At Death's Door | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female Views: 6447 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor make money on my writings. |
Benjirou told Sesshoumaru it wasn’t his fault that his Father died or that he left him to be with a human woman. Sometimes things happened in life and people took different paths for different reasons, but none of this was Sesshoumaru’s doing. It was just life and fate. Bad things happened to good people all the time, but that was no reason to stop living and trying to be a good person.
“Sesshoumaru, I know you have the potential to be a good man and I know things seem hard now, but it will get better. Just have faith. Three months is a very short time and once this is over it will simply be a lesson to learn from.’ “I can tell you I have seen some really good changes in you pup and I believe in you. I am sure your Father does too. He is always watching you from the heavens.” Benjirou stated as he held the boy who was getting tired. Tired of crying, tired of feeling. He just wanted to rest, but his punishment wasn’t over yet. Sesshoumaru’s bones hurt, everything hurt. Still Inuyasha suffered like this all the time and did not complain. Sesshoumaru wished he was stronger like his little brother. He just felt so weak right now. He missed his mates and looked at the murals on the walls deciding to paint over them all with pictures of his mates. “We will forgo the spanking today Sesshoumaru. Rest.” Benjirou stated since the boy did deserve a break and time to heal. Besides Benjirou wanted to make sure Fuyuki was doing ok. He wanted to be there when his mate awoke. Sesshoumaru was grateful to his Uncle for allowing him this as he felt himself being tucked in. For once he did not care about his hair or his appearance. All he cared about was sleep. Closing his eyes he dreamed of the times he spent with his Father and as he did the spirit of his Father stayed with him gently holding his boy wishing he could tell him to how much he loved him in person, but he was stuck between worlds and for now he could only watch as a spirit. Someday he would be reunited with his boys, but until that day Touga would be there as best he could for them. Meanwhile Pearl was busy trying to figure out the book that Fuyuki tasked her with. It seemed to speak in riddles to her and it was confusing. She wished to the gods that someone could explain this shit to her so she pushed the book aside and decided that pounding her head on the desk in frustration was a much more useful thing to be doing. Maybe she would knock some sense into herself this way. Inuyasha after being wrapped from his wounds found Pearl doing this and tried not to laugh. It was funny as hell. “You know Lady Pearl that is not studying.” Inuyasha said imitating Benjirou making Pearl stop and quickly grasp her book to ask him a question about it only to turn around and see Inuyasha standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and a wide smile on his face. Pearl dropped the book on the desk and ran over to Inuyasha hugging him while practically knocking him over at the same time. “I was so worried about you! Gods I am going insane here Inuyasha! Everyone just disappeared and I’ve been alone forever!” Pearl exclaimed as she kissed Inuyasha’s face while he laughed then swung Pearl in his arms in a circle. “What did they do to you?” Pearl asked. “They whipped me, but Benjirou whips like a girl. It didn’t even hurt. Probably will be healed up in no time.” Inuyasha said and Pearl grasped his face. “Do not lie to me Inuyasha; I know it had to hurt! I can smell your blood so you can’t tell me it felt nice you ass!” Pearl growled as she grasped his obi and tried to undo it so she could strip him and see the damage. “Honey I am fine.” Inuyasha said as he grasped her hands away from his obi. He just got dressed and as much fun as it was to have Pearl undress him, he needed his clothing right now. “I want to see! I want to see what they did to you! So then I know how much I gotta punish them!” Pearl snarled as she kept trying to undo Inuyasha’s obi with him finally grasping her wrists and pinning her against the wall. “Enough! I am fine Pearl! Stop it before I spank your cute little ass!” Inuyasha barked angrily. “I am just worried about you Inuyasha!” Pearl finally said breaking down and crying. She hated this place and wanted to be home with her mates away from all these people. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Pearl. “I know that sweetheart. Please don’t cry Pearl…..I swear I am fine.” Inuyasha said as Pearl held onto him tightly. “You always say that Inuyasha! They hurt you and I swear I am going to make them all pay! I hate this place! I want to go home!” Pearl sobbed out. “I want to go home to my love. But we have to wait and be strong.” Inuyasha said running his fingers over her hair. “Now Sesshoumaru would not want to see you crying and I hate it when you cry Pearl. Please don’t be sad. We have got each other and we are going to get through this I promise.” Inuyasha said as he held her chin and kissed those lips. Then he started licking away those tears. “Men!” Louna growled out from across the room as she stormed into the library to tell Pearl her woes. “Sorry Inuyasha, but sometimes you males make life so difficult!” Louna stated ignoring the fact that Inuyasha and Pearl were trying to deal with their own issues. Inuyasha basically ignored the woman, but Pearl in some ways had to agree with Louna. So far it was the men making their lives a living hell. Pearl gently pulled herself out of Inuyasha’s embrace and sat down to listen to Louna. Inuyasha sighed and wished he had a place to run away to since the last thing he wanted to do was hear Sesshoumaru’s Mother bitch. Still he stood behind Pearl’s chair and rubbed his mate’s shoulders. “What happened now?” Pearl asked since if it wasn’t one thing it was another with these males. Louna proceeded to tell Pearl and Inuyasha how she was only trying to do her Motherly duty with Sesshoumaru who was sobbing about losing his Father and that was where Inuyasha interrupted her. “My brother was sobbing? I have seen him cry, but never sob.” Inuyasha said in concern. “Well he was over his Father. It was about time too since he has held the death of his Father in his heart for all these years. Sesshoumaru always did blame himself partially for your Father’s death.” Louna started to say. “Keh…..whatever. He always blamed me for Father’s death. Me and my Mother had to take all the blame which is why he beat me almost to death every damn chance he got.” Inuyasha said rolling his eyes. “You don’t understand Inuyasha. You never knew your Father.” Louna said. “Ya and whose fault was that? Father’s fault for sticking around in a burning castle to defeat a fucking human who was already dying rather than running out of it like he should have. I’ll tell you I would have left that Takemaru of Setsuna in that fucking hell hole for what he did and fuck honor. The asshole wasn’t honorable enough to face Father in the first place and then he killed a woman like that is honorable then tried to fry me. Father should have gotten all three of us out of there and then he wouldn’t be dead.” Inuyasha said crossing his arms over his chest. “The fire did not kill Touga.” Louna said. “What do ya mean it didn’t kill him? A fire that size would have killed anyone.” Inuyasha said. “It wasn’t the fire that killed your Father. It was the dragon he fought. Your Father was bleeding to death and did not stop to heal his wounds. Had Sesshoumaru gone in his place your Father would have lived, but Sesshoumaru was angry at him. He assumed his Father did not love him anymore so he went after him to kill him for the swords if necessary. Sesshoumaru blames himself for that day and had never forgiven himself for letting his Father die.” Louna said. “Mioga and my Mother said that he died from the fire.” Inuyasha said. “Well the flea demon was not very reliable. He got many things wrong. I still talk to Touga through the Meidou Seki stone. I assume you still talk to him in spirit form so you should ask him.” Louna said and sighed as she straightened her flowing kimono out over her knees. “So you are saying that dragon thing I killed had killed Father? I mean it was formidable to a point, but not that bad. I thought the old man was supposed to be strong.” Inuyasha said and Touga did come at that point in spirit form to bonk his son on the head for his impertinence. Inuyasha felt something hit his head hard and looked up towards the ceiling to see if a brick fell on his head. “That is for doubting my power son.” The stone said as it glowed around Louna’s neck. “Father?” Inuyasha asked as he looked into the stone. Suddenly the power of the stone opened and the apparition of Touga stood before both Pearl and Inuyasha. “Yes it is me son and that dragon was no easy task for you either. Had it not been for your friends and my fang you would not have surpassed me in power.” Touga stated with a frown. Ryukotsusei had not been an easy kill and really he had not been able to kill the dragon demon he merely had been able to wound it and seal it with his claw. “Fine, Miroku helped me kill Ryukotsusei, but I did most of the work as always.” Inuyasha said in annoyance. “Son, you also were almost killed. However that is beside the point. Your brother did blame himself for my death for many a year. He took his anger at himself and at me out on you. Fact is though it has taken him over three hundred years to come to terms with this. It is only now that he is able to release some of that sorrow and guilt.” Touga said. “That is a long time to hold a fucking grudge against someone who didn’t ask to be born in the first place so excuse me if I don’t really give a rat’s ass.” Inuyasha said angrily turning away from the spirit. “You obviously do care or you would not be so angry my son. It was not fair of your brother to place the blame on you and I did not raise him to behave thus. He has disappointed me and also made me extremely proud at the same time. You do not know how difficult it is to watch you both all these years and not be able to do anything except hope someday your brother would see reason.” Touga said as he gently placed a hand on Inuyasha’s shoulder. “Whatever…..I’m fine. It is Sesshoumaru that is suffering so why don’t ya go show him the compassion he never showed me. Why should I feel bad about anything he is dealing with? He deserves it.” Inuyasha said trying to avoid a stray tear. He was pissed and at the same time he didn’t really believe the words coming out of his mouth. He wanted to comfort Sesshoumaru and unlike Sesshoumaru Inuyasha did give a rat’s ass about his brother so it hurt that it took Sesshoumaru this fucking long to feel anything for anyone besides himself. “Inuyasha I know what is in your heart.” Touga said as he rubbed Inuyasha’s back. Inuyasha just shrugged it off. “Just let me be.” Inuyasha said as he refused to cry in front of Pearl and Sesshoumaru’s Mother. It wasn’t a manly thing to do and Inuyasha wasn’t happy with himself for being so fucking weak. Touga walked in front of his son and put his arms around Inuyasha. “Oh Inuyasha you try to be so strong and you are. Emotions do not make you weak my boy. Your good loving heart makes you so much stronger than your brother. Do you have any idea what your brother has been thinking lately?” Touga said. “No, and I don’t care!” Inuyasha growled since he didn’t want to know that Sesshoumaru cared. “He wants to be more like you. He feels shame because he cries out when he is whipped and beaten. He feels remorse for his actions. He to cope is painting your and Pearl’s picture in his cell just to get through the day. He loves you so much and he is learning more about you through his suffering.’ “Inuyasha it is you he thinks about more than Pearl. He loves you both, but he is so proud of you and adores you. Sesshoumaru practically worships you at this point son.” Touga said. “Shut up! I don’t want to hear that! I used to worship him! I still worship him and he is an asshole! I don’t believe he feels sorry for what he did to me! I don’t care that he is suffering! I hope he is god damnit! I hope he is in hell since that is what he put me through!” Inuyasha yelled as tears poured down his face. “I know you don’t believe that Inuyasha. I can read your thoughts.” Touga said. “Well read this thought Father! Fuck you!” Inuyasha roared and stormed out the door to race down the hall knocking out the guards as he demanded entrance to the dungeon. Inuyasha wanted to see his brother and prove that Father was wrong. Touga for the first time felt something change. The Meidou Seki stone where his soul was trapped burst open and his body climbed out of the bone guardian’s gravesite. Tables were knocked over and the room filled with a bright light. Pearl was knocked unconscious and Louna was thrown back into the bookcase as huge white dog bones filled the room piecing themselves together with some kind of magic as flesh slowly accumulated, along with muscle, blood, nerves, and all the things that made up a body seemed to glue themselves in place. When it was done a giant white dog that was terribly malnourished lay on the floor barely breathing. “Touga?” Louna said in surprise. The big dog whimpered and Louna noticed a large portion of adamant sticking through his shoulder and chest. “Hosenki’s body is still bound to me Louna. Please get help to pull him free.” Touga wheezed out. Rushing to the hallway Louna gathered several guards to help her pull the massive diamonds out of her former mate. Hundreds of diamonds fell out of Touga’s body covered in his blood. The guards had never seen such wealth before in their entire lives. “I need food to change forms and to help Inuyasha.” Touga said as he tried to close the wounds. He was fading though and fast. Inuyasha stopped harassing the guards for a moment when he smelled Inu blood and a lot of it in the direction of Pearl and Lady Louna. Rushing back into the library Inuyasha was shocked to see his Father in corporal form bleeding on the floor surrounded by hundreds of bloody adamant shards. “Inuyasha……my son. I have come back for a time to show you how much you boys mean to me.” Touga said as he tried to get up off the floor to greet his son. He was so tired though and this body wasn’t healing very fast. “Go get him food!” Louna ordered the men gawking at the giant white dog that took up the majority of the library. Slicing her claws down her arm, Louna made Touga open his mouth and drink what she could give him of her blood. It would help him heal enough to stop the bleeding, but not enough to help him change forms. “I was always stuck between worlds never knowing why my son. Perhaps it was because I was meant to be with you one last time.” Touga said wearily. He was an old dog, but still quite powerful. He would help his sons for as long as he was able, before the servants of death took him back to the world beyond for good. The guards rushed back with the servants and the elders who stared at the once deceased diayouki. The body he was in was weak and barely alive. They would have to get some weight on the old dog and quickly. “Lord Touga, you have returned to us.” All three elders bowed before the Inu No Tashio. As long as he was alive his word was law and he would take the place of Lord Hakimura as was his rightful place before he died. “We have a whole cow if you wish us to slaughter it for this demon; however it does not give us time to spice it properly for a diayouki of your caliber.” The servant, who was directly under the chef, stated to the elders. “Right now he needs food. We can have it spiced for him later. Get the cow and have it slaughtered immediately and brought here.” Eiko demanded. The servant bowed and went with several others to do what was necessary for this demon. “These diamonds are from my body. They will go to my family. Have them moved temporarily to my personal vault. It is what Hosenki would have wanted.” Touga demanded and the elders bowed ordering several guards and servants to do the task. Looking at Inuyasha Touga smiled. “My son, my precious little Inuyasha. I only held you once.” Touga stated as a tear poured down his furry cheek. Inuyasha knelt before his Father and nuzzled that huge snout. “Father…….” Inuyasha said softly feeling something inside of him break free as he hugged his Father’s massive head in his arms. Pearl came to and rubbed her head from the bump on it. She was not happy in the slightest, her kimono was practically all over the place and she was sprawled in a very unladylike position on the floor. “Someone tell that bus driver to slow the fuck down.” Pearl said and Louna frowned at Pearl. “You will watch your language young Lady. It is bad enough one of you has a foul mouth. I will not hear it from you. I will wash your mouth out with lye soap if I must.” Louna growled as one of the guards helped Pearl up off the floor. Pearl looked at the big dog and knew right away who it was. When she saw Inuyasha nuzzling and hugging his Father she smiled. It was good that the two of them were together. The cow was brought forth soon. It had been skinned, but not deboned. The chef did not think they had time for that or he would have done so. Touga sniffed the cow and then moving up a little bit he had Inuyasha help him get the cow into his mouth. Touga bit into the flesh using his acid drool to melt down the bones to make it easier to consume. His jaw wasn’t working perfectly so a bit of blood and flesh slid down the sides of his mouth, but Inuyasha just picked up the pieces of flesh putting them back into his Father’s mouth for Touga to get all the nutrients he needed. After he was done with the cow Touga rested with Inuyasha watching over him laying back against his furry body petting him gently. Pearl sat next to Inuyasha laying her head on his shoulder. “Are you happy Inuyasha?” Pearl asked. “I am.” Inuyasha said with a smile. He hoped Father would be around for a long time. He wanted to learn so much from the old man and he knew his Father loved him. To have one parent alive felt amazing and Inuyasha wanted to spend as much time with Father as possible. However it did make him miss his Mother. He loved his Mom so much, but this was good. As Father rested Inuyasha wondered if Father would let them see Sesshoumaru. As angry as Inuyasha was at Sess, he also loved his brother and wondered if what Father said was true. Did Sess really worship him during this ordeal or was that just a trick to make him feel better? Inuyasha had to know the truth.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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