At Death's Door | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female Views: 6447 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor make money on my writings. |
Pearl was so happy when Louna told her the news about Sesshoumaru approving her to train with the other females. This way not only would she learn a valuable skill, but she might make a few friends. Pearl forgot herself and hugged Louna who accepted the gesture with open arms. It had been a long time since she had been hugged by anyone.
Going to find Inuyasha, Pearl felt ten times better. Her men thought women were weak, but she would show them how strong a woman could be. Inuyasha was sitting in his tree feeling both bored and stressed. He hated making Pearl cry and in some ways he wanted to give in. He knew Sango would have beaten him black and blue for denying his own mate the right to defend herself, but Inuyasha could not break trust with his brother. “Hey Inuyasha!” Pearl yelled up to Inuyasha waving to him. Inuyasha looked down and Pearl was smiling up at him. “Don’t tell me you got Sesshoumaru to change his mind. I will not be tricked woman.” Inuyasha growled down to her not trusting this. “No, I am going to be able to train at the female dojo. Lady Louna got it approved with Sesshoumaru and so I start tomorrow morning. So while you two are sleeping in I will be up learning archery and all sorts of fun things with the girls.” Pearl said as she rocked back and forth with her hands behind her reminding Inuyasha very much of Kagome at that moment. Kagome did things like that when she was happy. Inuyasha jumped down and sighed. “I am assuming Sesshoumaru thinks this is simply a female thing.” Inuyasha said with a frown. “So what if he does. He approved and he can’t take it back. If he does I won’t forgive him.” Pearl said hoping Inuyasha wouldn’t ruin this for her by telling Sesshoumaru it was a bad idea. “Well I think it will be good for you, but if Sesshoumaru sees you get injured by anyone even with simple practice I doubt this will last.” Inuyasha said and proceeded to tell Pearl about Sango and her village of demon slayers. He mentioned how devastated he was when she did get injured. As they sat on the ground against the tree Pearl could tell that Inuyasha had cared very much for this woman he was talking about. “So do you think about your old pack a lot?” Pearl asked. “Mostly on my human night since that was when they protected me for a change. I wasn’t exactly the easiest person to protect, but it was the thought that counted.” Inuyasha said and then he grasped Pearl’s hand and kissed it. “Just don’t get your hopes up this is going to last Pearl. I don’t like to see you upset.” Inuyasha said. He knew as soon as Pearl became pregnant with his brother’s child she would be watched by his brother like a hawk. Inuyasha only hoped no one said or did anything to upset Pearl or it would be hell on earth for the person who did so. “Tonight’s the night we turn human Inuyasha isn’t it?” Pearl asked. “Yes.” Inuyasha said. “I am kind of afraid. I have felt some of my demonic power fading today and I feel a lot of emotions that I don’t feel when I am in this form.” Pearl said. “Ya, I know. But you won’t be alone. I will be here at your side and Sesshoumaru will be watching over us.” Inuyasha said with a smile. Pearl leaned her head against Inuyasha’s shoulder feeling very tired. She hated arguing with Inuyasha and that was all they seemed to have done all day. Inuyasha moved Pearl to lie on his lap and ran his clawed fingers over her hair. He had loved Kagome, but not like he loved Pearl. Pearl was part of his blood; she was like an extension of himself and the only one to truly understand a hanyou since she was one. She would not die before him or live longer then he would. If the feelings he had were right they were the same age in human years except he had more experience living in these times. He also had a feeling like Pearl did that they would not age again even in their human form. Tensaiga did something to them and Inuyasha could still feel that power flowing through him As Pearl rested, Inuyasha adjusted his legs a bit to get more comfortable without waking Pearl. He thought about his relationship to his brother. They were more than brothers now and he was starting to feel something more for his elder brother then just the brotherly feelings he had before. Inuyasha had started to take notice of certain things like the lines of Sesshoumaru’s aristocratic features and his physical beauty. Inuyasha never had been attracted to men, but he couldn’t help but be attracted to Sesshoumaru. Inuyasha figured only his elder brother would make a once ‘straight’ man as Kagome called it ‘gay’. However Inuyasha was not gay. He loved women and women’s bodies. He was something else entirely and he would have to ask Pearl the future term for what they called men like him since he couldn’t deny he was attracted to Sesshoumaru. Last time Sesshoumaru grappled with Sesshoumaru he took notice of how those fine tuned muscles moved and flexed. He noticed that Sesshoumaru did not have one ounce of fat on his entire body. He couldn’t help getting distracted by the fact Sesshoumaru’s hair was perfect and sparkling in the sunlight. Inuyasha wanted to drown himself in that hair and feel that body against his own. Inuyasha knew he did not have much fat on him if any. The only place that had some chubbiness to them was the cheeks on his face and a little bit on his ass which had a curve to it now that it never had before. Sesshoumaru had mentioned in passing that Inuyasha had a lovely behind, but Inuyasha blew it off as he did most compliments. Pearl loved Inuyasha’s ass and would tease him saying she would tap that any time any day. The only two people in the world who were allowed to even touch Inuyasha’s ass were Pearl and Sesshoumaru. Inuyasha just wondered if someday he would get the courage to allow Sesshoumaru to show him the pleasures of anal sex since Pearl seemed to like it so much plus if gay men did it there had to be something pleasurable about it. Inuyasha was smart enough to know rape wasn’t the same as having sex with someone you cared about and rape wasn’t about the victim’s pleasure. It was all about causing pain and humiliation. Inuyasha still was kind of torqued off at Sesshoumaru for raping women and threatening to rape him. Sesshoumaru sure as hell wouldn’t like it if someone raped him, unless it was a gorgeous woman and then of course it would be consensual. Inuyasha was all for a gorgeous woman raping him. In some ways it had been a fantasy to have several women tie him up and rape him repeatedly. He just wasn’t into wearing a fucking saddle for it. Thinking about the women he fucked recently, Inuyasha found that although they seemed eager to teach him what they liked, none of them made him feel the way he felt with Pearl. Some of the girls seemed to think he was a total virgin and he wasn’t. Inuyasha also didn’t like to be the one to do all the work. He didn’t expect the females to go down on him, but a hand job was something he did think was only fair. He also didn’t like the flavor of the other women like he liked Pearl’s sweet flavor. Inuyasha could go down on Pearl for hours and be a happy man. Inuyasha’s only regret at being brought back to life at this point was he missed having boobs. It had been a dream come true to have perfect breasts to play with and he loved it when they bounced. Inuyasha could watch bouncing breasts all day long and hated that Pearl had hers bound. He lived for the moment Pearl’s breasts became free and bounced a little when she walked. Pearl had gorgeous breasts. They were not too big or too small. They were in every sense in Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru’s mind perfect. Inuyasha wondered if Pearl would still have perfect breasts when she was human, but then realized it was rather silly to think she wouldn’t since the only things that changed when they turned human was their demonic appearances. Inuyasha was curious on what Pearl would look like as a human. She said she had golden hair when she had been human In the future and blue eyes. She said it was rather common in her time for there to be women like her, but Inuyasha had only known women with black or dark brown hair. Kagome had blue eyes, but they had been a dark almost gray color. Miroku had cool eyes for a human man since violet eyes were rare. Miroku’s eyes had been the color of his robes, but unfortunately none of his children got his eye color. They all took after Sango with her soft brown eyes. Inuyasha’s children mainly had Kagome’s blue eyes except the one night they turned demon. Then they all looked like their Father with silver hair and golden eyes. The only ones willing to mate with his kids were Miroku and Sango’s children as well as some of the other humans in the demon slayers village where many of his children were still at as far as he knew. They had all been trained by Miroku, Sango, and Inuyasha on demon slaying with Kagome as the village miko when Kaede had died. When Kagome died from old age Rin took her place for a while. Rin had trained Inuyasha’s daughter who by now had probably trained his granddaughter since powerful miko blood ran in Kagome’s family. Inuyasha did wonder about his children and grandchildren. In his heart he loved them, but he was a hanyou and they didn’t need him meddling in their lives. His sons had made it clear how they felt about him before he left the village. They didn’t want a hanyou for a Father and it was just best to let them live their lives without him. As Inuyasha sat back against the tree he also felt a bit sleepy. Sniffing the air he knew he could rest for a little while, but would not fall asleep since he had to keep an eye out for any trouble headed his way. As long as he was protecting Pearl he would insure nothing deterred him from his vigil. ***************************************************************************************************************** Sesshoumaru finished the last document with a sigh. For some reason the complaints this month were all coming from the East. Some of the lesser nobles wanted to ally themselves with the West since they were tired of being over taxed by their Lord. Some of the South was also pushing to join the west, but Sesshoumaru had just got finished with one war and was not ready to start another with either the East or South. The nobles from the East were going to be here in a week’s time since Sesshoumaru sent a messenger to them stating he refused to see anyone this week. It was mainly due to the night of the new moon which was tonight, but it was more than that. Sesshoumaru’s powers also were determined by the moon cycles and he was at his strongest during the nights of the full moon. There was to be a full moon next week as his youkai predicted and Sesshoumaru always listened to his demon. It wasn’t that Sesshoumaru was weak any one time, but when his powers were at their peak he seemed to put of the scent of the Alpha stronger than other times. He also planned on mating his intended’s that same week before the nobles arrived just in case that fat pompous Lord of the East decided he wanted to try and push his bucktoothed daughter on him again. The Lord of the East would be lucky to have any full blood demon male take that creature on as a mate. Stretching, Sesshoumaru got up and decided he had done enough for the day as he sent various messengers out with the missives in response to those complaints. He also sent out for younger full demon males who wished to join his forces to come to the castle for interviews. Now that Sesshoumaru had the adamant shards he had enough to hire more troops which would expand his army even further if for some reason the East or South decided to act up. Currently the West did have the largest army, but the East’s army was also impressive although not as strictly run as Sesshoumaru’s. Sesshoumaru believed in military power and being that his Father was a General he was brought up around the idea that a strong military was only as good as its leaders. Father was not only the Inu No Tashio; he was the Honorable Ruler and loved by his people. Sesshoumaru was merely feared by them and that suited him fine. He was not his Father and would never be as lenient as his Father had been with people since that allowed them to take advantage. Father had been taken advantage of on more than one occasion which was why they were in such a financial hardship for so long. Sesshoumaru’s firm hand startled villagers who thought they could get away with not paying their taxes. The poorer villages Sesshoumaru had pay in rice and servitude claiming their children for his army as well as for servants to the castle so that no one thought anyone was getting away with not paying tribute to their Lord. Humans were to pay him as well, but they were to pay tribute mainly in goods and services outside of the castle. Sesshoumaru would not have humans live in his Mother’s home nor his own when he built his own castle other then Pearl and Inuyasha who were truly not human. In return for the taxes and tribute they would gain the protection of the Lord of the West. It was sometimes difficult to get humans to understand that they owed a demon Lord for the use of the lands, but Sesshoumaru then would allow random lower youkai to destroy their crops and homes until they realized that they would only gain the protection they desired by doing what was right for their Lordship. Human Lords would come to Sesshoumaru at times trying to fight for land they did not own while hiring demon slayer to come and attack Sesshoumaru’s home. Sesshoumaru usually would simply come out and perform a demonstration of his power destroying most of them sending them back to where they came from. Then Sesshoumaru would contact the human Lords in his territories to finish them off. As Sesshoumaru headed towards the forest where he could smell his intendeds, Sesshoumaru wondered what they had been up to all day. Most of their lessons had been completed earlier in the morning and that left the two of them lots of time to spend together. He wished he could have spent the day with them, but he always had things to do. If it wasn’t paperwork it was training with the troops or going over plans to remove threats to the villages under his protection. There were also meetings with the elders to attend who brought up any new business in the area like the production of gunpowder and these new weapons called muskets. There was also something new called a Gatling gun and cannon. Sesshoumaru had mining projects going on as well he had to oversee and on occasion he was to go to the demon city personally to meet with the nobles of the East, South, and North who designated the city as neutral ground. The four nobles would meet one time every three months to go over any new information and to update their treaties. Usually there would also be a mating celebration where all the newly mated couples would come forth and be introduced formally to all the nobility. It was also a time for unmated nobles to set up arrangements for matings while others found it a great time to have sex with any or all unmated individuals. Even some mated couples shared themselves with each other. Sesshoumaru’s Mother despised going to the mating celebrations since for her it was just an excuse for a bunch of grown demon men to act like horney little boys groping at anything that moved on two legs and the noble females would wear completely inappropriate attire flaunting themselves at men like common whores. As Sesshoumaru got closer to his intendeds he noticed they looked relaxed and at peace. He wasn’t sure if he should intrude, but when Inuyasha opened his eyes and smiled at him he was glad he wasn’t disturbing their slumber. “I expected you to be up in your tree Inuyasha.” Sesshoumaru said as he regarded his little brother. “Well we kind of had a rough day so I have been up there most of the day and Pearl just barely calmed down after speaking with your Mother.” Inuyasha said. “What happened?” Sesshoumaru asked feeling a bit irate that Inuyasha would upset Pearl so much today. He could forgive him for making her upset about not training her to fight, but he had hoped that was the only thing that had upset her today. Inuyasha told him that they had been butting heads all day. Pearl didn’t want to paint when he did and she wouldn’t teach him how since she didn’t want to do it. Then he didn’t want to dance when she did and when she pushed it he had gotten pissed off leaving her alone for a while to calm down. Inuyasha also said they both about killed Jaken today when he went on for three hours about Sesshoumaru’s personal history rather than sticking to the lesson plan. Part of that was Inuyasha’s fault for making an offhand joke about how he had probably fought more hand to hand battles with foes then Sesshoumaru had. The Matron also had her switch broken today for whacking Inuyasha one time too many and then had the nerve to spank him in which he told the Matron it was only turning him on to make the old bat so mad at him she threatened to spank Pearl in his place if he didn’t calm down. That had pissed off Inuyasha so he cut their lesson short with the Matron telling her he normally did not hit women, but if she so much as touched Pearl to discipline her he would knock her on her ass. Of course Pearl defended the Matron telling Inuyasha that she was only trying to help him and that had pissed Inuyasha off so much he had to leave before he spanked Pearl for defending such an overbearing she bitch. “I speak just fine Sesshoumaru and I ain’t gonna change.” Inuyasha said in frustration. “Thus is why you do not do negotiations Inuyasha. Still you cannot attack the nobles no matter how crude they are so you are going to have to control your temper. You also for not finishing your lesson owe Pearl a dance. It would not kill you to learn how since we will be required to do so at the mating celebration I told you about and I will dance with you little brother.” Sesshoumaru said. Inuyasha frowned and muttered under his breath how much he hated dancing. He was not graceful enough to save his ass and when Kagome tried to teach him he stepped all over her poor feet. After that Kagome swore she would never teach him to dance again. “You are aware that the women at the female dojo will teach Pearl to fight, possibly like Sango.” Inuyasha said changing the subject as Sesshoumaru sat down next to him placing a hand on Pearl’s head next to Inuyasha’s. “They will teach her how females fight. I am not against this and it will not be like your demon slaying friend since Pearl will not be going into battle with any demons. Also it would give Pearl a way to meet some of her subjects perhaps making a few friends in the process. Seeing that she will be here in the castle most of the time unless she comes with us it would be good for her to have something to do other than her usual Lady duties.’ “Mother gets bored and bothers me so it would be good for Mother to have something in common with her soon to be daughter. I am hoping Pearl will keep Mother out of my hair as much as possible and that you will be joining me more often after your training in the Lord duties of this castle. You are a Lord Inuyasha and as my intended you will be ruling as my second in command.’ “Also from what Mother said Pearl was extremely happy about this. I want our female to always be happy. I do expect she will receive minor injuries while learning, but if any major injuries occur the female or females who did such to her will suffer my wrath.’ “You and I also will be joining the troops to hone up on our fighting skills. I wish to test my skills with some of the newer weapons such as the musket and there is a newer weapon called a pistol. I have experienced being attacked by several humans with muskets and they seem to be rather inferior weapons compared to my own power, but it could be fun to learn to use them. The only drawback to these weapons is they are rather loud.” Sesshoumaru said as Inuyasha thought about these things. “If Pearl is injured majorly I want to have part in whipping the female or females who do this Sesshoumaru. I will not hold back.” Inuyasha said. “There may end up being much more then whipping involved Inuyasha. Depending on the severity of her injuries I will kill the female or females who did it to her. It will be a public execution which reminds me we have a few individuals in the dungeon that are due for their executions.” Sesshoumaru said. Inuyasha nodded. He had been to plenty public executions and Pearl would have to get used to it. He was certain these few individuals that were waiting to die probably deserved it. “Pearl isn’t used to seeing public executions so we need to be prepared for that.” Inuyasha said. “She will be required to attend, but we will be there for her.” Sesshoumaru stated and then caressed Inuyasha’s face. “Do you sleep on your human night? Tonight is the night of the full moon so I wondered if you did.” Sesshoumaru asked. “No, I never sleep on the night of the new moon. I doubt Pearl will be able to also. Our emotions are at their strongest on this night and there are ones we don’t show in our demon forms so it is possible she will be more sensitive on this night.” Inuyasha said. Sesshoumaru leaned in and kissed his brother. “I thought you to be the most beautiful the time I saw you as a human Inuyasha. I don’t know why I never sought you out to see you on this night. I should have.” Sesshoumaru said as he then moved his hand down to hold Inuyasha’s. “Why do you say things like that? I was old. I can’t be beaut………” That is when Sesshoumaru cut Inuyasha off with another kiss much more passionate then the last. “Be silent Inuyasha and listen. You are beautiful. Even aged you were so very beautiful to me. I have never called you ugly and I do not lie. I once did, but ever since I have grown these feelings for you I do not ever want to lie to you again. Do you trust me little one?” Sesshoumaru asked. “Yes.” Inuyasha said since honestly he did trust Sesshoumaru. “Then trust me when I tell you I think you are beautiful.” Sesshoumaru said as he nuzzled Inuyasha then brought Inuyasha’s head over to lie on his shoulder. “Sleep little one. I will watch over you both until it is time.” Inuyasha was tired and now that his brother was here he felt safe enough to sleep. It indeed was going to be a long night.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. 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