Choose Your Own Adventure: Sesshomaru's Tale | By : Indigoplatform Category: InuYasha > General Views: 5124 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or it's characters. All rights belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I make no money off of this fanfiction or the characters involved. |
After a moment of hesitation Sesshomaru straightened himself out and let his famous pride take over. His calm demeanor returned colored only by a mild annoyance that he used to hide his arousal. He placed a steady hand on his sword knowing full well that the threat of violence was just as much a bluff as Byakuya's illusion. "I think not. Remove yourself from my presence."
Byakuya took a moment before standing and stuffing his cock back in his pants. Sesshomaru felt a strange twinge as the demon sized rod disappeared from his sight but quickly stifled it. Obviously not in the mood for a fight the demon put up a defensive posture before backing away, "Suit yourself Lord Sesshomaru. But you're making a rather costly mistake."
"I'll be the judge of that wretch. Now run back to your master."
Stepping into the mist to his left Byakuya's eyes never left Sesshomaru as a knowing smile graced his lips. The demon slowly disappeared with his final words left hanging in the air, "Oh, I think I'd prefer to watch from a safe distance. Good luck Lord Sesshomaru."
Sesshomaru waited a few moments before deciding that Byakuya had truly retreated. The image of the demon's dangling rod burned itself into his memory causing the pressure in his loins to push itself back to the forefront of his mind. Knowing he was only a few hours away from fresh air and hopefully a safe spot to relieve himself Sesshomaru continued on ignoring the change in scenery.
Time dragged on as the demon lord focused on his steps and thought of anything that would keep his mind off of the burning desire between his legs. Hours passed and a seeping dread found it's way into Sesshomaru's heart. He kept telling himself that his destination was only a bit further but a small voice in his head nagged at him letting him know the gravity of the error he had made.
The demon lord's mind dulled as he marched forward with images and sounds of moaning demons and demonesses playing though his mind. Soon the daiyokai was unsure if it was simply his imagination or if he was actually hearing the cries of other demons lost in Naraku's insidious trap.
Eventually the need to lessen the pain in his groin became too much to bear. With his strength sapped and his only thoughts rationalizing taking a moment to lighten his load Sesshomaru finally gave in among a symphony of sensual distant moans. Collapsing to his knees Sesshomaru striped off his armor and gently allowed his now rock hard cock out of his pants sucking in poisoned air as a slight breeze forced his manhood to jump with excitement.
Taking hold of himself Sesshomaru tried to focus his senses to assure that he was indeed alone but spent little time doing so as the first stroke shattered any worries that his usually sensible mind had. Kneeling with a hand around his girthy appendage Sesshomaru gripped the cloth of his pants in pleasure as his efforts brought him to orgasm in less than a minute.
The demon lord felt his balls pump line after line of stored cum out of him until Sesshomaru briefly began to worry about the length of his orgasm. Sesshomaru rode the waves of pleasure to the inevitable end gripping his still hard cock with his trembling hand.
The need he felt had hardly subsided and Sesshomaru realized that a single orgasm would do little to assuage what over a day of traveling though the poisoned mist had done to him. Adjusting his grip Sesshomaru began anew savoring the feel of his hand gliding along his knee length rod and giving out slight moans that reached their crescendo only at the peak of a new orgasm.
Sesshomaru wasn't sure how long he'd been in that same spot masturbating but before long he realized that he'd lost track of the number of times he'd blown his load and that somewhere in his daze he'd removed the rest of his clothes.
The daiyokai did everything in his power to quench his body's needs but after running through his usual stock of fantasies he began thinking of things he hadn't done in centuries. The image of Byakuya's long rod somehow entered his mind among the discordant mess that was his imagination at the moment. The idea of playing with the incarnation's manhood danced across his mind as the concept of submission, which he had not thought of in so long, forced him to a quick and extended spasm of pleasure spilling his seed once more.
The world spun as the short plays inside Sesshomaru's head became more and more submissive as each new session increased his pleasure. In a moment of clarity Sesshomaru even caught himself reaching down and fingering himself as he jacked off thinking of how it must feel to have the effeminate incarnation fill him up. Increasing his tempo and at wits end Sesshomaru moaned Byakuya's name as he let loose another batch of cum.
Sitting there panting as he gathered his strength for another attempt at stating himself Sesshomaru briefly wondered how his body was producing so much of the thick white essence that he had been pumping out of him. That was when his body rocked with unexpected pleasure as he felt something press against his back and a hand grasp his cock. "You called Lord Sesshomaru?"
All Sesshomaru could manage was a "No...I-" before a single stroke forced Sesshomaru's head back and a strained moan from his lips.
He could feel Byakuya start again slowly drawing across his massive length with his smooth hands. Sesshomaru's chest heaved in heavy breaths drinking deep the poison that had rendered him helpless. The hands of another felt to Sesshomaru like a drink of water after days in a desert. "My, but you've been busy. Is there some itch you can't quite seem to scratch?"
Byakuya's tempo increased forcing Sesshomaru back against the demon's chest squirming in pleasure as he gripped anything he could get his hands on. He could already feel the beginnings of a new orgasm swelling up inside him.
"Does that feel good Lord Sesshomaru? Not so picky about your partners now are you?"
Sesshomaru was lost in the bliss that was the incarnation's hand. At this point he'd say just about anything to keep Byakuya's slender fingers gripping his cock like a glove. A quiet confirmation slipped past Sesshomaru's lips, "Yes.."
Seeing the demon lord's pride and stubbornness washing away with each stroke his hand offered Byakuya smiled and bit his lip wondering just how far he could press the daiyokai. "I saw you fingering yourself like a horny girl just before you called out for me. Were you thinking about me? Perhaps about something I showed you earlier?"
"Do you want to know what it really feels like?"
"Do you want me to show you?"
"Beg for it."
Byakuya's grip tightened and his pace increased, "I said I want to hear you beg."
Every last ounce of Sesshomaru that was still untouched by the poison's pleaded for him to hold out. That small part of him screamed and pulled at him trying to tell him that it wasn't worth it. But in the end Sesshomaru's urge to finally state the desire within him won out knowing that there was no longer a reason for resistance. With that Sesshomaru gave in, "Please...Please fuck me!"
The demon chuckled as he quickened his pace once more forcing Sesshomaru to rock and move in Byakuya's arms. He could feel the demon's hand working it's way across his chest keeping him in place as he drained out Sesshomaru's newest load which shot just as far as his first urgent orgasm had.
Convulsing in Byakuya's grip Sesshomaru panted as his body slowly relaxed noticing the sudden motion of his partner standing and moving in front of him. Soon Sesshomaru's vison was clouded by Byakuya's form with his groin now staring him directly in the face.
"Go ahead Lord Sesshomaru. If you want it so badly you can take it out."
Hesitating momentarily Sesshomaru weakly moved his hands to Byakuya's pants and opened them up revealing to him what was in that moment, the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. The demon's length dangled before him with a girth that would perfectly fit his hand. The rod before him was only partially erect, just as he'd seen it before, with an uncut head that was somewhat smaller and more pointed than his own. Sesshomaru's cock twitched under him willing itself back to life almost immediately.
"Aww, it looks like it's not quite ready to play...even if yours is. I think you hurt it's feelings the last time you met. It needs an apology if you want it."
Sesshomaru's gut clenched at the idea of feeding Byakuya's ego but it did little to stop him from echoing what he assumed an apology sounded like, "I'm...sorry. Please forgive me."
Byakuya smiled, "Don't apologize to me. Apologize to it."
Staring the demon's perfect cock down Sesshomaru felt a blush warm his cheeks as he opened his mouth once more, "I'm sorry...Please forgive me."
"I'm sensing a little hesitance in your tone. Perhaps if you showed it you really wanted to atone you might have a little more can start by give my balls a nice long kiss."
Sesshomaru felt his blush extend to the rest of his face as he looked at the similarly perfect dangling orbs beneath Byakuya's rod. Slowly drawing towards them Sesshomaru opened his mouth and extended his tongue taking the incarnation's sack into his mouth. Beyond the poison in the air Sesshomaru was struck by the effeminate demon's exotic scent transforming his slowly rising cock into a fully erect monolith. The taste of Byakuya forced Sesshomaru's eyes to roll up and his body to shiver ever so slightly as he at first cautiously then hungrily began to lick and suck at the demon's balls.
Byakuya placed a hand on the back of Sesshomaru's head and looked down at the daiyokai in equal parts astonishment and amusement. "Oh, your tounge...Such vigor...I must admit I never thought I'd see the day the Great Lord Sesshomaru, Naraku's most dangerous foe, knelt in front of me, begged me to fuck him and sucked my balls like a hungry little whore. I think I could get used to this..."
The demon's words only fueled Sesshomaru's efforts. Broken of his pride the daiyokai's inhibitions were gone leaving only a hunger for anything that further striped away the idea of Lord Sesshomaru as the all-powerful predator who allowed no demon or man to speak down to him. Now there was only the pitiful kneeling shell of a daiyokai who lusted for his next orgasm.
Sesshomaru could feel Byakuya's cock rising to the occasion as the demon's hand separated him from the incarnation's balls. "Mmm, save some for later. I think it's time I gave you what you've so obviously earned."
Slowly laying down Byakuya lounged across the ground with his arms behind his head like pillows. Smiling seductively at Sesshomaru the demon's cock rose into the air inviting the daiyokai to do exactly what he needed to do.
Still unsatisfied and needing another taste of the demon Sesshomaru crawled between the incarnation's legs and wrapped his tongue around Byakuya drawing him into his mouth. The demon laughed, "What, haven't had enough yet? Well, far be it from me to stop Lord Sesshomaru from wrapping his tongue around my cock."
Doing exactly that Sesshomaru's eyes closed as he sucked on his partner enthusiastically enjoying every inch that Byakuya had to offer. The daiyokai spent minutes working his way down further and further making sure that the demon's cock was dripping with saliva. When he was finally satisfied that he would be tasting Byakuya's cock until his inevitable collapse Sesshomaru drew himself up and squatted over the demon lining up Byakuya's manhood with his entrance.
Feeling the demon's tip enter him Sesshomaru closed his eyes as he slowly lowered himself onto his partner feeling every last bit of him enter and fill him to his core. Sesshomaru was soon struck by the truth of Byakuya's words. His fingers had been a poor substitute if they could even be called that. As the full length of his partner finally found it's way inside him Sesshomaru's eyes closed as the glorious size of Byakuya made his cock pulse just by it's presence within him.
With his knees on both sides of Byakuya the daiyokai began to slowly ride his partner letting each bounce scratch away at his memories and ambitions until only the demon's magnificent cock was left in his thoughts. The demon watched as Sesshomaru's normally expressionless face became one of unkempt joy and pleasure just shy of having his brains fucked out.
Sitting back and delighting in Sesshomaru's efforts Byakuya waited until he felt the signs of his partner approaching his climax before extending his arm and gripping Sesshomaru's bouncing cock. "So big, it's no surprise you can barely function with all your blood rushing into it."
Byakuya's grip send Sesshomaru over the edge as his arms hung limply at his sides while his body locked itself down. His slight convulsions simulated small thrusts into Byakuya's hand as the demon moved Sesshomaru's cock slightly to the side allowing it to shoot it's load away from him. Sesshomaru moaned loudly as Byakuya's perfect cock sat inside him snug and secure.
"Oh, already? I guess endurance just wasn't your strongest attribute. Good thing you're so handsome." As Sesshomaru's orgasm faded he suddenly realized that he'd been forced onto his back. Bykauya leaned over him as Sesshomaru's legs wrapped around his partner keeping the demon's cock pressed deep inside him. Byakuya's hands pressed themselves against Sesshomaru's shoulders and chest keeping him down as the demon stared into his eyes. "I imagined us with our positions reversed late at night when you dominated my thoughts. But feeling your legs wrap around me...well, beggars can't be choosers. Besides, seeing your face like this is far more entertaining than I expected."
Byakuya gave a deep thrust forcing a shameless moan out of Sesshomaru delighting his partner to no end. The demon continued on each time listening to the daiyokai's reaction and watching as he slowly dominated the demon lord.
"Can you see yourself Lord Sesshomaru? Is there nothing left of you in there? Did you break the second you tasted my balls or did you push out your pride to make room for my cock? Where's your quick wit and sarcastic tone? The only thing I see is a cock hungry slut! Is that what beat you? Did my lowly cock bring down the Great Lord Sesshomaru?"
Sesshomaru was in a state of euphoria as he clenched himself around Byakuya in order to feel every thrust to it's fullest. "Yes! Yes! I was beaten by your cock! Please! Fuck me! I need you inside me!"
"Fine." Byakuya's hand once more reached for Sesshomaru's cock and began stroking it. "Tell me you want me to make you my lover? To be mine and mine alone? Do you want me to own your body and use it however I want? Do you want me to fuck you like this every night and every day?"
Sesshomaru's heart nearly jumped out of his chest at the idea of being fucked like this for the rest of time. Was this all he'd ever wanted? "Yes! Yes! Please make me your lover! I love you!"
Byakuya's thrusts and hand movements became more aggressive as he moved in for the kill. "Then. Show. Me. How. Much. You. Love. Me!"
The daiyokai's back arced as he let out one last powerful orgasm. The forest echoed with Sesshomaru's voice as he screamed Byakuya's name at the top of his lungs letting any who could hear within the heavy miasma know exactly who had brought the demon lord low.
After several spurts from Sesshomaru's finally exhausted cock the demon lord collapsed back to the ground. His face warped in unnatural pleasure Sesshomaru's eyes were rolled up with his tongue hanging out of an uncharacteristically foolish smile.
Byakuya looked down on the demon lord as the daiyokai's long and gurthy cock drooped in his hand. Leaning over him Byakuya whispered to Sesshomaru, "And that's that. I must admit, I imagined you'd be less...dissapointing. Three orgasms and you couldn't even make me cum once. Oh, well. Since I've got you here I suppose I can fix that and forgive you this time. Now, come here lover."
With that Byakuya opened his mouth and took Sesshomaru's hanging tongue into him sucking on it until he drew himself down into a passionate kiss with the unresponsive demon lord. Sesshomaru could do nothing but bear witness to his useless body being used by his new lover while Byakuya continued fucking him until he finally marked the insides of the demon lord with his essence.
Lying on the ground with the effeminate demon's tongue down his throat and the incarnation's perfect cock unloading into him the last of Sesshomaru was destroyed by the corrupting influence of the miasma. Left in his place was a loyal toy for the incarnation of Naraku.
SO ENDS THE TALE OF LORD SESSHOMARUWhile AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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