The Ark | By : Dunkelgelb Category: InuYasha > General Views: 2053 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
Scrap material from God-knows-where. Mostly unformatted.
Enma's eyes widened to stark zenith. "
"But why come to me over this?" Enma asked, knowing that his holy jurisdictions included only the particularities of birth, death, and re-birth. "You are a higher deity than I, don't you?" Enma reminded. "You don't need my permission to do any of this. Why come to me?"
KibitoShin fell quiet for a moment, then nodded in concession and composed himself curtly. "Put simply, I need you to reincarnate Goku's wife onto Earth as soon as you can."
The giant demon lord sighed in relief. "Oh. That shouldn't be a problem, but why do you need to - "
The Kaioshin cut him off mid-sentence. "I need her reincarnated just so that she'll be an adult by the year 1554."
Enma stilled. "The sixteenth century - I knew it," he murmured. "I'm sorry, then. What you ask of me is impossible."
KibitoShin's eyes widened and he bolted upright. "But you just said - "
and turned away from the balcony rail, pacing a few steps
have come to you to see that Chi-Chi is reincarnated onto Earth not in our present, but far in the past, far enough for her to have grown into an adult by the year 1554. I have secured the means by which to transport Son Goku to that point in time, and once he is there, he will seek out and destroy Naraku, then spend the rest of his life in peace and the company of his wife.
"Time travel? You must be joking!" he gasped, peering down at his ambitious colleague and seeing that his conviction hadn't faltered one bit, "But you aren't joking
Nevertheless, the wish that I will make will compensate Goku more than fully for the life that he has missed and will provide a most fitting end to Naraku and the pandemonium that he loves to wreak."
Enma arched a heavy eyebrow a glanced down at KibitoShin
The timing of their return could have been better, but it could have been much worse, too; Vegeta, whom I sure you know quite well, and Bulma, Vegeta's wife, Goku's childhood friend, and chief researcher for Earth's Capsule Corporation, though thirty years older, are still alive and in good health.
Bulma came to occupy such an important position in Capsule's ranks through nothing more than her own brilliance. Necessity is the mother of invention, and given any need, Bulma can invent literally anything. So great is her technological prowess, in fact, that she has conquered the science that is temporal mechanics - time travel! The
For as long I have known and known of Son Goku, I have underestimated his abilities routinely, and it seems that Shenron shares in my oversight. When he last appeared before Goku and Goku's family and friends, he told them that the Dragonballs would need one-hundred years of total dormancy to recover from the damage caused by the seven rogue Dragons and sheer overuse. By taking Goku with him into this dormant state, I assume that he intended to use the immense good will dwelling in Goku's soul to dissipate the negative energy that had built up in the Dragonballs themselves, employing him as a kind of spiritual 'heat sink.' Now, apparently, it seems that he has done so seven decades ahead of schedule.
Now, apparently, Shenron
When Shenron last showed himself to Son Goku, his family, and his friends, he told them that they had been overusing the Dragonballs
and in order to allow them to recover from the damage done by such overuse, they would need disappear for one century to recover
"I share your conviction completely, Kibito. Consider me to be at your service," he affirmed, pledging his allegiance to the deity before him. "But tell me, how does any of this relate to Son Goku?"
All of this time, I have for the first time ever, I can be the only one to offer it a way out. That is my perspective, Lord Enma, And that, Lord Enma, is my perspective.
However, the other part of the story's setting comes from the information gathered and posted here on by the author Shikuro in her (his?) fabulous analysis of InuYasha chronology entitled Who What When Where Why. With her God-sent and overwhelmingly-awesome work as a guide, I have set the Japanese Sengoku Jidai half of this story in the mid-sixteenth century, starting in the year 1554.
Check out Shikuro's research here:
10. In this story, Doctor Gero, working for the Russian army, undertakes a fictional military operation that I have dubbed "Operation Shadows Fall." The Shadows Fall stems from the thrash metal band of the same name, though it used to be "Shadows Farewell." "Fall" sounded better to me, in the end.
11. Throughout this story, I will use the abbreviation "AD," which stands for Anno Domini, Latin for "Year of Our Lord," to denote the calendar era of the indicated date, as certain figure(s) from Judeo-Christian lore will make an appearance at certain points.
12. One such figure is a being named Sammael. Depending on the religious interpretation, he is identified as the prince of demons, the serpent that tempted Eve with the proverbial apple in the Book of Genesis, an angel of death, or due to occasional mistranslation of the Bible's text, Satan himself. There is a significant amount of information about him here: I don't think AFF does HTML linking like the forums do, so just copy that link and paste it into the address bar at the top of your screen, or wherever you may have set it.
Since this is fan-fiction and not an accurate religious analysis, I choose to use a simpler and more creatively-viable representation of Sammael, the one that the Polish game developer People Can Fly used when they released the PC game Painkiller in 2004. In the beginning of this game, a man named Daniel Garner and his wife, Catherine, are killed in a horrific car accident. While Catherine ascends to Heaven, Daniel winds up in Purgatory, the border world between Heaven and Hell, as punishment for an undisclosed sin in his past. He is met there by the angel Sammael, and Sammael proceeds to reveal to Daniel that Heaven is about to come under heavy attack by Lucifer, AKA Satan, and the demon armies of Hell. These armies are sneaking into Purgatory and amassing in preparation, and if God or any of Heaven's deities preempt their assault by any direct means, war between Heaven and Hell would break out far earlier than it would otherwise and excrement would hit the proverbial fan in a cosmic way.
Sammael offers Daniel a compromise; if he agrees to act as God's hitman and eliminates all four of Lucifer's generals and their respective armies, his sins, too great to get him into Heaven but too minor, apparently, to send him to Hell, would be forgiven and he would be bumped "upstairs" and reunited with his wife. Daniel agrees, and at this point, the player steps in and proceeds to unleash an assload of firepower onto Hell's forces level-by-level, annihilating a jillion-and-a-half demons and monsters, all four generals, and Lucifer himself by the game's end.
Painkiller is very heavy on violent demon-killing sprees and decidedly light on storytelling, advancing the plot in vague increments through a small number of pre-rendered cutscenes, but regardless of what little story was told, however, I found what was there to be more interesting and more compelling, even, than the storylines of Painkiller's contemporaries, such as Half-Life 2 and Doom 3. The whole what-happens-after-you-die thing and the powers-that-be subject matter was appealing to me, and since Painkiller and this story deal with redemption in one way or another, I have decided to include the Painkiller incarnation of Sammael into the journey that I will be sending Dragonball Z's Android Seventeen on.
However, while I am most definitely not the creator of this version of Sammael, People Can Fly, the game developer responsible for Painkiller, did not create him either. Painkiller was released in 2004. The following photo is of character art for the roleplaying card game Heresy, made by an artist named Gerald Brom, and near the bottom right corner, underneath Brom's signature, is a number: 95. This is shorthand for "1995," the year the painting was made.
The next photo is a still that I took from one of Painkiller's cutscenes, featuring Sammael front and center.
Notice anything? If not, here is a comparison, with both versions of Sammael aligned side-by-side.
Clearly, these two photos depict the same character, both images reflecting the ghostly-white hair, pale skin, green eyes, left-ear earrings, and the leather tunic right down to the notch in the neckline, small belt around the collar, and even some the angles formed by the seams on the tunic's upper torso area, yet Mr. Brom is not credited anywhere in the Painkiller game manual. I e-mailed him recently, alerting him to this potential infringement of his copyrights, and in his prompt reply, he denied that he had anything to do with Painkiller's development or any of the character art. Apparently, People Can Fly lifted the design for Sammael from Brom's work and used it in their game cutscenes without his consent. Therefore, while I choose to use People Can Fly's implementation of Sammael for this story, the fundamental design for him came from Brom, and his original, highly-detailed version is the one that I choose to visualize when I write.
assured of our own competence and actions. Moving the entireThe following fiction is part of a much larger WIP, a Dragonball GT/Inuyasha crossover I am writing and have entitled Redemption Awaits Them. Set in the year 2083, forty-six years after the end of Dragonball GT, Redemption Awaits Them, or R.A.T., for short, tells the tale of Son Goku and Android Seventeen after DBGT, (Jinzo-ningen Juunana-Gou), focusing on Goku's return to Earth and his ensuing search for Chi-Chi's reincarnation and Seventeen's own return to Earth and his attempt to prevent the Russian Army from using his clone as a living weapon. Their journey will eventually take them across time to the 1554 Japanese Musashi plain, on which they cross paths with various characters from InuYasha on both friendly and hostile terms. It is split into five parts: a prologue, three main acts, and an epilogue, and the excerpt below comes out of Act Two: Somewhere in Time.
At this point in the story, Kagura, having been killed by Naraku as per the manga's storyline, is alive and well again, resurrected through certain...circumstances...ones that I won't reveal here but will definitely explain during the full course of the completed story. She fallen in with Sesshoumaru's group, a group that Android Seventeen joined some time earlier due to his professional relationship with Sesshoumaru's father during the forty-six Earth years he spent in Heaven on a demon-populated world called the Silent Planet, as he himself arrived in the Japanese Sengoku Jidai through certain circumstances, ones that I will also not reveal here. Kagura's infatuation with Sesshoumaru has carried over into her new life unimpeded, and frustrated that the dog-demon has not taken a sexual interest in her, she consults with a distant village's resident sorceress for some method of, shall I say, arousing Sesshoumaru's carnal attentions. The sorceress yields to Kagura an extremely potent aphrodisiac, and needless to say, our favorite wind witch deploys what amounts to Super-Duper Double Strength Viagra to devastating effect on Sesshoumaru, but she also causes a sort of collateral damage when Seventeen falls accidental victim to it. One extremely graphic DP three-way Kagura sandwich later, Seventeen finds himself in Sesshoumaru's bed with a fierce erection and absolutely no clue as to just what the Hell happened the night before.
And he isn't alone.
The time had finally come. Just behind that single, metal-hinged portal of a doorway, the corporeal conclusion of sixty years' worth of sinister, demonic science lay in patient wait.Together, the two men pushed through these doors and entered the, however, had chosen to traverse the right-hand passage. Like its opposite twin, it curved away from the gantry's lateral axis to spiral down and fuse with a small stairwell, but instead of
Sluggishly, Artificial Human Number Seventeen stirred from a heavy, restful slumber, awakening to the warm press of soft fur upon his right cheek. His eyelids slid open groggily, emerald irises dilating and focusing upon the fur bedding beneath him. Rolling over onto his back, he rubbed his eyes, propped himself up on his elbows, and glanced around the surrounding darkness, then with a sudden, stark jolt of sensation, realized that the fur he was wrapped up in contacted him on every single surface of his body.wore the standard dark, olive-drab trousers and dress jacket of a particularly high level of military command
Andropov took one look at the gleaming pips on the collar of the officer's jacket and jerked away from the wall behind him, standing bolt upright. He was in the presence of a General.
stifled a Russian obscenity and clenched his jaw as he realized who had tagged along with the good doctor - one General Adlei Niska, head of the SPETSNAZ Fourth
Andropov shoved a hand underneath a breast of his parka, yanking out his steel drinking flask, unscrewing the cap, and taking a heavy swig of finely-distilled vodka, re-sealing it and concealing it just as angrily. Trouble seemed to love landing in his lap, and he knew that he would probably end up in the thick of it.
As he rose from his car seat, his pale ice, almost co
The colonel watched intently as the driver-side door of Gero's car opened up
As his eyes adjusted
That dirt transformed what would have been perfectly clear lighting into a seedy, sickly-yellow haze
Subsequently, one of the car's own doors opened up and a pairs of boots crunched down onto the ground with curiously heavy weight, the ingress hatch clunking shut immediately afterward.
The doctor, so to speak, was in.
The staff car ambled along the well-worn dirt road that led to Achikulak One at a hasty clip, as its driver harbored an intense desire to distance himself from his passenger, one Doctor Iskendervich Gero. Nervously, he glanced to his left to steal a peek at said person, wondering just how Gero could sit so lifelessly-still for such a long, inadequately-cushioned trip. He breathed a small sigh of relief, though, as the car reached the chain-link fence that marked the outer base wall's entrance. A Kalashnikov-armed soldier exited the nearby guardhouse, motioning for the car to stop.
"Identification, please," the trooper said, stepping up to the driver's rolled-down door window.
As the car surmounted the apex of the hill, it slowed to a full stop, and the driver door opened up, the driver himself stepping out
The taller of the two stood at about seven feet in height, his skin a light shade of lavender, and his knee-length hair coarse, yet flowing and ghostly-white. His ears tapered to fine points and both of his eyes existed as bottomless pools of pure obsidian. He wore loose-fitting, robin's-egg-blue trousers, a crimson red vest, and a orange sash around his waist. King Yamma recognized this being immediately; he was known as Kibito-Kai, a fusion of the Eastern Kaioshin and companion, Kibito, joined together by wearing a Pontarra fusion earring on opposing ears. As unwitting participants in a demonstration of the earrings' power, they became fused together and had stayed that way ever since.
The identity of the second fellow did not come so easily to the gatekeeping demon lord, though he was certain that he had seen him once before, however long ago it may have been. He was shorter than the Kaioshin that flanked him by at least a foot, though his ears tapered to rounded tips in a similar manner. With coppery-red hair and jungle-green eyes, he could almost pass for a human, but the canvas-wrapped fox paws on which he stood denoted his fox-demon heritage. Dressed in a military combat uniform covered in splotches of mottled-brown and dark, olive-drab green camoflauge, a backpack full of kitsune trickery and a never-used battle rifle slung over his back, the second interloper was none other than the fox-demon Shippo, King Yamma's "eyes" on Earth.
This interloping kitsune wore a military combat uniform covered in splotches of mottled-brown and dark, olive-drab green camoflauge, with a well-oiled battle rifle slung behind his back.
This fusion had been a rather flashy demonstration of the earrings' power put forth by the East Kaioshin's ancestor, in an effort to teach Gok
Only a certain few beings wore such clothing: the Kaioshins, the highest-ranking deities in all of Spirit World. This Kaioshin removed his left middle and index fingers from the center of his forehead and his right hand from the female's left shoulder, then gave the surprised King Yamma a concerned frown.
Yamma turned to face the two sudden interlopers, leaning over his desk with great interest. "Ah, Kibito-Kai!" he exclaimed, speaking to the lavender-skinned fellow. "You startled me! I was just about to head out; what can I do for you?"
"We have a bit of a problem, down on Earth," the tall male known as Kibito-Kai replied.
King Yamma frowned in concern at this statement, then glanced to Kibito-Kai's side for a moment, looking his female companion over a few times with a good deal of perplexion. She was dressed rather like a street-side prostitute, one could say, as she wore glossy red high heels, a tight, glitter-covered, tightly form-fitting, and extremely high-cut dress, one that just-barely covered her shapely hips. A black purse hung from one shoulder and a large, pink bow topped her head of long-and-wavy black hair. Yamma rather expected to see a knowing gleam of seductive intent in her eyes; instead, he saw only bottled-up energy, as if she knew some sort of fantastic secret, and withholding it was driving her mad.Yamma glanced to the Kaioshin fusion's side and looked the odd woman over with some amount of perplexion. She was dressed rather like a street-side prostitute, one could say, as she wore glossy red high heels, a tight, glitter-covered, tightly form-fitting, and extremely high-cut dress, one that barely covered her thighs. A black purse hung from one shoulder and a large, pink bow topped her head of long and wavy black hair. A knowing gleam shone in her dark green eyes, and her ruby lips curled upward slightly, quivering with undisclosed knowledge.
The giant bull demon scratched a finely-sharpened horn upon his head and shrugged his shoulders. "Kib, what is the meaning of all this? I am afraid that I am at a "
Kibito-kai jolted at that statement and held up his arms in apology, while the black-haired woman simply huffed and pouted angrily. Yamma looked between them, expecting some kind of answer, when he saw something large, brown, and fluffy twitching behind the woman's back. It was a tail. A ridiculous realization struck the taiyoukai's brain like a stray bullet.
"Oh, you must be kidding me," Yamma groaned, his already basslike voice low and dejected as he slumped into his chair, cradling his head in one hand, "I think you're getting a little bit too creative with your methods of infiltration, Recon Rodent."
The woman pulled lightly on her tail and hopped a few feet into the air, exploding into a large puff of white smoke with a soft pop. Out of it fell a copper-haired, dark-green-eyed male kitsune youkai, decked out in a brown woolen waistcoat and black woolen rolled up past his pawed fox-feet, a pair of high-powered night-vision goggles riding up on his forehead while a shortened version of a Belgian FN-FAL hung from his neck by a canvas sling.
The "woman" that had accompanied Kibito-kai to Spirit World was none other than the fox-demon Shippo,
"Who are you calling a rodent? I'm a fox demon, thank you very much!" Shippo shouted angrily, his voice still a bit high-pitched, even in his youkai adulthood, "But don't worry, I didn't let anybody touch me like that."
"I think you had better tell him about what you found, Shippo" Kibito-kai suggested, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, yeah."
Shippo leapt onto Yamma's desk and unslung his backpack, zipping it open and rifling through its contents. After moving aside an armor vest and a few rifle magazines, he withdrew a manilla folder, one lettered in Cyrillic. He undid the clasp that held it together, opened it, and held it up to King Yamma.
"What's this?" Yamma asked, slipping on his reading glasses while holding the open file in his palm.
"It's why the Russian economy fell apart........their newest weapon. Capsule Corporation is manufacturing new jinzouningen for them," Shippo answered.
Yamma gave Shippo an uncertain glance, then peered down at the sheets of paper he had been handed. To his horror, the fox-demon was not lying. Blueprints, technical schematics, experimental reports, and business memos - this is what lay inside the folder, and they all described what might be the most powerful weapon ever devised by man.
A color photograph of the completed product fell out of the folder and onto Yamma's desk. In it, three smiling men in white labcoats stood around an opened, coffin-like stasis pod made out of galvanized aluminum. It's occupant lay unconscious inside it, dressed in a green coat, black pants, boots, and shirt, topped by a vest of olive-drab body armor. Chills ran up and down Yamma's spine when he peered upon the weapon's face.
Android Seventeen.
King Yamma sat motionless. Capsule had gone off and made yet another one of those damned, ridiculously powerful androids, and sold it to none other than the Russian Army. Yamma knew that when ambitious militaries get a hold of powerful weaponry, the bloodiest of wars start.
"How is this possible?" Yamma asked, looking between Shippo and the Kaioshin.
"Goku killed Super Android Seventeen, but he didn't completely destroy him. A few pieces were left, a hand here, a foot there, a and few sections of his spinal column. Capsule Corporation found these pieces and made a clone using the stem cells from the spinal fluid," Kibito-kai explained.
"How powerful is the clone?" Yamma pushed.
"Capsule couldn't make a perfect copy, due to the lack of base material, but they have made a clone that is at least half as strong as the original."
The bull demon's jaw tightened audibly and he sank back into his chair. Even at Super Saiyan Four, Goku couldn't kill Super Seventeen outright. He had to get creative with his tactics. Unfortunately, Goku disappeared shortly after killing the last Shadow Dragon, and hadn't been seen for the sixty years that followed. Earth couldn't count on that saiyan this time around. Furthermore, Vegeta and most of the remaining members of the Earth Defense Force had passed away, and since they died of natual causes, their souls entered into the five-hundred-year long reincarnation circuit. Reaching them was impossible. Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. were the only of their descendants that possessed enough of their ancestral blood to reach the form of Super Saiyan, but it was heavily diluted with human blood. They were not strong enough to stop this new android.
Shippo didn't wait for Yamma to think up a new question.
"Sir, there's really only one thing that the Russians could be planning," the kitsune said.
"Conquest," Yamma concluded.
Shippo and Kibito-kai nodded in unison and hung their heads in dejection, the potentially bleak future already worrying them. They looked up when Yamma grunted with intrigue, sitting back while holding his chin in thought. The bull-demon stared off to an empty wall to his right, pondering a possible solution to the dilemma.
"Got an idea, sir?" Shippo asked, scratching the back of his head.
"Maybe. Since we can't call up the EDF or send our own forces, we can't kill Seventeen. I wonder, can we subdue him or turn him off, like Gero did with that remote control of his?"
Shippo pondered the idea for a moment, reaching for Seventeen's design schematics. After reviewing it for a second, he shook his head.
"I don't think we can. This android really isn't an android at all; he's entirely organic, and therefore, close to human" Shippo said, to Yamma's dismay.
"Well, how are they planning to control him, then?" the tai-youkai asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
"It looks like there's a transistor circuit that shorts out the consciousness center of the android's brain, but leaves everything else intact, like the motor skills and higher reasoning functions," Shippo replied, flipping through a few more pages, "They can order him around without question that way."
"So....he's not sentient?" Kibito-kai added.
"I suppose not, no," Shippo confirmed.
The Kaioshin sat down on the edge of Yamma's desk, locking himself into a train of thought that might yield a solution. After twiddling his thumbs for a moment, he turned to the bull behind him.
"I've got an idea," he said.
"Oh?" Yamma said with great interest, as the Kaioshins usually yielded creative and functional answers.
"If the new android isn't sentient, then by the technical definitions of Spirtual Law, it doesn't have a soul," the Kaioshin explained.
"So? What of it?" Yamma posed.
"So.....if the android doesn't have a soul, then his body is free space."
Shippo's jungle-green eyes narrowed and his lips turned upward into a knowing smile.
"Up for grabs and fair game, you mean," the kitsune said, understanding where Kib was going.
"Fair game for what?" Yamma asked, shifting in his seat uncomfortably.
Kib's answer was simple.
The bull-demon mused to himself about the day's developments as he smoked, for the cloud of war that had descended over Russia had also captured his thought. If the rebels won, all would be well again. Reform would sweep the nation and everyone would hopefully live happily ever after, or at least and more realistically, safer, as the shadow of oppression would have dissolved. If the government won, however, a world war would become a possibility.
It was no secret that the Russian government was run by the bad kind of Communist. In 1917, Russia . Seventy years later, it wasn't, and twenty years after that, it was once again, and by then, the leftists weren't taking any chances. They scrapped the standing constitution and wrote a new one, barring all personal liberty and snapping up all of the political power. Their seats of power were firmly cemented, too, as the military sided with them one-hundred percent. The army had fallen into disrepair after the economy collapsed, and was only too willing to help out someone who catered to their wants.
By 2064, Russia, then called the Neo Soviet Union, was once again on the verge of collapse, due in no small part to the governing oligarchy's exorbitant spending on its army. The stock market crashed and the people had had enough, which brought King Yamma to the matter at hand.
A fair few of the United Nations were funneling weapons and supplies to the rebels in secret. Alas, however, paranoid Communists simply cannot be kept in the dark forever, and the only thing they didn't know about the arms shipments was just how the hell the rebels were getting their merchandise. An experimental point-to-point teleporter was the culprit, designed by the infamous Capsule Corporation.
To Yamma, the how was unimportant. The Russians knew that the U.N. was backing the rebels, the United States most prominently. If they were to win the civil war, they would immediately turn their sights onto the U.S. and all of Europe, likely using a nuclear weapon in their anger. Ridiculously, all the bull demon could do was watch and fret over Earth's fate, because Spirit World was barred completely from interfering.
The Hell stamp had been getting more than its fair share of use over the past week. This, to Yamma's dismay, was due to an increasingly-chaotic situation on Earth, in a huge nation named Russia. The economic collapse there had flung the entire country to the brink of civil war. In each major city, hungry, unemployed, and angry people by the millions stormed municipal warehouses and stormed out with food, along with weapons. The ruling party was composed purely of hard-liner leftists, and tolerated no action against its law. However, it was heavily-convoluted and weighted down by its own bureaucracy, so by the time it got its act together, hundreds of thousands of technically-antiquated Kalashnikov and Simonov rifles were in the hands of a disgruntled public.The Russian government, though it desired to be rid of the
Normally, King Yamma, being such a busy, busy deity, would not have given a petty Earth nation's civil war much thought. This was not because he was apathetic to the situation, quite the opposite applied to him, in fact. The truth, in all actuality, was the fact that he simply didn't have the time for it. Russia was just one misguided country on one planet in a galaxy teeming with other, like worlds, ones with misguided nations of their own to deal with. Earth wasn't a particularly special world, anymore; no more Freezer, Cell, or Majin Buu-like figures bent on destroying everything inside the surrounding parsecs had shown up there, so given the absence of any galaxy-threatening cataclysms, Yamma
among dozens of other, more-sensibly governed ones that were more than able to to combat the former super-power should it get too out of hand.
Yamma's position, though, would change quite soon.
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