’t he?”Hiro said to Sesshoumaru and Sesshoumaru chuckled.“That Lord Hiro is an understatement. He loathes me, despises me, and probably wishes I was dead. He will be wishing that some more when I wrap him in my mokomoko and carry him like a baby out of here.”Sesshoumaru said and Hiro chuckled at that.“What did you do to him to make him hate you so?”Hiro asked and Sesshoumaru had one answer to that.“Everything you can possibly imagine. I am the bane of his exsistance and I don’t plan on changing too much other than a few things. He would be less entertaining if I did change too much.”Sesshoumaru said as he watched as Kimi timidly woke and shakily got up to approach Sesshoumaru with tears in her eyes.“My Lord I am sorry I have failed you. I also allowed my brother to hug me. Please forgive me.”Kimi begged and Sesshoumaru pulled Kimi down kissing her gently.“There is nothing to forgive. You have done more for me than anyone and I am grateful to you my beloved Karei. I simply came to take all of you home. Unfortunately you will have to travel with your brother on the fire dragon as I will be taking Inuyasha on Aun. I did hope to hold you the whole way back, but as Inuyasha is being his amusing self as usual I must act in his best interest. Which reminds me of something I need to do to make this easier.”Sesshoumaru said as he explained what he was going to do to Shiro and Hiro so they would not stop him. Tensaiga had been pulsing for some time and Sesshoumaru rarely ignored his Father’s fang when it called to him.Walking over to Inuyasha Sesshoumaru pulled out the glowing sword and stabbed Inuyasha with it as the healing light filled his little brother healing his wounds so his youkai could be replenished. Once again tensaiga burned his hand, but not badly. Sesshoumaru wondered what in the world was going on with his sword.Putting the fang back in its scabbard Sesshoumaru waited for his hand to heal which took mere seconds. It was like his fang did not recognize him anymore. It was most disturbing.The healer soon arrived with his bag and a needle in hand to knock out the obnoxious hanyou puppy with if necessary to work with getting those bandages changed. Hearing Inuyasha cussing up a storm about Lord Sesshoumaru in his slumber and biting at the air the healer decided to pursue giving the hanyou the shot of something he created that should knock out anyone for a few hours.“Lord Shiro I need you to hold him down again. I am going to knock this boy out.”The healer said as Shiro sighed hating to do this to his mate, but he could not have Inuyasha attack the healer again for poking around.Shiro moved into the same position as before as he practically sat on his mate who woke up looking up at Shiro wondering if his mate lost his mind.“Shiro get the fuck off of me!”Inuyasha roared at his mate irritated as hell since the room did smell like Sesshoumaru, but he could not see his stupid brother anywhere especially with Shiro on top of him like this. Inuyasha thought he could be dreaming still, but Shiro felt real and that scent was too close for comfort.“I am sorry Lord Inuyasha, but this is for your own good.”The healer said as Shiro held Inuyasha down as Inuyasha started to struggle under his mate.“Let me up damn you! I ain’t lettin’ him poke me again! I am fine now and I can take off my own fucking bandages!”Inuyasha yelled as he struggled to get free, but Shiro was stronger than him.“I am sorry Inuyasha, but you have to let him look at you.”Shiro said and as soon as Inuyasha saw that needle coming at him he fought harder trying to buck Shiro off of him.“Don’t you dare poke me with that thing! Get off me you bastard! Damn it stop!”Inuyasha screamed throwing a total fit.“Really Inuyasha, must you be such a big baby.”Sesshoumaru muttered out. It was not even a big needle.“God damnit Sesshoumaru if you are here I am going to kill ya! Get off me you pricks!”Inuyasha struggled as the shot went in and Inuyasha screamed in frustration as fluid started going into his bloodstream slowly moving its way up through his body into his whole body as Inuyasha slowly stopped flopping about like a fish and all the fight left him.“Fuck you…………fucking assholes…………I hate you…………..”Inuyasha slowly slurred out as he was soon out like a light.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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