At Death's Door | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female Views: 6447 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor make money on my writings. |
Mother came to see her boy and was surprised Sesshoumaru was in such good spirits. He asked if she had seen his mates and she said she had not. As far as she knew the two were still sleeping and from what the healer said would probably not awaken until the following morning.
Sesshoumaru gave the letter to his Mother for Pearl and Inuyasha. He asked her if she could have a trusted servant remain behind to insure his mates got daily letters from him and Mother was pleased with this. She said that she was not allowed to go back home for a while since Uncle Benjirou was concerned about her being at the castle during the war, but promised as soon as things settled down that he would gladly send her home. Also all of Sesshoumaru’s Uncles were sending their troops to help with the war effort on both fronts so that the North would be protected as best they could and the West would have enough troops to keep the South from taking over. Uncle Benjirou’s oldest son was also a General and he would be leading the troops along with his other sons who had mated with wolf demons so this was partially their home as well. Uncle Lin was going to also go help with the war effort as he left with Kouga to insure the wolf got to his homeland safely and would help fight against the South although he always considered himself more of a lover then a fighter. This of course meant that his three Uncles would whip him twice as hard since their brothers were not to be here to punish him. It was always family that had to do the deed including killing their own family if it came down to it. Sesshoumaru had his Mother read his letter to see if it looked right and Mother had tears in her eyes upon reading it. It was beautiful and full of emotions that Sesshoumaru had always hidden. “It is perfect my son.” Mother said and then wondered if Sesshoumaru should not make two copies since Pearl was not seeing anyone at this time. “No I am only going to give them one copy. Inuyasha and Pearl need to be together while I am not there. Pearl will just have to talk to him. It is important that she does.” Sesshoumaru said arguing with his Mother about making two copies. He did not know how many scrolls they would give him and thus he did not want to waste them. “They said I could paint the wall.” Sesshoumaru said changing the subject as he looked for a blank place to paint something on. “Painting wasn’t one of your best subjects, but it is better than being in here all day with nothing to do. I will see what I can bring you. Perhaps they will allow books to be brought in.” Mother said. “That would be most pleasant.” Sesshoumaru said. “I took your boots from your Uncles. They are still fairly new so I did not wish for them to be thrown out. I am having them polished and cleaned. I really do not understand why Kouga brought up Inuyasha wearing no shoes when the wolf doesn’t wear any.” Mother said with a finger on her chin in deep thought. “I thought the same thing Mother. Still going about with bare feet is the least of my concerns.” Sesshoumaru said. “I also do not understand why they plan to whip you practically daily. You only whipped Pearl the one time.” Mother said. “I whipped many people so thus I see this as my punishment for them. I am to suffer Mother; this is not supposed to be pleasant.” Sesshoumaru said irritably. “Well they could have thrown you into the wilderness and let you survive on your own without servants and without a bed to rest on like you did to your little brother.” Mother said. “I have lived without those things, but unlike Inuyasha I knew how to care for myself. That is where the problem lies. The boy had no sense of self preservation and could only hunt small game. He has never truly hunted as I have done. Now we feast on cattle and fish. Even the small portion I will be given is more then what Inuyasha had eaten in a single day. I am not going to complain Mother; I am simply going to try to be humbled by this experience.” Sesshoumaru said as his ration of meat was brought in by a female servant who like Nina had fallen in love with Sesshoumaru at a single glance. Mother tried not to chuckle as the girl practically stumbled over herself to the table never taking her eyes off of Sesshoumaru. “My Lord, I hope this is satisfactory.” She said bowing to Sesshoumaru before rushing out the door before she made an even bigger fool of herself in front of the fine man. He had to be a Prince. A real Prince in her dungeon. Oh she would sneak him food from the kitchen somehow. “This is considered a small ration?” Mother said looking at the heaping plate of meat. “This is all I shall get for the day which is much less then what I am used to eating Mother. They are being generous although I do not know why.” Sesshoumaru said feeling rather suspicious of this. “Well you did kill Lord Hakimura. You are much more powerful now than before and people tend to fear you my dearest boy. I am certain they want to keep their dungeon intact.” Mother said with a smile. Sesshoumaru ate the raw meat and found it to be fine. It was not flavored in some kind of spice like he preferred since Mother spoiled him, but it was good. Suddenly the girl from before came back with a cup filled with some type of liquid. “Sire, this is the finest mead. It was the best I could do for one as fine as you, but I promise I will try to get you some cherry wine tomorrow. The cook said if you like the mead you may have as much as you like. It may dull the pain of your punishments my Prince.” The girl said as she handed Sesshoumaru the glass only for the girl to almost faint when he touched her hand. Sesshoumaru sniffed the liquid and then sipped it. It was strange, but not bad. It had a sweet flavor to it like honey. “This will do. Thank you.” Sesshoumaru said and Mother about died from shock at Sesshoumaru thanking anyone. The girl’s heart fluttered and she sighed as she left. He was so handsome, her Prince. It was impossible to even think of someone of his caliber seeing her as more than a serving girl, but he had touched her hand. She would never forget that. “You actually thanked a servant? Sesshoumaru are you feeling well?” Mother teased. “Pearl said I should thank people once in a while. She said it would make people do things better than they normally would. I assume this is true so I will try it out for a time. I am not a Lord currently at this time anyway so why not behave a bit below my usual standards.” Sesshoumaru said as he relaxed and ate while sipping his mead. Mother soon left and Sesshoumaru had finished his food. He took his time with his drink since he did not know when he would get another while looking out at the night sky. Sesshoumaru wondered if his men were ok without him. His troops had never gone to battle without him to lead them so he hoped they remembered their training. Meanwhile Pearl was starting to stir from her slumber. She was groggy and drugged heavily. Her mind was a fog, but she felt so dirty and didn’t know why. “She is waking…….” Pearl heard a woman speak and then she looked over to see an elder demon sitting in a chair across from her. “She is up. Get the bathes ready immediately.” The woman ordered. The servants in the room rushed to do the female’s bidding. “My dear, you have been out a long time. It is time for you to see the elders.” The woman stated as she caressed Pearl’s cheek. “Such a young sweet thing you are. Really you should have been my brother’s mate.” That was when Pearl noticed the woman was a wolf demon and panicked scooting up the bed quickly. “Oh don’t be frightened dear. Kip isn’t here. I am Lady Airi, Lord Kouga’s eldest daughter. He sent me here to look after you and the other hanyou.” Airi stated and Pearl still trembled. “I don’t want to be touched.” Pearl whimpered as she curled into herself. That Lord of the South, Lord Hakimura made her feel things that were only for her mates and she didn’t want to be touched. Pearl felt dirty and used. She just wanted to die from shame. “We have to touch you to bathe you little one. Please don’t make us have to force you into this.” Airi said and Pearl started to cry. “Don’t you understand? I am dirty! I am filthy! You can’t wash away what I have done!” Pearl sobbed. “Pearl it wasn’t your fault. You are not to blame.” Inuyasha said as he had woken up only to rush from room to room knocking out guards until he found his Pearl. “Inuyasha……..don’t look at me! I am weak! I’m a whore!” Pearl cried and Inuyasha raced across the room pulling Pearl into his arms. “You are not those things Pearl. You are not. What Hakimura did to us both was despicable. He is the filthy one! He is the monster! Please Pearl look at me!” Inuyasha said as he cupped her face in his hands. Pearl finally looked at Inuyasha and Inuyasha kissed her passionately. “I love you so much Pearl. Please don’t hide away from me. That bastard hurt me to. He hurt me too.” Inuyasha said as tears poured down his cheeks. “Oh my god what did he do to you Inuyasha?” Pearl asked since Inuyasha did not cry like this before. “He did what those human men did to me……the thing I told you about.” Inuyasha said feeling the same shame that Pearl felt. “I’ll kill him!!!!!!!!” Pearl roared as she tried to scramble free from Inuyasha as her demon came forth. Fury filled her like never before. She didn’t know how she would do it, but that man would die! “Sess already killed him for us Pearl! Oh gods listen to me!” Inuyasha said and then he realized Pearl was too far gone. He had to bite her to bring her back and he didn’t want to. Pearl tried to fight her mate off of her to go kill anything that got in her way. She was completely out of control and Inuyasha whimpered as he felt her claws dig into his already wounded back as he forced her down and bit into her mating mark bringing her back as Pearl whimpered in pain and frustration. “Pearl Sesshoumaru already killed him. Hakimura is dead.” Inuyasha said as he licked at the wound on her neck and then Pearl looked at her claws which had blood on them. “Oh Inuyasha, I hurt you. I am so sorry.” Pearl sobbed and Inuyasha simply nuzzled Pearl. “It’s ok. I will be fine. It just means I have to change the bandages.” Inuyasha said gently as he cupped Pearl’s cheek. “He hurt you more than raping you?” Pearl whimpered out. “He whipped me a bit more then Sess did us. I will be fine though.” Inuyasha said with a sad smile. “I wish Hakimura was back so I could rip him apart! I hate him! I want him to suffer!” Pearl said angrily. “Well so do I, but Sesshoumaru melted his head with his acid. There is no way to bring him back.” Inuyasha said. “Where is our Alpha anyway? I wish to see our Sesshoumaru.” Pearl said looking past Inuyasha. “I don’t know where he is. The guards took him away after he left me. He is still on trial so we don’t have a choice except to wait for him.” Inuyasha said. “Well we can’t wait for him looking like we do. He would never stand for it.” Pearl said as she nodded to the wolf demoness who prepared a bath for two now. The guards finally came to and went to take Inuyasha from the room only for Pearl and Inuyasha to growl at them. “He will stay with me.” Pearl snarled and the guards nodded since they did not want to be knocked out again by a temperamental hanyou as Inuyasha growled with his eyes changing from gold to red then back again for them even trying to take him from his beloved mate. “Both of you follow me.” Airi said as she had the two young hanyous follow her to the bathing chambers. A mixture of male and female servants undressed the hanyous making Pearl a bit nervous since only females had undressed her before. Inuyasha held her hand and winked at her to get Pearl to calm down. “It is just you and me my love. No one else matters.” Inuyasha said as the servants undid the bandages and Pearl gasped at the wounds on his back. They were healing, but there were cuts everywhere and then there were the awful scratches of her claws where they had dug in. Tears pricked Pearl’s eyes as she looked at Inuyasha’s back. When the bathing servants finally had the two hanyous undressed the two of them got into the hot water together. Inuyasha winced a bit as the water stung his wounds. The servants proceeded to wash them and Pearl was glad it was female servants washing her. She really did not want another male’s hands touching her unless it was Sesshoumaru or Inuyasha. The male servants washed Inuyasha and were fairly gentle washing his back. Inuyasha did not have anyone wash his ass. He did that himself and Pearl also washed her own privates as always. Both Inuyasha and Pearl relaxed as their hair was washed although it was a bit harder for Inuyasha to relax with his back stinging like it was. After their hair was washed Pearl had Inuyasha turn around so she could see his back. Instinct told her to lick the wounds so she did gently and Inuyasha felt the stinging stop. Then he turned around and pulled Pearl into his arms to just hold her for a little while. The bathing servants waited patiently for the two hanyous to pull apart so they could dry them and get them dressed into their night clothing. It was rather informal for the two to see the Elders in their night clothes, but considering the time of evening it was most likely the Elders would also be dressed for bed. When the two hanyous got out of the tub they were dried with the softest of cloths and Inuyasha’s back was no longer bleeding. The servants used clean silks to rewrap Inuyasha’s back and brought in a clean fundoshi in the color of red. It was interesting to Inuyasha who had never seen one this color. He was also given red night clothing which looked more like the Chinese kimonos with black symbols he did not recognize. Pearl was wrapped by the females in silks covering her breasts and privates. Then a silk pink night gown was placed over her looking similar to a Lady’s kimono except the silk was thinner for the hot evenings in this place. They were both sat down and their hair was combed with added oils to keep the shine. Pearl had to admit Inuyasha looked handsome in his red night clothes and Inuyasha thought Pearl looked beautiful. Inuyasha definitely liked her hair down best. The two hanyous were given slippers that matched their night clothing as they were taken to the Elders who all regarded the two hanyous with interest. None of them had seen the hanyous of the prophecy before, but now that they had they knew the rumors were true. “As you both know, your mate Lord Sesshoumaru has had his trial and sentencing today. For your safety, we are not allowing you to see your mate until his time of punishment is over. However, you are both allowed to write to him and he is allowed small gifts that are approved only by this council of Elders.” Elder Eiko said as she looked down at the growling hanyou. Inuyasha was not happy about this in the slightest. “And when is his punishment over with?” Inuyasha ground out. “In three months time. Then we will evaluate him to see if he is ready to be released.” Uncle Benjirou stated as he held both hanyous back with a clawed hand on their shoulders as the two of them got ready to give all these Elders a piece of their minds. “You will both behave and you will continue your lessons here as well as gain some weight. You are both far too thin for your own good.” Elder Eiko said. “But I want to see Sesshoumaru now!” Pearl cried. She needed Sesshoumaru to know she loved him and that she was so sorry that she couldn’t control what happened with Hakimura. “You can’t possibly keep us from my brother for three months! This is crazy!” Inuyasha said angrily. “You both will do as you are told if you ever wish to see Sesshoumaru again!” Elder Eiko roared. She was not used to being defied. “Calm down Eiko, these two will be fine. They are just upset.” Elder Daisuke said as he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Fine my ass! What are you assholes doing to my brother?! What did that stupid wolf tell you?! I can tell you it was a lie! The stupid wolf lied to you all and you believed his dumb ass!” Inuyasha yelled. “Your brother admitted to these things. He himself said he did terrible things to you Inuyasha. He even went so far as to add to the things that Lord Kouga stated.” Elder Daisuke said trying to get Inuyasha to calm down. “Well he lied his ass off too!” Inuyasha yelled. “Are you calling my son and your mate a liar Inuyasha?” Lady Louna asked as she came to see what all the noise was about. “Yes……..” Inuyasha said dejectedly with his ears flat on his head. “You know better than that little one. I know you are only doing this to get your brother out of trouble.” Uncle Benjirou stated. “We just want Sesshoumaru home. Please can’t he just come home?” Pearl stated with tears in her eyes. “No he cannot go home with you both. He must finish his punishments here. If we have to restrain you both to keep you from him we will, if we have to move him to a different dungeon we will, but he will finish his sentence.” Elder Eiko said plainly leaving no room for argument. “No, don’t move him to a different dungeon! Please don’t take him away from us!” Pearl begged and Inuyasha grumbled under his breath that this was so asinine. It was he who suffered so he should be able to say what happened to Sesshoumaru, not a bunch of stupid Elders. “I have something for you both from Sesshoumaru. Now come with me and calm yourselves. We will get through this time together.” Louna said as she led the two away from the Elders who were discussing the behavior of the hanyous. Elder Eiko did not find Inuyasha’s behavior amusing in the slightest although Benjirou and Elder Daisuke did. Calling Sesshoumaru a liar and Lord Kouga, the boy should be soundly spanked for his behavior as far as Eiko was concerned since Inuyasha was a naughty little hanyou boy who needed strict discipline. It was obvious the child had no discipline growing up, but that would be remedied and soon.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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