At Death's Door | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female Views: 6449 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor make money on my writings. |
Two days went by quickly. It was the night of the official mating ceremony of the Lord of the West and everyone was there except for the Matron who was on permanent kitchen duty stripped of her noble rank and understandably so since Lady Louna agreed with this punishment. One did not bait the Lords of the house for hours and insult them as she had done even if it was for lessons.
A new, much kinder Matron was appointed in her position and the last two days went well for Inuyasha. Inuyasha did learn to curb his tongue when insulted and new ways to answer an insult without literally offending the person and making the person who insulted him look foolish. Still, Sesshoumaru did not expect miracles overnight when it came to his little brother. The bad news was the Eastern Lord and the Southern Lord were both attending the mating ceremony. They had felt insulted that they had not been invited and were both curious as to whom Lord Sesshoumaru would be mating. It had to be someone of noble birth and of great power for the Western Lord to mate them or had an abundance of wealth. The Northern Lord and his family were also invited although they did know to whom Lord Sesshoumaru was mating. Kouga couldn’t believe mutt face was actually mating his brother. It seemed impossible and he was ready to talk Inuyasha into coming to live with him and his people. There was just no way a hanyou like Inuyasha could be happy living in a stuffed castle full of people who wanted him to behave proper and shit. As the crowd grew closer to the castle and the gates opened, the guards ushered the Lords and their families first into the front rows. Then the rest of the nobles were seated behind the three groups and after that everyone else who came either sat in the back or stood in the back of the massive garden. Lord Sesshoumaru’s Mother and Captain Ramos were the first to come out of the huge doorway surrounded by guards as was required. Ramos had his hand in Louna’s symbolizing their intent to join as a mated couple; however their ceremony would be later during the equinox which would be in two months time. Lady Louna was followed by several young girls throwing rose petals and cherry blossoms on the steps for the next group which included Sesshoumaru’s Uncles and their many mates. Then the demon priest arrived rushing to the front making apologies only to be told by Lady Louna to shut up and get in line. Finally, at the end Lord Sesshoumaru came forward telling his mates to remain back until he gave them the signal to come forward. Sesshoumaru stood in front of everyone and proceeded to clear his throat. He hated making public appearances, but there was nothing he could do about this one. It was his duty to stand in front of these people, many of which he could not stand and state his mates decided to do everything backwards since they were already marked before the ceremony was to begin. Not really looking at anyone in particular Sesshoumaru began his speech. “I regret to inform all of you that there will be no marking ceremony done this evening.” Sesshoumaru stated and his Mother started giggling. She loved it when Sesshoumaru was uncomfortable and right now he was terribly so. A lot of people murmured amongst themselves while others seemed outraged that they came all this way for nothing. Sesshoumaru lifted his hand to silence them all. “The reason for the marking ceremony being revoked is my dear mates could not wait for the ceremony so we are doing some of this backwards. Both my mates are already marked.” At that people were curious and some were still outraged. It was impossible to deny a mating once the marking had been done. Both the Lord of the East and Lord of the South were furious. This meant the Ladies of the East and South could have no say in who Lord Sesshoumaru mated. In some ways this was good, in other ways this could still start a war. “Since they are already marked there will be no doubt on who I shall mate this day. Before they come out I will hear your objections and then we shall commence with the ceremony.” Sesshoumaru said as Kouga itched to squeal on him. Kouga knew what Sesshoumaru was doing and the bastard was smart enough to hide the hanyous until the ceremony began which meant he still had some prejudice towards hanyous either that or he was embarrassed by his mates. Either way it wasn’t good for Inuyasha or Pearl as far as Kouga was concerned. Sesshoumaru was making this way to easy. “Yes I have an objection!” The bucktoothed daughter of the Lord of the East stated. “What is it?” Sesshoumaru asked trying not to roll his eyes. The girl was an idiot. “I should be Lord Sesshoumaru’s mate! It was promised and I even have a royal document that states he agreed to be my mate!” The girl said only for the Lady of the South to stand up and smack the Lady of the East. “How dare you! Lord Sesshoumaru agreed to be my mate last spring after we made love under the cherry blossoms! I have not only his word, but I am carrying his heir!” The elder demon stated shocking all of the nobles since none of them believed a demon her age could still give birth to a child although it was quite clear that the Lady was pregnant. Sesshoumaru’s Mother stood in front and grabbed the document from the bucktoothed girl. “This is not my Sesshoumaru’s handwriting and I know for a fact he never would have mated with you! He finds you repulsive and I find your underhanded ways repulsive!” Lady Louna stated causing an uproar with the Eastern Lord and his family who were now comforting their traumatized Lady. “And as for you Lily! You have slept with half your court! That child you carry is not my sons! I can smell your lie as well as the unborn in your belly! You are having your cousin’s offspring as that is the offspring of a salamander demon! And you dare call yourself a Lady! You are nothing but a whore and I am grateful my son did not get saddled with you!” Lady Louna roared making the Lady of the South run away in embarrassment and shame as the salamander demon maids raced after her to calm their Lady while the Lord of the South tried to hide his head in shame and embarrassment at his daughter’s actions. Sesshoumaru had about enough dramatics at this point. He was glad his Mother said something otherwise there would be war. “My daughter is not repulsive and that letter is solid! I saw Lord Sesshoumaru sign it himself!” The Lord of the East proclaimed. “Are you calling my Mother a liar?” Sesshoumaru warned as he growled at the Lord of the East who turned white at Lord Sesshoumaru’s advance on him. Sesshoumaru’s eyes were bright red and his demon was ready to pounce to bite off the head of this pompous arrogant asshole. “No…… Lord……I am just stating………” The Lord of the East tried to say. “You are calling my Mother a liar and you are trying to blackmail me. Well if you want war I will welcome it by taking your head off first.” Sesshoumaru said as he stood above the Lord of the East pushing out massive amounts of youkai making his presence known. “I am sorry my Lord……..” The Lord of the East said and he sat down trembling at Lord Sesshoumaru’s power. “Yes, you are.” Sesshoumaru said as he was then attacked by the bucktoothed girl who tried to kiss him. Grasping her by her throat he tightened his grip. “You dare! On my mating day?!” Sesshoumaru growled as his fangs grew. He was going to bite someone’s head off today at this rate and this girl was looking like a good target. “Ppplease my Lord. Sppare my daughter. She diddn’t mean anything by this……..” The Lord of the East groveled. The Lady of the East was trying to breathe as Sesshoumaru’s claws tightened around her windpipe and then he thrust her into her seat. “You are lucky I am in a magnanimous mood today. Had you done this to me any other time your life would be worthless. You are not worthy of this Sesshoumaru. If you even think you are you need to remember how low you really are to me. You are a worm to me. A sniveling simpering worm crawling in the earth feeding on her own feces and if when you rot in your grave you will remember my words.” Sesshoumaru said as he straightened up and walked back to the center of the stairs. Kouga then decided to make his move. The bastard may have marked them, but he knew what Sesshoumaru feared most. He knew Sesshoumaru feared being seen as weak and being mated to not one, but two hanyous would make him seem weak in his mind. “Why don’t ya bring out your intendeds Lord Sesshoumaru? Then we can all see what there is to debate about your mating plans. It seems a bit unfair to me that no one really knows who your intended’s are.” Kouga said thinking this would make Sesshoumaru quake in his boots. “The only reason I have not brought them out Kouga is that we have been at war, you and I. I will insure their safety from you and your son. I already know you placed a claim on one of them while insulting the other. You covet them since you have only one tenth of their power and combined they are even more powerful then the whole wolf nation.” Sesshoumaru said proudly. “Ya right, like my whole tribe could not beat a hanyou.” Kouga said laughing. “You wanna say that to my face wolf turd!” Inuyasha said as he came out still keeping Pearl back just in case things got ugly. Everyone gasped. The Lady of the East fainted and the Lord of the South chuckled. “What’s so funny asshole?!” Inuyasha asked the Lord of the South. “Well, I expected the Lord of the West to want an heir, but it is obvious he swings both ways.” The Lord of the South couldn’t believe this and found it to be fucking hilarious. “He is gonna get an heir and so am I. Sesshoumaru is mating two of us today not one you idiot.” Inuyasha said and the Lord of the South smiled. “Oh, I just can’t blame Sesshoumaru for wanting you little one. You are certainly attractive enough, I just wonder if he can tame you.” The Lord of the South said with a wink at Inuyasha who fumed ready to attack the asshole. “Inuyasha do not start a war. Please.” Sesshoumaru stated cupping Inuyasha’s face and turning the boy to look at him. “Well, ok. For you I will play nice, but wolf turd is gonna get it if he doesn’t shut his stupid trap.” Inuyasha said as he pulled out tessaiga and put the blade in front of him standing with it showing his own power. “Is that your Father’s fang?” The Lord of the East asked in awe of the tessaiga. “Ya, what else would it be?” Inuyasha asked wondering if this guy was going to insinuate that his sword was not worthy of a hanyou. “Inuyasha, enough. No one is going to challenge you today.” Sesshoumaru said with a sigh. Of course the Lord of the South found Inuyasha to be charming. He loved the fiery mate of Lord Sesshoumaru and wondered if the man was willing to share such a little firebrand. “I still wouldn’t be any man’s bitch.” Kouga muttered although he had to admit Inuyasha looked good. He looked really good in fact. “What did ya say you flea bitten wolf?!” Inuyasha growled as he cracked his knuckles. Pearl ran out and grasped Inuyasha gently pulling him away from Kouga. “Ah, and who is this shy little creature?” The Lord of the South asked trying to see around Inuyasha to the little female behind him. “Pearl, come out from behind Inuyasha so these people can see you.” Sesshoumaru said. “You promise they won’t laugh? I look stupid.” Pearl said as she hid behind Inuyasha who was growling at Kouga. “You look beautiful. Come now.” Sesshoumaru said taking her hand and pulling her out to stand at his side. Several males had to hide their scents of arousal at seeing the tiny Inu hanyou female. She was like a delicate flower in white silks. It was a mountain of silks on the girl making her look even smaller then she really was. “This is my female mate the Lady Pearl.” Sesshoumaru said as Pearl bowed to the nobles as was her duty to do so. The Lord of the South got up immediately ignoring his mate who was hitting him to sit down. The Lord of the South gripped her hand, bowed down and kissed her fingers. “You are a vision. Lord Sesshoumaru is one lucky man to have two beauties at his side.” The Lord said and Pearl blushed not sure what to say so she looked at Sesshoumaru who simply smiled at her with love in his eyes. The Lord of the East frowned. Two hanyous, but hanyous with the power of Inu No Tashio in their veins. It was rather unfair for Lord Sesshoumaru to covet them both when the young Lord would be a perfect match for his daughter. “I object to this mating.” The Lord of the East said. “I also object. What the hell are you doing Inuyasha? I mean you cannot be in love with your brother. The guy tried to kill you for years and Pearl, honey he whipped you with blades. He whipped you like a man whips another man. You don’t want to be with a man like that.” Kouga said knowing he really had no real say, but hell Inuyasha was his friend or as much a friend as one could get these days. He didn’t want his friend to make a stupid mistake. “Shut up Kouga! I love Sesshoumaru so get it through your thick skull or do I need to kick your ass again to get you to shut your mouth!” Inuyasha growled. However the Lord of the South got up and growled at Sesshoumaru. The Lord of the South was powerful enough he could do some damage to Sesshoumaru and Sesshoumaru noticed his Uncles were also surrounding him. “What did he mean by you whipped a female like she was a male!” The Lord of the South roared. “Stop! All of you stop! He thought I was a male! I was male for a time! He actually thought I was his brother!” Pearl said standing in front of Sesshoumaru to defend him with her life. Inuyasha couldn’t though. His brother deserved this. “It doesn’t matter. He whipped his own kin! Why? And it better be a good reason!” The Lord of the South said angrily. “Inuyasha, I have no excuse for what I had done to you. I whipped him because I was angry with him and that is not the only reason. I was aroused by his fear and threatened to rape him as well.” Sesshoumaru said in shame and Kouga’s jaw dropped. He would never ever rape his own kin. “I’ll kill ya!” Kouga roared as he rushed towards Sesshoumaru with fangs bared and claws drawn. Inuyasha stopped Kouga with a punch to the head. “Only I get to kill Sesshoumaru.” Inuyasha said to his friend then he helped him up. Kouga pointed to Sesshoumaru. “You are one sick bastard! You are damn lucky that Inuyasha seems to care for you since if it were up to me I would rip off your dick over and over again until it never grew back!” Kouga snarled. “You will be punished for this Sesshoumaru.” The Lord of the South stated and his Uncles agreed. “I already killed him once isn’t that good enough?!” Inuyasha roared. As far as he was concerned they were even now. “You don’t understand little one. To do what he did and threaten what he did to one’s own kin is a punishable offense by youkai law. Have you studied youkai law sweet boy?” The Lord of the South asked. “Some of it.” Inuyasha said. “It states in youkai law that one must care for their family as if it were of their own blood and in the way the one wishes oneself to be treated. If one breaks this law then only the same pain can be administered in return for the crime. Since he did not rape you that will be ruled out, however if he did then by youkai law since I am the ruling body I would indeed rape him as punishment for the crime committed.” The Lord of the South stated and Sesshoumaru for the first time trembled. He was afraid and had known this law. He prayed to the gods that Inuyasha would forgive him and be silent about some of the things he had done to his brother. Having a clawed hand go through ones chest was unpleasant enough, but to endure all the pains he inflicted on his brother was almost too much to bear. “You mean all the times………” Inuyasha started to say and then shut his mouth quickly. “There was more than this time?” The Lord of the South stated in shock. “Yes my Lord. Inuyasha was abused constantly by his brother for years. If Inuyasha won’t tell you the score I will.” Kouga said looking at Sesshoumaru with a deadly smirk on his lips. “You will shut your trap!” Inuyasha yelled and went to go after Kouga to rip his tongue out. No one needed to know his personal history with his brother! It was a family matter! Family business stayed in the family! “No he will not. If you will not tell me then by his duty to his Lord, Lord Kouga will.” The Lord of the South said. “Inuyasha what did you tell Kouga?” Sesshoumaru whispered to Inuyasha. “Oh, that you beat me up a few times and ran your hand through my chest. Nothing else.” Inuyasha said whispering back. Sesshoumaru sighed. A beating he could take, he could even take a hand going through his chest, what he did not want to deal with was some of the more vicious things he did to his brother. He had been downright evil to Inuyasha and he knew he deserved this. “The mating celebration is off until the punishment is completed. Then we shall determine if you are still worthy to mate these two hanyous. For their safety, both hanyous are to be escorted at all times by the royal guard and will live at the Imperial Palace in the neutral city.’ “You tell me you were once male little one. If so you are the female of the prophecy as is this male who could be your twin brother.” The Lord of the South said and suddenly the nobles were talking all at once at how blessed they must be to have such power in their presence. “What prophecy?” Both Inuyasha and Pearl stated at the same time. Sesshoumaru went white. He knew of the prophecy and did not tell them. “You did not even tell them about the prophecy?!” The Lord of the South exploded. He was furious with young Lord Sesshoumaru. This young man had a lot of explaining to do. “You two are coming with me. Gather their things and have the coaches ready.” The Lord of the South said. “I ain’t going anywhere with you.” Inuyasha growled as he readied tessaiga to take on anyone who wanted to try and take him from his brother. Pearl hid behind both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha. “Go with them.” Sesshoumaru hissed. He did not want war with all three of the nobles. “Hell no. How about that one Sesshoumaru?” Inuyasha asked as he prepared to fight his way free. That was when the Lord of the South in a movement so fast that it took a mere blink disarmed Inuyasha then knocked the boy out cold. “You are a cute little firebrand, but a very naughty one.” The Lord of the South said as he kissed Inuyasha’s cheek then lifted the boy up in his arms. “Pearl, go with them.” Sesshoumaru urged. “No! I don’t want to go without you!” Pearl sobbed. “Please don’t make me knock you out too.” The Lord of the South stated with concern in his eyes. He hated doing this, he really did. A mating celebration was to be a joyous time and this time it was not. “Sesshoumaru please! Do something!” Pearl begged. “I am my love. I am doing the right thing. Now please for my sake go and do not fight.” Sesshoumaru said kissing Pearl passionately. Kouga grabbed Pearl and threw her over his shoulder with her kicking and screaming at him. “The only regret I have dog breath is that I don’t get to watch you suffer.” Kouga said with a smirk. “You will regret this wolf.” Sesshoumaru said angrily. “No, I don’t think I will.” Kouga said and as he turned to walk away Sesshoumaru said one last thing. “If you are Inuyasha’s friend then be his friend and talk to him first. If not and you tell all you know without his permission he will never forgive you.” Sesshoumaru said and Kouga stopped. “I’m doing this because Inuyasha is my friend and my family. Unlike you I would have given him a home a long time ago when he was just a pup. We didn’t disregard hanyous like you did. He would have been part of a pack and he still can be. I will give him that choice a choice you never gave him.” Kouga said to Sesshoumaru’s face before leaving with Pearl. “Sesshoumaru I love you! Remember that! No matter what I love you!” Pearl cried. “And Inuyasha loves you too! Know he does! He can’t say it right now, but he would if he could!” Pearl yelled as Kouga whacked her on her rump once for yelling so close to his ear. “You will regret touching her wolf!” Sesshoumaru ground out. “You will also regret it, nephew.” Uncle Ken stated as he and his other Uncles took Sesshoumaru down to the dungeons where he would await his trial.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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