At Death's Door | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female Views: 6449 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor make money on my writings. |
After a few hours of rest, Touga woke to find himself still being pet by his son with Pearl reading a book to him while taking notes. He was also still very hungry and hoped that the cow they had fed him would be enough to change forms.
Benjirou, Daichi, and Lin were all present staring in wonder at the dog demon that had been sleeping in the library wondering if he was going to be alive for a while or go back to the world of the dead. Either way Touga didn’t look very good. They could see his rib bones and spine through his fur. If nothing else the big demon would have to be fed like the hanyous were and on bed rest until he gained some weight. Touga tried to change forms, but he did not have the ability yet. Louna looked at her former mate and sighed. “I will have them bring another cow.” Louna stated as she wondered how Ramos was going to feel about this. She was Touga’s former mate and it would not surprise her in the slightest if Touga wanted to remate her. “Thank you Louna.” Touga said softly as he sighed hoping a second cow would do the trick. This floor was not terribly comfortable and he wanted to see his other son before he was taken back to the land of the dead depending on how long he was to be here. Soon another cow was brought in, this time it took longer though since it had been deboned. The meat lay in large slabs. Inuyasha got up to feed his Father and asked the servants to get water for his Dad. The man had to be thirsty too. A large metal tub was brought in filled with water that Touga lapped and then he started feeling much better. After resting for another hour letting his food settle Touga tried again to change and was able to do so. He lay on the floor in the armor, boots, and kimono he died in. Inuyasha had to admit for as old as his Father’s armor was it was the most magnificent armor he had ever seen. It was however quite dusty. Benjirou and Daichi helped Touga up, but the man couldn’t stand on his own. Thus he was carried to the Lord’s chambers by Benjirou. Touga weighed absolutely nothing to the diayouki carrying him and immediately he had the servants come to dress Touga into night clothing so they could clean his armor and his kimono. Touga had to be placed into a night gown of sorts since he was so very thin. His cheeks were gaunt and his body was frail. However, Touga used what little strength he had to sit up in the bed. “I wish to see Sesshoumaru. I care not if you bring him in chains, but I will see my son.” Touga demanded as Inuyasha sat on the bed next to his Father and Pearl stood on the other side. “Ok you two, out.” Benjirou said as he took a struggling Inuyasha, threw him over his shoulder while Daichi did the same with Pearl who was fighting to get back in that room. “It is bed time you two. You will see your Father tomorrow.” Benjirou said as he poked Inuyasha in the ass with one of his darts then handed one to Daichi who did the same to Pearl. The two hanyous fell into a sedated slumber. “It only worked for a short time with the boy.” Benjirou stated as he laid the boy down on the bed. “Well we get the healer to inject them with something strong enough for the night. I am sure he has got something. Until then I will watch over these little ones.” Daichi stated. “You just want to watch the females dress the girl Daichi. Ever since you unmated that wolf bitch you have been itching to fool around with more than the servants.” Benjirou teased. “The girl is a child to me Benjirou.” Daichi said crossing his arms over his chest. “She doesn’t have the body of one though under those robes I am certain of it.” Benjirou stated also curious to see what the little female had hiding under that kimono. “You are an old pervert. Go take care of your charge and your mate. I don’t have time for your teasing brother.” Daichi stated as he pulled the cord for the servants to come dress the two hanyous for bed. “I know I am going to hear all about this later so just remember she is mated little brother.” Benjirou stated as he walked out of the room with a knowing smile. Daichi was just as much an old pervert as he was. Daichi simply sighed and waited for the servants to arrive. Meanwhile Yoshi was looking at the library with Gorou as they both looked at the huge mess. “I guess borrowing books is going to be postponed for a while Gorou.” There were books all over the floor and tables strewn everywhere. “Well for at least two days. Yes two days. Me can get it done in two days.” Gorou said smacking his lips. “I’ll help reset the tables.” Yoshi said as he got to work ordering a few servants to help with the mess. However no one was to touch the books. Gorou would have a fit if they did. As this was all going on Sesshoumaru was sleeping dreaming of he, his Father, and brother all being together playing a game of fetch outside. Inuyasha tossed a giant ball across the grassy area while Sesshoumaru and his Father were rushing to see who caught it first. It was a wonderful dream. He loved playing fetch. Suddenly he was roughly wakened by clawed hands. Sesshoumaru whimpered hoping it wasn’t another beating. He just did not think he could take another today. “Sire, wake up.” A voice said. Sesshoumaru woke up with a girl’s face in his own. It was that food serving girl who had the bruises. She did not have a bruise he could see, but that did not mean anything and he was not too happy to be awoken by her after pulling a favor for her. The least they could do was let him sleep. “Sire you must eat and be cleaned. Nina is here to do your hair. I do not want you beaten again if you disobey. The Lords are very serious about you waking up and eating at this time.” The girl said in concern. Sesshoumaru sat up and frowned. There were servants staring at him and he was still so sore. His bones still hadn’t fully mended. Two of the servants got Sesshoumaru to his feet. He leaned heavily on them as they got him into the chair limping on his way over. His left leg was still broken and the bone was not fully set. Gritting his teeth Sesshoumaru slammed both of his fists down to the inside of his leg and tried not to cry out as the bone moved into place. “He needs a bath; we need to get the blood off of him.” Nina said to the servant boys who came down with her. The two boys nodded rushing to get a tub filled with water. Sesshoumaru looked at the plate of food. It was even bigger then yesterday’s and with twice as much fruit. There was also a glass of fine wine. “Did you steal this for me?” Sesshoumaru asked the girl. “No my Lord. It was ordered for you by Lord Benjirou. He said you had a particularly bad day today and wanted to make up for his lack of control. He also sent down dessert for you and you are to wear a fine kimono today for your meeting with the new Lord.” The girl said as Sesshoumaru frowned wondering who this new Lord was. It had to be he who was being so generous. It wasn’t right when Inuyasha suffered much more than he did with less food. Sesshoumaru decided he would eat only how much Inuyasha would have eaten. He would not spoil himself, but as he ate the meat it was even better than the day before. It was moist, succulent, and before he knew it he had eaten the whole plate including the blood pudding for dessert. It was as though his body was starved. After eating his leg suddenly healed up and he could feel his other bones healing. His ribs were still a bit tender, but being that they were completely crushed they had to grow back which was a painful process. Sesshoumaru also had drunk most of the fine wine with the girl filling up another glass pushing fruit in his direction which included some fresh plums and grapes. “Sire, you don’t have to eat this fruit, but it will make you feel better. The grapes are something new since we usually only have green. They are extra sweet red and the plums were imported. Please do not let it go to waste.” The girl said and Nina frowned at how familiar this girl was getting with her Lord Sesshoumaru. “He has eaten enough. Now take your things and leave.” Nina growled to the poor serving girl. “She is fine. I will eat the fruit. Thank you.” Sesshoumaru said since he liked this girl as he smiled at her. She reminded him of Rin. “I better leave Sire. I am expected in the kitchens if I want to have dinner myself. Thank you for your kindness. They haven’t beaten me again and it is thanks to you my Prince. I will leave the bottle of wine for you and the fruit bits you don’t eat leave for me on the tray and I will take them up.” The girl said as she smiled at Sesshoumaru before leaving quickly with the empty plate of food. Nina then was so glad to have Sesshoumaru all to herself for a moment. That was until the boys came back with the tub and she frowned. Sesshoumaru ate the grapes while the bathing servants undressed him. He also took the wine with him as they took off his hakumas and fundoshi. Nina licked her lips as she looked at the fine male before her. Sesshoumaru was so nicely built and even with the bruises on his perfect alabaster skin he was gorgeous. As Sesshoumaru sat in the tub he felt himself getting a tiny bit tipsy from the wine. It felt good though and so he drank more of it. It was very good and Sesshoumaru promised himself that tomorrow for certain he would only eat what Inuyasha did and request water since Inuyasha did not have wine or mead to drink. The meat also could not be spiced so well. It had to be plain. It would not do to indulge when Inuyasha had not. He also swore to himself he would not cry out during the whippings or the beatings. He would simply take it all and accept it. Sesshoumaru did wonder why he was being washed so nicely with sweet smelling soaps and oils. He was being pampered and it concerned him a bit. Nina waited for Sesshoumaru to relax in the tub before she sent the boys away to go get some sandalwood oil. She hid it so it would take them some time and that would give her time with the diayouki Lord. The serving girl seemed to know that this man was a Prince so that made him even more special. Nina had to know this man intimately. Starting with his shoulders Nina massaged them and Sesshoumaru frowned. She wasn’t very good and it kind of hurt since his back was healing. Grasping her hands he stopped her. “Please don’t do that.” He said and Nina came around the tub leaning her head on it running her fingers along his side. “What can I do to please you my Lord?” She asked as she trailed her fingers lower heading towards his cock. Sesshoumaru had played this game before and knew exactly what Nina was up to. She would not win. “Stop this. I am a mated man and I am not interested.” Sesshoumaru growled in warning. “But your mates are not here. You can’t tell me you feel nothing for me. I am pretty am I not?” Nina said once again slowly trailing her fingers down to his member. “Enough! I said no!” Sesshoumaru said and he grasped her hand roughly then pushed her away as his eyes bled red warning the girl if she tried such again she would lose her head. Nina ignored the warning and moved up to kiss Sesshoumaru only for Sesshoumaru to grasp her by her hair and twist her neck around breaking it. Nina fell dead upon the floor. Sesshoumaru frowned since he did not want this and now he had to deal with a corpse in his cell as well as explain why there was a dead girl in here. After about an hour of soaking, the boys came back stepping over Nina as though they didn’t notice her dead on the floor and they proceeded to dry off Sesshoumaru. They left the oil on the table and took out the bath water. Then they came back in and dressed Sesshoumaru in a fine kimono. It was white with red swirls throughout it and a bright red obi was placed upon him. The boys grabbed Nina’s body with one throwing her over his shoulder at the other trying not to laugh as they went to go get another girl to work on Sesshoumaru’s hair. Sesshoumaru thought it to be a bit odd that the boys were not upset with him, but waited patiently until a rather stern looking woman came down. She was big and she was not going to take any crap from a prisoner no matter if he was a Lord or not. Grasping Sesshoumaru she held him down and roughly combed his silver hair pulling it a few times purposely. Sesshoumaru grit his teeth and took the abuse. It was still better than having some girl try to sexually assault him. The woman pulled his hair up into a tight topknot and grabbed a handful of ribbons. His hair was then braided multiple times with the ribbons flowing from each small braid while the rest of his hair lay in long straight rows. It was how one did the hair of a Prince. He was given a pair of boots which were placed on his feet. Then the guards came along with his Uncles. No shackles were placed on Sesshoumaru as he was taken upstairs to a room where he smelled something familiar. His Uncle Benjirou placed a hand on Sesshoumaru’s shoulder to hold him back from running to the scent. “It can’t be.” Sesshoumaru said in a choke filled voice. “We do not know how long he will be here with us young one. He is still very frail so be brief and do not tire him out.” Benjirou said and then he had the guards move aside as he pushed Sesshoumaru to go. At that Sesshoumaru ran, he ran faster than he had ever run in his life into the room where the scent was strongest. To Sesshoumaru’s unbelieving eyes his Father sat in the center of the bed. He looked absolutely terrible, but that did not matter to Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru fell to his knees and tears poured down his cheeks. “Father?” Sesshoumaru said in a mere whisper. Touga opened his eyes from his rest and looked to see his precious son kneeling on the floor. “Come to me Sesshoumaru.” Father urged. Sesshoumaru crawled across the floor onto the bed and started nuzzling his Father’s hand as the tears fell. He kissed his Fathers fingers and whimpered like a mere puppy. His Father was alive. Father put a gentle hand on top of Sesshoumaru’s head and caressed that hair. It was like heaven to touch his child, to actually feel those silky strands against his fingers. With gentle urging Father had Sesshoumaru’s head on his lap and they just spent the next few minutes smelling and touching each other. Father chuckled at Sesshoumaru’s puppy like behavior when he found a particularly ticklish spot and Sesshoumaru’s leg spazmed. “How did you like your evening meal my son?” Father asked. “It was you?” Sesshoumaru asked with wide eyes. “It was me and your Uncle Benjirou. I want you to heal and I refuse to have my child starved. The rest you deserve.” Father said in all seriousness. “But I allowed Inuyasha to starve.” Sesshoumaru said feeling bad about that. “All you did wrong was not teach Inuyasha how to properly hunt. That I am angry with you for, but the boy did get food in his belly daily. It may not have been the right amount of food or the correct food itself, but he did not starve.’ “You never stole food from your brother. If you had I would have you whipped longer and you would go without a meal every now and again with someone eating it in front of you. You would suffer tremendously if you had been that cruel.” Father said as he wrapped his arms around Sesshoumaru just wanting to hold his precious boy. He had to admit he loved the scent of his child and Sesshoumaru had grown up to be such a beautiful creature. It was awe inspiring to know he brought this boy into the world and Sired such a gorgeous piece of art. Sesshoumaru physically was perfect, but emotionally the boy still had many scars. Father hoped he could mend some of them. “I am sorry that I hurt him.” Sesshoumaru said sincerely. “I know you are. I know you love Inuyasha very much and I am proud of you my son. I also want you to know I love you. I never blamed you for my death and I do not want you to blame yourself.” Father stated and Sesshoumaru lifted his head to argue. Father though held his precious child’s cheeks in his hands and kissed the moon on Sesshoumaru’s forehead. “Never blame yourself or any other for my demise. It was my doing and my choice. However we shall try to make up for some lost time for as long as I am allowed to be here my son.” Father said as he nuzzled his boy and then allowed Sesshoumaru to rest his head once again on his lap. “I don’t want to ever leave you Father. I want to stay with you forever.” Sesshoumaru said. “Oh my sweet puppy, if that could only be true. I would keep you forever as well, but that would not be fair to you or your mates. Inuyasha needs me too and I will try to stay as long as I can.” Father said. Sesshoumaru held his Father as a child would praying to whatever gods were listening that he could please keep his Father around for a long time. He wanted so much for Father to see his grandchildren and to be a part of his life every day. After a few hours passed and Father talked to Sesshoumaru about what was going to be done to him, Sesshoumaru found he didn’t care as long as he could see and hear his Father nothing else mattered. He didn’t care about fancy kimonos, his hair being perfect anymore, or food. He just wanted to sleep with his dear Father and know he was here for him. Sesshoumaru was terrified he would wake and Father would be gone. “Sesshoumaru, my sweet boy, I must rest now.” Father stated as he grew very weary. His old body just wasn’t wanting to cooperate with him and it was aching a bit. “Can I please just sleep here with you?” Sesshoumaru begged. “Alright, for just one night puppy. Then you must go back to your cell.” Father said and nodded to one of the guards to tell Sesshoumaru’s Uncles he would be remaining here for the night. Sesshoumaru climbed into the bed and helped his Father get comfortable. Then he wrapped himself around his Father as he had done when he was just a mere pup. For a long time Sesshoumaru did not sleep. He just watched his Father sleeping still in awe that his Father was actually here. Then when he did finally fall asleep he felt so happy that not even his Uncles beating him would ruin this. Sesshoumaru felt the safest he had ever felt in his life with his Father close to him and he would remember this moment forever.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. 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