At Death's Door | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female Views: 6449 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor make money on my writings. |
Pearl sniffed the air and then sniffed towards Yoshi. He smelled like Inuyasha and Inuyasha was nowhere to be found so someone had better tell her what was going on. She figured she would start with this handsome fellow.
From what she could tell this man was much younger than their Sensei, but he looked a lot like him. She wondered if they were related. Yoshi eyed the female wondering how young she was. She didn’t look old enough to be mated, but on her neck she had two mating marks. Yoshi wondered if that would happen to him if he mated with his brother still since it was obvious Benjirou was taking Fuyuki as a mate now that he had marked him. “Have you seen Inuyasha? I know he came this way and I can smell him on you so don’t you lie to me.” Pearl growled trying to be a bit intimidating since where she could smell her beloved’s scent the most was coming from this man’s lips. That only meant one thing. Inuyasha had been kissing someone who wasn’t his mate and he was going to get it. That is if she could find him. “Oh, yes, Lord Benjirou had me take him to your room. He is awaiting his punishment there.” Yoshi said. Pearl put her hands on her hips and looked at Yoshi in fury. “No one punishes my mate except me! I don’t care if you look almost feminine he ain’t supposed to be kissing you and if that is why he is being punished I am gonna do it!” Pearl growled. “That isn’t why he is being punished silly girl. I kissed him, but that is nothing for you to concern yourself with. It was strictly out of curiosity. Go back to your studies.” Yoshi said as he sighed and was going to go back to his work when Pearl rounded on him. “You can’t just go kissing people because you’re curious! Especially mated people! How would you like it if I kissed your mate hmmm? Not very much I can tell you that! Plus you haven’t told me why he is being punished!” Pearl said poking at Yoshi’s chest. Yoshi grasped her hand to stop her from poking him. Yoshi then noticed her lips were fuller then Inuyasha’s and curiosity got the better of him as he swiftly pressed his lips to her own and kissed her. To Yoshi it was like kissing fire and he melted a bit as she struggled to pull free. Yoshi liked girls as much as he liked boys so he was not averse to mating a male with a female, however he would have been happy with just being mated to his elder brother. Fuyuki was beautiful and his kisses were fantastic. This girl had nice lips and her kiss was also wonderful, but it wasn’t a Fuyuki kiss. Fuyuki’s kisses made him weak in the knees and this kiss just made him want to dominate this little bitch to show her, her place. Suddenly a smack was heard across the room into the hallway and even down to where Inuyasha was pounding on the door to get out. Inuyasha stopped pounding for a second wondering if Sango was still alive. Yoshi held his very sore cheek and Pearl fumed at him. “You men think it is ok just to grab females and kiss them whenever you like?! I told you I am mated you JERK!!!!!!!” Pearl yelled making the jerk sound more like a loud bark then anything else. Benjirou heard that and rushed away from his beloved long enough to see what was going on. Inuyasha pounded on the door harder recognizing that bark wondering who pissed off his mate. Pearl was fuming mad. “I was just……….” Yoshi tried to say he was just curious when Pearl’s eyes changed from gold to red to gold over and over again. “Just because half of you men here in this castle are drool worthy does not mean I want your fucking hands on me! You are lucky my mates are not here or you would be dead!” Pearl snarled at Yoshi who was having a hard time understand her since she was literally barking at him. Benjirou heard it loud and clear though trying not to chuckle at the frustrated boy who was obviously in deep shit with the female. “Yoshi she means do not touch without permission.” Benjirou said calmly as Pearl continued to curse and bark at Yoshi who was backed into a corner at this point. Yoshi refused to hit a female, but Pearl was really coming close to being shoved away. “I don’t understand. I was just curious.” Yoshi said as Benjirou pulled Pearl away from the boy. “He fucking kissed me! That isn’t curiosity that is assault with an intent for sexual harassment!” Pearl yelled. “Dragon demons use their mouths more than their hands to touch with when they are curious. They are much like snakes my dear. Now come on and let us take you back to the library.” Benjirou stated and Pearl struggled a bit. “I am not going there without my mate! Where is Inuyasha?!” Pearl demanded. “He got in between mates and thus he is being punished. It will not be bad, it will be just enough to let him know not to do that again.” Benjirou promised. “What do you mean got in between mates? Inuyasha wouldn’t do anything to cause problems unless it was serious. It had to be domestic abuse. I would stop it too if a mate was being mean to another mate.” Pearl said as she still struggled a bit and Benjirou whacked her behind once hard for struggling. “Do not make me take you over my knee little one. It was not anyone being mean. It was me marking my intended he tried to stop. Now behave while I tend to my injured mate.” Benjirou said. “Injured? Why you slimy………you abused your mate didn’t you!” Pearl growled trying to attack Benjirou. “I did not abuse my mate; my mate was injured when I tried to sedate your Inuyasha. He was hit with my dart and to Fuyuki my poison darts are toxic.” Benjirou explained. Pearl stopped struggling for a second. “Wait, you mated with Fuyuki? I thought you already had a mate. That little fox demon Lady. The one who likes to make animals on her silks. The only one of the Ladies I can stand. You are cheating on her with Fuyuki?” Pearl growled. “I am not cheating on her. She knows of my intended. I was going to mate Fuyuki years ago, but my Father prevented it. Now no one can including Fuyuki.” Benjirou stated as he made Pearl sit in her chair and he pointed to the book. “Study. Do not leave this room either until I get back. I will be teaching you both demon history for the next few days while my mate is recovering.” Benjirou stated. Pearl fumed. The man was terrible. She would get him for punishing her mate and that Yoshi guy for kissing her without her permission. She would just have to become real good friends with the servants in order to do what she had in mind and Inuyasha would help her. Benjirou ignored Inuyasha’s pounding and went into the room grasping Inuyasha roughly. “It is time for your punishment little one.” Benjirou stated as he dragged Inuyasha out the door until he finally had enough of his struggles throwing the boy like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder and whacking that cute little behind every so often when Inuyasha would struggle. The boy was full of spit and fire as he cursed Benjirou demanding to know what he did with his Sensei. Benjirou explained the situation to Inuyasha who then felt like a dope for getting involved in other people’s business. Inuyasha just hoped Fuyuki would not be sick long and that he would be happy soon since Inuyasha knew how sucky it was being away from Sesshoumaru. “I am going to punish you Inuyasha. I just hope you know I am not going to do this to be mean, but next time you will think before you act.” Benjirou stated as he put the boy on the whipping post. Inuyasha just shrugged. It didn’t bother him none this physical punishment shit. It was the mental shit that fucked him up and of course the rape shit. As Benjirou started the whipping he expected the boy to cry out at least once as his brother had done, but Inuyasha just stood still and seemed to take it all in stride. It amazed Benjirou the capacity of pain this boy could take. When Benjirou got to his own acid whip he was also shocked that the boy said nothing when he accidently used a little too much power in it cutting deeper than usual. The boy didn’t even flinch. What the hell had his nephew done to this child? Benjirou stopped the whipping and nearly wept. He had never seen a man take this kind of damage without whimpering and crying out once in a while. Even when he was whipped when he was younger for doing things his Father thought was wrong Benjirou had cried out. It was as if this boy was already a man and a stronger one then any he had known. “Are we done or are ya just taking a break?” Inuyasha asked calmly. “Tell me puppy, how do you do it?” Benjirou asked in defeat. “How do I do what?” Inuyasha asked confused. “Stand there and take my whipping like a man who has no feeling? Do you not feel pain little one?” Benjirou asked as he did weep a bit at the cruelty of it all. “Ya I feel pain, but I always do. It doesn’t bother me and you whip like a girl. Sess always used his full strength, never held back. I got used to it after a while.” Inuyasha said with a shrug. Benjirou felt fury rise up in him. He had felt guilty this whole time for striking Sesshoumaru once with his full power and it had been an accident. “He whipped you with his full strength?” Benjirou asked more to himself then to Inuyasha. “Yep. Didn’t cry out one time though except when I was a little kid. You can cut me up, you can make me suffer, but you can’t make me cry out for mercy. Nope, won’t do it.” Inuyasha said with a grin. “He whipped you at full strength when you were but a small child?!” Benjirou roared. “Actually I think that was an accident. I was falling and his whip caught me pulling me back up. It just cut across my hands. He was beating me for splashing mud on him and I tried to run away.” Inuyasha said. “He beat you when you were small?!” Benjirou was fuming. “Yep, broke my nose, broke my arm, my fingers, my legs, and broke my wrists more than a few times grabbing me to spank me. Sesshoumaru loved to spank me when I was little for nothing more than breathing the same air as him. Threw me into trees, rocks, whatever happened to be there at the moment. I have had more broken bones from my brother then from anyone else. After a while it just don’t hurt anymore.” Inuyasha said. Benjirou left the boy to go get the healer and then wanted to go see his nephew. Sesshoumaru had a lot of explaining to do and he would do it while in pain. After getting the healer, Benjirou told him to take care of the pup and take Inuyasha to Yoshi for further instruction after insuring his beloved Fuyuki was stable. Benjirou had four brothers. He knew brothers beat on each other and whatnot. However broken bones were usually accidents not on purpose and if they were caught whipping each other then they got in deep trouble. It infuriated Benjirou that Sesshoumaru broke a child’s bones and beat a child mercilessly for years so often that that child could no longer cry out in pain. Inuyasha was still a child in demon years and for Sesshoumaru to have done the evil he did to that boy was beyond reprehensible. Daichi and Lin were just coming back from beating Sesshoumaru when Benjirou stormed past them into Sesshoumaru’s cell. Grasping the boy by his hair he dragged a very confused Sesshoumaru to the cell where he would get the beating of his life as well as his very first spanking. “You beat a child! You whipped a child with the full power of your whip! You had no mercy for that boy!” Benjirou roared as he threw Sesshoumaru across the room into the wall and then into another wall breaking his arm. “You broke that boy’s bones! As a mere child!” Benjirou raged on as he slammed Sesshoumaru down breaking his back. Slowly he broke every bone in Sesshoumaru’s body until the boy was simply lying defeated on the floor trying to breathe since his ribs were shattered. One of his lungs was punctured and Sesshoumaru knew he was in trouble as he wheezed looking at his Uncle with frightened eyes. “I at least showed you mercy at your whippings! Even in your beatings I had shown some form of mercy Sesshoumaru! Yet you showed none to that little boy!” Benjirou roared. “I want to know why you hurt your brother you monster! Why did you hate him so much?! How could you do that to your own family?!” Benjirou sobbed as he slunk down onto the floor. He didn’t understand it. He couldn’t understand how someone could harm that precious little boy. Inuyasha was impossibly brave standing up to him as he did and so very strong. Still he shouldn’t have to be. He should have been allowed to be a child and have the love of a family. Sesshoumaru couldn’t answer him; he was trying to barely stay alive as it was with his demon blood pulsing trying to heal the major wounds. “Heal yourself and answer me!” Benjirou said kicking the boy in the side. That was when he realized how badly he had lost control and felt bad himself, but not too bad. Biting his wrist Benjirou fed Sesshoumaru his powerful blood and the young diayouki allowed instinct to take over drinking it down as it started healing his body infusing it with the youkai power he lost with this beating. Benjirou pulled away and waited for Sesshoumaru’s lung function to work again. “I blamed him for Father’s death…….I blamed him and his Mother. I though they took Father away from me as well as his love from me. Father no longer seemed to care about me anymore so I took my hurt and anger out on Inuyasha. It wasn’t Inuyasha’s fault, but I blamed him. It was easier then blaming myself. It was my fault Father left us. I was too cold.” Sesshoumaru wheezed out. His bones were still mending and he couldn’t move from the floor. He was a total mess and he hurt in more ways than physical. Being down here all alone most of the time gave him time to think and he thought a lot about Father. He thought about the harsh words he said to his brother, to his Father, and to his Mother. Sesshoumaru realized he was still very alone in this world. He didn’t have friends and if his mates left him he knew he would die. Father had been Sesshoumaru’s best friend and he had loved Father dearly. He missed Father every day and it got worse as he got older. It didn’t get better, the pain. It just festered. How right now he wished he could tell Father he loved him. “Your Father loved you Sesshoumaru. He held you in the highest regard as did we all. We loved you. I still love you boy. I am so very angry with you though. I want to throttle the life out of you for what you did to that boy.’ “I am not going to beat you like this again. I lost control, but now you know what it is like when you lose control and hurt someone who is not as strong as you are. I’m also going to add daily spankings and the breaking of bones to your punishment. You are obviously still a child for only a child acts as you have done. I will get the healer for you and then we will proceed with your spankings once you are healed.” Benjirou said as he got up from the floor and picked up his broken bleeding nephew carrying him to the cell. Sesshoumaru wanted to roll his eyes at the idea of being spanked, but any such movement hurt. He was in such severe pain he could not move to save his life and he was undernourished as far as what a diayouki needed to fully heal. When Daichi and Lin found out about the spankings being added they laughed. That was until Benjirou told them about what Sesshoumaru had done and also added the breaking of bones. It would take Sesshoumaru a full three hours to heal bones at this rate so the boy would suffer for longer periods of time. As Sesshoumaru sat alone in his cell, unable to move and unable to do anything but think, he thought about his Father and started to sob. He couldn’t stop himself. He missed Father so much and wished he was here even if he was punishing him. When Benjirou returned with the healer he had the healer wait behind him as he finally heard something he had been waiting to hear for years. Sesshoumaru was sobbing and whispering that he missed his Father. Going into the room he sat the pup up and held him rocking him gently. “That’s it pup. Let it all out.” Benjirou stated softly as he ran his fingers over the pup’s hair. All that anger was being replaced with sorrow and Sesshoumaru for the first time in years was actually fully mourning his Father. “I miss him so much…….” Sesshoumaru sobbed. “I know you do.” Louna came down to check on her son as always at the same time to find her brothers trying to hold her back. “Damnit Louna, Benjirou’s in there with Sesshoumaru! The boy doesn’t want to cry around his Mother! Let him be a man!” Daichi said trying to hold Louna back. “Nonsense. Sesshoumaru does not cry.” Louna said as she shoved her way past the healer and her brothers to see a sight that she never thought she would ever see in her life. Sesshoumaru was sobbing over his Father. The first thing Louna thought was it was about time and then she moved behind Sesshoumaru and combed through his long locks with her claws. “Louna what in god’s name are you doing?” Benjirou growled at her. “I am comforting my son. You have no idea how upset he gets when his hair is not perfect.” Louna stated simply as she rubbed Sesshoumaru’s back gently while fixing his hair. Daichi and Lin finally got to Louna and pulled her out of the room. “You are not helping. Let Benjirou deal with this. I doubt Sesshoumaru is worried about his hair right this second woman!” Daichi stated as he escorted his little sister out of the cell and sent her to go check on Pearl for a while. Right now Sesshoumaru needed his Uncle. Louna huffed and headed up to see Pearl. Perhaps at least she would be more cordial when all Louna wanted to do was comfort her precious boy. If nothing else she would have someone to complain to.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. 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