A Royal Pain | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 39172 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and I do not make money from my writings. Someone else does although I am really Sesshoumaru's secret mate. Shhhh...it is our little secret. |
After watching television for a while it was time for bed. They had an early morning and a lot of information to pass on. Much to future Inuyasha’s disappointment past Sesshoumaru was sent to bed with past Inuyasha and Kagome with future Sesshoumaru lending Kagome a night shirt for bed. He told them all there were fresh tooth brushes with canine toothpaste in the bathroom and if they wanted to shower they were welcome to do so with soaps and bath items for them.
Past Sesshoumaru wanted to try this shower idea and past Inuyasha frowned since he had done it before and got boiled by Souta when he did. Kagome went to the shower after removing her clothing and turned it on making it a little warmer for their comfort as she was now used to seeing Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha naked. The two men took off their clothing as future Inuyasha left out a pair of clean pajama pants for past Inuyasha. The shower was huge so it would fit all three of them as they got in and Inuyasha knew how to use shampoo as he had borrowed Kagome’s before but knew Sesshoumaru had never done this before and it did sting if it got in to the eyes so he had Sesshoumaru bend down so he could wash his hair. For Sesshoumaru this was like being under a waterfall except a warm one.“Make sure you close your eyes until the soap is gone Sess. It will hurt your eyes to get it in them.”Inuyasha said and Sesshoumaru nodded as he dunked under the water and Inuyasha helped him rinse his hair. Then Kagome showed both men the body wash and took a wet washrag to scrub them both with now that she knew how to do it. She let Sesshoumaru clean his own privates though which he had never done before so Inuyasha took over for that.Inuyasha and Kagome dried off then helped Sesshoumaru dry himself as Kagome wrapped a towel around her head and proceeded to brush her teeth as Sesshoumaru found Kagome’s bra and looked at the strange contraption.“Kagome, what is this?”Sesshoumaru asked as he was curious. Kagome grabbed it from him and showed him how it worked, but then took it off and threw it back in the pile of things she would need for tomorrow.“It’s a woman’s thing called a bra. Men don’t wear them since they don’t have boobs. They help lift and separate. It is a good thing and better than wrapping them.”Kagome said as she brushed her teeth enjoying the flavor of this canine toothpaste since she was a hanyou. Her teeth felt so much better now since she had missed having one of these around. Inuyasha used his but chewed on it more than scrubbed his teeth until Kagome grabbed it from him and told him to open his mouth as she taught him the proper way to use it.“Now spit and rinse your mouth out.”Kagome said and Inuyasha frowned but did as he was told. Kagome did the same for Sesshoumaru who was licking his chops while getting this done. He liked the flavor of the paste since it tasted like chicken.“Now rinse and spit.”Kagome said and Sesshoumaru did so then wiped off his mouth with his hand only for Kagome to frown and grab a towel to wipe of Sesshoumaru’s hand.“You use a towel not your hand to wipe your mouth off with Sesshoumaru.”Kagome scolded as she shooed the men out as she got the brushes and did her hair first then carried the brushes out and combed Inuyasha’s hair first since his always tangled when it wasn’t brushed right away. Then Kagome had Sesshoumaru sit down as she combed his long pretty hair finding he had no tangles at all and the brush glided smoothly through his long locks.Helping her men with their boxers since the first thing they did was try to put them on backwards she got them situated and put on the long night shirt after they put on their pajama bottoms. The bed itself was a huge king sized bed with fluffy pillows and comfortable sheets and comforters. Kagome had Inuyasha get in bed first and first thing he did was lay on the sheets and blankets only for Kagome to scold him telling him to get into the bed under the sheets and blankets as he grumbled a bit. Then Sesshoumaru got in on one side of Inuyasha cuddling with his mate and Kagome turned off the light then climbed in bed with Inuyasha cuddling into her husband who figured out a way to wrap an arm around her and one around Sesshoumaru so they were all wrapped around each other. It was like a nice comfy dog pile. The three ignored the sounds of future Inuyasha and future Sesshoumaru making love in the other room.The bed was so comfortable that the three did not want to wake when morning came. Future Sesshoumaru was up after taking a quick shower and kissing his mate on the cheek he got his morning coffee ready wandering about the house in only a towel since there was nothing he had that these people who were here had not seen before. Kagome got up and put on her panties then wandered into the kitchen noticing future Sesshoumaru was up and was getting the morning paper. Kagome got a glass of ice water from the fridge and sat waiting for everyone to wake. She would cook breakfast, but this was not her house.Sesshoumaru came back with his morning paper and bid Kagome good morning. Kagome acknowledged him and said good morning back with a yawn and stretch.“Our chef will cook breakfast soon. It is still a bit early to be up. My mate usually gets up just after breakfast is made. It is like clockwork.”Future Sesshoumaru said with a smile.“Well I could make breakfast…………”Kagome said and Sesshoumaru looked horrified by the thought.“Oh no. I would never let my guests cook. Even if they knew how. When we were in America I had a demon female servant who cooked for us. I’ve never cooked in my life and I am not about to start now. There of course is a difference between heating up food and cooking it. Even Inuyasha does not cook.”Sesshoumaru said and Kagome chuckled at that.“Well I would hate to be you if you ever had to cook.”Kagome said in amusement.“Well to be honest I did try once and it was not very successful. It was when Inuyasha was pinned to the tree of life and Jaken was able to procure some wild rice, but he had no idea on how to boil it to make it edible. Thus I berated him telling him that he was worthless as a vassal and I would cook it myself. Needless to say I never complained about his cooking for me again and I forced him to find out how to cook rice so next time we were in such luck I could eat it to my heart’s content.’“I mainly hunted and ate raw meat when I was wandering about on my own not dealing with human delicacies, but I do happen to enjoy some things such as wild rice on occasion. Now in these times I am damn near domesticated.’
“I eat more cooked meat then raw and the stores have these wonderful dog treats. Inuyasha can hardly keep out of my dog treats especially my cheese and meat bites, but I always share with him. I also like dog cookies. I make my chef make them for me.’
“Inuyasha since he got pregnant with my pup again has had an obsession with meat lover’s pizza. The fridge is full of these pizzas. I don’t mind so much, but the boy eats them like crazy and I always catch him hiding a box of chocolate donuts. He isn’t supposed to have much chocolate, but he craves it and shellfish. Right now it is a pizza fetish, but soon it will be shrimp, crab, and lobster with his donuts.’
“I have to work so I can’t be with him twenty four seven, but I do have cameras all through this house and have security follow him. I guarantee by the end of today he will have taken his past self to a grocery store to go buy himself at least a dozen donuts with the majority of them being chocolate.”
Sesshoumaru said and Kagome giggled because it would not surprise her if future Inuyasha did just that since he was always doing things to defy his elder brother.Kagome and future Sesshoumaru talked to each other about all sorts of things with Kagome agreeing with Sesshoumaru that Inuyasha could be a handful at times. Even now he was slightly defiant and did not like to be ordered about.As they talked past Inuyasha woke to find Kagome was out of bed so he got up to go find her untangling himself from his mate. Past Sesshoumaru woke to the movement and tried to pull Inuyasha back into bed, but the pup was already up and practically out the door.“Inuyasha come back to bed.”Past Sesshoumaru grumbled as he had been so warm and cozy.“No, I ain’t tired anymore and I want to find out where Kagome went. If you want to sleep that is fine, but I am getting up.”Inuyasha said as he wandered out the door with quite the bed head. Past Sesshoumaru groaned as he flopped down on the bed and knew he had to wake since without Inuyasha in bed with him he could not sleep. It was such a comfy bed too. Sesshoumaru really wanted the bed and all these luxuries. It wasn’t fair he had to go back to the past again when he never wanted to leave this wonderful place.Inuyasha was surprised to see Kagome and future Sesshoumaru laughing and talking like old friends. They were actually enjoying each other’s company. Inuyasha plopped down next to his wife and future Sesshoumaru smiled at the puppy who looked adorable with his permanent pout and wild hair.Past Sesshoumaru came out of the bedroom and came to sit with everyone to see what was going on. He also had a bit of a bed head, but it was nowhere near as bad as Inuyasha’s. “Good you are now awake so we can go get dressed. I shall be back in a few minutes. Kagome after Shiro lets you talk to Akio again you may go to your Mother’s home to visit with her and your brother. I know you miss them. We also have a duffle bag filled with things for you so do not take much from your Mother’s house. The medical supplies we have packed for you are much better than what you usually took with you. I know you went into nursing in college so you have skills needed that will help the healers of the past to do their jobs better.’“Come young one. We have a busy day today.”
Future Sesshoumaru said to his past self as he took his hand and brought him to his room to dress past Sesshoumaru into a nice suit for the office. He explained to past Sesshoumaru that he had been planning this day for years so he knew exactly what to do and what he was going to teach his younger past self.Past Sesshoumaru really hated these tie things, but his future self said he would get used to them. Then future Sesshoumaru got a comb and combed both his and past Sesshoumaru’s hair until it looked proper.“We shall have breakfast before we leave.”Future Sesshoumaru said and past Sesshoumaru nodded.“I do not want to leave this time. Everything is so magical and wonderful here.”Past Sesshoumaru said softly.“I understand, but you must go back. If I could I would keep you with me forever. You have no idea how dear you are to me. I know your struggles and your fears. Trust me time will go by so fast that you will be in my place in no time. Then it will be you who does this again to your past self as the cycle continues. I have no idea how many lifetimes we have done this, but I know what is necessary for you young one. I know this moment in time was meant to happen and I am going to cherish this time with you.”Future Sesshoumaru said as he held his past self in his arms running his fingers through past Sesshoumaru’s hair.“You are so much like Father. It makes me miss him.”Past Sesshoumaru said and future Sesshoumaru smiled at that.“I will take that as a compliment and I do understand. Now come sweetheart and spend the morning with your mate. Once we reach Tashio Towers you will be learning quite a bit and what I am going to teach you will be work, but you need to know these things.”Future Sesshoumaru said as he leaned down and kissed his past self softly on the moon on his forehead. “Thank you for everything.”Past Sesshoumaru said and future Sesshoumaru chuckled.“No need to thank me my dearest, it is because of you we have all we do. I am going to make your time here wonderful.”Future Sesshoumaru said as he was going to take past Sesshoumaru to a grocery store to see the choice cuts of meat and let him choose as many as he wanted to feast on as he had a fridge at work and a toaster oven and microwave to heat the meat up a bit. The chef would marinate dinner for tonight, but there was nothing as wonderful as fresh cut raw red meat.“I was wondering if tonight I could sleep with you. I have this urge to be with you, only you.”Past Sesshoumaru said and future Sesshoumaru smiled then kissed his past self on the lips caressing that young face.“Whatever you desire is yours. My mate will like sleeping with his former wife and his past self. They may even stay up late and watch television.”Future Sesshoumaru said and past Sesshoumaru appreciated this. When the two left the room hand in hand they entered the kitchen to find the chef cooking a large breakfast for everyone. Future Sesshoumaru watched past Sesshoumaru watch the chef cook on the stove. He was truly fascinated by the fact this strange thing was cooking food. He was used to food being cooked on fire stoves and stone ovens.The smells of slightly cooked meat filled the kitchen as the cook merely warmed up the marinated steaks. Eggs were scrambled and ham was added to the eggs as well as cheese. Hash browns were also created mainly for the hanyous. As soon as the smells made their way into future Sesshoumaru and future Inuyasha’s bedroom future Inuyasha woke to the wonderful smells. He was buck naked since he and his mate slept in the nude so he got up with also a rather wild bed head and scratched his ass as he headed to the bathroom to take care of business and take a quick shower.Future Sesshoumaru could hear his mate was up so he excused himself to go see his beloved. Future Inuyasha was getting in the shower when future Sesshoumaru wandered into the bathroom. Future Inuyasha stretched and yawned as he let the hot water hit him.“Sweetheart can you do me a big favor tonight?”Future Sesshoumaru asked and future Inuyasha poked his head out of the shower to talk to his mate.“Sure, what is it?”Future Inuyasha asked.“My past self wants a night alone with me. Do you mind sleeping with your past self and Kagome?”Future Sesshoumaru asked since he really wanted this.“Sure. However that means the third night I want us to share your past self. I want to be made love to by you both as it is a fantasy of mine.”Future Inuyasha said and future Sesshoumaru figured he could ask, but he was not going to push.“I don’t see that as being an issue.”Future Sesshoumaru said as he kissed his mate and let him get to his shower. When future Inuyasha was done with his shower he merely wrapped a towel about his waist and combed his hair adding a bit of hair lotion and oils to keep it from snarling up.Future Inuyasha went to the kitchen in only his towel as he plopped down and had future Sesshoumaru give him the comics section of the newspaper. Future Inuyasha liked the funnies. Inuyasha shared the pages he read with his past self letting him know these were comics and meant to be jokes for most of them.Kagome looked at the funnies with past Inuyasha until she finally had enough of her hair being a mess and went to the bathroom to comb it. Then she came out with the brush and brushed Inuyasha’s hair doing her best not to pull it when there was a mat in it.Soon breakfast was ready as everyone ate and Shiro showed up also dressed in a suit to go work with his Father. Akio was on the phone again and he wanted to talk to Kagome so before everyone left for work Kagome was given the phone as she spoke with her son for a good half hour before Akio had to go to work himself.Future Sesshoumaru grabbed his briefcase, kissed his mate, than urged his past self to get up to go. Past Sesshoumaru kissed past Inuyasha telling him to behave before he left with his future self. Past Sesshoumaru got into the car with future Sesshoumaru with future Sesshoumaru telling his son they would meet him at work as the boy got in his car and took off. Future Sesshoumaru seat belted himself and his past self into the car as he kept the top down as this was also a convertible car but a bit newer since it was a 2010 red SLK Roadster Mercedes Benz with all the options including tan leather seats. Future Sesshoumaru turned on the radio so that past Sesshoumaru could listen to classic music. Past Sesshoumaru loved the ride in the car and relaxed enjoying every minute of this as he touched some of the buttons finding out the things they did, but did not mess with too much since he did not want to get in trouble. Future Sesshoumaru liked classical music so that was what they were listening to.Soon they pulled into a huge building that towered over all the buildings in Tokyo. This was just one of future Sesshoumaru’s offices however for now this was the main one and the one he needed to be at to help his past self. When they drove up to the top floor of the parking garage future Sesshoumaru parked his car in the spot designated for the president and owner of the company which was right next to the elevators.“This building is the tallest and largest of our offices. The building next to this one is the second tower. Just a few miles from here are our warehouses and factories which are all under government contracts where we come up with the designs for weapons and they make them. I have access to top secret experimental weaponry and I help test such weapons. My pharmaceutical companies also work in biological warfare. Our government knows all I do and yet they all come to me when they need anything. We sell weapons to not just our country’s people, but to countries all over the world. Our allies like the eccentric Americans buy from us like crazy. I have towers in America, China, Europe, and even some in Africa as well as South America’“Between Japan, the UK, and America I make more money than some of the wealthiest men in the world. They all fight to buy from me since Japan’s technology is ten times better and faster than most countries.’
“The humans and demons here are brilliant. They are hard workers and rarely ask for time off. Humans here come up with new ideas constantly.’
“Now I get to show you the elevator. Rather than walking or levitating up to the top floors we ride in this contraption. It is safe and the fastest way to travel from floor to floor. I know you will be tempted to push all the buttons but I ask you refrain from doing so. I have to use a special key to take us to my floor where I shall show you a world of knowledge and train you in what you need to know.”
Future Sesshoumaru said as he pushed a button and the elevator dinged opening up. Future pulled past Sesshoumaru inside and then pulled out a key inserting it into the panel and turned it as he pushed the button to go to the top floor.As the elevator went up past Sesshoumaru felt movement and grasped the rail in the elevator tightly. He did not like this thing as it was a big metal box and he saw no escape from it. Future Sesshoumaru sensed his past self’s distress and put a gentle arm around him growling reassuringly to him to get the poor thing to calm down. “I promise you are safe.”Future Sesshoumaru said as he waited for the door to open and pulled his past self out of the elevator. When they got to the office Koga, Shiro, and Ayame were all there. Ayame had her hair in two braided buns on her head rather than the pigtails and she looked terribly unhappy since Koga thought the buns looked stupid, but he could not complain since this was a popular way for women to wear their hair and her hair was not in pigtails.Ayame was sitting at the desk with future Sesshoumaru confronting her first to find out what meetings he had for the week and other important business. Ayame straightened up a bit and went over the usual business for the day. Then Sesshoumaru asked his son to take care of his meetings for today, tomorrow, and the next day. Sesshoumaru was going to completely devote his time to his past self so that past Sesshoumaru would not have to worry about his future.Koga went over the usual business as well and was to attend the meetings with Shiro. There was much to do, but for now everything was running smoothly. Future Sesshoumaru then took his past self to his office sending everyone off to do their work. Future Sesshoumaru had specific things set out at a table where he took his past self to sit. The next few hours were going to be work for his past self, but hopefully he would not have to repeat himself often. This was all a learning process that future Sesshoumaru hoped his past self would appreciate.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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