A Royal Pain | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 39166 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and I do not make money from my writings. Someone else does although I am really Sesshoumaru's secret mate. Shhhh...it is our little secret. |
When the limousine arrived with everyone Sesshoumaru ordered the driver to take them all to the restaurant and pick them up in exactly two hours. Future Sesshoumaru had this timed perfectly. There was much to do and little time to do it in as he held his past self’s hand to comfort him while his mate sat on the other side of him and the past self Inuyasha sat by Kagome.
Future Inuyasha almost whimpered at seeing himself with his wife since he still loved her. He had gotten over her, but to see her again alive seemed so unfair.“Did you tell your Mom yet?”Past Inuyasha asked Kagome who looked at him.“No not yet.”She said as she knew Inuyasha wanted her to tell her Mother.“Ms. Higurashi, Kagome has some news for you.”Inuyasha said proudly.“Mom I’m pregnant.”Kagome said and Kimi smiled happy for this news.“I’m going to be a grandma.”Kimi said happily as she hugged her daughter.“Yes. I just wish you could be there for when it is born.”Kagome said with tears in her eyes.“Oh sweetheart, I wish I could also. Still you are needed in that time and I understood that. I want you to stay forever, but I know that things are not always the way we want them to be. I will treasure this time we have my daughter.”Kimi said and Kagome smiled although her heart was breaking at the thought of leaving them again. But she also loved Sango and Miroku whom she wanted to see again. She was so worried about them being left behind.“Come, no more tears. This is a happy occasion and a day to celebrate. Our loved ones are home for a while and we will make these moments special.”Future Sesshoumaru said and everyone smiled feeling better.Everyone spoke about their dreams and hopes for the future as the car took them to the restaurant where even more family was there to greet them.Shiro was on the phone with his mate missing Akio terribly, but knew his mate had an important job and it was imperative for him to be in Oman in the Middle East right now.“Is Mom there yet Shiro?”Akio asked his mate since he wanted to speak to her.“No not yet dearest. Soon though. When you get back I hope you will quit your job for a while. I want to have pups with you again. I miss you so much and I hate this time you are away.”Shiro said as he was so lonely without his mate although Father kept him fairly busy.“Ok Shiro. I will come home soon. I know that we have about another two three days of work and I should be flying home.”Akio said and Shiro frowned.“I hope only two days since I don’t know if I can handle three. The second you get home I am wrapping myself around you and never letting go. God it sucks they called you away now. I know Mom would have wanted to see you.”Shiro said and Akio whimpered a bit since he did miss Mom.“I do miss Mom. We only had a hundred years with her before she died. It is hard to believe she is alive right now in our time.”Akio said and Shiro knew this as he was excited to see his Fathers again as well. His Dad from the past, Inuyasha was said to be younger than him now. It was hard to believe.“Well I see the limousine now. Banzan is already getting the table set up with Lalune and Yoshi. This is going to be a bit weird, but when was our family ever normal?”Shiro said and then Shiro saw his Father step out first. Then Kagewaki with a middle aged human woman he was arm in arm with then from what he could tell was the woman’s son. After his Father and these people Father extended a hand out to Kagome who took it and stepped out with Shiro almost not believing it if he did not see it himself. Then the two Inuyasha’s stepped out and finally past Sesshoumaru stepped out which was odd yet exciting to Shiro.“They are all here. They really are all here Akio.”Shiro said as tears poured down his face as he rushed up to his Mom and hugged her. Kagome was shocked that this young man was hugging her.“Hi Mom.”Shiro said with tears in his eyes.“Hello, Shiro is it?”Kagome said as future Sesshoumaru filled her in.“Yes! It is me! I know, I’m grown now, but you used to bounce me on your knee and play with me when I was a pup. I have missed you so much!”Shiro sobbed as he did not want to let go of his dear Mother.“Shiro! Shiro! Let me talk to Mom!”Akio yelled on the cell phone that Shiro almost dropped.“Oh, I am so sorry. Mom Akio is on the phone. He is your and Dad’s pup and my mate. He is currently in Oman in the Middle East working on an oil rig. He doesn’t have much time to talk, so here. Please talk to him. He has been dying to speak to you.”Shiro said and handed the phone to Kagome.“Hello Mom?”Akio said and Kagome was surprised since her son sounded a lot like his Father.“Yes. This is Kagome Higurashi.”Kagome said and Akio had to sit down before he fell down. He recognized her voice and knew it was her.“Oh Mom. You don’t know how much I have missed you.”Akio said with tears down his cheeks.“There is so much I want to say to you Mom. I want you to know Dad took good care of me and raised me to make you proud. Uncle Sesshoumaru helped and they were both so good to me. I am doing so well now and I have pups of my own. You are a Grandma. I wish you could see them all. I tell them all about you. You were a great healer and made us all so happy. You taught me so much and I went to college like you and learned so many things. Thank you for giving me life and for loving me Mom. I know this is so weird since technically to you I am not born yet, but I am so grateful to you and I love you Mom. I will always love you.”Akio said as he sobbed wishing he could be there rather than in this hot dessert.“Thank you. I love you too. So much.”Kagome said as she felt her belly where Akio was and there was a small kick from the pup within her as if it were saying everything was going to be ok.“Mom I want to stay on the phone with you, but I gotta go. They need me out here. I want to stay talking to you forever. Please take care of Dad and Uncle Sesshoumaru. They are going to need you. I’ll try to call tomorrow so stay with Uncle Sesshoumaru and Dad. You can visit Grandma and Uncle Souta, but please be there tomorrow morning so I can hear your voice again. I need this. God this sucks. I gotta go now. I love you.”Akio said and Kagome smiled.“I love you too. Goodbye.”Kagome said and handed the phone to Shiro.“Akio I love you sweetheart. I will get pictures for you. I swear it. Please be careful out there.”Shiro said before Akio said his goodbyes.Kagome introduced her Mother and Souta to Shiro who hugged them both.“I know this is weird Uncle Souta, but I am your nephew’s mate or husband. He will want to see you both when he returns from Oman. It is dangerous work he is doing so I worry for him, but hopefully this will be the last time he will leave us.”Shiro said and Souta smiled since he was happy to be an Uncle.Father introduced Shiro to his past self and Shiro hugged him with past Sesshoumaru taking in the scent of his child. This was his perfection that would be conceived this spring when he went into heat. Then Dad introduced Shiro to his past self and Shiro chuckled when he hugged him.“Father definitely robbed the cradle with you Dad. He would not even let me and Akio mate until we were three hundred years old.”Shiro said as it was funny that he was older than his Dad’s past self. He could be future Inuyasha’s son.“I ain’t that young.”Inuyasha’s past self said with a huff.“Don’t worry about them they are just picking on you.”Future Inuyasha said as he pat his past self on the back.“Well shall we?”Future Sesshoumaru said as he led everyone inside. Past Sesshoumaru was not sure what to do or what to think as he was led to a long table where he saw Banzan, Lalune, another wolf demon, and several humans milling about.“You may sit at the head of the table as you are an honored guest.”Future Sesshoumaru said to his past self as his past self watched as people pulled out their own chairs to sit so he did the same then he sat next to his future self. Both Inuyasha’s sat next to each other and Kagome sat with her Mom with Shiro on the other side of her and Koga with Ayame next to Yoshi. Banzan and Lalune sat towards the end of the table.Human waiters came to serve drinks in which future Sesshoumaru ordered the drinks for his past self and himself with future Inuyasha ordering for past Inuyasha. Everyone was talking and future Sesshoumaru spoke gently and kindly to past Sesshoumaru telling him what things were on the menu and what he most likely would eat since he explained these days eating raw meat was not as common although he would ask for his steaks to be rare. This place had rare steak so he knew past Sesshoumaru would enjoy that.Past Sesshoumaru looked at the utensils in awe and was curious about them as he was like a child in these times. Future Sesshoumaru knew how his past self felt. The future was overwhelming as it was and he had yet to take him to a grocery store to see how meat was packaged and stored. Inuyasha did the spell on his past self so no one could see his ears, but did not hide their fangs, claws, or markings. To the humans they looked like tattoos. Sesshoumaru had all his markings and his elfin ears which were covered a bit by his long silver hair.Future Sesshoumaru explained that their markings were considered tattoos to humans and that he never hid his markings since by the time this age had come and such markings were considered taboo in the workplace he was able to already be owner and president of all his companies so no one said anything about them. He also explained that fox demon taught him how to make proper identification and several worked in government so it was easy to survive in these times. However for a short time he did have to move about a bit more since immortals were considered something of a superstition than reality.Past Sesshoumaru did not understand why he had to leave his home country if he knew about the nuclear bombs. Could he not just warn his people? Future Sesshoumaru explained that humans after so many years stopped listening to their Lords and followed an Emperor who was human. Americans and the allied forces would win the war so he needed to be on the winning side. This was not just for the sake of demon kind, but for the sake of his family. Humans would stop listening to demons when the hanyou powers wore off in a hundred years. There would be war within his country which he would win, but around the year 1910 he would need to leave for America. It was the New World and with his otherworldly looks no one would think demons were of Japanese or Asian descent. Plus fox demon spells would help them survive the hard years in America where Sesshoumaru would be starting a business in weaponry. The books he was giving Sesshoumaru would start him in the business of creating the first successful military rifles which would be used in the war. He would also be creating bombs, grenades, huge guns for tanks, and automatic weapons. Past Sesshoumaru wasn’t sure how this would work, but future Sesshoumaru said if he followed these books he had he would create things that would make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. Americans were wealthy and in war time they would buy him out of his weapons. His biggest problem was going to be supply and demand as the government would pay him fortunes for his knowledge. America was fat and wealthy. Between World War One and World War II they Sesshoumaru promised that they would be so rich that when they moved back to Japan in the 1960’s they would have the fortunes to do whatever they wanted. Future Sesshoumaru was going to train past Sesshoumaru how to create weapons and he was going to be paid even more for his knowledge of nuclear power. Then on the side as a reminder of Kagome and her healing knowledge future Sesshoumaru started up a company in the pharmacy and drug trade which was making him even more money. Tashio Corporation was huge and he had offices all over the world in both weapons and pharmaceuticals. Future Sesshoumaru was going to show past Sesshoumaru the pictures of the warehouse he started in to the Tashio Towers he now ruled over. Tomorrow he was taking past Sesshoumaru to see his world and teach him the ropes.When future Sesshoumaru was done he knew past Sesshoumaru’s brain would probably feel like it was going to burst, but it was vital he teach him everything now so later when the future came he would be prepared and be able to finally relax a bit.When the food came future Sesshoumaru taught past Sesshoumaru how to cut his meat and eat it properly. Future Inuyasha just took past Inuyasha’s plate and cut his food up for him telling him how to use a fork, knife, and spoon. It took a bit, but they soon figured it out and were eating with everyone else. When everyone was done with eating and socializing it was time to go. Koga was expected at Tashio Towers tomorrow morning to help since he also worked for Sesshoumaru. It was part of how he got so much money for his jewelry stores to remain open.Ayame was a secretary for them, but this time Sesshoumaru was going to say something about her hairdo. He had been lenient for a long time, but pigtails belonged on little girls not grown demon women. If she thought she was going to get away with it Sesshoumaru would take a pair of scissors to her long hair and chop it off. He knew Koga had said it enough times that the woman was asking for hell.As everyone got ready to leave future Sesshoumaru pulled Ayame aside and gave her one warning. If she did not do her hair properly like a grown woman she would have him cut off her precious hair and rip it out of those bands himself. Ayame started to cry, but Sesshoumaru had enough. He was not falling for it.“I have children who act more adult than you. If you want Koga’s affection returned more often act like a grown woman and not a little girl. Pigtails are for children unless you want everyone in the office to call you Mrs. Piggy I suggest you remember that.’“I will take scissors to your hair if you cannot control yourself. I’ve already been tempted to unmate you from Koga if you keep this up. Even your sons are sick of it. Grow the fuck up.”
Future Sesshoumaru said firmly as Ayame turned white since she did not want to be unmated from Koga. Koga took his frightened wife with him after kissing Kagome on the cheek goodbye. Hopefully he would see her again before she left.Kimi wanted her daughter to sleep at her house, but future Sesshoumaru explained that Inuyasha would not be able to fit with her on that tiny bed and then Sesshoumaru would have to sleep on the floor or the couch. He had rooms for all of them at his estates and he would send his car to drop Kagome off at her Mother’s after their business was concluded as he gave Kimi Higurashi his direct number telling her to call him anytime anyway since she was family. If they needed something for the shrine to please let him know.Kagewaki thanked Sesshoumaru for the dinner as he had paid for everyone and Sesshoumaru just nodded and told him to see Kimi got home safely. Souta actually had plans to go stay at a friend’s house tonight so that meant Kimi and Kagewaki had the house to themselves for the night which pleased the spider hanyou who hoped to get a bit further tonight with his girlfriend. The two Sesshoumarus, the two Inuyashas, and Kagome all got out of the limousine once it dropped them off at the estates. Kagome was amazed by this as future Sesshoumaru showed the young woman his home. The two Inuyashas camped on the couch with future Inuyasha helping past Inuyasha get the blasted tie off and unbutton his shirt a bit to be comfortable.“Tomorrow Inu we will put you in jeans and a t shirt. It is a hell of a lot more comfortable than this shit.”Future Inuyasha said as he got a coke for them both and flipped on the television.“Kagome help yourself to whatever you want to drink and come chill with us. We will watch whatever you want to this time and then it will be our turn.”Future Inuyasha said as Kagome opened the fridge and grabbed out a sprite and went to the couch as the two Inuyasha’s had her sit between them both putting a hand on her legs. Kagome picked up the remote control which was pretty crazy since there were so many buttons as future Inuyasha showed her how it worked and what channel was the TV guide so she knew what was playing.Kagome recognized a few shows so she put it on an Anime channel and watched a cartoon movie which was fine with the guys. Future Sesshoumaru took past Sesshoumaru to the bedroom and had him remove his clothing helping him a bit and pulled out some silk pajama bottoms giving them to past Sesshoumaru.All future Sesshoumaru could think of was how very young his past self was and how naive. He was like a child in this time. It reminded him of when he had been in his place and had so much stuffed into his brain he felt like it would burst. Everything was so overwhelming to his younger half.“Come, I am going to show you the box with moving pictures. You won’t care for the show, but I think you all deserve to see what we have done. I named it after our mate and although it is not completely accurate I think you will enjoy it none the less. I used a pseudo name for the series and had a writer sit with me as I dictated what I wanted to her. She has several other series besides this one, but I think you will like it since I did have help from Inuyasha to draw Father. It is brief of him, but I think you will enjoy what I have done.”Future Sesshoumaru said and past Sesshoumaru shrugged as he was not against finding out about this future thing.Future Inuyasha was just chillin’ when his mate came into the room with his luscious past self. In nothing but pajama bottoms future Inuyasha could imagine being taken by both males. It was a fantasy of his.“I’m sorry young ones, I know you were into this show, but I wish to show you all something special. I want to start with a specific movie I think you will enjoy. It is called Inuyasha Swords of an Honorable Ruler and it is a cartoon. I have the whole series of this Anime called Inuyasha and some of the mangas were drawn by Inuyasha himself. We haven’t watched these in a long time, but I think you will appreciate the art and work that went into this one.”Future Sesshoumaru said as he took the remote, flipped the channel to the proper one for DVDs and put the disc in the player then handed the case to his past self as he bid him to sit as he sat next to his past self and started the video.Future Inuyasha rolled his eyes as he knew this one was Sesshoumaru’s favorite since it had himself and his brother fighting together at the end. Kagome watched this with interest as it had her in it and everyone she cared about.“Inuyasha also dictated some of this story and drew some of the animation for it.”Future Sesshoumaru said with a smile as he pat his lover’s leg then put an arm around him with future Inuyasha leaning into his mate wondering what his past self and past Sesshoumaru were going to think of this.Past Sesshoumaru was fighting with himself not to go touch the box with moving pictures to see if it was real. It was so strange and he liked the drawing of his brother and himself.“I always made you an ass though Sess. Practically the whole series you were an ass in it.”Future Inuyasha said and future Sesshoumaru just smiled.“I prefer being an ass to a point. Besides this was for you mainly.”Future Sesshoumaru said and past Sesshoumaru couldn’t take it anymore as he had to go touch the screen to see if it was real. Getting up he went to the big thing and poked it with a claw. Then he felt it with his hands.“What magic is this?”Past Sesshoumaru asked and everyone was watching him more than the show.“This is technology. It is what is called wires, tubes, and plastic with a diamond dust mixed in to create the screen. This is part of the future.”Future Sesshoumaru said and past Sesshoumaru looked behind it seeing no tubes, but strange things sticking out of it as this time future Inuyasha got up and explained what the things were so past Sesshoumaru would not unplug all his hard work with all the wires going to different things like his game consoles and the stereo.“Let me put this on stereo and we will get the surround sound effects.”Future Inuyasha said as he showed past Sesshoumaru these things as he poked at it and listened to the sounds which were much louder and clearer.“Surround sound?”Past Sesshoumaru said as Inuyasha pointed to the speakers on the ceiling. Past Sesshoumaru levitated up to them and could hear sounds coming from them. It was amazing.“Come, sit and relax for a while. You will burst your brain if you try to figure all this out right now. There are more important things for you to learn.”Future Inuyasha said as he made Kagome and past Inuyasha scoot over so past Sesshoumaru could sit next to him.Past Sesshoumaru came down and future Inuyasha rewound the movie to the part where past Sesshoumaru missed the story. Past Sesshoumaru sat by future Inuyasha who pat his leg and although he leaned on future Sesshoumaru he kept his hand on past Sesshoumaru’s leg.Watching the show past Inuyasha and past Sesshoumaru were not sure they liked it, but Kagome loved this. It was perfect and funny in some parts.“You have a whole series?”Kagome asked as she thought this was the greatest thing. “Ya we do. We went off things you told us, Sango told us, Miroku told us, and added some of our own things to it. It pretty much is for entertainment purposes, but Sesshoumaru wanted it to be in my name. Of course we go by human names in public except for Sess since this year he figured he could use his real name. After the Inuyasha series came out I could not go by Inuyasha anymore at least not for a good twenty to thirty years when we change our names again. It is all part of being immortal. You will figure that out eventually.’“The American demons will teach you a ton of things. They really helped us when we were in a bind and had to live in our warehouse before the wars happened. We were still rich, but we had problems with thieves so Sess took them out and killed most of them while we sat around with the kids putting together guns from parts and reloading brass to make bullets for them. Luckily the warehouse was huge and fit all of us. Some people thought we were poor since there was no point in buying a bunch of new clothing or shit we did not need.’
“We had a big shower area, a washer for clothes and shit, and a ton of blankets that we folded up after sleeping on the floor. The only issues we had were the rats on occasion. We worked day and night putting together what seemed to be a million fucking rifles. Then we met with the government after we started selling them and showed them plans for tank guns, battleship guns, and they funded us to make everything and anything until none of us had to work anymore. The books Sess and I are giving you are the ones you will need. Treat them like gold since they will save your ass and in the end they will make you rich.’
“If you want all we have you will listen to Sess and Kagome. We are gonna give you names of people to meet and to work with. It is going to be work for a long time, but it will be worth it in the end. Trust us, we know what we are talking about. You guys are just starting out, but it will get easier as you go along.”
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