A Royal Pain | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 39172 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and I do not make money from my writings. Someone else does although I am really Sesshoumaru's secret mate. Shhhh...it is our little secret. |
As Kagome sat with the treasurers going over their figures and then looking at the mountains of gold she knew she would be very busy. There was so much gold and jewels that there would be at least four lifetimes worth of riches for a human in these times. The gold was worth a fortune in her time as well as the jewels. Really to have a decent life for themselves they would only need to go to an appraiser and they would get a fortune back in gold, jewels, and ancient artifacts. Museums would buy much of this stuff Sesshoumaru had for millions of dollars.
Kagome told Lin and Fuyoki to count out all the gold in sets of ten. Normally they simply weighed it so this was different and time consuming. They were to dump out the gold and count every bag, every bit in the chests, and put it back when they were done with Banzan watching them carefully making sure no one was pocketing the gold or jewels. This would take at least three full days to do since there was that much gold. Kagome sat with them helping counting it and marking it off as she went. The villages paid taxes paid by the pound so Kagome figured they would need to count the gold when they got it to insure that the same amount was paid every time.Inuyasha and Miroku’s job was to write everything down that was positive about being a hanyou. The goal was to limit the drawbacks and let humans know this was indeed the ideal lifestyle for them. Sesshoumaru sent out messengers to everyone and then had Sango go with him to Lord Kuranosuke Takeda’s castle to show him how she benefited from the change to hanyou. Also all Lord Kuranosuke Takeda’s men would be changed and his people first. It would also benefit them by keeping lower demons from causing problems. The less humans there were to devour the less problems with these pests.“Sango have you been practicing how to fly?”Sesshoumaru asked the demon slayer.“No I have not. I was a bit concerned since I am pregnant and did not wish to fall. However Kirara is with me and she can fly. I can ride her and we can go that way. Just let me change my attire. I had to make room for my Hiraikotsu with my wings and adjust my taijia uniform for my wings as well. If I am going to see Lord Kuranosuke Takeda I prefer to be dressed ready for battle just in case we have issues with the humans.”Sango said and Sesshoumaru nodded for her to go change as he liked that outfit better on her anyway. Sesshoumaru knew even his subjects might balk at this, but it was the only way to preserve their races. Unless they wanted their races to die out, this was the plan that had to go into effect.Koga looked a little concerned for his people. He did not want a bunch of hostile humans bothering them although he knew he could defeat them. The good part of this meant their kind could populate themselves even more now, but the bad part was fighting for food. He did not want to have to fight hanyous for hunting rights.“Lord Sesshoumaru what about our hunting? With so many hanyous eating raw meat we will possibly run out of game for ourselves. I don’t want my people to starve.”Koga said as he had a legitimate concern and Sesshoumaru thought about this. Calling new messengers he gathered them around Kagome.“Kagome how do we keep our people from starvation? Most hanyous and demons are meat eaters and we don’t want to kill too much of our prey to the point where we starve.”Sesshoumaru asked as Kagome stopped counting for a moment.“Well you could sanction farms. Several farms and put limits on how much cattle meat is produced. There are milk cows, beef cows, if the young are slaughtered veal and beef cattle, pork is the same way with pig farms. We could have them also create fish farms. There are other things to eat like birds. We could create chicken farms and mass produce chickens. That is what they do in my time. Mass production is a big deal. We use everything of the animal. Hooves are used for dog chews same with bones or for glue. Hide is used for leather. I mean if you supported big farms everyone would be fine as long as they don’t kill all of them.’“You could probably even create deer, moose, and wild boar farms. Farming is the biggest way to make sure everyone is fed and food is stored at specific temperatures it will last for many days if not years.”
Kagome said and Sesshoumaru nodded as he and the messengers left with him sending out word to have his subjects create farms for cattle and other animals for the meat eaters. Sesshoumaru was already working on roads.Sango came out in her taijia uniform with Kirara and her Hiraikotsu along with her sword and wrist blade. Miroku looked concerned for his wife as he did not want her in battle while pregnant.“I should go with her.”Miroku said and Sesshoumaru nodded that this was fine. Inuyasha got done writing and also joined them.“I’ll go too. Just let me tell Kagome.”Inuyasha said as he went back to the treasury to kiss his wife and let her know he would be back as he made sure tessaiga was strapped tightly to him.“Be careful.”Kagome said and Inuyasha nodded as he waited for Kirara to transform as he Sango, and Miroku all climbed on Kirara. Sesshoumaru watched as the monk sat behind his wife doing his damnedest to behave himself as he wanted to grope her so badly right now.The group flew to Lord Kuranosuke Takeda’s castle. Since Kuranosuke was not expecting guests, he was sitting relaxing in his personal bath with his bathing servants attending to him. Kuranosuke was lonely although he had women if he really wanted them. He still loved Sango and had not found a woman to replace his dearest love in his heart. Sango was such a strong, independent, beautiful woman. Kuranosuke loved everything about her as he sighed while he was being scrubbed and washed.“My Lord, you seem so distant. Do you wish to talk about it?”Ai, his bathing attendant asked as she cared deeply for this man. Kuranosuke shook his head no.“Do not worry for me Ai. I will be fine.”Kuranosuke said as he let her massage his back.Suddenly his guards came rushing to see their Lord as they bowed low to him.“My Lord, demons are on their way to the castle. It looks like Lord Sesshoumaru and his companions. What do you wish for us to do?”The frightened guards asked as they had so many problems with demons that they were truly tired of fighting them.“He and his companions are welcome here. I shall greet them forthwith. We owe them much for helping us and I am certain this is a friendly visit. Please, dry me off and put on my best kimono and armor. These are honored guests.”Kuranosuke said as he smiled hoping to hear a word about Sango or that she might be with them.His men looked worried, but did as their Lord commanded as everyone was gathered to greet their saviors. All the soldiers were feeling in their guts that something wasn’t right, but they were honor bound to this Lord and he paid them well. Sesshoumaru landed first as the shaking guards bowed to him and Sango got off the cat with Inuyasha and Miroku. They recognized the taijia’s uniform, but she looked different with wide wings and fierce eyes. Miroku was walking wagging his tail as he had pulled it out of his pants. Miroku was an Inu hanyou of the kai Inu breed and they had yet to train him in his powers although he had sutras and other ways of defending himself with his staff.Kuranosuke came out to greet his guests smiling widely until he saw Sango and then he was rather confused although he still loved her. She was different now as was the monk. They were hanyous.“Welcome to my home. Please come in and make yourselves comfortable.”Kuranosuke said and Sesshoumaru did not sit, but Miroku and Sango did. Inuyasha stood by his brother who looked at Kuranosuke and decided to be frank and to the point. He was here on business not pleasure.“Lord Kuranosuke Takeda, I have come for the debt you owe me for saving your life.”Sesshoumaru said and Kuranosuke smiled although he was a bit nervous around the powerful diayoukai.“Very well, what is it you desire? Riches, fame? What can I do for you?”Kuranosuke asked. Surly it could not be much.“You are going to do two things for me. One is you shall mate my ward Rin. She is not quite yet of age to mate, but will be soon. She is my beloved daughter so what I am giving you is actually a gift and this gift will be treated like gold or you will suffer my wrath.”Sesshoumaru said and Kuranosuke wondered what mating meant. He knew very little of demon customs.“What exactly is mating?”Kuranosuke asked and Sango smiled this time.“He wants you to marry Rin. She will be your wife in the ways of demons and humans.”Sango explained and Kuranosuke’s eyes went wide in realization. He had hoped to marry Sango someday, but this was a bit much. Still he did owe Sesshoumaru his life and thus if this was what he wanted then so be it. Hopefully she was not frightening looking.“I shall be the best husband she will have. Is she a demon?”Kuranosuke asked curious if she looked like Sesshoumaru.“She is a hanyou. A fox demon hanyou.”Sesshoumaru said and Kuranosuke nodded. It would be hard to get the other humans to be kind to a hanyou, but Kuranosuke would do all in his power to make her life pleasant and happy.The men murmmered to themselves that a hanyou wife would be a shame on this noble house, but Sesshoumaru wasn’t done yet.“There is one more thing I will ask of you, your people, and your men. In fact I will not ask it I shall just do it.”Sesshoumaru said as he read the scroll with the spell on it as all the humans in the vicinity started to change as their bodies contorted and fangs, claws, and other animal like parts started to come to the surface.“What have you done to us?!”One of the men who changed fully cried in horror.“You will all be hanyous as will all humans. Not one of you will be human again. I suggest you get over your prejudice since you are going to be surrounded by hanyous soon enough.”Sesshoumaru said with an evil smile. Kuranosuke looked in horror at his clawed fingers and rushed to a mirror where he saw stripes on his cheeks and elfin ears. Also there was a pain in his backside as he pulled out a long wolf tail.As the men ran around freaking out Inuyasha suddenly barked at all of them including the women who turned to look at him.“Stop freaking out ya bunch of pussies! It ain’t that bad. You will be stronger, you will have more power as a hanyou and you will live longer. One night a month you will be human and that will suck especially once you learn your powers. Sango and Miroku will be here to teach you, mainly Sango since she knows more about this shit than anyone.’“You are all sick of demons coming after you. Well now you can defend yourselves better. You can protect your homes and really fight healing faster and moving faster than before. Bandits will even be easier to defeat. We will leave the elderly as humans so there will still be a few humans around, but trust me this is much better for all of you.’
“All of you who are Inu hanyous or wolf hanyous you can be trained at the castle. All you fox hanyous same for you. We can send people here to train you and you will be much better off. You want to be strong don’t cha?”
Inuyasha asked and the head of the Guard nodded as did some of the men while others were completely miserable.“So we will be able to fight demons at their level?”The head of the Guard asked.“Maybe, with training. It ain’t like we are going to just leave ya’ll hangin’.”Inuyasha said and Kuranosuke finally came out of his stupor.“So are you going to do this to all my people?”Kuranosuke asked in frustration since no human would follow a hanyou Lord. Hanyou’s would follow him, but not humans.“Yes. We will be sending out troops to do the spells and change them all. All of your people, my people will be changed. I refuse to let my people die out. We are saving everyone this way. All lower demons who feel the need to feast on both hanyous and humans will find they are not as easy prey anymore. Instead of being the hunted hanyous will be the hunters and demons. We will expand our lands and our people until this world is populated by demon and hanyou kind. This is just the beginning. Japan is small so we must expand. I have goals set, but there are some things I must attend to first.”Sesshoumaru said and some of the men thought of their wives and families back home. How would they react to their husbands?Inuyasha looked at Kuranosuke who looked so sad and miserable. He felt for the guy, but he would really like Rin. Rin was like a burst of sunshine and she could brighten anyone’s day.“Lord Takeda?”Inuyasha said putting a gentle hand on the man.
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