At Death's Door | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female Views: 6449 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor make money on my writings. |
Sesshoumaru went into the castle with the guards surrounding him. However he demanded to see his mates to insure they were ok. He was denied this request until he saw Kouga.
“Kouga have you seen Pearl and Inuyasha since they arrived?” Sesshoumaru asked in a panic filled voice. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. “No, Lord Hakimura said they are sleeping so not to bug them.” Kouga said with a shrug and then smirked a bit at Sesshoumaru’s discomfort. “You fool! Since when does Inuyasha sleep when he is in a new place especially as agitated as he was?!” Sesshoumaru growled out as the guards tried to hold him back. “Hey, you’re right. But ya know he could still be knocked out ya know.” Kouga said and Sesshoumaru just looked at Kouga like he was a moron. “How long have they been in there?” Lin asked. “Over an hour I guess.” Kouga said and Lin rushed through the hallway to where the sleeping hanyous were at. Two guards blocked his way. “No one is to go into this room by order of Lord Hakimura.” The guard said and Lin punched both of them out cold before finding the door locked. He kicked the door a few times, but it wouldn’t budge. Then he checked the two guards for a key finding one and unlocking the door. When Lin got inside he found Pearl sleeping on the bed with the scent of poison in the air. Quickly lifting her out of the room he carried her to his nephew. “She has been poisoned. Get her to the healer.” Lin ordered his nephew who growled. “Where is Inuyasha?!” Sesshoumaru snarled. “I didn’t see him in there.” Sesshoumaru handed Pearl back to his Uncle and rushed into the room. He saw Inuyasha’s armor on the rack and his clothing was all over the floor. Then he saw torchlight from somewhere on the other side of the wall. Pushing against it he tried to move the wall, but it wouldn’t budge. He heard sobbing on the other side and panting. Sesshoumaru finally gave up on pushing the wall and felt around for a switch. It took him a while to find it, but when he did his whole body stiffened. Rage filled him like it never had before as he saw his little brother sobbing and Hakimura kissing the shoulders of the boy he just raped. Sesshoumaru’s brain shut off completely with the fury he was feeling and he struck out quietly, deadly and accurately beheading Hakimura with a single slice of his claws. His acid still bubbled around the head wound as the body slumped down and fell to the floor with a wet cock sliding out of Inuyasha’s poor little behind. As Sesshoumaru touched Inuyasha’s shoulder the boy flinched and whimpered. Sesshoumaru’s demon was in control at this point and it growled softly to its beloved mate. “Sess………Sesshoumaru?” Inuyasha whimpered. Sesshoumaru growled again to his mate removing the blindfold. “Oh gods don’t look at me! I’m filthy!” Inuyasha cried out. Sesshoumaru’s beast didn’t understand his mate’s distress and nuzzled Inuyasha. It licked away the tears and continued to nuzzle his little mate. It took a minute, but then Sesshoumaru came to and looked at his trembling little brother. “I’m sorry Inuyasha. I am so sorry I didn’t get here sooner.” Sesshoumaru said gently as he looked at the wounds on his beloved’s back, wrists, and ankles. The boy had fought so hard and all for him. He had heard some of what was said and knew Inuyasha would not have had the choice in this circumstance to not tell everything that he had done to his little brother. “I told him everything Sess. I didn’t want to, but I did. I am scum…..” Inuyasha sobbed calling himself horrible names. Sesshoumaru grasped Inuyasha’s chin. “Do not ever call yourself those things again! Do you hear me! I love you! I deserve whatever is going to happen to me, but you did not deserve this! You do not deserve to be treated poorly by anyone especially me!” Sesshoumaru said trying to break Inuyasha’s cuffs to free him. Uncle Lin came into the room after taking Pearl to the healers. Sesshoumaru growled and looked back at his Uncle who was intruding on something no one was to see. “I am sorry. I truly am Sesshoumaru, but I need to take this body to the council.” Uncle Lin said as he bent down to grasp the head only for Sesshoumaru to growl at his Uncle. “Leave it. I have to search it for the damn key and no one will see my mate like this. I need some more time. If you can get me some soap, water, towels, and some clean clothes for my mate.” Sesshoumaru said as he used his body as a shield to keep anyone from seeing his brother. “Mutt face?” A timid voice called from outside. “Leave Kouga!” Sesshoumaru growled. Uncle Lin nodded and took Kouga with him to get the things they needed explaining it to the wolf who he had to keep from running back into the room to finish maiming the body so it could not be regenerated. “I swear to you Inuyasha no one will see you like this. I promise.” Sesshoumaru said and Inuyasha nodded still sobbing softly. “I have to search the body for the keys Inuyasha. I am not leaving you; I am just trying to find them to set you free ok?” Sesshoumaru said and Inuyasha nodded, but tried to keep his ears open to insure he could still hear Sesshoumaru. He heard a lot of shuffling behind him and then jingling. “I found several keys so we will try them all. Let us hope it is one of these.” Sesshoumaru said as he tried each one until finally the lock clicked and the cuff came undone. Sesshoumaru worked first on Inuyasha’s ankles then he moved up to unlock the left wrist and when it came undone Inuyasha literally hung from it. Sesshoumaru gathered his little brother around the waist and pulled him up as he unlocked the other cuff and then Inuyasha fell into his arms. Picking the boy up he carried him to the bed and wrapped a blanket around him then held him on his lap gently caressing his ears and hair lovingly. “He hurt Pearl too. Not like he did to me, but maybe it was to her. I don’t know. He used this word on her Gokai. Father told me when I died certain spells wouldn’t work on me and that was one of them. What does it do?” Inuyasha asked and Sesshoumaru fumed. Hakimura also had raped Pearl, but in a way that could not be detected by others normally. “He raped our female with a spell.” Sesshoumaru said angrily. Inuyasha suddenly forgot about his suffering and stood up only to almost fall over again and Sesshoumaru caught him. “Inuyasha you need to calm yourself.” Sesshoumaru said as he wrapped Inuyasha further into the blanket and held him tightly. “Bring him back with tensaiga.” Inuyasha growled out. “No.” Sesshoumaru said firmly. “I want to kill him again. Bring him back.” Inuyasha growled. “No Inuyasha. I will not bring him back. I was lucky to kill him as it is. The man is powerful and you would get us killed if I did bring him back. He is dead and will remain so.” Sesshoumaru said. “How do you know that? We could reattach his head.” Inuyasha said with a frown. “No we cannot.” Sesshoumaru said. “Ya we could. Why are you arguing with me?” Inuyasha asked in frustration. “Because I melted his head with my acid.” Sesshoumaru said in irritation. “Oh, well ya could have just said that.” Inuyasha said as he started to fidget again. Man how long did it take for one guy to go get a bucket of water and some soap? “I want you to see the healer.” Sesshoumaru said leaving no room for argument. “No.” Inuyasha said. “Yes. You will see the healer.” Sesshoumaru said. “No.” Inuyasha said firmly. “Why must you argue with me? You are seeing the healer Inuyasha.” Sesshoumaru said in irritation. “No fucking way.” Inuyasha said. “Why are you being difficult?” Sesshoumaru asked tersely. “Because he or she will want to look at my ass and no one is looking at my ass.” Inuyasha said. “No one is going to look at your ass Inuyasha. I was going to have them look at your back and also see what poisons were infused in your system.” Sesshoumaru said rolling his eyes. “Oh, well my back will be fine after about an hour and Pearl is being seen for the poison so I don’t need to be seen ok?” Inuyasha said and then Sesshoumaru set Inuyasha on the bed and went over to the alter where the table had a large syringe with a needle at the end. Grabbing it he marched over to Inuyasha and showed him the thing. “You were injected with something Inuyasha. I have seen one of these before in a doctor’s bag. It is usually filled with some type of herbal remedy. Hakimura injected you with this so do not tell me you do not need to see the healer!” Sesshoumaru growled wanting so much to take the boy and spank him. Sesshoumaru knew he couldn’t do that since Inuyasha was raped and even touching his little ass was out of the question. Still it did not mean Sesshoumaru did not feel like baring that cute little behind and swatting it good. “Fine. Still think it is stupid. I’m fine.” Inuyasha said with a frown. “You are not fine! You were raped! You were beaten! I have never seen you sob like you did! You are far from fine little brother!” Sesshoumaru roared. “Been raped and beaten before and no one made a big deal out of it so why now? I also used to sob on occasion……geeze it is like a crime to feel anything around you.” Inuyasha said and Sesshoumaru knew this was just Inuyasha’s defense mechanism showing up. “Because I love you Inuyasha! It is a big deal to me! You have no idea……….damnit……..why do you always have to be like this?! I am trying!” Sesshoumaru ground out as tears formed in his eyes. Gods he felt so fucking helpless. He couldn’t stop his mates from being raped. Sesshoumaru felt like it was his entire fault. If he hadn’t been so stupid with his little brother in the first place he could have insured that none of this happened. “Sess………..” Inuyasha said as he purposely fell to the floor onto his knees and half crawled half slid to his elder brother. “Inuyasha I just can’t………” Sesshoumaru said as he finally broke down. He had only cried three times in his life. Once when Father died, once when Rin died, and now. Inuyasha did his best to try to hug Sesshoumaru, but his arms weren’t working too well so they kind of just laid across his shoulders as he fell forward pressing his face against Sesshoumaru’s chest. “Inuyasha what are you doing?” Sesshoumaru asked as he tried to stop crying. What Inuyasha was doing was fucking hilarious, but Sesshoumaru really didn’t want to laugh at the moment. “I’m trying to hug you.” Inuyasha said as he sighed slowly sliding down Sesshoumaru’s chest. Sesshoumaru caught Inuyasha and pulled him close kissing the top of that head. “We need to take care of you. Don’t worry about me.” Sesshoumaru said as he adjusted Inuyasha and then lifted him into his arms carrying him back over to the bed. Laying Inuyasha down, Sesshoumaru ran his fingers over Inuyasha’s hair and looked down at him lovingly. “Sess, do you think after this mating ceremony crap is done that we can get married like humans do? I asked Pearl to marry me and now I am asking you. Will you marry me?” Inuyasha asked with hope filled eyes. “Of course. However you will have to give Mother the instructions on how such a thing is done and we will need a human priest to perform the ceremony.” Sesshoumaru said. “Ok.” Inuyasha said as he laid back and tried to relax. “Maybe the healer can give me something to make the sting of my ass go away.” Inuyasha said. “Are you in a lot of pain?” Sesshoumaru asked genuinely concerned about his little brother. “No, it is just uncomfortable.” Inuyasha said wishing they would hurry the fuck up with the bathing shit. He was tired of waiting. Uncle Lin raced into the room with the bathing supplies and the healer. He had to push Kouga out of the room since the boy seemed to not understand that he was not wanted at this time. “I hate to say it Sess, but you are a mess. Your hair is less than perfect and your clothes kind of stink.” Inuyasha said hoping he didn’t offend his brother too much, but he did notice these things. “Well whilst you were here I was cleaning the dungeon after sitting in the sty for longer than I could stand. Thus is why my clothing smells terrible and they would not allow me to bathe or change my attire. Thus how you see me now is the result of their foolish thinking, however there are better things to be concerned about then my appearance.” Sesshoumaru said and Inuyasha tried not to laugh. It had to have killed Sesshoumaru to be stuck in a filthy dungeon for even five minutes especially his own. Going over to the bucket of clean water, Sesshoumaru proceeded to wash Inuyasha with gentle care, but strong enough to remove the sweat and blood. The healer waited patiently to see the boy while Sesshoumaru washed his little brother. It was a very intimate thing to do to wash one’s mate and so the healer decided to leave for a little while to let the two young men alone to finish their business. Inuyasha was a little nervous when Sesshoumaru washed his privates, but then he realized Sesshoumaru would never hurt him like Hakimura did. He couldn’t relax though and was afraid of having his ass touched. He wanted that evil monster’s seed out of him, but fact was he didn’t want to reach inside himself to get it out. “You will defecate it out.” Sesshoumaru said as if reading Inuyasha’s very thoughts. “But it will still be in there, like for at least a day or two.” Inuyasha said in frustration. “It will come out though little one. Just remember I am here for you and no one will touch you there until you are ready. I swear to it on my honor.” Sesshoumaru said as he finished washing Inuyasha’s front than had the boy roll over as he washed Inuyasha’s back. The wounds were still fairly deep and bled terribly. It was as though his flesh did not wish to heal yet which was odd for Inuyasha. It had to be whatever Hakimura had injected the boy with. “We will wrap these wounds. They are not healing properly and I will not have you live with scars.” Sesshoumaru said as he licked the wounds closed using his demonic saliva to close many of the wounds. There was healing properties in both their blood and in their saliva. Inuyasha sighed. Sesshoumaru’s tongue felt nice on his back. It was like being lavished by a big dog and it felt like home. “I am going to wash your behind now Inuyasha and in between your cheeks. Please try not to panic when I do this. I swear I am only cleaning you.” Sesshoumaru said gently as Inuyasha froze and closed his eyes trying not to hyperventilate as Sesshoumaru washed his buttocks then between them making Inuyasha feel very exposed. “Almost done little one.” Sesshoumaru said as he swiped a few times in between those cheeks to clean as much as he could thoroughly before moving onto those long legs. Some of the cum leaked out of his ass and when Sesshoumaru wiped it seemed more came out. Inuyasha didn’t want to ask Sesshoumaru to clean him there again, but he could feel it. “Sess……something is leaking out of me.” Inuyasha whimpered. “I will take care of it in a minute little one. Just relax and let me take care of you.” Sesshoumaru said softly as he reverently cleaned Inuyasha’s ankle and foot kissing the sole of it before moving to the other. He also licked around the wounds on the ankles to see if that would help with the soreness and the tender flesh that had been torn a bit there. There was definite bruising of the skin, but Inuyasha would be fine. Inuyasha tried to relax until he felt that cloth once again go between his cheeks to clean him. Inuyasha shook a bit and whimpered, but he did not want to feel that icky feeling there. “Inuyasha I am almost done and then the healer will need to see you.” Sesshoumaru said as he washed Inuyasha’s arms and wrists kissing the palms of Inuyasha’s hands and licking the sore area around his wrists. “I know I am clean, but I still feel so dirty.” Inuyasha said with a shudder. “It is to be expected my sweet brother. You went through a horrible ordeal. One I could not imagine suffering. However you are not dirty, you are beautiful and pure. As far as I am concerned you are still a virgin to men as am I.” Sesshoumaru said. “But it felt good with Hakimura in some ways Sess……I couldn’t help it. He made me cum.” Inuyasha said as tears poured down his face. “No one will blame you for what you feel Inuyasha. Even something pleasurable can feel wrong and evil. I know the women I had raped felt pain at first and then pleasure. It is not unusual for one who is raped to feel these things.” Sesshoumaru said feeling like a total ass for raping anyone. Now that he saw his little brother suffering he knew what he had done was horribly wrong. “Sess……..don’t leave me ok? When the healer comes stay with me.” Inuyasha said and Sesshoumaru sighed. “Inuyasha I want to stay with you and never go anywhere else, but I am still on trial. Eventually they will come and take me from here. I am afraid your little wolf friend Kouga has truly destroyed his own people by doing as he did.’ “The East is marching upon us as we speak and they will attack the West while I am not there to take control of the situation. I am not worried about the East though. I am concerned about the South.’ “Hakimura’s soldiers are well trained and they will attack Kouga’s wolves. Ramos was able to get some of the wolves to come to the West, but if what I think is going on is truly happening then Kouga’s tribe will be nearly wiped out by the time he gets there to do anything about it.” Sesshoumaru said and Inuyasha panicked. “No! You have got to tell Kouga!” Inuyasha said. “Inuyasha, Kouga won’t listen to me. He hates me and thus my word to him is meaningless. He believes the South to be his ally.” Sesshoumaru said knowing the only way to save the wolves was with tensaiga which he could not get to at this time. “Gods he is so stupid! I will tell Kouga then! I will help fight for his people! They are like family to me Sess I can’t just let them die!” Inuyasha said in panic as he tried to sit up. “Inuyasha cease this. You will only harm yourself. Once we get done with the nonsense here we will go to see the damage that has been done and plan from there. We do not go blindly attack an enemy that has the power to defeat us. The South is indeed powerful and thus we need to think before we act.” Sesshoumaru said in frustration. Inuyasha was one to act and then think about it later. “Bullshit Sess…….if you won’t tell Kouga then I will.” Inuyasha growled as he fought to get up off the bed. “Do you not think Lin has tried to tell Kouga this? My Uncle Lin is trusted amongst the wolves and is a good friend of Kouga’s Father. The wolf will not listen.” Sesshoumaru said trying to get Inuyasha to understand. “Well he obviously doesn’t know how to talk to Kouga. You gotta beat sense into the wolf; he doesn’t have any sense otherwise.” Inuyasha said still struggling to get up. “You could not beat anyone right now Inuyasha. Now be still and calm yourself. The healer will be here shortly.” Sesshoumaru said as he rolled Inuyasha over and looked down at that pouting obstinate face as he dried Inuyasha’s body with the soft cloths that were brought to him. Sesshoumaru would dress Inuyasha in the fundoshi and the clothing brought for him once the healer had a chance to look at his little brother. When the healer came back Inuyasha frowned at him and growled a bit when he came closer. “Inuyasha……..cease this…….” Sesshoumaru growled at his mate and then moved over so that the healer could look at him. The healer pulled out a blue stone and held it above Inuyasha. The stone glowed and the poisons that had filled Inuyasha’s body dissipated. Then he looked at Inuyasha’s wounds and sighed. “We shall wrap his back and I will administer a potion for the pain. Also we shall test what was in this syringe to find out what had been injected into this pup.” The healer said as he left just long enough to gather bandages and gather the herbs to create a good strong potion for the little hanyou. When the pup was knocked out cold he would examine the rectal damage. When the healer returned Inuyasha looked warily at the potion and frowned. He didn’t trust drinking something when he did not know what was in it. When he had been sick Kagome told him what herbs she used in the potions so he knew what he was getting, however Kaede had not and one time the stuff she gave him made him break out in a rash all over his body that itched like crazy. Kagome had said he got hives which meant he had an allergy to something in the medicine, but they never figured out what it was that caused it. “I want to know what is in that before I drink it.” Inuyasha said with a frown as he sniffed the minty smelling liquid. “Oh certainly. I am always pleased when my patients show an interest in the herbs used in their medicine.” The healer explained what herbs he used and it seemed simple enough for Inuyasha who had something similar to this once. “So it will just make me sleep?” Inuyasha asked and the healer was surprised as was Sesshoumaru. “Why yes. It gives your body time to heal itself and will counteract any other herbs within your body to expel them so you can heal properly.” The healer stated with a smile. “Ok.” Inuyasha said and drank down the liquid finding the taste not too pleasant, but it was better than his Mother’s liver potion for illnesses. Inuyasha never much cared for mint flavored anything. As his back was wrapped Inuyasha thought of Pearl and wondered if he was going to see her before he fell asleep. “Where is Pearl?” Inuyasha asked with a yawn. “I am sorry my Lords, but Lady Pearl doesn’t want to be seen by either of you at this time. She was terribly traumatized and feels as though she betrayed both of you when Hakimura violated her. We had to sedate her since she was completely irrational and is now resting in one of the guest rooms. Out of respect for her feelings your Uncles feel it best to keep you both away from her until she is ready to see you.” The healer said. “But that is crazy! She didn’t do anything wrong! I want to see her! I demand to see her!” Inuyasha exclaimed. “I agree that Pearl cannot be kept from us. She needs to know we do love her and that she was not to blame for what happened.” Sesshoumaru said. “I am sorry, but neither of you have authority here. Your Uncles are still over you Lord Sesshoumaru since you are to go to trial still and thus their word is law. As far as you are concerned Lord Inuyasha, you are in a neutral place and the main authority here is deceased. Until a new authority is appointed the elders here have authority and they agree with Lady Pearl’s decision. She will not be brought to either of you until she is good and ready to face you both.” The healer said and Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha fumed. Sesshoumaru would have words with his Uncles about this and Inuyasha if he wasn’t so tired right this very second would be fighting tooth and nail to see Pearl. The potion took its toll and soon Inuyasha was out cold. “I need to examine his rectum Lord Sesshoumaru.” The healer said and Sesshoumaru growled. He promised Inuyasha that the healer would not bother his behind. “I swore to him that no one would touch that part of his body.” Sesshoumaru said. “Well that was very foolish of you. I need to see what damage has been done. I will get my bag and if need be I will get your Uncles to insure you do not interfere.” The healer said and Sesshoumaru growled. He hated this, the healer was right. Sesshoumaru had no authority here and in the neutral city he could not kill the healer for defying him. The healer got his bag and had Sesshoumaru help him roll Inuyasha over. Then the healer opened Inuyasha’s legs a bit and opened the cheeks a bit to see if there was any bleeding. Inuyasha moaned in his sleep and shivered. “I am going to put a drop of some healing salve into his rectum. This should help with any internal damage. We do this for females too who have been raped or harmed internally.” The healer said as he left for a few minutes and came back with some kind of strange looking liquid. “What is in that?” Sesshoumaru asked. “Some simple healing herbs were heated into liquid form.” The healer said and Sesshoumaru wondered how this was going to help. Sesshoumaru watched as the healer pulled out a strange looking tube and filled it with the liquid then he had Sesshoumaru hold his beloved’s lower cheeks open as he dripped the liquid into Inuyasha’s rectum. “This will relieve the discomfort for your little brother. Now let me wrap him and we shall take him out of this room to one of the guest rooms.” The healer said as he took the bandages and wrapped the boy with them. “We will also need to get food into this child. He is very thin. Both hanyous are too thin for their own good. I sincerely hope you have not been starving these children.” The healer said angrily. Both hanyous were under his care and they would not leave this place until they were healthy and strong again. “No, I have been trying to give them as much food as possible, but they do not eat youkai food. They eat human fare. I am not certain what is best to feed them to make them gain weight.” Sesshoumaru said in frustration. “Well they shall be fed lots of bread, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, and meats. We also have a variety of desserts for them to enjoy. They will be fed several times per day.” The healer said as he let Sesshoumaru dress his mate and lift him into his arms. “Inuyasha’s guest room is down this hallway.” The healer said and led Sesshoumaru to a very nice room with a large futon in the center of the room. There was a sitting table with fresh scrolls and ink for Inuyasha to write if he chose to as well as a small shelf of books. “Your Uncles await you my Lord so for your sake do not dally long with your mate. He needs his rest if he is to ever heal.” The healer said and left the room as the guards came forward to await Lord Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru looked at his beloved little brother as he laid him down upon the futon. “I am so sorry for all I have done to you little one. I promise I will make it up to you somehow.” Sesshoumaru said to the sleeping boy and he kissed those lips tracing that face with his fingers. Inuyasha was so very beautiful to his eyes as he slept. He was at peace and although that hair was wild as could be it suited Inuyasha. Inuyasha would always be his wild little brother, untamed and perfect. It was hard for Sesshoumaru to get up and leave Inuyasha, but he knew he was still a prisoner and his time was limited with his mates. He really wasn’t concerned about the physical parts of his punishment, but he was concerned about how much time he would be forced to be away from his mates. They both really needed him right now and Sesshoumaru hated to be away for even a day. As Sesshoumaru went to go with the guards he took one last look at his sleeping brother and hoped that he would see him and Pearl again soon.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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