A Royal Pain | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 39166 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and I do not make money from my writings. Someone else does although I am really Sesshoumaru's secret mate. Shhhh...it is our little secret. |
Past Inuyasha decided he wanted to know Kagome’s answer to a question he had so he asked Kagome truth or dare. Kagome chose truth of course which was perfect.
“Do you love Koga?”Inuyasha asked and Kagome blushed a bit and was a little flustered.“I love him as a friend very much. If I was not mated to you I would gladly be with him, but fact is I love you Inuyasha. I have always loved you. Just because we are close friends does not mean I would leave you for him. I want to be with you Inuyasha. I’ve always wanted that.”Kagome said and past Inuyasha smiled then hugged Kagome plus kissed her.“Ok Kagome it is your turn to ask truth or dare.”Future Inuyasha said and Kagome asked future Inuyasha the question.“Truth.”Future Inuyasha said and Kagome smiled wickedly.“Do you think your past self is sexy?”Kagome asked and past Inuyasha blushed and sputtered at that. Future Inuyasha laughed.“Hell ya! He’s me and I am damn sexy. It is just he is a baby and I am not.”Future Inuyasha said with a wiggle of his eyebrows making everyone laugh except past Inuyasha who grumbled that this was stupid.Now it was future Inuyasha’s turn to ask.“Truth or dare Koga.”Future Inuyasha asked and Koga was not much up for truth right now, but he did not necessarily want a dare either. So he gave up and said truth.“Ok who has bigger boobs, Ayame, Kagome, or Sango and how do you know this?”Future Inuyasha asked and past Inuyasha also wanted to know as Koga blushed since he knew he was caught.“Kagome has the biggest boobs because I’ve seen her and Sango bathing. It wasn’t on purpose either mutt face. I also turned around like a gentleman and left.”Koga said and past Inuyasha was growling at that.“When was this you old sly wolf?”Future Inuyasha asked with a wink to Kagome.“It was when Naraku was still around. I was just checking to make sure Kagome was ok. It was an accident and although I don’t feel too bad about it, I did respect them enough to leave.”Koga said and Kagome blushed, but smiled shrugging since that was not the worst thing in the world.“Ok wolf it is your turn.”Future Inuyasha said and Koga asked Kagome truth or dare.“Dare!”Kagome said with a giggle since she wanted to have fun with this.“Ok I dare ya to go into the bedroom, take off your panties and bring them out here for all of us to smell them.”Koga said with a wiggle of his eyebrows. Past Inuyasha about blew a gasket at that, but future Inuyasha told him to calm down since it was only a game.Kagome did what she was told and came back as she handed them to future Inuyasha first then he passed them to Koga who smelled them smelling the heaven he wished he had then past Inuyasha grabbed them from Koga and sniffed them before putting them in his pocket so no one could steal them.“Ok it is your turn puppy.”Koga said to past Inuyasha.“Ok Koga truth or dare wolf turd.”Past Inuyasha said and he hoped to god Koga said Dare.“Dare, I ain’t a chicken.”Koga said and past Inuyasha looked at his future self deciding to get a little revenge.“I dare ya to kiss him with tongue ya mangy wolf!”Past Inuyasha said triumphantly and the two frowned but took it all in stride as future Inuyasha waited for Koga to do this which he did giving him quite the incredible kiss.“That was so hot.”Kagome blurted out and the two men blushed as they pulled away.“Ok Kagome your turn.”Past Inuyasha said and Kagome thought of something wicked that she hoped her husband would do.“Ok husband I am asking you, truth or dare!”Kagome said looking at past Inuyasha and he just snorted.“Dare. I ain’t a chicken either.”Past Inuyasha said and Kagome smiled wickedly.“I dare you to dry hump your future self and you have to make it look real.”Kagome said and past Inuyasha frowned grumbling that this was stupid as he pushed his future self on the floor and lay between his legs then dry humped him only for the two Sesshoumaru’s to come home and see this nonsense going on.“Inuyasha what in the world are you doing?”Past Sesshoumaru asked since it was one thing to do this in private, but in front of people was another thing.“We are playing a game called truth or dare.”Kagome said and past Sesshoumaru frowned at this as past Inuyasha got up off of his future self and sat annoyed since this game was stupid.“Ah, I see.”Future Sesshoumaru said with a chuckle. His mate liked that game.Past Inuyasha got up and smelled his mate. Sure enough the bastard was pregnant.“You come with me now!”Past Inuyasha said angrily as he yanked his mate into the bedroom slamming the door shut.“What is the problem Inuyasha?”Past Sesshoumaru asked wondering why his mate seemed so upset with him.“You’re pregnant with his kid! That is the problem you idiot! You really think you can hide the fact you fucked yourself? I knew you were a slut, but hell if I can keep my paws off my future self’s ass you should be able to keep your future self’s dick out of yours! You reek of sex! Is that all you did all day or what? If it is we are leaving to go to Kagome’s house and these fuckers can deal with being without us around!”Past Inuyasha said angrily.“I’m pregnant?”Past Sesshoumaru said in shock as he sat down. He did not know this. Did his future self do this on purpose? He wanted an heir of pure blood, but this was even a little strange to him.“Yes you are pregnant. I can smell it. Hell Koga could smell it from a mile away. I am surprised you can’t smell it.”Past Inuyasha said and past Sesshoumaru had to sit down before he fell down.“I cannot smell my own scent if I was pregnant Inuyasha. At least not for the first few months. I knew my fertile time was coming on soon, but I planned for you to have this pup with me. I am so sorry my mate.”Past Sesshoumaru said as a tear fell down his cheek. Inuyasha felt bad as he did not want Sess to stress. It was not good on the pup. This was that bastard future Sesshoumaru’s fault.“Don’t cry Sess, we will get through this.”Past Inuyasha said as he held his trembling mate. “He had to have known. I cannot believe what a fool I have been. I have been so caught up in all this future that I have been behaving like a child. I wanted his love, but I did not want him to take away our chance to have our first pup together. I wanted to plan for this. How am I going to explain this to my heir?”Past Sesshoumaru sobbed out as this was a mess. It was one thing to make love since that was acceptable, but to purposely pup him was unforgivable.“It will be our pup. Shiro will never know the truth. We are mated and your pups are my pups. If anyone asks this pup is mine as much as it is yours.”Inuyasha said to his beloved mate.“Can you let me alone for a little while? I need some time to myself.”Sesshoumaru asked and Inuyasha nodded kissing his mate’s temple gently before leaving the room.Inuyasha then grabbed future Sesshoumaru angrily and shoved him into a wall. Inuyasha may be young, but he was just as strong as his brother.“You are a mother fucker and if you so much as blink wrong around my mate I will hurt you! He is crying because of you! You know what you did was wrong and yet you still did it!”Inuyasha fumed and future Sesshoumaru actually looked confused which made past Inuyasha punch him straight in the jaw and he threw him into the bedroom slamming the door as he proceeded to beat the fuck out of the man who finally grabbed his mate and stopped him from punching him.“I have no idea why you are pissed at me puppy, but you will cease this!”Future Sesshoumaru roared.“You knew he was fertile and you impregnated him! My mate is pregnant with your kid! If that does not fuck up the time line then you are an imbecile!”Past Inuyasha fumed as he tried to buck the future Sesshoumaru off of him. Then it dawned on him as he had forgotten all about this day. He was so focused on his dearest love he forgot that he did make himself pregnant.“I am sorry Inuyasha. I did honestly forget, but it is not the worst thing to happen puppy. I was so lost in my past self’s innocence and beauty that I became overwhelmed by him. You know I love myself, but it has been so long since I fell in love with another being that I forgot that he was indeed me.’“I shall go apologize to him and set things right. I do love you both so much. It is breaking my heart to have to let you both go back in time. I want to keep both of you here with me and Kagome as she was a dear friend. I have so few friends. Please forgive me.”
Future Sesshoumaru said as tears fell down his face. He really did not want to let them go.“It is not me you have to gain forgiveness from you asshole it is Sesshoumaru you need to apologize to. I think it is quite convenient that you suddenly forgot this shit, but I do understand.”Past Inuyasha said as he was finally let go of as he got up and future Sesshoumaru got up to go talk to his past self. He did truly love him, was in love with him, but he honestly never meant to hurt him like this.Future Sesshoumaru went into the room where his past self was sitting looking afraid and unsure of himself. It did make future Sesshoumaru recall what had happened to him and how he felt. It was like a betrayal, but future Sesshoumaru never meant it to be that way. He hoped his past self would see this as a gift since really all the things he gave his true love were nothing compared to having one’s legacy be born into the world.“Sesshoumaru, my dearest love. We need to talk.”Future Sesshoumaru said and his past self just sat silent feeling both sadness and rage. Future Sesshoumaru explained everything and that this had indeed been an accident. He did not purposely plan for him to get with pup, but now that he was he hoped he would see it as part of the deep love he had for him. Tears of great sadness flowed down future Sesshoumaru’s cheeks as he explained that now it was going to be even harder for him to send him back since he did want to be there with him for the birth of this pup. “You expect me to believe all this?”Past Sesshoumaru said angrily.“It is the truth. Look at me and see for yourself. I am not lying to you. I would never lie to the one I truly love or to myself. It would be a pointless thing to do.”Future Sesshoumaru said as his heart was breaking at his beloved’s anger and distrust of him.“I do know me well enough to know I have lied even to myself. Even if what you say is true it changes nothing of the betrayal I feel and that my mate feels. The problem is I do love you. I am as much in love with you as you are with me, but my heart cannot remain here with you. This is not my home yet. This place as wonderful and perfect as it all seems makes me forget who I am. I am a diayoukai son of Inu No Tashio Lord Togaou and Lady Luna of the Western Lands. I may want all you have, but I fear this future. I want to go home where I am safe and cannot be taken advantage of. You rule here, I understand this. Right now you are my Alpha. I am dependent on you. I trusted you since I do not understand these times.’“I see my mate as a child, but in truth I am the child here and he is the one who knows more than I do. He from what he said to me has been to this world several times. It is unfair that I only get to know this place for a few days before it is also taken from me just like tessaiga and Sounga.’
“I could blame you fully for the fact I am with your pup, but fact is I am as much to blame for this. I trusted you and now I know I can only trust Inuyasha since he never lies to me or deceives me. It is obvious I can deceive myself.’
“The only reason I am forgiving you is because I do love you more than I probably should. It is almost like you are not me, but someone else who looks similar to what I do. You in your knowledge and power remind me so much of Father. I want in many ways for you to be him. I miss him every day of my life. He would know what advice to give me now and would ease my mind of its troubles.”
Past Sesshoumaru said and future Sesshoumaru pulled his past self into his arms laying him down on the bed so they were face to face as future Sesshoumaru tucked his younger past self under his chin as he rubbed his past self’s back and pet that long hair like his Father used to do when he was troubled.“I miss him to. Every day. I hate the humans I am surrounded by every moment they are near me, but I remember every day in my mind what Father would do if he were in my place. Not that Father would have made love to either one of us even if we begged. But I think of what he would do and strive to do so. I am not perfect my love, but I try to be. I never meant to hurt you. You were the last person in the world I wanted to hurt.’“Sesshoumaru you are more precious to me than even my pups. When you leave me I shall weep for you dreaming of you until the end of my days. Please my dearest one share these last days with me and allow me to love you like you never have been loved before. If you must imagine me as your Father figure and I shall care for you. You have enough concerns on your shoulders, let me ease your burdens while you are here.”
Future Sesshoumaru said and his past self scooted closer to his Alpha needing the comfort of his arms around him.“You are aware that you have added to my burdens with this pup. I had not planned on this until I returned home and was better situated with what needed to be done in my absence.”Past Sesshoumaru said and his future self sighed.“I will apologize to you forever if I must. For now my love rest and relax.”Future Sesshoumaru said as he kissed his beloved’s head.“What is that game they are playing? I hear shouting.”Past Sesshoumaru said and future Sesshoumaru chuckled.“It is called truth or dare. The younglings seem to like it.”Future Sesshoumaru said and his past self sat up.“How come Koga is yelling that he loves Inuyasha? Does the wolf want to die?”Past Sesshoumaru said feeling a bit upset at this.“It is all part of the game. It was a dare. Come and you may see them play.”Future Sesshoumaru said as he pulled his past self up and they wandered into the living room where Koga was half naked as was both Inuyashas with past Inuyasha having a drawing of a smiley face with a sharpie on his chest with his nipples as the eyes of the smiley his belly button as the nose and his belly had a big smile on it.Both Sesshoumaru’s sat on the floor with their mates and watched this silly game as it got wilder with the dares, but soon it was time to play cards.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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