Poison | By : Xakana Category: InuYasha > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 7586 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
Disclaimer: I think it will be very clear very shortly that I am in no way the proprietor of this series, but if it’s not, then know that I don’t own the characters or the world. One day some world may be mine, but not this one.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: YAOI, angst, substance abuse
Codes: Mir/San, Mir/Sess
Notes: Consumed by sickness, how long can Miroku keep going?
Poison Chapter 5
When Miroku opened his eyes, he was unpleasantly surprised to see Jaken mopping his forehead. Jaken seemed just as unhappy to see him, as he glared down at him, but said nothing. Miroku guessed the lump on his head had something to do with it. Jaken looked around after a few minutes, then leaned down and hissed in his ear.
“I don’t know why my lord insists on keeping you alive. I swear if you’ve bewitched him somehow, I’m going to feed you your intestines.” Suddenly, Jaken fell over, yelling. Miroku didn’t see what hit him, but he saw another bump appear on the sycophant’s head. “I hate you,” Jaken muttered to Miroku and this time, Miroku saw the rock bounce off.
“Question me again, Jaken, and I will kill you,” Sesshomaru said, stepping into view. Jaken quickly bowed and shot off a dozen apologies. “Are you feeling better?” Sesshomaru asked Miroku when Jaken stopped simpering at his feet.
“Not really,” Miroku answered. “I feel as though I fell off a cliff,” he explained as he sat up. He quickly returned to the ground, forcibly, everything spinning away from him.
“Don’t move!” Jaken barked, pressing a cool, damp cloth to Miroku’s forehead. “You’re running a terrible fever.” Miroku didn’t need to be told that, the waves of hot and cold running over his body were quite sufficient. “Here,” Jaken muttered, pressing something foul-smelling to Miroku’s lips. “Drink this, it will break the fever.” Miroku looked at Sesshomaru and the youkai nodded to him, so he drank it. He almost threw up as soon as he breathed in the foul stench again, but when the cup was moved back, his stomach calmed. He rolled his head away from Jaken and was surprised to see Rin lying near him, tossing her head back and forth.
“Is she sick, too?” Miroku asked, looking back at Sesshomaru. He nodded, glancing over at the little girl.
“She was lethargic the past two days, but didn’t say anything until last night, right before passing out,” Sesshomaru commented.
“I just thought it was my… infection making me sick,” Miroku said.
“No, just your frail human nature,” Jaken said, walking over to Rin to press the cold cloth against her head. Miroku sighed.
“So I’ve only been unconscious for the night?” Miroku asked. Sesshomaru nodded. “They’ll come looking for me…”
“And they will undoubtedly find you,” Sesshomaru said, and then narrowed his eyes at Miroku’s expression. “They do not know where you go at night,” he guessed.
“I came back smelling like you once,” Miroku said, “and InuYasha was furious. I told them that I was looking for a remedy to the infection from your poison.” Sesshomaru’s eyebrows raised and Miroku realized he had never even told the youkai his original reason for coming. “That was what I intended the first time I sought you out,” he explained. “I said that we… fought.” Sesshomaru looked toward the forest.
“Then he would believe you are endangered in my presence,” Sesshomaru reasoned. “He will come here, looking for a fight.” Sesshomaru looked down at Rin and Miroku saw something he immediately recognized in the youkai’s face—anger.
“Kagome won’t let him hurt Rin,” Miroku quickly stated. “She’ll see that we are both sick and prevent him from fighting.”
“You say that as if it were a good thing that my brother is weakened by that girl.” Sesshomaru returned to watching the trees. Miroku didn’t know what to say. He did consider Kagome’s control over InuYasha to be a positive thing. Without it, InuYasha would be… like Sesshomaru. And that’s why Miroku said nothing. It would have been a level of hypocrisy that even he couldn’t justify. He certainly wasn’t foolish enough to say he almost envied Kagome for the rosary around InuYasha’s neck. But he couldn’t imagine subjugating the demon lord in such a way. It would probably be the last thing he ever did.
The nausea had returned and it took all his willpower not to throw up. He also told the little voice in the back of his head, screaming at him that Sesshomaru’s poison could make it all better, to shut up and leave him alone. But it only grew louder, saying it was the only thing that would make the pain stop. Miroku rolled onto his side and curled into a ball, crossing his arms and clutching his own wrists. Now was not the time to be thinking such things, but it wouldn’t leave his mind. Jaken returned to him and tried to mop the sweat from his brow, but he batted him away ungratefully. Jaken stared down at him, frowning.
“Tend to Rin. I am fine,” Miroku said. “You can’t help me.”
“I was told to take care of you,” Jaken protested.
“Rin’s more important. There is nothing you can do for me,” Miroku insisted. The toad made a noise, but left him. Sesshomaru knelt down by him and met his eyes. Miroku looked away, ashamed of the hope that had sprung into his heart. He wanted to beg Sesshomaru to make it stop, wanted to crawl to him and offer anything to feel those sharp claws against his skin. He dug his nails into his flesh and shuddered. A soft breeze blew against him and he shivered, feeling cold down to his bones. Sesshomaru’s sleeve had created the wind as he reached out to brush away the hair from Miroku’s sweat-drenched forehead.
“There is something I can do for you,” Sesshomaru whispered. Miroku looked up at him, his heart slamming wildly with hope and anticipation. Sesshomaru slid his hand between Miroku’s robes and skin and the monk shivered with pleasure. A claw touched one of his wounds, but instead of raking it across as he usually did, Sesshomaru pushed it in. The point broke his skin and he felt the agony of the poison enter his body. He hissed in pain, closing his eyes tightly.
“Master?” Jaken asked, causing Miroku’s head to throb at the sound of his grating voice.
“Quiet, Jaken,” Sesshomaru said, not taking his eyes off Miroku, who had opened his at the much more pleasant voice. Then everything faded to black. He dreamed, violently, in shades of color and sound. He seemed to be without a body at all, and existed as mist in the air as it pulsed and warped around him, sliding against nothing like water in the air. A smell permeated the air and he felt his stomach lurch. A moment later, he realized he was on his hands and knees, heaving bile and blood. His head cleared and he looked at the mess on the ground.
A strong arm wrapped around his waist and lifted him away from the disgusting vomit. He was tossed a little into the air and caught, being spun somewhat with each movement until he was across Sesshomaru’s shoulder, clutching his fur and staring down the youkai’s back. He stopped his right hand from grabbing at the hair surrounding it where it hung and worked on convincing himself that Sesshomaru wouldn’t drop him. He saw that Rin had been moved far away from where he had been, but was still writhing fitfully in her sleep as he was carried away.
He watched the grass under Sesshomaru’s feet as it rippled like water. His chills were gone and he just felt pleasantly warm and unbelievably libidinous. His hand was dangling just a few inches from Sesshomaru’s butt and he couldn’t resist. It was his right hand after all. He held it there, enjoying feeling the muscles move as the taiyoukai walked and squeezed lightly. When he wasn’t dropped or reprimanded, he stroked it, running his hand from the bottom of one cloth-covered cheek, up to the top of the other and back down.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Yes,” Miroku replied shamelessly. Sesshomaru leaned forward and Miroku tumbled to the ground, prevented from hitting painfully by the youkai’s hand at the back of his head. Miroku sat there, enjoying the view for a few minutes and debating with himself whether he could get away with what he was about to ask. “Take off your armor,” he said, deciding to just go for it.
“Excuse me?” Sesshomaru asked, a dangerous note in his voice.
“I want to touch you without it,” Miroku explained. Sesshomaru turned away.
“You are in no condition to repeat what we did last night,” Sesshomaru said. “In case you didn’t notice, there was blood in what you threw up.”
“Am I dying?” Miroku asked, lying back on the grass. He certainly didn’t feel like he was dying. Everything felt more real than it usually did, actually. While colors blurred, one into another, and his skin was hypersensitive, it wasn’t as dramatic as it usually was. His mind was even coherent, not confusing concepts and actions. “I don’t even feel sick anymore.”
“I can tell,” Sesshomaru said. Miroku tried to read his expression, but it was as difficult as always. If he wasn’t certain it was impossible, he would have thought Sesshomaru looked concerned.
“Then why may we not… repeat last night?” Miroku asked. A thought occurred to him and he blew against his hand and inhaled. “Oh,” he said, deciding it was his breath.
“It is not just that,” Sesshomaru said. “I do not believe you should exert yourself like that again. Your body needs to heal. But as long as you continue with this addiction, you will keep destroying yourself. I will keep destroying you.”
“Are you… worried?” Miroku asked, shocked, “Over me?”
“Don’t be stupid,” Sesshomaru scoffed. “I simply think that you have reached your body’s tolerance for my poison.”
“I don’t care,” Miroku confessed. Sesshomaru looked down at him.
“I know that, as well.”
“Then fuck me,” Miroku said, putting his hands behind his head and staring at the sky, as though he had said something ordinary.
“I see your poetic side is not functioning tonight,” Sesshomaru said with a smirk. He sat next to Miroku, facing the opposite direction with his legs out in front of him and his knees bent up. He leaned back onto his arm and looked up.
“What would you call what we did?” Miroku asked.
“Nothing,” Sesshomaru said.
“We did nothing?” Miroku asked, amused.
“I am still in denial that I… fucked… a mortal,” Sesshomaru admitted.
“You don’t seem the kind of person who regrets anything,” Miroku said.
“I have many regrets,” Sesshomaru confessed. “But it is a waste of time to dwell on them.” Miroku sat up enough to turn so he could lay his head in Sesshomaru’s lap, causing Sesshomaru’s legs to drop.
“And I am one of those mistakes,” Miroku said softly.
“That is yet to be seen,” Sesshomaru declared. Miroku’s eyes went wide.
“I don’t regret you in the slightest,” Miroku said. “Only how we came to be like this.” Sesshomaru looked down, surprise on his face. “You are beautiful…” Miroku whispered, looking away. “So much so that it’s almost painful to look too long and not be touching you. I don’t know why I never saw it before.”
“Because you were not addicted to the poison in my claws,” Sesshomaru said, softly. “It clouds your perception of me.”
“Is that what you believe?” Miroku asked, looking back up again.
“It is the truth,” he answered. Miroku rolled to his hands and knees, and then pushed himself up so that he was eyelevel with the taiyoukai.
“If it were only your poison, I wouldn’t have stayed last night,” Miroku said, leaning in to kiss him. Sesshomaru’s nose wrinkled and he turned away. Miroku sat back, his butt on his heels and sighed. “It is my breath,” he grumbled.
“It is particularly foul,” Sesshomaru agreed. Miroku groaned. “You are different than usual.”
“Yeah, I noticed that, too. I still feel like I’m in a dream, but… Everything makes more sense than usual,” Miroku said. “I certainly know what I want.”
“And what is that?” Sesshomaru prompted.
“You.” Miroku looked up at the youkai’s face, falling into the yellow eyes easily. A burst of lightning overhead was immediately followed by thunder and suddenly, the sky opened up. Miroku jumped to his feet, his heart slamming in surprise. He hadn’t noticed the dark clouds until just then. He had thought the sky looked odd, but couldn’t grasp why. Sesshomaru glanced up, and then closed his eyes, letting the rain pour down on his face and making no move to take shelter. Miroku, on the other hand, had noticed a very strange effect of the rain on his skin.
Where it touched bare flesh, Miroku felt a jolt sink all the way through him. It was immensely pleasant and he untied his robes and let them fall to the ground, holding his bare arms and chest out as an offering to the sky. He shivered under the cold trails, closing his eyes and adoring the feel of the rain collecting on his face. An arm slid around the front of him and he leaned back against Sesshomaru’s armor, shuddering. Wet skin against skin where Sesshomaru’s sleeve had fallen back was an incredibly erotic sensation. Sesshomaru’s hand traced wet trails along his stomach, making the muscle twitch and jump pleasantly.
Miroku’s hand clutched the fabric behind him, balling it into his fist and pulling Sesshomaru closer. The hand on his stomach moved up to his chest, running across his nipples and causing him to hum with desire. Fingers teased the sensitive points and Miroku’s right hand joined his left in clutching at Sesshomaru’s hakama. The flesh of his back twitched away from the cold wet metal of the armor, but he didn’t step forward. Instead, he leaned back more urgently as Sesshomaru’s hand slid back down his torso, pausing at the top of his pants to circle against his abdomen. Miroku pressed his butt back against the armor, arching his back as the hand dropped lower, caressing him through his pants.
When the hot, wet fingers slid into his pants and clutched him, Miroku cried out. His knees started to shake, but he strained to remain standing, moving his hips involuntarily at the feeling of the other man’s hand on him, teasing him with unbelievably adept fingers and thumb. Sesshomaru pulled him out of his pants and moved his hand along the length so slowly Miroku felt that he would explode. The massage started out gentle and slow, but as Miroku began moving his hips in desperation, Sesshomaru clutched tightly and increased the speed to something Miroku could never hope to duplicate. Something close to a scream ripped from Miroku’s throat as he came against the claws that had brought them together in the first place.
Sesshomaru held him up when his legs collapsed and lowered him carefully to his knees. He could hear the youkai’s intense breathing and he tried to turn to offer his own services, but weakness gripped him and he slid down to the wet grass, immensely relieved and fell asleep in moments.
To be continued…
Thank you to all my reviewers
Tiamat, Ali, Rawben, no name for now (damn, you called a lot of things--yes, Unforeseen Obstacles was about love, although I wasn't trying for it to be, but this one very much is NOT, and I agree with some other stuff you said, but saying what would be spoiling!), GreenLady (thank you for giving the story a chance and I'll try not to disappoint!), Anon, Atocha (although I wouldn't call this story cute, I'm glad you're enjoying), Cas (yes, I loved the thought of Sesshomaru using Miroku's name as well), Crazy and TheRedeemer (Miroku is very worrisome and so far, only Kirara knows what's going on) Until next time!
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